Michael Tierra See book keywords and concepts | The nutritional philosophy I have found to be the best and easiest centers around the use of whole grains, properly cooked foods and small amounts of fresh vegetables and fruits when they are in season. This basic dietary approach is the foundation of traditional ethnic diets of people around the world and is summarized by the principles of Yin/ Yang described in the previous chapter. | Carol Krucoff and Mitchell Krucoff, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | To maximize weight loss, however, exercise should be combined with healthy eating, which means:
^ Eating a sensible, well-balanced diet with emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.
* Striving to reduce your intake of fats, so that they make up less than 30 percent of your diet.
* Not "supersizing" it. In America, portions are often excessive, and many people don't realize that one serving of meat is two to three ounces (about the size of a deck of cards) and one serving of a bagel is one-half of a small one. (An entire bagel is two to four servings, depending on the size. | Dr. Gary Null See book keywords and concepts | Immune herbal formulation
Vitamin A suppositories Herbal suppositories
Dietary changes Use of condoms Avoidance of smoking
An optimal immunity diet is low in fat, and high in whole grains, vegetables, and fruits. Immune system inhibitors such as coffee, sugar, alcohol, and fat are omitted.
At the end of three months, it is very important to follow up again with a health practitioner, and to obtain another Pap smear. Sometimes a biopsy is also needed. | Cheryle R. Hart, M.D. Mary Kay Grossman, R.D. See book keywords and concepts | One great concern of ours about such diets is the fact that many foods that have a high percentage of carbohydrates, such as fruits and whole grains, are also the best sources of antioxidants. Antioxidants are the defense agents that help the body prevent disease. Eliminating or severely cutting down on these vital foods would significantly reduce your ability to resist infection, cancer, and aging.
Another concern is that a diet that is low in carbohydrates is usually low in fiber. A low-fiber diet can cause problems with digestion, including constipation and cancers of the digestive tract. | Carol Krucoff and Mitchell Krucoff, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The ADA's healthy weight-management guidelines advise people to:
* Change to a more healthful eating style with proportional increases in whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
* Adopt a nonrestrictive approach to eating based on eating when hungry and stopping when full.
•fc Work your way up to doing at least 30 minutes of enjoyable physical activity a day.
The ADA also encourages the notion of a "healthy weight," which someone can achieve and maintain, as opposed to a cosmetic weight or ideal weight on a standardized chart. | Michael Tierra, L.Ac, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Lacking this high level of appreciation for whole grains in the West, we must content ourselves with either mixing proportions of brown and white rice together or being sure to eat them at different times. One thing is certain: the body will ultimately be much stronger and healthier if we can accustom ourselves to the use of organically grown brown rather than white rice.
The answer to the question of how to deal with difficulty digesting brown rice is chewing, which can make a difference in anyone's digestion. | The sweet flavor is not just refined sweets, such as sugar, but also such so-called mildly sweet foods as whole grains and all other proteinaceous foods. It therefore represents the essence of all nutrition and our need for better nutrition.
Overindulgence in strong sweets overstimulates the adrenal glands and pancreas, which results in a sudden secretion of insulin that burns off all available blood sugar. This in turn causes sudden fatigue and negativity associated with low blood sugar and a feeling of being chronically tired and deprived. | The diet integrates wholesome, simple foods, including whole grains; beans and legumes; lightly cooked vegetables; seasonal fruits; small amounts of organic, lean meat; and eggs with a complement of special therapeutic foods and herbs, such as sea vegetables, nuts, various fungi, and special herbs.
Traditional Chinese herbalists have always emphasized the importance of diet. Despite this fact, too many in the West visit even very experienced Chinese doctors and receive little or no dietary guidance.
Why is this so? | The remedy is to increase one's protein intake and to eat only complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and beans, for several days. A bitter taste in the mouth indicates liver and gallbladder heat. A sweet, pasty taste indicates damp heat in the spleen. A foul taste usually means stomach or liver heat. A lack of taste is caused by deficient spleen qi.
Appetite: Problems with appetite, either too much or not enough, is a spleen-pancreas imbalance. Another cause for constant hunger can be excess stomach heat. This is usually accompanied with halitosis and possibly a bad taste in the mouth. | Sweet flavors include not only sugar and honey but also the majority of nutritious high-carbohydrate and proteinaceous foods, such as dairy, meat, whole grains, and beans. When these are digested and metabolized, they produce heat and vital energy, which is what makes them yang.
In traditional Chinese herbalism, great emphasis is placed on the classification of herbs and foods first according to their energies— expressed as heating, neutral, or cooling—and second, but of no lesser importance, on their flavors.
Organs: Yin conditions are reflected as more chronic and internal diseases. | Cheryle R. Hart, M.D. Mary Kay Grossman, R.D. See book keywords and concepts | Eating plenty of vegetables, whole grains, and fruits is very important to good health, as is drinking plenty of water. This chapter will give you some guidelines to complete the picture of a healthy eating plan.
Protein: The Foundation of the Link-and-Balance Eating Method
As you learn to link and balance, keep in mind that you need to have high-protein foods easily accessible if you are going to successfully link them with more commonly available carbohydrate snacks. | Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts | Steer clear of processed foods and fast food, instead building your diet around whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. And if you know you'll be eating in an Asian restaurant, call ahead and ask if they use MSG. used in mainstream medicine, but they are considered standard by naturopathic physicians, who are more nutrition-oriented.
Next, all 106 study participants began an elimination diet. They gave up dairy products, beef, pork, veal, alcohol, caffeine, and foods containing gluten,
(continued on page 34)
Food Intolerance Survey
The following questionnaire, developed by Jeffrey S. | Cheryle R. Hart, M.D. Mary Kay Grossman, R.D. See book keywords and concepts | Don't be afraid to eat whole grains and other high-carbohydrate foods every day. Your body needs carbohydrates for energy and to make serotonin, an important brain chemical that tells you when you are no longer hungry. Just be careful not to eat too much of these important foods at one time! Remember to choose the higher-fiber or more complex forms of these foods whenever possible because they provide better nutrition and have lower glycemic indexes, meaning they'll cause less spiking of insulin. | So when you eat nonanimal proteins, be sure to serve them with whole grains or nuts, seeds, dairy products, or eggs. This will link and balance in more than one way!
There are many good books written on vegetarian eating. Diet for a Small Planet by Frances Moore Lappe is a very good book on this subject. Please read more about this if you plan to include nonanimal proteins often. Look through the freezer section of your grocery store for new vegetable protein ideas. You'll be surprised at how tasty the prepared foods are now. | Lita Lee, Lisa Turner and Burton Goldberg See book keywords and concepts | Desserts, health food (sweetened only with fruit juice, honey, or molasses and made with whole grains, fruits, etc.)
.Soft drinks, commercial, non-diet _Diet soda
.Sweeteners (white sugar, commercial honey, fructose, corn syrup, artificial syrup, brown sugar, NutraSweet? saccharin, sorbitol, mannitol, dextrose)
.Sweeteners (raw honey, organic maple syrup, sucanat, rice syrup)
Water, naturally carbonated, no sugar Water, tap untreated
Water, spring, distilled, deionized, reverse osmosis
Tea (herbal or black)
.Coffee with caffeine, freshly ground or canned
. | Cheryle R. Hart, M.D. Mary Kay Grossman, R.D. See book keywords and concepts | Don't make up unnecessary restrictions that will only cause you to feel deprived. whole grains, fruits, starchy vegetables, and even sugary foods have a place in a healthy diet.
Try to include all of the elements of a healthy diet every day. You need to drink plenty of water and eat adequate amounts of vegetables, protein, complex carbohydrates including fruits and grains, and a small amount of the "good" fats to keep your body in good working order.
Figure 6.1 The Link-and-Balance Food Pyramid
Fats and Oils
Keep fats to a minimum. Include some "good" fats in liquid vegetable oil form. | Gayle Reichler, M.S., R.D., C.D.N. See book keywords and concepts | Remember to buy products made from whole grains, such as seven grain, whole-grain rye, and whole wheat. (See the Breads section on page 106 for more information.)
Now that you've toured the perimeter of the supermarket, it is time to begin tackling each of the center aisles. When reading the labels on the prepared foods, please be aware that ingredients are listed on a package by weight, from highest to lowest. For example, if you look at the ingredients list below you will see that there is more sugar in this product than oil. | Michael Tierra, L.Ac, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Eating foods that are mostly alkaline forming, such as whole grains and most vegetables, helps to maintain a normal pH balance of between 7.3 and 7.45.
In the complex physiological processes of the body, it is never a question of what is eaten but what is ultimately digested and transformed that matters. Body chemistry is always a matter of a series of actions and reactions that represent these profound physiological processes. | Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Avoid products made with white flour, which cause the blood sugar to peak faster than whole grains.
• Eat "good fats" like omega 3 oils found in cold-water fish. Limit your use of other oils to small amounts of monosaturated fats like olive oil and canola oil, which help even out blood sugar.
• Take chromium, a supplement that enhances the action of insulin, allowing the body to step down its production of this critical hormone.
• Reduce sugar cravings with herbs such as gymnema sylvestre, stevia, and fenugreek.
• Exercise. | Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | You needn't think, then, that you're going to escape the nutritionist by announcing that whole-wheat bread makes you break out in cupcakes, for there is a recipe for a type of white bread which gives you whole-grain values, and is very often tolerated by those who can't adapt to the roughage of whole grains. The recipe was devised by an old friend and fine nutritionist, Dr. Clive McKay of Cornell University, and is known, appropriately, as the Cornell formula. You'll find it in the Appendix. If you bake at home, this recipe will be both a treat and a nutritional dividend for you and the family. | Susun S. Weed See book keywords and concepts | Best Sources: Leafy greens, whole grains.
Germanium, an antioxidant, is a biological-response modifier that helps the body change its response to cancer. Germanium strengthens the immune system, promotes production of interferon and natural killer cells, and inhibits many kinds of cancer. Best Sources: Ginseng, garlic, comfrey leaf, wild mushrooms, aloe.
Genistein inhibits the initiation of estrogen-sensitive cancers of the breasts, ovaries, and cervix. It also stops metastasis from established tumors by blocking their ability to form new capillaries. | A Canadian study found women whose diets were high in fiber had 30 percent less breast cancer than those with fiber-poor diets. whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables supply fiber.
• Plastics used to line cans migrate into food and mimic cancer-promoting estrogens.38 So do the plastics used when food is heated in microwave ovens. Buy fresh, not canned, produce and avoid microwaved food for greatest protection from breast cancer.
In 1900, cancer was responsible for 4 percent of deaths worldwide. By 1958, it was responsible for 15 percent of all deaths. | Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Eat plenty of:
• whole grains, such as brown rice, whole grain bread, and oatmeal
• vegetables: broccoli, spinach, carrots, sweet potatoes, Swiss chard, brussels sprouts, or any others
• legumes: beans, peas, and lentils
• fruits
Avoid completely:
• animal products of any type: fish, poultry, meats, eggs, and dairy products
• added vegetable oils: salad dressings, margarine, and all cooking oils
• any other fatty foods: doughnuts, french fries, potato chips, peanut butter, etc.
This sounds like a significant change, and it is. | Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | After an attack of diverticulitis, try one week on a soft-fiber diet, staying away from whole grains and raw vegetables. I recommend the following foods:
• Steamed root vegetables, soups of cooked tomatoes, squash, or peeled cucumbers
• Cantaloupe, watermelon, peeled pears, soaked prunes, olives, tofu, white rice
• Carrot juice, teas from demulcent herbs like slippery elm, and mullein
After the second week, other soft-fiber foods like beans, oats, miso, and cooked leafy vegetables can be added to the diet. | This is why complex carbohydrates, such as whole grains and beans, are better for you —they release their sugar content self ana Nonself: ine immune system much more slowly, so that blood sugar levels don't swing wildly up and down.
Beyond sugar and high blood sugar, it appears that excessive caloric intake of any kind seems to impair immunity. We see this in studies of rats showing that lean, slightly underfed rats are less prone to infectious disease, malignancies, and autoimmune disease — and they actually live longer. | Gayle Reichler, M.S., R.D., C.D.N. See book keywords and concepts | Magnesium is found in whole grains, nuts, beans, tofu, and dark green leafy vegetables. Your multivitamin will help ensure that you are taking in adequate levels of magnesium each day.
CAUTION: Too Much of a Good Thing
Please be aware that the National Academy of Sciences has set tolerable upper intake levels (UL) for calcium at 2,500 mg per day and vitamin D at 2,000 IU (50 meg) per day. Health problems can occur when your daily intake is at the UL levels or above. | Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Palatable vegetable juices can be prepared at home, inexpensively, with the proper juicer or blender.
If whole grains and your digestive tract will never be friends, you may achieve some of their essential values by fortifying processed cereals and unbleached white flour with wheat germ, starting with one teaspoonful per cup and gradually increasing when tolerance is established.
Milk disturbs many people. Allergy is the usual reason, but the adverse reaction may also be based on the lack of an enzyme needed to break down lactose (milk sugar). | Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Nutrition Do's: The Basic Immune-supporting Diet
This sets us up for the ideal immune-supporting diet: low-fat, low-cholesterol, and low-sugar, with plenty of complex carbohydrates like whole grains and beans. Sufficient protein is important, since protein deficiency can suppress immune function. Some nutritional studies have been done with cancer patients undergoing surgery who experience extreme immune suppression caused by the surgery, the blood transfusions, the anesthesia, and malnutrition caused by the cancer itself. | J. E. Williams, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The preferred oral forms are selenium picolinate or selenomethionine, and the best food sources are Brazil nuts, yeast, whole grains, garlic, eggs, liver, and seafood.
Dietary selenium deficiency has a direct effect on lowering immune activity, while selenium toxicity, which includes symptoms of depression, nervousness, nausea and vomiting, is rare. It can occur when supplemental intake reaches 3,500-5,000 meg, but in some people, as little as 900 meg can result in toxicity. | Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | This is another reason to use whole grains. When they are refined, they lose much of their B6 along with their fiber. Sources are listed on page 170.
The amount of B6 that you need may depend on how much protein is in your diet, since this vitamin is used to metabolize protein. The typical European or North American diet is high in protein from meats, dairy products, and eggs, so it can tend to deplete the amount of B6 you have available. Plant products have adequate protein and help you avoid the excesses. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Foods Diet Grains Vegetables Eat Fiber Body Fruits Food People Beans Whole Nuts Vitamin Water Seeds Sugar Fish Levels Legumes Eating Products Protein Sources Blood Cancer Acid Avoid Wheat Magnesium Nutrients Meat Disease Fresh Intake Carbohydrates Health Liver Healthy Women Risk Heart Zinc Drink Helps Bran Calcium White Vitamin E Brown rice Increase Oil Diabetes Raw Fruit Fruits and vegetables Vitamins Fats Calories Symptoms Eggs Flour Bread Iron Prevent Heart disease Meals Natural Meats Study Weight Time Refined Supplements Diets Dietary Essential Wheat germ Skin Dairy Deficiency Vitamin C Grain Oils Red Cereals Mineral Minerals Source Dairy products Effects Studies Energy Selenium Broccoli Taking Blood pressure Green Alcohol Yeast