Dr Ron Roberts See book keywords and concepts | Lean meat, poultry or fish, potato or brown rice, green vegetable, other vegetables, stewed or fresh fruit.
Fish, cheese or egg; salad,- fresh fruit.
Raw fruit, dried fruit, nuts, celery, carrot sticks, cheese. have your medication around, two strong cups of coffee or hot cocoa, or a couple of chocolate bars, would be an effective substitute medication that would buy time until you could get to your medicine or inhaler.'
Vitamins and Minerals in the Diet
Maintains healthy skin in the linings of the lungs and intestines. Increases resistance to infection. | Green leafy vegetables (spinach, broccoli, cabbage), eggs, liver.
As an asthmatic you need to ensure your diet contains plenty of vitamins and minerals, to build up your body's immune system. Here is a chart to give you some more information about the types of food you will find the vitamins in.
Following is a selection of those vitamins, minerals and other trace substances which should be part of your regular diet. | J. Douglas Bremner See book keywords and concepts | Canned vegetables should be avoided, but if you have to eat them, rinse them off. Look for low-sodium versions of chicken stock and broth, prepared soups, crackers, and other foods.
If these measures don't lower your blood pressure, it may be stress that is driving your blood pressure up. A change in your circumstances might help, but that could be unrealistic. Extraordinary circumstances require extraordinary means. We may need to go beyond our usual repertoire to find techniques to cope with these increased stressors, including muscle relaxation, deep breathing, and yoga. | If you buy canned beans and vegetables, low sodium or not, you should rinse them well, as this removes about 40% of the sodium.
Pharmaceutical Solutions
Americans spend $ 15 billion a year on medications to control high blood pressure. In my opinion much of this money is wasted because many of the medications prescribed cost ten times more than other, older medications that work as well or better.1 But most important, high blood pressure can be solved for freeby changing your diet, including reducing the amount of salt you eat, and by exercising. | Mehmet C. Oz., M.D. and Michael F. Roizen, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Good sources include tomatoes, pink grapefruit, watermelon, leafy green vegetables, red apples, onions, cranberries, and blueberries.
ž Resveratrol, found in red wine, although the high doses that have been researched might require too much alcohol (like 180 bottles a day), so also consider a high-dose purified product as a supplement.
ž A variety of flavonoids found in dark chocolate made with at least 70 percent pure cocoa (just don't overdo it, because chocolate is high in calories).
ž Turmeric and curcumin, spices found in Indian and curried foods. | Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts | Along these lines, the National Cholesterol Education Program (NCEP) recommends that most carbohydrate intake be in the form of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, and fat-free and low-fat dairy products. Carbs should be limited to 60 percent of total calories, even lower (about 50 percent of calories) for people with metabolic syndrome who have elevated triglycerides or low HDL cholesterol.
4. Type of fat: Replacing saturated fat with monounsaturated fat can help reduce levels of LDL and may increase HDL cholesterol.
5. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Sure, not everybody should be eating massive amounts of lettuce or kale, but if you look at what's out there, all these different categories -- fruits and different vegetables, nuts and seeds, seaweed, wheat grass, superfoods, sprouts, and kimchis and sauerkrauts -- it's just unbelievable the choices we have before us.
Mike: You're making me hungry just thinking about it. What about the book? Where can people find the book?
Wolfe: Well, it's now available. RawFood.com has been our website we've had up as an online health food store for about 11 years, so we put it up there first. | Tom Bohager See book keywords and concepts | Especially helpful with digestion of raw vegetables and beans
Galactosidase units (GALU)
Carbohydrase žBreaks down carbohydrates, such as starch and glycogen
?Regulates histamine when taken on an empty stomach
?Reduces food cravings
?Increases blood sugar
?Available from different sources and can be blended to increase potency
Dextrinizing units (DU) and Sanstedt Kneen Blish Units (SKB)
Unit of Measurement
Carbohydrase žBreaks down carbohydrates, especially glucan, a carbohydrate found in barley, oats, and wheat
? | Add additional servings of ripe fruit, vegetables, soybeans, bean sprouts, water, raw milk, onions, figs, carrots, beets, miso, and mineral supplements.
It also helps to reduce anxiety when possible and include moderate exercise in your daily regimen. Strenuous exercise can actually contribute to an acidic environment in the body because of the increased production of lactic acid. Though I am not suggesting that strenuous exercise is bad, if one is having difficulty achieving an acid-alkaline balance, it should be a consideration. | He found that raw ripe fruits, vegetables, and juices had the most healthful effects. Dr. Gerson believed that 80 percent of all disease could be eradicated by eliminating canned, frozen, and processed foods from the diet, foods completely devoid of enzymes. The Gerson Therapy uses intensive detoxification to eliminate wastes, regenerate the liver, reactivate the immune system, and restore the body's essential defenses, including the enzyme, mineral, and hormone systems.
Dr. | Basic carbohydrases, often called amylases, help to break down complex carbohydrates such as those in fruits, vegetables, and legumes into simple sugars. Therapeutically, these amylases have been shown to regulate histamine, which is produced by cells in the body when a perceived invader is recognized. Histamine is responsible for the common allergy symptoms many people experience when the pollen count in the air is high. Though it is difficult to say exactly how amylase is involved in this process, it is believed to simply break histamine down. | High Amylase Formula when food cravings arise
Purpose: To overcome symptoms of allergies and for the proper digestion of carbohydrates, especially grains, raw vegetables, and legumes Each serving should contain approximately:
Amylase blend
22,000 DU
Cellulase blend
400 CU
30 AGU
300 LacU
1,000 GALU
300 DP
Protease blend
15,000 HUT
20 endo-PG
Lipase blend
Arthritis is characterized by inflammation, pain, swelling, stiffness, and redness of the joints. | CFU
50 AGU
High Amylase Formula may be added for allergy assistance
Purpose:To overcome symptoms of allergies and for the proper digestion of carbohydrates, especially grains, raw vegetables, and legumes
Amylase blend
22,000 DU
Cellulase blend
400 CU
30 AGU
300 LacU
1,000 GALU
300 DP
Protease blend
15,000 HUT
20 endo-PG
Lipase blend
See ACNE, AGE SPOTS, DANDRUFF, DERMATITIS, HERPES VIRUS, HERPES ZOSTER, PSORIASIS, RINGWORM, Or SKIN ULCERS. | Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts | For example, enjoy grilled fish served with vegetables, or vegetarian pasta drizzled with olive oil and a little Parmesan.
Go for whole grains and flour whenever possible. According to researcher Ancel Keys, MD, PhD, less-processed whole grain foods provide a more sustained level of energy over a longer period, making them more healthful.
Reach for extra-virgin olive oil instead of another vegetable oil, especially when olive oil will enhance or complement other flavors in a dish. | David R. Montgomery See book keywords and concepts | Land enclosures increased crop yields and created tremendous wealth for large landowners, but the peasants thus fenced outwhose parents ate meat, cheese, and vegetables raised by their own effortswere reduced to a diet of bread and potatoes.
Soil husbandry began to be seen as the key to productive, profitable farming. Gervase Markham, one of the first agricultural writers to write in English instead of Latin, described soils as various mixtures of clay, sand, and gravel. What made good soil depended on the local climate, the character and condition of the soil, and the local plants (crops). | Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts | You'll find soluble fiber in beans, oats and oat bran, barley, psyllium products, some fruits (apples, mangoes, plums, kiwifruit, pears, berries, citrus, and peaches), and some vegetables (artichokes, celery root, sweet potatoes, parsnips, turnips, acorn squash, potatoes with skin, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, green peas, broccoli, carrots, green beans, cauliflower, asparagus, and beets).
Homocysteine is an amino acid in the blood that at high levels may be related to a higher risk of coronary heart disease and stroke. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | That changed today when I purchased and ate an Amy's Kitchen "Vegetable Pie in a Pocket Sandwich," a product that claims, "NO Bioengineered Ingredients" on its label and says it is, "Made with organic vegetables & grains."
As it turns out, Amy's Vegetable Pie pocket sandwich is also made with yeast extract. Yep, you heard me correctly. Yeast extract. It's right on the label, right after "spices" and right before "turmeric." And as I write this, I have a screaming headache that was caused by it, and which will last probably for another six hours. | Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts | And it's tough to beat the convenience of having several bags of vegetables sitting in the freezer, not a worry in the world about having to use them up before they turn brown.
Nutritionally speaking, frozen veggies are similar to and sometimes better than fresh. They're usually picked at the peak of the season and flash-frozen (which suspends the "aging" and nutrient losses) immediately after harvest. I ran a nutritional comparison on the vitamins in a cup of fresh and frozen broccoli florets (uncooked), and the frozen broccoli contained a bit more of vitamins A, B2, and C, and folic acid. | My Personal Picks
Let's face it-certain vegetables manage the stress of being frozen and then heated and eaten better than others. Take peas. I'm not a "pea" person (my mom forced me to eat them, and I think I will be forever influenced by this dinner trauma), but even I have them around to toss in soups, fried rice, and casseroles. And what would I do without frozen chopped spinach for some of my all-time favorite dishes, like spinach garlic dip and spinach lasagna?
Of the 20 most frequently eaten raw veggies, half are available frozen, so you do have lots of options year-round! | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | It really only takes three minerals to grow tomatoes or other vegetables. Of course, those vegetables will be nutritionally deficient, which means they won't be as healthy as they could be. They won't be as resistant to disease and pests, and they won't taste nearly as good either. So if you are eating tomatoes or produce grown in nutritionally depleted soils, then you are consuming inferior produce, and that's what's available in stores today.
Here's a common question about minerals and produce: How do tomatoes or other plants know which minerals to absorb? | Ann N. Martin See book keywords and concepts | Cats require more protein than dogs; therefore, their diet should be composed of rwo-thirds meat, and one-third grains and vegetables or fruit. Chicken and turkey seem to be the favorites with my cats, although every so often I open a can of salmon and they go wild. Fish of any kind is low in vitamin E, and vitamin E is required in high amounts by cats. Perhaps once a week you can give your cat some fish, which provides polyunsaturated fats that your cat cannot obtain from meat. Be careful in feeding tuna to your feline. | Dog cookies made with whole grains and vegetables and without additives and preservatives are available at most pet shops. I have included some recipes for these tasty delights in Chapter Ten. You can purchase roles of cut and bake cookies for dogs that contain only human-grade ingredients. You could even give them fresh carrots, fresh green beans, or chunks of apple to munch on, depending on your dog's preferences.
Monosodium Glutamate (MSG)
Many humans have allergies to the food enhancer, MSG, but did we ever consider our pers could also have a reacrion to MSG? | Meat, vegetables, grains, fruit."1
In the mid-1970s pet food began to imitate human food in appearance: Pet food burgers that resemble real hamburger, meatballs in gravy (a concoction described as stew), and the latest, pasta. These humanized foods are designed to appeal to owners more than the pet with the help of additives such as dyes, flavor enhancers, humectants, texturizers, and emulsifiers. Synthetic preservatives approved for use in commercial pet food include butylated hydroxyanisole (BHA) and butylated hydroxytoluene (BHT), propyl gallate, propylene glycol, and ethoxyquin. | Spratt decided that he could concoct a better biscuit for dogs from wheat, vegetables, beet root, and meat. Spratt ended up becoming a long-term resident of England, and sold his Dog Cakes in the United Kingdom until 1890 when a public company bought his formula and began operations in the United States. Spratt continued producing the Dog Cakes in the United Kingdom and his London factory was one of the largest dog food production operations in the world.
Other U.S. firms entered the pet food market in the 1920s using various formulas for dry biscuits and kibble. | Mix in brown rice, vegetables, and yogurt. Serve at room temperature.
Get Well Feast
1 cup of leftover beef (cooked) lA cup alfalfa or parsley Vi cup cooked cream of wheat lA cup creamed cottage cheese
Blend and process ingredients into a thin consistency. Serve warm.
Allergy Diet
2 cups ground lamb v2 cup grated carrots or zucchini
1 cup cooked brown rice lA cup cottage cheese lA tsp. garlic powder
Combine all ingredients and either mix in blender or serve as is at room temperature. | Leftover meat or vegetables from your own meals are a good choice but avoid giving them junk food or highly seasoned foods. Carrots, celery sticks and apple slices are wholesome, easy tteats to have on hand. Whole grain crackers are a favorite of my guysboth the dog and the cats. If you can combine some fresh snacks and family leftovers, along with a pet food that uses human grade ingredients, your animal companion should be eating well! | Elaine Magee See book keywords and concepts | In general, the group of allium vegetables appears to help block cancer-promoting enzymes, promote DNA repair, and regulate the cell life cycle. We definitely need more questions answered, but some researchers suspect that garlic may suppress the formation of carcinogens beyond its antioxidant contribution, possibly by inhibiting tumor cell growth, influencing hormones, or controlling blood vessel formation. As for onions, they boast impressive amounts of lignans, phytochemicals that are thought to be cancer-fighting compounds. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Plus, you can make it as delicious as you want (using only natural produce, please, no added sugars) just by juicing delicious vegetables and fruits together. It is simply the most flexible, yet effective system of nutritional self treatment I've seen yet. (Naturally, the more juice you drink, the faster your results will be...)
Of course, the idea of drinking lots of fresh juice is not exactly new either. The Max Gerson Institute (www.Gerson.org) has been promoting juicing for decades. I strongly support the Gerson Institute, by the way. Those folks know what they're doing. | David R. Montgomery See book keywords and concepts | With almost all of the available land in cultivation, Europeans increasingly survived on vegetables, gruel, and bread. Without surplus grain to feed animals through the winter, and later without access to the commons to graze cattle, eating meat became an uppet-class privilege. An anonymous pamphlet published in London in 1688 attributed massive unemployment to Europe's being "too full of people" and advised wholesale emigration to America. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Fish oil ...and Lactobacillus ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Glucosamine
Related Concepts:
Foods Diet Fruits Eat Food Water Cancer Body People Fiber Fresh Raw Grains Fruits and vegetables Eating Fruit Beans Vitamin Protein Green Oil Acid Fish Vegetable Seeds Blood Avoid Nutrients Meat Whole Broccoli Products Garlic Juice Minutes Sugar Calcium Risk Levels Carrots Vitamin C Cabbage Time Health Nuts Sources Intake Cooking Salt Disease Calories Heat Potatoes Whole grains Legumes Greens Red Vitamins Healthy Spinach Sweet Study Iron Drink Prevent Tomatoes Increase Fats Women Natural Studies Skin Minerals Beta-carotene Heart Helps Liver Cook Produce Carbohydrates Sprouts Little Chicken Oils Plant Salad Leafy Meals Supplements Magnesium Cells Weight Sea Effects Diets Onions Dietary Herbs Source Heart disease