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Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the True Source of Healing

John Robbins
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These and other studies have found that when troubled youngsters are put on a healthy diet based on nutrient dense foods like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and avoid sugar and artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, the results are predictably outstanding. Supplementary vitamins and other essential nutrients also often help. A number of double-blind placebo-controlled studies have found that the frequency of antisocial behavior in juveniles is lowered significantly by appropriate supplementation.
The best sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables, tahini, tofu (when made with calcium sulfate or calcium chloride), broccoli, and sunflower seeds. • Exercise is extremely important. One study at the University of Wisconsin found that even 80-year-old women in a nursing home who exercised their arms and legs for 30 minutes three times a week while sitting in their chairs were able to increase bone mass.39 • Women who avoid smoking and excessive alcohol, salt, caffeine, cola drinks, and sugar have stronger bones.

New Choices in Natural Healing: Over 1,800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative Medicine

Bill Gottlieb
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Haas's plan includes plenty of solids: steamed vegetables, whole grains, fresh fruits and, after the initial three-week period, legumes, nuts and other whole foods. "It's a transition plan to help rid the body of toxins and rebalance abnormal yeasts, bacteria and parasites that cause diseases. It helps the body heal itself," says Dr. Haas. "The proper elimination of these toxins is essential to intestinal and overall health.

Nontoxic, Natural and Earthwise

Debra Lynn Dadd
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Ribbons, plain, with vegetables, or herbed. Fiddler's Green Farm. — Walnut Acres Pastas (Walnut Acres). Vegetable elbow macaroni and whole-wheat vegetable spirals. Walnut Acres. þ Natural pastas + Walnut Acres Pastas (Walnut Acres). Whole-wheat and sesame spiral macaroni, and whole-wheat egg noodles. Walnut Acres. DeBoles Corn Pastas/Jerusalem Artichoke Pastas/Jerusalem Artichoke Spinach Pastas (DeBoles Nutritional Foods). Spaghetti, shells, and elbow. 53 DeBoles Nutritional Foods, Simply Delicious. Natural pasta sauces + Senor Felipe's Pasta Sauce (Senor Felipe's).

New Choices in Natural Healing: Over 1,800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative Medicine

Bill Gottlieb
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And you may have heard that polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats, found in vegetables, nuts and seeds, are the "healthy" kinds, playing a role in lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation. But reputations can sometimes be deceiving. Take trans-fatty acids, which are made from heart-healthy vegetable oils. Through a cooking process called hydro-genation, these healthy oils are made unhealthy, transformed into a spreadable consistency resembling butter that can raise cholesterol levels.

Nontoxic, Natural and Earthwise

Debra Lynn Dadd
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While the FDA proclaims its safety and has already authorized the irradiation of fruits, vegetables, pork, herbs, spices, teas, and seeds, the Department of Energy and the Pentagon have refused to release their research into its long-term effects. Food irradiation is done by zapping food with a dosage of radiation almost 60 million times that of a chest X ray. Gamma rays (radioactive by-products of the nuclear industry) or X rays are used to kill insects and bacteria, prevent sprouting, and slow rotting.
Use fot baking bread, roasts, fish, chicken, casseroles, vegetables; anything you would bake in an oven. Portable. ]ade Mountain, Wendy & Cindy Originals. Spotlight Marketing. Q H Sells a ready-to-use portable, solid-wood solat cooket, a kit for building your own, and a plans booklet. Tirolia Cook Stove (Gingetich Small Engines). S A combination stove and heater that cooks, bakes, and heats your water and home. Uses wood as the fuel, and can be used without electticity. Gin-gertcK Small Engines. Clothes washer Jade Mountain.
Fill a pot with water to rinse fruits and vegetables in, and use a vegetable brush to remove debris instead of a forceful stream of water. • Compost your kitchen scraps instead of using a garbage disposal. • If you drink cold water, keep a bottle in the refrigerator instead of running the tap until cold water comes through. • Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator or sitting on the countertop instead of running them under hot water. • Get an instant water heater (see renewable energy) for your kitchen sink so you don't have to let water run while it heats up.
At the Store/By Mail Leaven breads with nonaluminum baking powders, sourdough starters, or tequez-quite, a naturally occuring mixtute of mineral salts created by the decomposition of volcanic rocks due to the biological action of microalgae that has been used by Native Americans for hundreds of years (it also enhances the flavor and deepens the color of corn and cooked vegetables. Earthwise leavening Gem Cultures. Fresh rye sourdough starter maintained on organically grown flour for many generations; guaranteed to be wheat free. Gold Mine Natural Food Company.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Vegetable fiber decreases risk by approximately 60 percent for each 10-gram increase in the average daily amount of vegetable fiber consumed (about that found in five to seven servings of vegetables). Each increase in daily saturated fat consumption of 10 grams (about 100 calories) increases risk of developing ovarian cancer approximately 20 percent; consumption of unsaturated fats neither increases nor decreases risk.
Be sure to maintain adequate potassium levels when taking this herb by taking the commercial preparation Slo-K or by eating fruits and vegetables. Astragalus2 Capsules. Take 500-1,000 mg 3 times daily. Relieves pain on exertion. Elecampane with guggul Pushkarmoola rasayana. Usual dose is 1 tsp for each 50 lbs body weight daily. Relieves shortness of breath on exertion. Gives better pain relief than nitroglycerin. Elecampane is also known as inula. Hawthorn Tablets. Take 100-250 mg 3 times a day. Improves blood flow to heart and cardiac enzymes, which measure damage to heart muscle.
Other foods that help to normalize blood sugar include berries, brewer's yeast, dairy products (especially cheese), egg yolks, fish, garlic, kelp, sauerkraut, soybeans, and vegetables. Ll If you have a child with diabetes, be sure his or her teacher knows how to respond to the warning signs of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia. CONSIDERATIONS Ll When buying products for hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia, it is important to make sure the salesperson is knowledgeable about the differences between these conditions. It is not uncommon for salespeople to confuse the two.
To avoid large fluctuations in sugar levels, eat leafy vegetables and reasonable quantities of whole grains (almost never more than two to three servings per meal) for fiber. Fresh and dried fruit, while high in fiber, are also high in sugar and should be eaten in very limited quantities or avoided altogether. Also avoid refined flours and sugars. One or two drinks with a meal temporarily paralyzes the liver's ability to convert protein into glucose and could result in lower blood sugars, but this effect is lost if simple carbohydrates (bread, pasta, and potatoes) or sweets are eaten.

Manifesto for a New Medicine: Your Guide to Healing Partnerships and the Wise Use of Alternative Therapies

James S. Gordon, M.D.
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The immediate purpose of the dietary changes I recommended—brown rice, cooked vegetables, and fish were to be his staples, with an ounce each of raw cabbage and potato juice every morning—was to treat his ulcer, but the ultimate goal was to help him come to know what foods were good for him and when to eat them. The simple breathing meditation I suggested would create a physiological relaxation, but it would also help him to gain a more detached perspective on all the problems that faced him. Regular yoga would help him to reclaim and reawaken the body that had been surgically violated.

Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the True Source of Healing

John Robbins
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Avoiding sugar and white flour products, and eating plenty of whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruits is fundamental to a healthy diet. Refined foods frequently do not carry the essential nutrients needed by the human body for optimum health. They leave the cells still hungry for nutrients, thus promoting overeating and excessive weight gain. The increased body fat in turn produces higher blood levels of estrogen, and more PMS.

Attaining Medical Self Sufficiency

Duncan Long
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What evidence there is for protection from colorectal cancer is stronger for fiber from vegetables than from grains. Dietary fiber does reduce polyps, and since polyps can develop into cancer, this reduction in polyps is likely to translate into decreased chances of cancer. But no one will be certain until the study proposed by the American Cancer Society is actually finished. The test involves 2,000 people who have had one or more polyps in their colon or rectum, but who don't have a genetic tendency toward them.

Foods That Fight Pain: Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Neal Barnard, M.D.
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Your estrogen levels will be both lower and more stable when the main sources of fat (animal products and cooking oils) are taken off the menu and, at the same time, generous amounts of fiber-rich vegetables and grains are in your routine. You may feel the result as a reduction in menstrual cramping and are also likely to reduce your risk of breast cancer and to help protect your bones, in addition to helping against migraines. We can take a lesson from Asia. Traditional Asian diets are not based on the meats, dairy products, or greasy fried foods that are common in Western countries.
Their dietary staple is rice, along with generous amounts of vegetables. If animal products are consumed at all, they are used in small amounts, essentially as flavorings. The result is a very low-fat, high-fiber diet that keeps estrogen levels more modest throughout the cycle. And if estrogen does not climb too high, it cannot fall so dramatically. The hormone roller coaster stays on a much flatter plane. Just about every health problem related to estrogen shifts is less common in Asia: hot flashes, breast cancer, and—yes—migraines.
The pain-safe foods, such as brown rice and vegetables, are rich in fiber and are extremely low in fat, unless you have added fat in cooking, so they also happen to be among the best at reducing hormone shifts. To do this right, however, it is important not only to avoid animal products but also to keep vegetable oils to a minimum. This is a helpful step. A natural, nonprescription hormone, called natural progesterone, may also help counteract hormone shifts. It can help women with migraines, at least those who get their migraines around the time of their periods.
Emphasize pain-safe foods: brown rice; cooked vegetables, such as broccoli, collards, spinach, and chard; and cooked or dried noncitrus fruits. 2. Avoid the common trigger foods completely. If your migraines have diminished or ceased, you can reintroduce the trigger foods one at a time to assess their effect. 3. If steps one and two did not diminish your migraines, an elimination diet can help you identify whether an unusual trigger is causing your problem. 4.

Alternative Cures: The Most Effective Natural Home Remedies for 160 Health Problems

Bill Gottlieb
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Emphasize whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains, beans, nuts and seeds, fish, and low-fat dairy products. MASSAGE: The "Big Washing Face Massage" This technique can help prevent wrinkles, Loughran says. First, wash and dry your hands. Then, rub your hands together rapidly 36 times to put chi, or energy, on your palms. Move your hands over your I \y IJ ' ] face in an upward motion, covering your entire face, including your ears. Your hands should touch the skin gently, without pulling.
As a result, fruits and vegetables don't have access to these nutrients as they did years ago, and they can't provide us with the same amount of vitamins and minerals. Stress also plays a role. All kinds of stress, whether physical, emotional, or mental, drains your body of nutrients. By supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals, it's possible to provide a kind of insurance that will help prevent disease. And when you're actually sick, taking additional nutrients can help relieve symptoms and speed healing. HOW DOES IT WORK?
Sea vegetables, which deliver lots of protein and minerals. They include arame, dulse, hijiki, kombu, and nori and are available at health food stores, gourmet markets, and Asian groceries. • Whole foods, which, unlike refined and processed foods, supply the best assortment of nutrients, complex sugars, starches, and fiber, says Dr. Firshein. • Asian green tea, which contains substances that dilate the bronchial tubes. Avoid green tea if you're sensitive to molds, however.
For dinner, fish or chicken, brown rice or a grain, a green salad, vegetables, and fruit-sweetened yogurt for dessert. • In the evening, a snack of whole-grain cereal with fat-free milk or soy milk. Fill Your Life with Energy Which would you prefer, sunshine streaming in the window or a windowless wall? Soothing music or a refrigerator's whine? Delicious scents or the chemical smell of a copy machine? In each case, the pleasing choice is obvious. And when you choose a pleasurable, low-stress environment, you're also choosing energy.

Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, Revised Second Edition

Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D.
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Particularly good sources of water-soluble fiber are legumes, oat bran, nuts, seeds, psyllium-seed husks, pears, apples, and most vegetables. In order to obtain adequate levels of dietary fiber, consume a large amount of plant foods. A daily intake of 50 grams of fiber (See A Health-Promoting Diet Table 1 for a list of fiber content of food) is a healthful goal. Chromium Chromium is vital to proper blood sugar control, as it functions in the body as a key constituent of the glucose tolerance factor. Without chromium, insulins action is blocked and glucose levels are elevated.

Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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Thomas Parran, who stated on a nationwide NBC Radio broadcast on January 18, 1941, "We have learned of the virtues of milk and of green vegetables; of fish liver oils, so rich in vitamins A and D; of the vitamin C in citrus fruits. In spite of this, every survey, by whatever method and wherever conducted, shows that malnutrition of many types is widespread and serious among the American people. We eat over-refined foods, with most of the natural values processed out of them.

Healing Moves: How To Cure, Relieve, And Prevent Common Ailments With Exercise

Carol Krucoff and Mitchell Krucoff, M.D.
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Eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet that includes five servings of fruits and vegetables and six servings of grains each day. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES * The American Heart Association has numerous brochures and fact sheets about cholesterol and heart disease. Call 800-AHA-USA1 or visit the Web site: www. americanheart.org. * The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Information Line offers free material about cholesterol and heart disease to consumers and health professionals.

Attaining Medical Self Sufficiency

Duncan Long
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Among the best are broccoli, citrus fruits, cantaloupe, peppers, strawberries, raw cabbage, and green leafy vegetables. Eat Tomatoes and Hot Peppers In addition to being rich in vitamin C, tomatoes and peppers have some other compounds that are capable of boosting the ability of your body to hunt down and kill cancer cells — or which help you avoid the free radicals that appear to trigger the creation of cancer cells. Hot peppers contain capsaicin which prevents carcinogens from binding to DNA. By stopping this binding action, the carcinogens are no longer able to damage the DNA.
There's no reason to think that all the "important ingredients" in fruits and vegetables have been discovered just yet. That means that the supplement you take instead of a vitamin may be missing a key ingredient your body needs to fight cancer or other diseases. The best bet for health, then, is to eat wisely and take supplements where necessary. You should also be careful not to take too much of any given supplement. As with many medications, too often a little of a supplement will have desirable health effects while taking doses beyond a certain amount will cause detrimental effects.

Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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I knew that this was because, once home, he would resume eating fruits and vegetables with chemical spray residues from his local supermarket instead of the clean, organically grown produce he ate while at the Ranch. When I persuaded the gentleman to plant his own organic garden at home, his eye ulcers never returned. My experiences running the Ranch the organic way taught me that Mother Earth will reward us bountifully if we only treat her gently.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Heart disease
...and Pain
...and Diabetes
...and Inflammation
...and Cancers
...and Constipation
...and Lung cancer
...and Breast cancer
...and Diarrhea

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Garlic
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...and Root
...and Olive
...and Ginger
...and Pepper
...and Kelp
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...and Chlorine

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Hormones
...and Homocysteine
...and Estrogens
...and Methionine
...and Saliva
...and Cortisol
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...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Body weight
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose
...and Height
...and Heart rate

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Preservatives
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Food additives
...and Msg
...and Aspartame

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Cleanse
...and Meditation
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Acupuncture
...and Relaxation
...and Ayurvedic
...and Yoga

...and Drugs:

...and Antibiotics
...and Diuretic
...and Tablets
...and Antibiotic
...and Aspirin
...and Laxative
...and Stimulants
...and Diuretics
...and Chemotherapy
...and Steroids

...and When:

...and Winter
...and Summer
...and Spring
...and At night
...and December
...and October
...and April
...and August
...and July
...and September

...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
...and Fda
...and National cancer institute
...and Usda
...and Epa
...and Government
...and School of medicine
...and Medical center
...and Clinic
...and Food and drug administration

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Mice
...and Rats
...and Cat
...and Insects
...and Cows
...and Cattle
...and Worms

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Calming
...and Relieving
...and Antiseptic
...and Irritant
...and Relieves
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Expectorant

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C
Whole grains
Heart disease