Acorns Adzuki bean Adzuki beans Alcohol Alfalfa sprouts Almonds Amaranth Amaranth leaf Apple Apple cider vinegar Apricot Arame Arrowroot Artichoke Arugula Asparagus Avocado Baby corn Banana Barley Barley grass Beans Beef Beetroot Beets Belgium endive Bell pepper Black pepper Black walnuts Blackberries Blackberry juice Blackcurrants Black-eyed peas Blackstrap molasses Blue corn Blueberries Bok choy Brazil nuts Brewer's yeast Broccoli Brussels sprouts Buckwheat Bulgur Butterbeans Butterhead lettuce Butternut squash Button mushroom Cabbage Cabbage juice Cantaloupe Capers Carob Carp Carrots Cashews Cauliflower Celery Celery seeds Chard Cherries Chervil Chestnuts Chia seeds Chicken Chickpeas Chile pepper Chili pepper Chilis Chinese cabbage Chives Chocolate Cilantro Citrus fruit Clams Cloves Cocoa Coconut Coconut milk Cod Coffee Collard greens Coriander Corn Crab Cranberries Cucumber Curly kale Curry Daikon Dark-leaf lettuce Dates Dessicated liver Dulse Eggplant Eggs Endive Fava beans Figs Fish Flaxseeds Garbanzo beans Globe artichoke Goat milk Gooseberries Grape seeds Grape skin Grapefruit Grapes Green beans Green bell pepper Green chili pepper Green leafy vegetables Guava Halibut Hazelnuts Hijiki Honey Honeydew melon Jackfruit Jerusalem artichoke Jicama Kale Kava Kiwi Kohlrabi Kumquat Lamb Leek Lemon Lentils Lettuce Lima beans Lime Lobster Long pepper Loquat Lychee Macadamia nuts Mache Mahimahi Mandarin Mangetout peas Mango Maple syrup Melon Melon seeds Mesquite Milk Millet Miso Mochi Molasses Morel mushroom Muesli Mulberries Mung bean sprouts Mung beans Mushrooms Mussels Mustard Mustard cress Mustard greens Navy beans Nectarine Nori Nuts Oat bran Oats Oily fish Okra Olive oil Olives Onion Orange Oyster mushrooms Oysters Palm oil Papaya Parmesan cheese Parsnip Peach Peanut butter Peanut oil Peanuts Pear Peas Pecans Persimmon Pine nuts Pineapple Pinto beans Pistachio nuts Pistachios Plum Pomegranate Poppy seeds Pork Potato Poultry Prunes Pumpkin Pumpkin seeds Quince Quinoa Radicchio Radish Raisins Raspberries Red bell pepper Red cabbage Red meat Red snapper Red wine Redcurrants Rhubarb Rhubarb root Rice Rutabaga Rye Safflower oil Salmon Sardines Savoy cabbage Scallions Scallops Sea palm Sea salt Sea vegetables Seaweed Seeds Seitan Sesame oil Sesame seeds Shallots Shiitake mushroom Shitake Shitake mushroom Shrimp Snow peas Soda Sorghum Sour cherries Soy Soy milk Soy sauce Soybeans Spelt Spinach Sprouts Star fruit Strawberries Sugar Sugar snap peas Summer squash Sun-dried tomatoes Sunflower oil Sunflower seeds Sweet chestnuts Sweet potato Swiss chard Swordfish Tahini Taro Teff Tempeh Tofu Tomato Tomato paste Triticale Tuna Turkey Turnip Urad beans Venison Vinegar Wakame Walnuts Wasabi Water chestnuts Watercress Watermelon Wheat Wheat bran Wheat germ Wheat germ oil White grape vinegar Whitefish Whole grain wheat Wild cherries Wild rice Wild yam Wine Winter squash Wood ear mushroom Yam Yellow bell pepper Yogurt Zucchini
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All content on this site is copyright© 2004, 2005, 2006 by Truth Publishing International, Ltd.
Created by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, as a free public service to promote health freedom and
empower consumers with information about the healing power of foods. See NewsTarget.com and TruthPublishing.com to learn more.
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Sources cited
- The Doctors Book of Herbal Home Remedies - Cure Yourself With Nature's Most Powerful Healing Agents, by the Editors of Prevention Health Books
- The Food Bible, by Judith Wills
- Breast Cancer, Breast Health! The Wise Woman Way, by Susun S. Weed
- The Complete Guide to Nutritional Supplements - Everything You Need To Make Informed Choices for Optimum Health, by Brenda D. Adderly, N.H.A.
- Healing With Whole Foods - Oriental Traditions and Modern Nutrition, by Paul Pitchford
- University of Maryland Medical Center, Center for Integrative Medicine, Alternative / Complementary Medicine Supplements database, http://www.umm.edu/altmed/ConsLookups/Supplements.html
- The Natural Pharmacy - Complete Home Reference to Natural Medicine, by Schuyler W. Lininger, Jr., Alan R. Gaby, MD, Steve Austin, ND, Donald J. Brown, ND, Jonathan V. Wright, MD, Alice Duncan, DC, CCH
- The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods, by Michael Murray, ND and Joseph Pizzorno, ND, with Lara Pizzorno, N.A., L.M.T.
- The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia - Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating, by Rebecca Wood
- Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, by Michael Murray, N.D., and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
- Food: Your Miracle Medicine, by Jean Carper
- The Complete Guide To Nutritional Health, by Pierre Jean Cousin and Kirsten Hartvig
* This information is intended only as a general reference for further exploration, and is not a replacement for professional health advice. This page does not provide dosage information, format recommendations, toxicity levels, or possible interactions with prescription drugs. Accordingly, only use this information under the direct supervision of a qualified health practitioner such as a naturopathic physician.
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The Honest Food Guide chart is a free, downloadable public health and nutrition chart that dares to tell the truth about what foods we should really be eating.
The Natural Health Library offers more than fifteen free, downloadable books and interviews on natural health solutions.
HealthRanger.com, a members-only online community, offers cutting-edge health information on disease prevention, cures and little-known health secrets.
The Dangerous Medicine bulletin board lets you post (and read) true stories about the harm caused by medications, hospitals and surgeons.
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