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SEX, HORMONES, FERTILITY AND FOOD Foods That May Be Beneficial: Fruits and vegetables • : : Foods High in Vitamin C and Folic Acid : Foods That May Be Damaging: High-Fat foods It may surprise you to find out that food contains sex hormones and has the powers to manipulate hormone concentrations in your body, influencing all sorts of functions including sex drive, reproduction, menopausal symptoms, cardiovascular disease and susceptibility to hormone-dependent cancers, such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.

Fluoride the Aging Factor: How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride

Dr. John Yiamouyiannis
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Foods which are naturally low in fluoride include fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grain cereals, nuts, meat, and dairy products. Ready-to-eat cereals such as corn flakes and grape nuts are notoriously high in fluoride. People living in the vicinity of aluminum, phosphate, steel, clay, glass, and frit manufacturers are exposed to high levels of fluoride in the air. People employed in these industries have an even higher exposure. In order to avoid this exposure, moving or seeking employment elsewhere is the only immediate alternative.

Active Wellness - A Personalized 10 Step Program for a Healthy Body, Mind & Spirit

Gayle Reichler, M.S., R.D., C.D.N.
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Since these vitamins are often found in the liquid in which the foods are canned, use that liquid when you're cooking canned vegetables. Vegetable and Fruit Juices Vegetable and fruit juices can help fulfill your eating plan's vegetable and fruit requirements. One cup of vegetable juice and one-half cup of fruit juice are equivalent to one vegetable and one fruit serving, respectively. Vegetable juice makes a great snack. Check the labels on canned and bottled vegetable juices because some are high in sodium.
If it contains mostly meat and vegetables (for example, stew), do your best to estimate how much meat is in the soup and count it in the proteins group. The rest of the ingredients are free. Spreads, Dips, Sauces, Salad Dressings, and Marinades_ Spreads and Dips While most Americans use mayonnaise as a spread, it is truly a fat and a saturated one at that. Avoid it whenever possible. The best alternative is fat-free mayonnaise: Kraft makes a very good one. Other sandwich spreads, such as mustard and ketchup, are usually fine to use because they are low fat or fat free.

Breast Cancer: A Nutritional Approach

Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D.
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It revealed significantly lower rates of such, cancers in those with high intakes of Vitamin C and vegetables. There are two other studies which clearly show that the death rate (including cancer deaths) for people fifty years and older is lower when the blood levels of Vitamin C are higher. One of these showed that the death rate for those on high intake of Vitamin C was only 40 percent of that for the subjects with a low intake. E.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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For example, a study in Finland, following a cohort of 9959 cancer-free individuals (from a population of 62 440) for 24 years from 1967, found an inverse relationship between the development of lung and other cancers and the consumption of flavonoid-rich fruits and vegetables.4 In a study in The Netherlands on a randomly selected cohort of 3123 subjects (from a total study size of 120 852), researchers found an inverse relationship between onion consumption and the development of stomach cancers over 3 years.

Dr. Cass Ingram's Lifesaving Cures

Dr. Cass Ingram
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Few foods contain them as a unit. vegetables are lacking in them, as are fruit. Nuts contain a few of them, but these foods are severely lacking in sodium, iodine, and chloride. Beans are virtually devoid of these nutrients. However, meat boasts the entire category and salted meat is even more complete. Milk is the other major source. Meat is particularly important for teenagers and growing females. A recent study published in The Physician and Sports Medicine (November, 1998) showed that by avoiding meat, young girls are developing severe protein and mineral deficiencies.

Earth Right

H. Patricia Hynes
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Insecticide used on fruit trees, vegetables. . 1 Herbicide used to control broadleaf weeds in agriculture, used on forests, range, pastures, and aquatic environments. .01 Herbicide, canceled in 1984. .005 Insecticide used on cotton, corn, grain. .005 Fuel (leaking tanks), solvents commonly used in manufacture of industrial chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, paints, and plastics. .005 Common in cleaning agents and industrial wastes from manufacture of coolants. .075 Used in insecticides, moth balls, and air deodorizers. .005 Used in manufacture of insecticides. .
The Food and Drug Administration monitors the food supply by collecting and analyzing a small sample of fruits, vegetables, dairy products, fish, processed foods, and animal feed each year for pesticide residues. The number of samples amounts to slightly more than 1 percent of imported produce, less than 1 percent of domestically grown produce, and less than 1 percent of the processed food that children eat—a limited sampling program, in other words. The tests used by the FDA can detect only 40 percent of the potential pesticides used on food.
Further, the estimates of what adults eat were based on food patterns in the late 1960s, which have substantially changed; people eat more fresh fruits and vegetables now than they did two decades ago. The NRDC calculates that children's consumption of cranberries is underestimated fourteenfold; grapes, sixfold; apples and oranges, fivefold; apricots, fourfold; strawberries, threefold; carrots and broccoli, twofold.
Meat vegetables Fruit Grain Dairy Figure 1.1 Food Intake: Children and Women Reprinted with permission from For Our Kids' Sake published by Mothers & Others for Pesticide Limits, a project of the Natural Resources Defense Council, 40 West 20th Street, New York, NY 10011. eats six times the amount of fruit and fruit products that an average adult woman eats, and eighteen times the apple juice. Figures 1.1 and 1.2 compare the food consumption of women and children and their relative exposure to pesticides.
For example, one-third of fruits and vegetables grown nationally are treated with a group of fungicides known as the EBDCs (ethylene bisdithiocarbamates), which the FDA has classified as a potentially high hazard. Yet EBDCs cannot be detected with the FDA's routine analysis, and only rarely is a special scan capable of detecting EBDCs used. Thus a limited overall sampling program is further limited by the number and types of analysis done routinely by the FDA.

Eat Right, Live Longer: Using the Natural Power of Foods to Age-Proof Your Body

Neal Barnard, M.D.
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These vegetables are particularly good at raising levels of the phase 2 rather than phase 1 enzymes, which is important, because increasing phase 1 enzymes without an equal or greater increase in phase 2 enzymes can lead to the production of intermediate compounds that are dangerous if not removed. "The vast majority of cancer-causing chemicals are not carcinogenic in and of themselves," Dr. Talalay said.
Bloodstream Protectors • Citrus fruits and many other fruits and vegetables supply vitamin C to stop free radicals in the bloodstream. Vitamin C also restores vitamin E that has been damaged in the battle against free radicals. • Uric acid is a powerful antioxidant that forms naturally in the body and is not taken in food. Should you Take Supplements? The restoration of works of art is a touchy subject. The Sistine Chapel ceiling was covered with grime for so long before any of us were born that many believed that the artist had intended a somber, shadowy rendering.
In addition, these single antioxidants do not begin to match what nature offers in vegetables, fruits, and othei plants. Beta-carotene tablets, for example, contain lots of beta-carotene, but miss the dozens or even hundreds of related carotenoids that occur naturally in plants. Some of them are probably more important than beta-carotene for protecting the heart, the eyes, and other organs.
So some of the benefits attributable to vitamin C, for example, may be due to other parts of vegetables and fruits, such as their other antioxidants, their low fat content, their lack of cholesterol, and so on. Antioxidant tablets are crude formulations compared to the natural sources of these nutrients. Moreover, concentrated doses of one antioxidant can interfere with others.31 Beta-carotene supplements can reduce the amount of vitamin E in the blood by as much as 40 percent.

Flu : The Story Of The Great Influenza Pandemic

Gina Kolata
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John Snow, a British doctor, had watched helplessly as cholera ravaged the population in the 1830s and had begun to question the prevailing hypothesis which maintained that the disease was spread by a "miasma"—odoriferous gases given off by rotting vegetables or flesh. How could it be spread by gases, he asked, when it was a disease of the intestines, not the lungs? Snow began to suspect that cholera was spread in water. In August 1854, cholera roared into London's Soho district, killing ninety-three people.
One of Princeton's great attractions for Shope was what he called his "gentleman's farm," near the university, where he and his wife, Helen, lived for decades, keeping a cow and chickens and growing vegetables. Shope was one of those sober, yet brilliant, scientists who, a friend said, was possessed of "wide knowledge, common sense, integrity, and complete sanity," traits that stood him in good stead as he ventured into the muddy waters of influenza research. It began when Shope was working with his mentor, Paul Lewis, at the Rockefeller Institute.

Eat and Heal (Foods That Can Prevent or Cure Many Common Ailments)

the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing
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This is partly because their diet includes foods rich in fiber like grains, fruits, and vegetables; protein from fish and very rarely from red meat; and moderate amounts of red wine. But another important part is the monounsaturated fat from olive oil. Unlike people, not all fats or cholesterols are created equal. Monounsaturated fat, the kind you find in olive oil, gives you the biggest benefit because it cuts down on the bad cholesterol without harming the good cholesterol. And experts think olive oil decreases your blood's stickiness — making it less likely to clot.

Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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It has found its way into dairy products, fruits, and vegetables throughout the United States, and has contaminated the entire food chain. Although the United States no longer uses it, we manufacture it and sell it abroad where it is not yet banned. Then we get it back on foods imported from Third World countries such as Mexico. DDT is a class of deadly insecticide known as a "chemical of organic synthesis." Like the insecticides heptachlor, chlor-dane, and 2, 4-D, DDT has no counterpart in nature.

Breast Cancer: A Nutritional Approach

Carlton Fredericks, Ph.D.
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Eat two cups of vegetables daily, from the following list: Asparagus Cabbage Avocado Celery Beet greens Chard Broccoli Chicory Brussels sprouts Collards Cucumbers Dandelion Eggplant Endive Escarole Green pepper Green or wax beans Kale Kohlrabi Leeks Lettuce Mushrooms Mustard Radishes Sauerkraut Spinach String beans Summer squash Tomatoes Tomato juice Turnip greens Watercress THE "I PROMISE TO SEE LESS OF ME" MENUS 1 oz. meat or meat substitute, such as cheese or fish V2 slice whole-wheat bread with 1 tsp.

Eat and Heal (Foods That Can Prevent or Cure Many Common Ailments)

the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing
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You'll find selenium in meats and shellfish and in vegetables and grains grown in selenium-rich soil. Food sources of magnesium include avocados, oysters, and beans. Broccoli is a good source of both minerals. Water. A tall glass of water could be your ally if you're asthmatic. Researchers at the University at Buffalo (UB) discovered that the symptoms of people with exercise-induced asthma got worse, both before and during exercise, when they didn't drink enough water. Frank Cerny, Ph.D., stresses the importance of drinking water, especially if you have asthma.

Breast Cancer? Breath Health! The Wise Woman Way

Susun S. Weed
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How do fruits and vegetables prevent cancer? With concentrated amounts of antioxidants, carotenes, folates, selenium, indole-3-carbinol, and other anti-cancer phytochemicals and nutrients in synergistic combinations impossible to duplicate in a pill. I eat some from every category every day: Raw ones for antioxidant vitamin C. Oily ones, such as avocado or purslane, for antioxidant vitamin E. Green, yellow, and orange ones for antioxidant carotenes (which become vitamin A in the liver). Leafy green ones for anti-cancer folates.
Potassium: Fruits, vegetables, sage, seaweed, mint, red clover, nettle, plantain leaf or seeds. Selenium: Seaweed, organic garlic, mushrooms, liver, seafood, milk thistle seeds, ginseng, echinacea, yellow dock. Sulfur: Eggs, yogurt, garlic, cabbage family, nettles, plantain. Zinc: Pumpkin seeds, sage, echinacea, nettle, seaweed, milk thistle. Vitamin A: Produced from carotenes, see page 47. Vitamin B complex: Whole grains, greens, dried beans, seafood, red clover, parsley. Vitamin B6: Potato skins, broccoli, dried beans, lentils, meat, fish.

Eat and Heal (Foods That Can Prevent or Cure Many Common Ailments)

the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing
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The cabbage family is part of the brassica group and covers several vegetables, including broccoli and cauliflower. The plants are classified by the arrangement of their parts. If the leaves are tightly folded to form a ball, it's head cabbage. Kale and collards have leaves that are loose and open. Plants that resemble miniature heads are called brussels sprouts. Chinese cabbage, also called Napa, is light green or white and looks a lot like romaine lettuce. Bok choy is a vegetable that looks more like thick, white celery with leaves, but it's still cabbage.

Breast Cancer? Breath Health! The Wise Woman Way

Susun S. Weed
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Best Sources: Wheat, whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans. Phytosterols are plant hormones which are frequently (usually mistakenly) compared to human hormones. I've seen several articles and a book or two that postulate that women with breast cancer or those at high risk should avoid plant hormones. I disagree. Phytosterols block the cancer-promoting effects of our own hormones by binding to the receptor sites first. They prevent the initiation and the recurrence of cancer.
JUICING There is an immense literature on the supposed benefits of juicing raw fruits and vegetables. Although not detrimental to health, raw juice is no more nourishing than a milk shake from organic ingredients. Few of the claims made for juices are factual. Juices are not as easily digested as cooked foods. The mechanical action of the juicer does not break open a significant number of cell walls. Aim-cancer roods (Max Gerson, M.D., who advocated using fresh juices as part of cancer treatment, complained that no juicer did a good job and used a shredder and a press instead.

Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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It is found in the flesh of birds, wildlife, and domestic animals, and it travels up the food chain through air, water, animals (meat and milk), fish, vegetables, and fruit. It is both carcinogenic and mutagenic, able to cause genetic damage that results in deformed or otherwise abnormal offspring. Radiation damage to individuals varies so widely that one person can die from a dose that leaves another person unharmed. From the same dose of radiation, one person may develop cancer in two years while another develops cancer in seventeen years.

Breast Cancer? Breath Health! The Wise Woman Way

Susun S. Weed
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Radioactive fallout from these tests contaminated milk, meat, fish, and vegetables throughout Canada and the U.S.A. during much of this time. Exposure to nuclear fallout substantially increases risk of breast cancer, especially if that radiation is absorbed by the developing breast tissues of women 8-20 years old.46 More seaweed in the daily diet and an anti-cancer lifestyle can help mitigate this risk.

Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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But they soon started using DDT on food, and today when you buy Third World produce, you often get it on your tomatoes and vegetables and meat. By the time the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) discovers it, people will have consumed millions of tons of contamination. The United States now imports about $40 billion of food annually. Although naturalists have been laughed at for years as alarmists, this contamination was recently the page-one topic of The Wall Street Journal.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Drugs:

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...and Antibiotic
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...and When:

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...and Organizations:

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...and Food and drug administration

...and Animals:

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...and Insects
...and Cows
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...and Properties:

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...and Antimicrobial
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...and Expectorant

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C
Whole grains
Heart disease