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World Without Cancer

G. Edward Griffin
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People started eating again white bread, margarine, skimmed milk, much sugar, much meat, and only few vegetables and little fruit.... In short: people ate too much unnatural and too little natural food, and therefore got too few vitamins.2 Dr. Moerman showed that the cancer rate in the Netherlands dropped straight down from a peak in 1942 to its lowest point in 1945. But after 1945, with the return of processed foods, the cancer rate began to climb again and has shown a steady rise ever since.

Feed Your Body Right: Understanding Your Individual Body Chemistry for Proper Nutrition Without Guesswork

Lendon H. Smith, M.D.
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We also are seeing many people with very low blood pressure because of the higher consumption of vegetables. The final product of vegetable metabolism in the body is vinegar. This removes sodium from their bodies. They tend to have lower blood pressure and smaller bones. Not everyone, therefore, should follow the recommendation of the American Heart Association and reduce their intake of salt. Everyone needs to have some salt in their diet, especially those with low blood pressure. When salt is restricted or eliminated from the diet, people tend to have more infections and bone disorders.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Clinical Experience DIET AND NUTRITION A diet high in complex carbohydrates can make a difference; fruits, vegetables, grains, beans, and some fish are recommended. Red hot peppers, cayenne pepper, and regular or daikon radishes cut through mucus and help to eliminate breast lumps. SUPPLEMENTS. These nutrients offer extra help when combined with a cleansing diet: Antioxidants. Selenium, and vitamins A, C and E. Magnesium. Magnesium cleanses by entering cells and forcing out excesses of calcium and other minerals. Iodine drops. Iodine speeds up the metabolism of the thyroid gland.
As mentioned earlier, a diet that is largely vegetarian and low in fat, mainly consisting of whole fresh foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, nuts, and seeds, protects against breast cancer. In addition, certain foods are medicinal in their ability to protect against breast cancer. They include: Soybeans, soy products, and lima beans. Isoflavones and phytoestrogens found in soybeans, soy products, and lima beans protect against cancer. The low incidence of breast cancer among Japanese women is largely attributed to the widespread use of soybeans. Flax.

The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs

Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
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The healthful effects of green tea consumption are attributed to the presence of compounds called polyphenols, a type of compound called flavonoids—which are also found in many fruits, vegetables, and other herbs—that exert beneficial antioxidant properties. Oxidative damage to proteins and DNA in the body is caused by chemical reactions involving potentially harmful free radicals, which are thought to play an important role in aging and the development of many diseases. For example, cancer and heart disease both are believed to be linked to free radical damage.
Steinmetz KA, Kushi LH, Bostick RM, et al. vegetables, fruit, and colon cancer in the Iowa women's health study. American Journal of Epidemiology 1994; 139(1): 1-15. 27. Sigounas G, Hooker J, Anagnostou A, et al. S-Allylmercaptocysteine inhibits cell proliferation and reduces the viability of ery-throleukemia, breast, and prostate cancer cell lines. Nutrition and Cancer 1997; 27(2): 186-191. 28. Pinto JT, Qiao C, Xing J, et al. Effects of garlic thioallyl derivatives on growth, glutathione concentration, and polyamine formation of human prostate carcinoma cells in culture.
A Chinese population study drew a direct correlation between consumption of garlic and other Allium vegetables (such as onions) and a decreased risk for stomach cancer. In this study, people consuming the greatest amount of garlic and onions had only 40 percent the risk of stomach cancer of those consuming the lowest amount.25 A 1994 study of 41,000 American women showed that one or more servings of garlic a week was associated with a 35 percent decrease in risk of colon cancer—the most significant reduction seen with any of the 127 foods studied.
Participants were asked to substitute a flax-based spread for butter and cream and to consume a Mediterranean-style diet high in bread, fruit, vegetables, and fish. After only 2 years, researchers were so impressed by the results that they ended the study early. At that time, deaths due to heart attack were already 76 percent lower and overall mortality was 70 percent lower than in an untreated control group. Success was attributed to the threefold increase in omega-3 intake, combined with a decrease in saturated fat, cholesterol, and omega-6 EFAs.8 In 1990, the U.S.
Preliminary research suggests that the low rate of prostate problems in many Asian countries is linked to a diet low in saturated fat and refined sugar and high in essential fatty acids, soy foods, and carotene-rich vegetables.7 See "Soy" and "Flax" for more information. were minor side effects in just 2 percent of the men.8 Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia: Another Clinical Study (1996) In an uncontrolled 1 -year trial involving 42 men with moderate BPH, symptoms improved in 74 percent of those taking 320 mg of standardized saw palmetto extract daily.

Age Erasers for Men: Hundreds of Fast and Easy Ways to Beat the Years

Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine
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Fruits, raw vegetables, nuts and unbuttered popcorn—all which are low in energy-draining fat—are some excellent energizers. Avoid the quick fix. Sugar-loaded foods such as candy and soda may zip up your energy level for a while, but they also cause your blood sugar levels to increase and then sharply drop. Unfortunately, the result is that your energy level will dip even lower than it was before, says Dr. Peter Miller. Drink coffee. Studies at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Do You Have Chronic Fatigue Syndrome?

World Without Cancer

G. Edward Griffin
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This means that vegetables and fruits which have been irrigated by fluoridated water supplies could become potential killers.3 1. See news release dated August 1972 and "Is Fluorine Pollution Damaging Hearts," by K.A. Baird, M.D., (Citizen Action Program, 608 Gowan Rd., Antigo, Wise, 54409). 2. Garrison, op. cit., pp. 228-230. 3. K.A. Baird, M.D., op. cit., p. 4. As a result of this toxic waste, aluminum companies have been the objects of successful damage suits.

Age Erasers for Men: Hundreds of Fast and Easy Ways to Beat the Years

Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine
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Citrus fruits, watermelon, honeydew melon, canteloupe, strawberries and vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes and brussels sprouts are good dietary sources of vitamin C. Searching for the Cause It's been a year, and your spouse still isn't pregnant. It's time to see your physician. Here's what will happen. First, your doctor will review your medical history and order a complete physical. If this doesn't identify the problem, both of you will undergo diagnostic tests. For you, that means a semen analysis.

World Without Cancer

G. Edward Griffin
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Another group that, because of religious doctrine, eats very little meat and, thus, a greater quantity of grains, vegetables, and fruits which contain B17, is the Mormon population. In Utah, which is seventy-three percent Mormon, the cancer rate is twenty-five percent below the national average. In Utah county, which includes the city of Provo and is ninety percent Mormon, the cancer rate is below the national average by twenty-eight percent for women and thirty-five percent for men. In the summer of 1940, the Netherlands became occupied by the military forces of Nazi Germany.
By increasing greatly the quantity of vegetables in their diet to compensate for the absence of meat they increase proportionately their dietary intake of vitamin B17 (nitriloside).
It consisted of white bread, margarine, sweetened tea, boiled vegetables, canned meat, 1. Quoted by Renee Taylor, Hunza Health Secrets (New York: Award Books, 1964), pp. 96-7. and inexpensive jams and jellies—a diet not too far removed from that of many Americans. Not only did the rats develop all kinds of chronic metabolic diseases, but they also became nervous wrecks. McCarrison wrote: They were nervous and apt to bite their attendants; they lived unhappily together, and by the sixteenth day of the experiment they began to kill and eat the weaker ones amongst them.

20 Years of Censored News

Carl Jensen
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Company which sells picture-perfect organic vegetables to supermarkets all over Switzerland. Organic farmers like these, ignored by the press, may have the answer to some of the most critical health problems Americans are faced with today. There is mounting evidence that the pesticides used in agriculture are responsible for cancer, mutations, birth defects, and many other health problems. SOURCE: The Progressive, December 1978, "Curbing the Chemical Fix: The Secret Is It Works," by Daniel Zwerdling.

Age Erasers for Men: Hundreds of Fast and Easy Ways to Beat the Years

Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine
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We get all the vitamin A we need from meats and vegetables or from foods containing beta-carotene," says Jeffrey Blumberg, Ph.D., associate director of the U.S. Department of Agriculture Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston. Excessive doses of beta-carotene are not neatly as dangerous as those of vitamin A, says Dr. Blumberg. He says it is almost impossible to consume toxic levels of beta-carotene, but too much can produce an unusual side effect: It can make your skin turn orange. of these nutrients result in low instances of many chronic diseases.
Fiber is found in abundance in fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Drink up. Another way to soften stools is to be sure you're well hydrated by drinking at least eight glasses of water a day, says Dr. Kanter. Don't smoke. Or if you do, stop, says Dt. Geelhoed. Smoking increases your risk of developing underlying vein disease, which can contribute to varicose veins, he says. Leave heavy weights to Hulk. Weight-lifting exercise will help with weight control, but you need to do it right to avoid encouraging a vein problem, says Dr. Kanter.
That means eating more fruits, vegetables and grains. Try eating whole fruits instead of just juice at breakfast time, and try whole-grain cereals and fiber-fortified muffins. Tune in—have tuna. It's no help unwinding if you feel sluggish and unalert. Dr. Wurtman suggests a high-protein lunch of lean meat, fish or poultry to prevent the afternoon blahs. Protein is loaded with tyrosine, an amino acid that has been shown to boost mental performance in the face of stress. Quit the bowling league. Look at your life. Are you doing too much?

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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Eat a lot of vegetables, fruits, and whole grains and beans. Those foods provide protection." Letha Hadadv. a herbalist and educator in New York City, visited China to learn why Chinese women had such a low incidence of breast cancer as compared to American women and those in other Western nations. While diet was a big part of the picture, she learned that other factors came into play. In order to prevent breast cancer.

The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs

Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
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Garlic, onions, leeks, chives, and other Allium vegetables are all members of the lily family (Liliaceae). Large-scale commercial garlic production exists in many countries, including Egypt, China, India, South Korea, and Argentina; European nations such as France, Germany, Spain, and Hungary; and the United States. About 90 percent of the garlic grown in the United States comes from Gilroy, California, the self-proclaimed "Garlic Capital of the World."2 Freshly harvested garlic is a special treat, and garlic is an easy plant to grow in your own garden.

Power Healing: Use the New Integrated Medicine to Cure Yourself

Leo Galland
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I modified Ebringer's low-starch regimen to include large quantities of vegetables rich in carotenoids and bioflavinoids. I supplemented the diet with magnesium and with extra doses of vitamins C and E. I advised Mike to keep his exposure to lawn maintenance chemicals to the minimum level permitted by his present job and to stop taking Indocin because of the damage it was doing to his intestine. Finally, I prescribed a strong antibiotic called floxacin to kill bacteria infecting his prostate. A remarkable thing happened.

Nature's Medicines : From Asthma to Weight Gain, from Colds to High Cholesterol -- The Most Powerful All-Natural Cures

Gale Maleskey
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The form of iron found in meat is also more easily absorbed than iron from, say, vegetables or soy. Men rarely become iron-deficient unless they've lost blood. Because getting too much can increase a man's risk for other conditions, doctors say that men should not take supplements unless a deficiency is diagnosed. Show Me the Oxygen It takes only about 30 seconds, maybe a minute at most, for us to realize how vital oxygen is to our well-being. Stop breathing, and in 10 minutes or so, you're dead. Every cell in our bodies requires oxygen to make the energy that keeps it going.

PowerFoods: Good Food, Good Health with Phytochemicals, Nature's Own Energy Boosters

Stephanie Beling
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Try new combinations: O exotic vegetables like kohlrabi, jicama, daikon, radicchio, fennel tossed with such greens as endive, escarole, romaine, spinach O salads of carrots and apples, oranges and sweet potatoes, pumpkin and pears O shredded carrots, diced peppers, sliced radishes, chopped olives, green onion, chopped tomato, sliced cucumber mixed with nonfat cottage cheese. Think new thoughts. Try a blended fruit, yogurt, and cinnamon shake for breakfast or lunch.
Fill in the number of servings of each food category your food plan provides for you to eat each day, then record the foods you actually did eat that day, measuring them not in calories, or grams, but as pieces of fruit, servings of vegetables, number of nuts. At the end of each day, add up the number of servings actually eaten in each category and compare it to the recommended number. If, for example, you have eaten more fat and less fruit than recommended, make a mental note to have less fat and more fruit tomorrow.
Her daily food plan would therefore include: four servings of fruit, three servings of vegetables, nine servings of whole grains, two servings of legumes or other proteins, three servings of nuts and seeds or their oils, and two servings of dairy. But, given what her doctor has discovered about her particular health condition—high triglycerides and high blood sugar—she will do better with a slightly higher level of protein and, believe it or not, of fat: the right kind of fat, as in nuts, seeds, olives, and avocados.
The Food and Drug Administration recommends five servings a day of fruit and vegetables. Any doctor will tell you that you are better off when cheeseburgers and chocolate yield to carrots and cantaloupe. Every time another headline proclaims that certain foods offer health benefits or that certain other foods threaten ill effects, people react—at least, in the short term. They give up red meat, fill up on fiber, and start popping pills containing the synthetic version of the latest "health" food.
When that happens, the normally beneficial bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract are overwhelmed by bad bacteria that damage the integrity of the gas- *Heinerman, John, Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Fruits, vegetables and Herbs. Parker Publishing Company, Inc.West Nyack, NY. 1988. trointestinal lining. The lining then leaks toxins and partially digested particles into the bloodstream, where they travel and wreak havoc?everything from asthma to arthritis to chronic fatigue to muscle weakness.
To almost all of the twenty-plus vegetables listed above, add variations on the theme; of the lettuces, for example, no fewer than eighty-seven varieties were listed as far back as 1885 in a U.S. government agricultural report. The variety—from bland cauliflower to tart mustard greens, from chewy turnips to crunchy romaine lettuce—ensures that there is something here for every palate. Combining the crucifers and leafy greens by mixing and matching colors, tastes, and textures only enhances the variety and synergy that are so important to healthy eating.

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders

David Brownstein
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Protein is found in animal products and in vegetables. Free-range eggs (eggs from uncaged chickens that are not fed any hormones or antibiotics) are a wonderful source of protein and should be eaten on a daily basis. Animal protein is the only source of complete protein available (i.e., containing all of the essential and non-essential amino acids). Vegetable protein, found in seeds, nuts, legumes and cereals, does not contain all of the essential amino acids. Protein-deficient individuals cannot satisfy the body's daily needs for maintaining structure and repairing injuries.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Inflammation
...and Cancers
...and Constipation
...and Lung cancer
...and Breast cancer
...and Diarrhea

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Garlic
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...and Olive
...and Ginger
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...and Kelp
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...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Body weight
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose
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...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
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...and Fructose
...and Lactose
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...and Aspartame

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
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...and Meditation
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Acupuncture
...and Relaxation
...and Ayurvedic
...and Yoga

...and Drugs:

...and Antibiotics
...and Diuretic
...and Tablets
...and Antibiotic
...and Aspirin
...and Laxative
...and Stimulants
...and Diuretics
...and Chemotherapy
...and Steroids

...and When:

...and Winter
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...and At night
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...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
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...and National cancer institute
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...and Government
...and School of medicine
...and Medical center
...and Clinic
...and Food and drug administration

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Mice
...and Rats
...and Cat
...and Insects
...and Cows
...and Cattle
...and Worms

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Calming
...and Relieving
...and Antiseptic
...and Irritant
...and Relieves
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Expectorant

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C
Whole grains
Heart disease