Michael Pollan See book keywords and concepts | THE ELEPHANT IN THE ROOM
In the end, even the biggest, most ambitious, and widely reported studies of diet and health—the Nurses' Health Study, the Women's Health Initiative, and nearly all the others—leave undisturbed the main features of the Western diet: lots of processed foods and meat, lots of added fat and sugar, lots of everything except fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. | My own mother grew up in the 1930s and 1940s eating a lot of traditional Jewish-American fare, typical of families who recently emigrated from Russia or Eastern Europe: stuffed cabbage, organ meats, cheese blintzes, kreplach, knishes stuffed with potato or chicken liver, and vegetables that often were cooked in rendered chicken or duck fat. I never ate any of that stuff as a kid, except when I visited my grandparents. | These changes have given us the Western diet that we take for granted: lots of processed foods and meat, lots of added fat and sugar, lots of everything—except vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
That such a diet makes people sick and fat we have known for a long time. | Beta is just one of a whole slew of carotenes found in common vegetables; maybe we focused on the wrong one. Or maybe beta-carotene works as an antioxidant only in concert with some other plant chemical or process; under other circumstances it may behave as a pro-oxidant.
Indeed, to look at the chemical composition of any common food plant is to realize just how much complexity lurks within it. | Price identified no single ideal diet—he found populations that thrived on seafood diets, dairy diets, meat diets, and diets in which fruits, vegetables, and grain predominated.The Masai of Africa consumed virtually no plant foods at all, subsisting on meat, blood, and milk. Seafaring groups in the Hebrides consumed no dairy at all, subsisting on a diet consisting largely of seafood and oats made into porridges and cakes. The Eskimos he interviewed lived on raw fish, game meat, fish roe, and blubber, seldom eating anything remotely green. | Thomas Jefferson probably had the right idea when he recommended using meat more as a flavor principle than as a main course, treating it as a "condiment for the vegetables."
What exactly it is in meat we need to worry about (the saturated fat? the type of iron? the carcinogens produced in curing and cooking it?) is unclear; the problem could be simply that eating lots of it pushes plants out of the diet. But eating too much industrial meat exposes us to more saturated fat, omega-6 fatty acids, growth hormones, and carcinogens than we probably want in our diet. |
Too Profitable to CureBrent Hoadley, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | The foodstuff, whether it is grains, vegetables, fruits, meats, or a product that does not look like it had even been part of our living environment, has probably had most of the nutritional value destroyed by processing.
Follow the reaction of the food industry to the hot topic of the day, be it obesity, high blood pressure, diabetes, depression, high cholesterol, etc. If you are the "victim" of one of these hot topics, consider yourself a target. Both the pharmaceutical industry and the food industry have you clearly in their sights. | Dr. Steven R. Gundry See book keywords and concepts | Note that some should only be eaten raw and that tomatoes, avocado, and other fruits treated as vegetables are listed with fruits. þArtichokes þBamboo shoots þBeans (string, green, yellow) þBean sprouts þBeets (raw only) þBok choy þBroccoli and broccoli rabe þBrussels sprouts þCabbage (napa, Chinese, green and red) þCapers þCarrots (raw only) þCauliflower þCelery þChayote (vegetable pear) þChicory þCucumbers (including pickles) þFennel þGarlic þGinger root þHerbs (cilantro, basil, mint, sage, oregano, parsley, rosemary, thyme, etc. | Jeffrey M. Smith See book keywords and concepts | What about those who deal in lettuce, barley, sunflowers, and plums? Most vegetables, fruits, and grains have GM counterparts in some stage of development. More than one hundred species have already been grown outdoors in field trials.
And lest they think that the rice contamination was a unique incident, Nature magazine lists some of the other incidents of crop contamination traced to supposedly quarantined field trials.21 In 1997, Limagrain Seed and Monsanto recalled 60,000 bags of canola that were contaminated with an unapproved variety. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Again, this is a recipe for health, so we list all the foods -- raw fruits, vegetables, berries, healthy oils, nuts and seeds, fish, certain sea vegetables and molasses, for example -- and we even mention things that aren't food, like sunlight and water, because they are essential nutrition. Basically, this is a recipe. We even show pictures here of an unhealthy person on the left eating all the disease foods, versus the healthy food on the right. | Richard P. Brown, M.D., and Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Aim for four or five servings of fruits and at least four servings of vegetables every day—and the more, the better. Fruits and vegetables provide the vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that prevent free radical damage to cells and support the repair mechanisms vital to cellular energy production. To get the most energy and nutrients, whenever possible choose fruits and vegetables that are grown locally, in season, and certified organic. Choose a variety of colors, too. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Potassium is found in fruits (like bananas) and vegetables; beets, weighing in at a whopping 528 mg of potassium for two beets, are an excellent source. They've also got magnesium and a tiny bit of vitamin C.
Beets got a bad rap from the low-carb folks
(with whom I'm sometimes allied) because they are high in sugar. That's true, but not significant unless you're really, really sugar sensitive. That said, they're on the "no-no" list of a lot of docs who specialize in diabetes, such as Dr. Richard Bernstein (author of The Diabetes Diet). | Hyla Cass, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Don't want to subsist on vegetables and oat bran? Here, take this cholesterol-lowering pill. Heartburn? Want to keep eating cheese fries three times a week? Try this acid-reducing drug for instant relief! The heartbreak of psoriasis? Here, we've got something that'll clear that right up, no problem. Feeling blue? Try this antidepressant—it's so safe, they should put it in the water!
Fast-forward to the present. Drug companies are getting a lot of bad press these days. | Following are other nutrients to benefit diabetics:
Vitamin Bj (Thiamine)
The B vitamin thiamine is found in wheat germ, yeast, rice, wheat and other whole grain cereals, nuts, peas, leafy vegetables, apples, and bananas. A study by British researchers found that both type 1 and type 2 diabetics had blood levels of thiamine that were 75 percent below normal. When thiamine was added to the food of diabetic lab animals, kidney damage (common in diabetics) was cut by 70 to 80 percent. | About 9,000 people recorded the foods they ate over a twenty-four hour span—and the results of those surveys showed that only 11 percent had eaten adequate servings of fruits and vegetables. Another large government survey, this one from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found that only 23 percent of American adults meet current recommendations for exercise. (For more details on this survey, see www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_10/srl0_232. pdf.)
Obviously, we have room for improvement in both the way we eat and our commitment to exercise. | You can eat vegetables raw, steamed, or lightly sauteed in olive oil. The varieties are endless. Add healthy salad dressings—ones without sugar, MSG, and other chemicals. Or make your own with sesame oil, soy sauce, and some spices and herbs that have their own nutritional value.
Spices and Herbs
Besides adding taste to foods that might otherwise be less appealing than standard junk-food fare, herbs and seasonings are wonderful sources of antioxidants and provide missing elements in the diet. | Dr. Sharon Moalem See book keywords and concepts | Humans can ingest oocysts by eating undercooked meat or poorly washed vegetables or after handling cat litter.
Once an animal is infected, the T. gondii cells are distributed through the body by the bloodstream, where they insert themselves inside muscle and brain cells. It's a pretty nasty-sounding infection—who wants parasites setting up permanent shop in your brain?—but it's thought to be generally benign in most people, although more on that shortly. It's also incredibly common, infecting as much as half the world's people—and not just where you might think. | Dr. Edward F. Group III, DC, ND, DACBN See book keywords and concepts | However, it is best to eat these vegetables raw.
3. After your dinner meal and before bedtime consume another 20 ounces of the Intestinal Cleanser drink.
4. Repeat the following Affirmation 9 times: / Am Clean and Healthy.
1. Repeat the following Affirmation 9 times: / Am Clean and Healthy.
2. Take 6 capsules of Oxy-Powder® or a good oxygen-based cleanser with the remaining 8 ounces of the Intestinal Cleanser drink. | An agriculturalist visiting a remote part of Iceland discovered rich tasting vegetables produced without chemicals. Returning to the U.S.A., the agriculturalist conducted a series of studies to determine the secret of the soil's growing power. The secret was a unique Probiotic strain of Bacillus laterosporus (B.O.D. STRAIN), a naturally occurring bacterium that was later incorporated into Latero-Flora™. In my many years of practice, I have tried numerous Probiotics. I recommend Latero-Flora™ because I have seen the most dramatic results with this product. | The best way to support your body during the Energy Cycle is to eat plenty of fresh raw vegetables (such as a salad) with a starch source to provide your body with the energy it needs to maintain its natural biochemical balance.
Begins from about 8:00 PM and ends 4:00 AM.
This is an opportunity for the body to take the time it needs to heal and regenerate. This is when the body should get quality sleep. | If you were not raised on raw organic vegetables or foods, it may be difficult for you to make the transition from cooked, fried, and processed foods. Take it slowly and start by eating fresh fruit for breakfast every morning. After you've done that for a week or so, start eliminating one toxic food plus one toxic beverage every week until you have accomplished the goal of reducing your daily "toxic threshold." This process might last you 3 to 6 months, depending on how strict you are in following the plan. | As with lunch, eat a large, fresh vegetable salad (with only alkaline vegetables) before anything else. Mix 2 tablespoons of organic flaxseed oil, cold-pressed olive oil, hempseed oil, or grape seed oil into your salad. This dressing will provide more flavor as well as the essential fatty acids your body needs.
Although you need to pick one protein source for dinner, I strongly recommend you avoid meat. If you absolutely must have meat on occasion, limit it to one serving per week and make sure it's organic. Meat should come from animals raised without harmful antibiotics and hormones. | What about the water used to grow the vegetables and fruit you enjoy each day?
• What about the water you use to wash your dishes, clothes, towels, and bedding?
• What about the water you swim in or bathe in?
All of these sources and more can expose you to toxic chemicals in water!
Drinking tap water overwhelms the intestines with toxins and prevents essential nutrients from being absorbed into the body. Even if you avoid tap water, you're still not exempt from exposure to toxins. Simply taking a shower can expose your body to toxic chemicals. | Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Be aware that coffee and cigarettes increase heartburn by irritating the stomach, and remember that whole grains, fresh fruits, and vegetables combined with nonstressful exercise are the best solutions to constipation.
Varicose Veins
Varicose veins can occur in the legs or in the anal or vulvar areas in pregnancy, due to hormonal softening of the muscular walls of the veins combined with the extra weight of pregnancy. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | These vegetables are excellent sources of a family of anticancer phytochemicals called isothiocyanates. Isothiocyanates fight cancer by neutralizing carcinogens—the "bad guys" of the cancer battle. They do this by reducing their poisonous effects and stimulating the release of "carcinogen killers," speeding up their removal from the body. Studies have shown that isothiocyanates help prevent lung and esophageal cancer and can lower the risk of other cancers, including gastrointestinal cancer. Several isothiocyanates have been shown to inhibit tumors induced by chemical carcinogens. | Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, soy, fish, and flaxseed oil.
• Exercise regularly, focusing especially on aerobic exercise.
• Take a combination nutritional/botanical PMS product (available at natural food stores or alternative health practitioners). It should include vitamin B6; magnesium; gamma linolenic acid from borage, evening primrose, or black currant oil; chaste tree (vitex); vitamin E; Saint John's wort; and possibly some traditional herbs for PMS, including dandelion leaf, dong quai, black cohosh, and wild yam. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | For example, in this chapter I gave "stars" to the superstars—the vegetables that are so uniquely loaded with nutrients, fiber, cancer-fighting phytochemicals, or some combination thereof, that they deserved some special mention, even among the company of great foods. iR Tho 1 cn Moalthioct FnrvHc nn Farth
Artichokes are kind of like the lobster of the vegetable community—you have to really work to get at the good parts. The part that contains the meat is called the "heart," even though it's technically the bottom of the plant. And it takes some digging to get there. | But in my opinion, the argument about vegetables and sugar is a tempest in a teapot.
There are two real culprits in the obesity crisis: one, the fast-acting carbs and sugars in breads, cereals, pastas, desserts, cakes, rolls, crackers, and fast food; and two, the obscenely large portions of everything else. As my wisecracking pal, the brilliant nutritionist and United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) researcher C. Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D., says, "No one ever got fat on peas and carrots."
So of course, watch your sugar content. | There were some "surprises" (coffee got mentioned twice), some "new stars" (pomegranate and sea vegetables), and some notable absences (not one person mentioned soy—not as surprising as you might think—see my essay on soy, page 165). Anyway, I thought it was interesting, and I hope you do, too.
At first, I included my own list, but couldn't whittle it down from nineteen —plus my editor figured that my opinions were all over the book anyway, so my personal list didn't make the cut. | Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, FRCP (C) and Dr. Harold D. Foster, PhD See book keywords and concepts | For this reason, the National Institutes of Health investigators have maintained that five daily servings of vegetables and fresh fruits are enough to provide about 200 mg of ascorbic acid and so allow blood levels of vitamin C to reach their optimums. However, recent studies have shown this belief to be in error. |
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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.
ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Foods Diet Fruits Eat Food Water Cancer Body People Fiber Fresh Raw Grains Fruits and vegetables Eating Fruit Beans Vitamin Protein Green Oil Acid Fish Vegetable Seeds Blood Avoid Nutrients Meat Whole Broccoli Products Garlic Juice Minutes Sugar Calcium Risk Levels Carrots Vitamin C Cabbage Time Health Nuts Sources Intake Cooking Salt Disease Calories Heat Potatoes Whole grains Legumes Greens Red Vitamins Healthy Spinach Sweet Study Iron Drink Prevent Tomatoes Increase Fats Women Natural Studies Skin Minerals Beta-carotene Heart Helps Liver Cook Produce Carbohydrates Sprouts Little Chicken Oils Plant Salad Leafy Meals Supplements Magnesium Cells Weight Sea Effects Diets Onions Dietary Herbs Source Heart disease