The rest of us can get the RDA of 350 milligrams without supplements by regularly eating leafy vegetables, potatoes, whole grains, milk and seafood.
Stock up on selenium. This nutrient, an antioxidant that's a known cancer fighter, may be required to fire up your immune system's infection-fighting team. You should be getting plenty in your normal diet. The RDA of selenium for men is 70 micrograms, and you'll get 138 micrograms from a tuna sandwich alone. All fish, shellfish and whole-grain cereals and breads are selenium-rich. | To get the RDA of 15 milligrams from your diet, eat lean red meat, oysters, milk, oats, whole grains, eggs and poultry. Avoid supplements providing more than 40 milligrams, Dr. Blumberg warns. Beyond these levels, zinc can actually slow down the immune system.
Knowledge as You Like It
How many times did you sit there in Mr. Grumpola's ninth-grade algebra class rolling your eyes, watching the clock and asking the same question that untold millions of high school students have pondered through the centuries: "Why am I learning this? | Barnet Meltzer, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | WHEAT GERM
In general, legumes, nuts, whole wheat, and whole grains are all good sources of thiamine. Brazil nuts, macadamias, peanuts, and pistachios round out the list.
There are two components of vitamin B3: niacin and niacinamide. Niacin contains enzymes that aid carbohydrate metabolism at the cellular level. It is an indispensable part of NAD and NADP enzyme systems, which guarantee that carbs are efficiently converted into fuel. Niacinamide has a Valium-like impact on nerves. | In fact, any refined carbohydrates, from white rice to macaroni to breakfast cereals to flour tortillas, will produce the same soporific effect as white bread. Try whole grains instead, and use olive oil in place of butter.
5. Beef and Pork Products
We're bombarded by so many ads for burgers and steaks that just watching TV makes me weary. Animal proteins are high in saturated fats, which clog the circulatory and digestive systems and cause liver and pancreatic stress. Furthermore, animal proteins are acid- and mucus-forming, resulting in additional stress to the liver, spleen, and kidneys. | Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains rich in phytochemicals reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, premature aging, macular degeneration, and most cancers. Potent antioxidants, they protect tissues and cells from potential damage by neutralizing free radicals—the toxic oxygen molecules that cause degeneration and are thought to play a role in the development of cancer. Phytochemicals can also reduce restrictive coronary artery disease. They've been found to block the oxidation of LDL cholesterol, preventing it from turning into artery-clogging plaque. | HIGH-QUALITY FUEL
(high in antioxidants)
(high in free radicals) fresh vegetables whole grains legumes and beans freshly squeezed juices fresh fruit butters, ice cream, and dairy heavily salted foods, saturated fats commercial breakfast cereals sprouts nuts and seeds beef and pork protein coffee and soda refined white sugar refined white carbohydrates
Before you can begin experiencing the benefits of high-performance nutrition, you have to know what to eat. Let's start with the rules:
2. | Christian B. Allan and Wolfgang Lutz See book keywords and concepts | Selenium is most abundant in organ meats, some nuts, seafood, and whole grains.
Another enzyme that contains selenium is called thioredoxin reductase.3 This enzyme is critical for the formation of the body's DNA, which contains all the genetic information for cell division, protein synthesis, and ultimately reproduction.
From Table 9.3, we can evaluate the supply of all the minerals shown. Except for chromium, animal foods supply more of each mineral. Fruits supply only manganese. | Larry Trivieri, Jr. See book keywords and concepts | The optimal diet should consist of more vegetables, fruits, and whole grains than any other foods. gjH The Dietary Guidelines for Americans (jointly issued v by the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the
Department of Health and Human Services) puts at the top of its dietary recommendations the suggestion that one "eat a variety of foods" in order to get the widest variety of nutrients.
Toxins in the Food Chain
One of the greatest long-term problems that health-conscious individuals face is the pervasive contamination of America's food supply. For decades, the U.S. | Annemarie Colbin See book keywords and concepts | This newfound centeredness is the result of the contractive effects of eating whole grains and beans, the nerve-calming action of the full vitamin B complex present in those foods, and the slow metabolizing of their complex carbohydrates. At the same time, avoiding foods that are more expansive and uncentering (sugar, large amounts of fruits, juices, and salads) reduces "spaciness" and unfocused thinking. Calmness sets in, we can say, as craziness dissipates for lack of fuel. | Ronald Klatz and Robert Goldman See book keywords and concepts | Cereals, brans, and whole grains contain hemicellulose, which increases the bulk of fecal matter, also relieving pressure on the colon. Hemicellulose reduces the possibility of gallstones, it lowers cholesterol levels, it generally absorbs and neutralizes many harmful toxins, and, by moving food more quickly through the system, reduces the amount of time that bacteria and carcinogens may breed within it.
Pectin is a type of fiber found in apple peel and carrots. It is known to lower cholesterol and generally to act as an antitoxin. | Substitute artificial sweeteners, such as NutraSweet, and increase your consumption of whole grains. The former may satisfy your cravings, while the latter will reduce them.
• Pay attention to when, how, and why you need sweet foods. Sometimes the need for a sugary treat is more psychological than anything else, and you may be able to learn to meet those emotional needs in a way that's gentler to your system and better for your health. | Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts | Cantaloups, peanuts, grapefruit and whole grains contain high concentrations of a drug called myoinositol, which relieves these symptoms. Diabetics can buy myoinositol in tablet form in health food stores, but Dr. Clements warns that they can poison the nerves. Complications can be avoided more easily with the dietary approach."
Rapid Healing Foods for the Thyroid!
Heart and circulatory problems of a serious nature may arise from thyroid trouble. The thyroid is a ductless gland that secretes its fluid directly into the bloodstream. It is located directly below the voice box. | A recent news item stated: "Cantaloups, peanuts, grapefruit and whole grains may be more helpful to some diabetics than pills. They help nerve problems of burning and numbness of the feet, often associated with diabetes, according to Dr. Rex S. Clements, director of the Clinical Research Center at the University of Alabama Hospitals. Twenty percent of diabetics have these problems. The symptoms range from faint numbness or burning sensations in the feet to severe leg pain and loss of sensation. | John Heinerman See book keywords and concepts | It prohibits the consumption of alcohol, caffeinated beverages, and hot drinks, limits the consumption of meat only for winter and during periods of famine, denies members the use of tobacco except for medicinal purposes, and encourages the frequent use of whole grains.
Individuals who strictly adhere to this code of health enjoy long lives and are relatively disease-free.]
/s/ Mr. & Mrs. C. Merritt
Many different types of health problems could be listed here, which would benefit from this kale-collards-pineapple juice mix. | Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | A natural food diet, which is filled with nutritious fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes, seeds, and nuts, and avoids unnatural additives is a major step in the right direction. Cutting down on your meat intake or, ideally, cutting it out altogether, is even closer to optimum healthy eating.
There is irrefutable scientific evidence that proves the adequacy—indeed, the superiority—of a vegetarian diet. | It included a wide selection of whole grains, nuts, seeds, fruits, legumes, fresh herbs, and cold-pressed oils, such as olive oil, flaxseed oil, and macadamia oil. Water was to be pure, free from fluoride, chlorine, and chemicals. And participants were to consume at least one to two liquid meals a day, preferably from quality proteins made from rice or soy, plus a wide variety of phytochemicals from fruits and vegetables. I also suggested a number of cookbooks to show people how creative this regimen could be. Part VI—Eating To Live tells you how to completely restructure your eating habits. | Dietary sources of PABA include eggs, liver, wheat germ, whole grains, rice, and brewers yeast. PABA is perhaps most noted for its protective effects against skin damage, making it a widely used ingredient in suntan lotions. The administration of PABA has been shown to inhibit the development of skin tumors in mice exposed to ultraviolet light. When combined with alcohol and used in the form of a sunscreen, results from one study also showed PABA reduced the incidence of skin cancer in an eleven-year old patient with pigmentosum. | Wheat and other whole grains provide a rich source of nutrients—complex carbohydrates, protein, oils, and roughage, as well as an excellent balance of vitamins and minerals. Grinding wheat with stone rollers blends these ingredients together, providing a product so nutritionally rich that it is quick to spoil. It is also susceptible to attack by vermin and fungi if not used immediately. | Lendon H. Smith, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Consume a variety of low fat meat, fowl, fish, vegetables, whole grains, salads with some vinegar.
Your body is wonderfully made. However, it requires constant, intelligent care: optimal fuel, safe fluids, positive social interaction, adequate rest, and appropriate exercise. Our ancestors did all these supportive things automatically, naturally, and easily because there were few choices. Those ancients had no strong, toxic drugs when they were sick. They had wine, witchcraft, and supportive relatives. | Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Eat a variety of carbohydrates, vegetables, and whole grains These foods are the building blocks of good health. Include such foods as fruits, vegetables, whole-grain breads, cereals, whole-grain pastas, starchy vegetables, and beans.
Have lean or nonfat protein at every meal Though important, we now know that more is not better. We do not need vast amounts of protein as we once thought. Rather, we should distribute small amounts of protein throughout the day. This will keep our energy levels high and eliminate that "sinking feeling" that sometimes occurs in the late afternoon. |
Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1Michael T. Murray, ND See book keywords and concepts | Instead, the system encouraged a vegetarian diet of raw fruits and vegetables and whole grains, while allopaths held that uncooked produce was injurious to your health and white bread was a status symbol.
Both the Thomsonians and the hygienists upheld that health care and healing skills belonged to the people and should not be a marketable commodity. | Annemarie Colbin See book keywords and concepts | A diet such as macrobiotics that is high in whole grains (acidifying) also recommends the frequent use of seaweeds (strong alkalizers because of their mineral content) and salty condiments.
• A high protein and sugar intake (such as in the standard American diet) requires a high intake of calcium (buffering mineral) to forestall bone demineralization from its acidifying effects.
You may find that many other nutritional traditions or customs begin to make a lot more sense when you keep in mind the model of acid-alkaline opposites. | Our main meals should consist only of either protein and vegetables or grains and beans and vegetables; starches (potatoes, bread, rice, whole grains) and animal protein (fish, fowl, meat, eggs) should not be eaten together; fruit should be eaten by itself, never with vegetables; and melons should always be eaten alone.
Students of mine who have tried this system have told me that fruit for breakfast works best in the summer or in warm climates, and for people who are physically active. | By the summer of 1983, John was working fourteen hours a day in a restaurant and living on fresh vegetables, whole grains, pasta, fruit, and animal protein every day, with modest amounts of coffee, beer, and wine thrown in for good measure. He felt better than he'd ever felt during his three years on a healthy vegetarian regimen, a fact that we both found very interesting. It was obvious to us that his body had not reacted well to such a diet, although many other people thrive on it. "Perhaps it's because I'm a Leo," he joked one day. "Lions are not known to be vegetarians. | A macrobiotic vegetarian diet, on the other hand, which includes enough contractive foods, such as whole grains, beans, and fermented soy products, may prolong endurance and increase sensitivity.
Because animal protein promotes a higher production of sexual secretions,* large amounts of meat daily could lead to a need for more frequent orgasmic release. A vegetarian or semivegetarian regime would therefore prolong endurance, because there would be less stimulus for frequent discharge. | From all of the foregoing we can conclude that a strict Pritikin regime is excellent to counterbalance the excesses of the SAD; a modified Pritikin approach, low in but not devoid of fats, low in but not devoid of salt, with reasonable amounts of whole grains, beans, fresh vegetables, and lean animal proteins, can be an excellent health-supportive regime for most people in our society. Such a regime, in fact, is one that many doctors are beginning to suggest to their patients. | Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts | Massachusetts Institute of Technology, report that people feel sleepier and have "less vigor" for up to three and a half hours after eating highly refined carbohydrate snacks as compared to snacks that contain more whole grains or a little protein.
Finally, people who frequently snack on sweets are likely to consume inadequate amounts of the energizing nutrients. | Further sidestep your sweet tooth by turning from highly sugared snacks to minimally processed, wholesome carbohydrates, such as whole grains and starchy vegetables. Snack on an English muffin topped with honey, or half a cinnamon-raisin bagel with jam, and you'll get the same serotonin boost that you'd get with jelly beans but without the blood-sugar drop. Also, be patient. You can't expect pasta to work like Prozac, at least not immediately. | Occasionally I select whole grains. d. Seldom or never
18. Of these grains, how often do you choose crackers, waffles, sugarcoated cereals, tortilla chips, buttered popcorn, or other grains with added fat and sugar? a. Seldom or never b. Occasionally (two or three times a week). c. Frequently (once a day). d. Most of the time (more than once a day).
19. How many servings daily of extra-lean red meat, chicken, fish, and cooked dried beans and peas do you eat (one serving = 3 ounces of animal flesh or 3A cup of beans)? a. Three to four b. Two. c. One. d. None.
20. | Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, or low-fat milk products. b. Snack foods, such as popcorn, crackers, potato chips, or other convenience foods. c. Chocolate, cola soft drinks, hot cocoa, or coffee or tea. d. I do most of my overeating in the evening, including large bowls of ice cream with chocolate sauce, or second servings of leftovers from dinner.
12. How frequently do you have strong cravings for starchy or sugary foods? a. Seldom. b. Only during certain times of the month or year such as the two weeks before my period, or in the winter c. Frequently. d. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Estrogen ...and Insulin ...and Hormones ...and Estrogens ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Saliva ...and Cortisol ...and Homocysteine ...and Steroid ...and Methionine
...and Results ...and Doses ...and Properties ...and Dose ...and Dosage ...and Serum ...and Drops ...and Syndrome ...and Inhibitors ...and Dosages
...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Intestinal ...and Soluble ...and Therapeutic ...and Mental ...and Oral ...and Adrenal ...and Internal ...and Menstrual ...and Hormonal
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Weight loss ...and Period ...and Memory ...and Breath ...and Menstruation ...and Strength ...and Attention ...and Vision
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Blood levels ...and Body weight ...and Triglycerides ...and Blood glucose ...and Height ...and Heart rate
...and Chemicals:...and Caffeine ...and Free radicals ...and Additives ...and Pesticides ...and Carcinogens ...and Aluminum ...and Nicotine ...and Chlorine ...and Fluoride ...and Dyes
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...and Treatment Modalities:...and Detoxification ...and Fasting ...and Cleanse ...and Massage ...and Relaxation ...and Acupuncture ...and Meditation ...and Yoga ...and Aerobic exercise ...and Biofeedback
...and Animals:...and Turkey ...and Dogs ...and Cats ...and Cattle ...and Cat ...and Worms ...and Cows ...and Mice ...and Rats ...and Horse
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Preservatives ...and Fructose ...and Lactose ...and Food additives ...and Msg ...and Aspartame
...and Supplements:...and Flaxseed oil ...and Spirulina ...and Fish oil ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Glucosamine ...and Lactobacillus
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Calming ...and Oxidation ...and Relieving ...and Relieves ...and Antifungal ...and Antimicrobial ...and Antiseptic ...and Irritant
...and Organizations:...and Health food stores ...and School of medicine ...and Medical school ...and Medical center ...and Clinic ...and National cancer institute ...and Manufacturers ...and Government ...and Usda ...and Epa
...and When:...and Winter ...and At night ...and Summer ...and Spring ...and April ...and October ...and September ...and August ...and February ...and July
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Foods Diet Grains Vegetables Eat Fiber Body Fruits Food People Beans Whole Nuts Vitamin Water Seeds Sugar Fish Levels Legumes Eating Products Protein Sources Blood Cancer Acid Avoid Wheat Magnesium Nutrients Meat Disease Fresh Intake Carbohydrates Health Liver Healthy Women Risk Heart Zinc Drink Helps Bran Calcium White Vitamin E Brown rice Increase Oil Diabetes Raw Fruit Fruits and vegetables Vitamins Fats Calories Symptoms Eggs Flour Bread Iron Prevent Heart disease Meals Natural Meats Study Weight Time Refined Supplements Diets Dietary Essential Wheat germ Skin Dairy Deficiency Vitamin C Grain Oils Red Cereals Mineral Minerals Source Dairy products Effects Studies Energy Selenium Broccoli Taking Blood pressure Green Alcohol Yeast