Craig Pepin-Donat See book keywords and concepts | In phase two, you graduate to eating vegetables, beans and other carbohydrates. Depending upon your medical condition, phase two will also include fish or other forms of lean protein. During phase three, which is done at home, you use the new lifestyle information you have learned during your stay to continue on the path to improved health through weight reduction. | Dr. Steve Blake See book keywords and concepts | Eat five servings of fruit and vegetables.
(c) Eat plenty of whole grains and meat.
(d) Eat five servings of dairy products and whole grains.
The Fat-Soluble Vitamins
Introduction to the Fat-Soluble Vitamins
The fat-soluble vitamins are vitamins A, D, E, and K. Fat-soluble vitamins are found in the liver and the fatty tissues of the body where they are stored and used. Fat-soluble vitamins require bile in order to be absorbed into the lymph system from the intestines. One of the fat-soluble vitamins, Vitamin E, is an important antioxidant that protects cell membranes and artery walls. | Craig Pepin-Donat See book keywords and concepts | As part of my health regimen I started eating moderate amounts of whole grains, vegetables and salads without heavy dressing. My staples were broiled chicken, fish, beef and lamb. I avoided eating after 7:00 p.m. when my metabolism starts to slow down. During my test, I still ate some desserts and pasta, and in the second month, I drank alcohol moderately (approximately one to two drinks maximum a few days per week, not every day). I did not stop eating carbohydrates unlike the "rule" of many fad diets that try to trick people into thinking it is the solution to weight loss. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | The famous Lyon Diet Heart Study showed that just following a Mediterranean diet (including fish, vegetables, and olive oil), produced a 72 percent decrease in coronary events, a 56 percent decrease in overall mortality, and a 61.7 percent decrease in cancer. Not a drug in the world can get those results. And in the famous ongoing Nurses' Health Study, doing only five simple things was associated with an almost unbelievable 83 percent reduction in the incidence of cardiovascular disease. You ready for the five simple things? | It's just way easier to manage blood sugar and bring down insulin levels with a diet higher in protein, fiber from vegetables, and good fats than it is on a diet high in refined carbs, flour, and sugar, even if it's lower in calories.
Keep in mind, however, that weight loss for an individual with PCOS may be slower than weight loss for someone without the condition. It will take time for your metabolism to "heal itself before the weight comes off. So be patient and stay committed to a healthy diet for the long haul. | Bill Sardi See book keywords and concepts | Health Physics 77: 150-3, 1999]
People in Ramsar consume 12 times more radium from vegetables grown in their area than what is considered to be a toxic dose of radiation. [Journal Environmental Radioactivity 66: 215-25, 2003] Yet there is no increased incidence of leukemia or cancer in Ramsar. | Others said it might make a difference if people consumed raw or cooked vegetables. (Yes, exactly, again this is why we say dietary supplements would be advised.)
Challenges to the prevailing wisdom of aggressive treatment with surgery radiation and chemotherapy are becoming more common, as a result of discouraging results with these therapies. A few novel approaches offer hope, but the failure of many such approaches does not bode well. Hence, calls for cancer prevention are becoming increasingly vocal, though not yet sufficiently heeded. | Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention 12: 980-96, 2003] Folic acid is found in dark-green leafy vegetables like spinach, kale, and Romaine lettuce. However, folic acid from supplements is much better absorbed.
Other nutrients and lung cancer
Selenium appears to be a protective agent against lung cancer only among populations that do not consume adequate amounts of selenium in their diet. [Cancer Epidemiology Biomarkers Prevention 13: 771-78, 2004]
Calcium-D glucarate, a nutrient found in fruits, may be a preventive agent against lung cancer. | NO IRON RICH FOODS (RED MEAT) NO IRON SUPPLEMENTS
AND HAVE BEEN GETTING AS MUCH SUNLIGHT AS POSSIBLE & EATING LOTS OF ORGANIC vegetables & THANKING GOD FOR HIS DAILY BLESSINGS. I am feeling uplifted and can move much easier, no pain pills, and am able to sleep at night for longer periods. Most important of all, my husband Al and I have just thrown ourselves at the mercy of God and asked for his divine help. | These natural agents include curcumin (turmeric), resveratrol (red grapes, peanuts and berries), genistein (soybean), diallyl sulfide (garlic, leek, onion, chive), S-allyl cysteine (garlic, leek, onion, chive), allicin (garlic), lycopene (tomato), capsaicin (red chilli), diosgenin (fenugreek), 6-gingerol (ginger), ellagic acid (pomegranate), ursolic acid (apple, pears, prunes), silymarin (milk thistle), anethol (anise, camphor, and fennel), catechins (green tea), eugenol (cloves), indole-3-carbinol (cruciferous vegetables), limonene (citrus fruits), beta carotene (carrots), and dietary fiber. | The three major classes of phytoestrogens are isoflavones, which are concentrated in soybeans and soy products but are also found in other legumes; lignans, which are distributed in seeds, whole grains, berries, fruit, vegetables, and nuts; and coumestans, which are found in broccoli and sprouts. These three classes of phytoestrogens, individually or in combination, are most likely the primary types of plant estrogens that deliver health benefits since other components are not provided in plant food diets in high amounts. | Jonny Bowden, Ph.D., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Selling Health to Your Teens
Acne is also promoted by a diet low in the antioxidants found in abundance in vegetables and fruits. "Acne may be the best angle you will ever use to sell a healthy diet to your teenage children," says McDougall. "After all, millions of people living in Papua New Guinea, Paraguay, and rural Africa and Asia who eat a plant-based diet are acne-free throughout their lives—so why can't you also be acne-free, if you behave like they do?"
A diet rich in plant foods provides huge amounts of antioxidants and natural antiinflammatories. | Other Dietary Interventions
The Specific Carbohydrate Diet is a very special version of a more generalized approach that has been used with some success for a number of digestive and gastrointestinal problems. Joe Brasco, M.D., a gastroenterologist with a decidedly holistic and nutritional bent, puts all his patients on a foundational program that is a basic "caveman"-type diet: lean meats, fish, poultry, vegetables and vegetable juices, stocks, and traditionally fermented foods like sauerkraut. He also recommends coconut oil because of its high content of lauric acid, a natural antimicrobial. | Hyla Cass, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Fruit and vegetables, whole grains, beans, green tea, and herbs are good for you for many reasons—they're loaded with essential nutrients—but science is revealing that the value of these foods can especially be traced back to their bounty of nutrients that prevent free-radical damage: the antioxidants. Your body can make a lot of antioxidants on its own, but you also need the ones found in healthy foods. | Dr. Steve Blake See book keywords and concepts | Beta-carotene is always non-toxic in foods, even if you consume a lot of vegetables and fruits. Beta-carotene functions as an antioxidant and can be converted to the other forms of vitamin A. The other dietary source of vitamin A is found mainly in animal livers. Vitamin A from animal products and supplements has the potential to be toxic. Vitamin A has many functions, one of which is enhancing vision in low light.
Vitamin D is important for maintaining strong bones. Vitamin D is normally made in the skin with the help of sunlight. | Devra Davis See book keywords and concepts | As open sewers stopped flowing into local rivers, refrigeration provided more fresh fruits and vegetables, and workplaces stopped burning wastes in cities, deaths from once fatal infections like tuberculosis and typhoid dropped in industrialized nations. Chronic illnesses also can have broad social roots in both developed and developing countries. Just having the bad luck to grow up in a place downstream from heavy industry can add to this cancer burden. | Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | This is an herb that can be taken in all forms, including freshly picked young leaves and as a leafy green addition to steamed vegetables or salads.
Partridgeberry (Mitchella Repens). Par-tridgeberry or squaw vine is considered one of the best uterine tonics. It should be taken for several weeks before the due date. Squaw vine is often used in combination with raspberry leaf. It can be taken as a tea, in capsule form, or as a tincture.
Red Raspberry (Rubus Idaeus). Red raspberry leaf is the most often mentioned traditional herbal tonic for general support of pregnancy and breast-feeding. | Sophie D. Coe and Michael D. Coe See book keywords and concepts | In this and certain other plant foods (such as many leafy vegetables, tea, and red wine), these antioxidants help prevent the oxidation of LDS ("bad") cholesterol; when the latter becomes oxidized, it can cause atherosclerosis—gradual blocking of the arteries—by increasing the ability of the blood platelets to form clots. The most important flavonoid compound in chocolate appears to be quercetin, known to have not only antioxidant but also anti-inflammatory activity. | Maize-based bread in the form of tortillas and tamales had no attraction for them; nor did the wide variety of vegetables and pot herbs, for the traditional Iberian cuisine was heavily weighted toward meat and starch, as it is today, with an emphasis on frying with lard and olive oil. In contrast, the Mesoamerican housewife never cooked with oils and fats. To make matters worse, cheese was totally absent from the native table (in fact, they didn't even have tables). | Instead, they point to learned factors, how for many of us, sweets in general and chocolate in particular have been used as rewards from earliest childhood: "Eat your vegetables, dear, there's chocolate cake for dessert." Women have the added inducement of being the usual recipients of chocolate as gifts—"sweets to the sweet." The psychologists, however, have to admit that a natural preference for sweetness is not acquired but built in: even newborns suck faster on sweetened liquids. | Erich Grotewold See book keywords and concepts | Strategies for the determination of bioactive phenols in plants, fruit and vegetables,
J Chromatogr A 1000: 657-691. Rostagno, M. A., Palma, M. and Barroso, C. G., 2003, Ultrasound assisted extraction of soy isoflavones,
J Chromatogr A 1012: 119-128.
Rostagno, M. A., Palma, M. and Barroso, C.G., 2004, Pressurized liquid extraction of isoflavones from soybeans, Anal Chim Acta 522: 169-177. Sanchez-Rabaneda, F., Jauregui, O., Casals, I., Andres-Lacueva, C, Izquierdo-Pulido, M. and Lamuela-
Raventos, R. M. | Fruit and vegetables, and cardiovascular disease: a review, Int J Epidemiol, 26: 1-13.
Nigdikar, S. V., Williams, N. R., Griffin, B. A., and Howard, A. N, 1998, Consumption of red wine polyphenols reduces the susceptibility of low-density lipoproteins to oxidation in vivo, Am J Clin Nutr, 68: 258-265.
Oldreive, C, Zhao, K., Paganga, G., Halliwell, B., and Rice-Evans, C, 1998, Inhibition of nitrous acid-dependent tyrosine nitration and DNA base deamination by flavonoids and other phenolic compounds, Chem Res Toxicol, 11: 1574-1579.
Omenn, G. S., Goodman, G. E., Thornquist, M. D., Balmes, J. | Numerous conjugates of flavones and flavonols were identified in extracts obtained from herbs, vegetables, fruits, and berries or juices. In the last few years, numerous papers related to the analysis of anthocyanins in wine and grape or catechin derivatives in green tea also were published (reviewed in Justesen et al., 1998; Stobiecki, 2000, 2001; Careri et al, 1999, 2002; Prasain et al, 2004).
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Figure 2.5 MS" spectra of different malonyl-diglucosides of 2 '-hydroxy-genistein obtained using ESI HPLC/MS ion trap system. | They occur in fruits, vegetables, flowers, and seeds. In Arabidopsis, PAs accumulate specifically in the seed coat (integuments), giving the mature seed its brown colour after oxidation (Debeaujon et al, 2003). Since the seed coat is a tissue of maternal origin, the phenotype of PA mutants is determined by the genotype of the mother plant. Consequently, the transparent testa (tt) phenotype, characteristic of Arabidopsis flavonoid mutants (Figure 4.1), can be observed only in the progeny of a plant homozygous for the mutation. | Reactive oxygen species and antioxidant systems
Diets high in flavonoids, fruits, and vegetables are protective against a variety of diseases, particularly cardiovascular disease and some types of cancer (Ness and Powles, 1997). Antioxidants and dietary fiber are believed to be the principal nutrients responsible for these protective effects. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are formed in vivo during normal aerobic metabolism and can cause damage to DNA, proteins, and lipids, despite the natural antioxidant defense system of all organisms (Bors and Saran, 1987). | Fruit, vegetables and cancer prevention: a review of the epidemiological evidence, Nitr Cancer, 18: 1-29. Bonni, A., Brunet, A., West, A. E., Datta, S. R., Takasu, M. A., and Greenberg, M. E., 1999, Cell survival promoted by the Ras-MAPK signalling pathway by transcription-dependent and -independent mechanisms, Science, 286: 1358-1362. Booth, C, Hargreaves, D. F., Hadfield, J. A., McGown, A. T., and Potten, C. S„ 1999, Isoflavones inhibit intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and induce apoptosis in vitro, Br J Cancer, 80: 1550-1557. Bors, W., and Saran, M. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | For example, fettuccini, spaghetti, ice cream, and M&M peanut candies are relatively low on the glycemic index; however, they are not as nutritious as baked salmon and steamed vegetables.
Third, it's all too easy to overindulge in unhealthy low-glycemic foods, driven by the idea that they're healthy. Worse, as you increase portion sizes, the food's ranking on the glycemic index and glycemic load increases.
Fourth, glycemic responses to foods are highly individual. People with prediabetes are especially sensitive to carbs and sugars and tend to have strong reactions. | Devra Davis See book keywords and concepts | At Pittsburgh, Chivendra Singh and Sanja Srivastava have extinguished cancer in cell cultures grown from cancerous ovaries and the prostate by giving them concentrated chemicals taken from these same vegetables. Others are showing that extracts made from red wine and chocolate—two basic food groups for many of us—also look promising in their ability to turn on good properties and turn off bad ones.
This work is opening the way to fundamentally new ways of thinking about cancer, like those Tuckfelt and Herberman began to work on more than thirty years ago. | Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | The study concluded that plant-based diets low in calories from fat, high in fiber, and rich in legumes (especially soybeans), whole-grain foods, vegetables, and fruits reduce the risk of endometrial cancer.
While I can't say that lowering fat and increasing soy and fiber intake will definitely prevent or treat fibroids, these nutritional habits do lower the risk of endometrial cancer. Since uterine fibroids are associated with an increase in the risk of endometrial cancer, it logically follows that these diet recommendations could help with fibroids. | Devra Davis See book keywords and concepts | In Scotland, trials are under way using diindolylmethane—a compound derived from cabbage dike vegetables called cruciferae—to make precancerous conditions of the cervix go away. In Baltimore, Paul Talalay has come up with a specially designed form of broccoli-based sprouts rich in sulforaphane that looks like it can convert bad cells back to good ones. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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Foods Diet Fruits Eat Food Water Cancer Body People Fiber Fresh Raw Grains Fruits and vegetables Eating Fruit Beans Vitamin Protein Green Oil Acid Fish Vegetable Seeds Blood Avoid Nutrients Meat Whole Broccoli Products Garlic Juice Minutes Sugar Calcium Risk Levels Carrots Vitamin C Cabbage Time Health Nuts Sources Intake Cooking Salt Disease Calories Heat Potatoes Whole grains Legumes Greens Red Vitamins Healthy Spinach Sweet Study Iron Drink Prevent Tomatoes Increase Fats Women Natural Studies Skin Minerals Beta-carotene Heart Helps Liver Cook Produce Carbohydrates Sprouts Little Chicken Oils Plant Salad Leafy Meals Supplements Magnesium Cells Weight Sea Effects Diets Onions Dietary Herbs Source Heart disease