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Handbook of Medicinal Plants

Amarjit S. Basra
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The book in seven volumes is also called Shennong Bencao Jing Zhu (Commentary on Shennong herbs). Tang Dynasty (A.D. 618-907) Emperor Gao-Zong of the Tang dynasty was concerned with having a complete pharmacopoeia and appointed the minister of works, Li Ji, to revise Tao's Commentary on Shennong's Herbal Classics. The complete work consisted of seven volumes and is known as Ying-Gong Tang Bencao (Duke Ying's Tang pharmacopoeia). A decade later, Su Gong pointed out the need for a revision of this pharmacopoeia.

Food Fight

Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen
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One-third of schools do not offer students a daily choice of two or more types of fruit or fruit juice, two or more entrees or main courses, or two or more vegetables. þNearly all high schools, most middle/junior high schools, and 25 percent of elementary schools have food and beverage machines. þMore than 40 percent of elementary schools allow students to buy food and beverages through vending machines, school stores, snack bars, or canteens, even though "young children may lack the maturity to make healthy and safe food choices.

The Rhodiola Revolution: Transform Your Health with the Herbal Breakthrough of the 21st Century

Richard P. Brown, M.D., and Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D.
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My diet includes at least three servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables a day. 6._I rarely eat sweets or fatty foods. 7._I eat fish on a regular basis or take supplements of omega-3 fatty acids. 8._I take a good-quality multivitamin every day. 9._I take antioxidants and a B-complex supplement every day. 10._I usually drink at least 6 glasses of water every day. 11._I engage in moderate- to high-intensity exercise at least three days a week or walk for 30 minutes at least five days a week. 12._I practice meditation, yoga, yoga breathing, tai chi, or another form of relaxation.

The New Detox Diet: The Complete Guide for Lifelong Vitality With Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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During this phase you can also start eating a variety of steamed vegetables, especially steamed greens, plus some light salads with olive oil and lemon or balsamic vinegar. Again, remember to chew well. Start by adding small amounts of protein (protein powder) to the smoothies; this gets your digestive tract prepared for heavier foods. Do this for at least two days, and then you can begin to eat cooked whole grains, fish, beans, seeds, and oils again. Sprouted beans and seeds are also great. Many people who follow a detox diet will find that allergic symptoms disappear during their program.
Whole grains, cooked squashes, and other vegetables (a lighter detox). • Mixture of the above plans, with garlic as a prime detoxifier. • Basic low-toxicity diet, with additional herbal program. • Colon detox with fiber (psyllium, pectin, etc.) along with enemas or colonics. • Prepare and plan a new autumn diet, enhancing positive dietary habits. ~ MlD-AuTUMN ~ Take a 3-day cleanse with juices or in-season produce in late October to early November.
One week of brown rice, cooked vegetables, miso broth, and seaweed. Ginger and cayenne pepper can be used in soups. • Saunas or steams and massage—you deserve it! • Hang on until spring! WHERE Can We Detoxify? During basic, simple detoxification programs, most of us can maintain our normal daily routine. In fact, energy, performance, and health often improve. For some, the detox process may produce headaches, fatigue, irritability, mucous congestions, or aches and pains for the first few days. Any of the symptoms of toxicity may appear, however, usually they don't.

The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health

Walter Last
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The major antioxidants include the vitamins A, C, and E, the minerals selenium and zinc as components of antioxidant enzyme systems, the plant pigments beta-carotene, bioflavonoids, and anthocyanins, as well as phenols and catechols in grape seed extract, green tea, and generally in colored fruit and vegetables. Other powerful antioxidants are alpha-lipoic acid and negative hydrogen as in Microhydrin or electrolytic reduced water (ERW) produced with water ionizers. Whether you take antioxidants as supplements or as part of a high-quality diet, make sure you get plenty.

The New Optimum Nutrition Bible

Patrick Holford
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Fruit goes from 16 percent for lemons down to 1 percent for apples. vegetables vary from 49 percent for spinach to 11 percent for potatoes. What this means is that if you are eating enough calories you are almost certainly getting enough protein, unless you are living off high-sugar, high-fat junk food. This may come as a surprise, contradicting all we are taught about protein. Yet the fact of the matter is, to quote a team of Harvard scientists investigating vegetarian diets, "It is difficult to obtain a mixed vegetable diet that will produce an appreciable loss of body protein.
Improving zinc nutrition, rather than overcooking vegetables and adding lots of strongly flavored sauces, can improve your health considerably, including relieving constipation. The lack of stomach acid and enzymes also leads to poor absorption of nutrients from food into the body. If you have digestive problems or are sixty-plus, to assist nutrient absorption it is worth trying a digestive enzyme supplement containing a small amount of betaine hydrochloride (stomach acid). Betaine is another name for trimethylglycine (TMG), which lowers homocysteine (see chapter 16).

The New Detox Diet: The Complete Guide for Lifelong Vitality With Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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Haas encouraged me to come back into my diet slowly, which I was happy to do since I felt so good drinking juices and now eating lightly, mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. As I progressed into other foods, I saw that wheat, dairy, and sugar and corn syrup made my knees ache. It was very cool to connect this and gain power over this chronic pain. I say that because more than a year later, my knees and my body still feel much better. I would never have thought that these simple food reactions could be contributing to this chronic problem. Thank you, Dr.

Food, Inc. Mendel to Monsanto - The Promises and Perils of the Biotech Harvest

Peter Pringle
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Studies had demonstrated that radio spots and other educational programs, supported by the media, did result in the increased cultivation of the right vegetables. Even if golden rice were to overcome the technical, safety, and environmental issues, who would eat yellow rice? critics wondered. Even the poorest people who live on rice prefer the white grains as a status symbol, often with religious significance. People could be as fussy about white rice as Europeans used to be about white bread, or American Southerners before the Civil War were about eating white corn.

Fluoride the Aging Factor: How to Recognize and Avoid the Devastating Effects of Fluoride

Dr. John Yiamouyiannis
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Food grown in these polluted areas, especially fruits, vegetables, and grains, become contaminated with fluoride. This leads to higher fluoride intakes. Similarly, fruits, vegetables, and grains grown with low-grade fluoride-contaminated phosphate fertilizers will pick up a higher fluoride content. Modern food distribution, because it brings foods in from a wide range of different geographical areas, prevents this from being as serious as it is for people who get most of their food either from these polluted areas or from areas using low-grade phosphate fertilizers.

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma

Jack Challem
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Australian researchers have reported that people eating diets with large amounts of olive oil, fish, and vegetables experienced less facial wrinkling compared with people who ate more red meat, processed deli meats, soft drinks, and pastries. Lastly, it is paramount not to smoke tobacco products and not to be in the sun long enough to get sunburned. Smokers develop a particular type of facial wrinkling, which is related to their premature aging in general.

Food, Inc. Mendel to Monsanto - The Promises and Perils of the Biotech Harvest

Peter Pringle
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A 1983 survey of American publicly available fruits and vegetables showed that 97 percent of the varieties being sold by commercial U.S. seed houses had disappeared since the beginning of the century. In that period, the varieties of cabbage in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's seed storage bank dropped from 544 to 28, carrots from 287 to 21, cauliflower from 158 to 9, tomatoes from 408 to 79, cucumbers from 285 to 16, and Mendel's garden peas from 408 to 25. Of the 7,089 varieties of apple in use during the same period, 6,211 had been lost, and of 2,683 pears, 2,354 no longer existed.

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma

Jack Challem
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That is more easily accomplished with fish and vegetables than with pasta or pizza. What Else Might Help? A number of supplements might enhance weight reduction, but they are by themselves unlikely to burn off pounds of fat. Such supplements as alpha-lipoic acid, coenzyme Q10, and carnitine play key roles in the cellular breakdown of glucose and fat. Supplements containing ephedra, a stimulant, may help as well—but they carry risks that include higher levels of anxiety and nervousness and increased blood pressure, and I do not recommend them. Skin Disorders What Are Skin Disorders?
Persuasive research by Harvard Medical School scientists has shown that diets rich in refined carbohydrates and carbohydrate-dense vegetables and grains increase CRP levels and inflammation. In the study, potatoes, breakfast cereals, white bread, muffins, and white rice were most strongly associated with elevated CRP levels. As with diabetes, it is essential that a person exercise the responsibility to choose healthier foods, such as those recommended in the Anti-Inflammation Syndrome Diet Plan.

Food, Inc. Mendel to Monsanto - The Promises and Perils of the Biotech Harvest

Peter Pringle
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Experts in this virus reckon they can spot with the naked eye evidence of its presence in the mottled pattern of different shades of green that it causes on the leaves of these vegetables, or in the slight discoloration on the cauliflower's curdle of white florets. The virus is harmless, as far as we know. No illness has been reported from its steady consumption since the cabbage family was first cultivated by ancient Egyptians and then brought to Europe and eventually to the New World.

Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet

Jeremy P. Tarcher
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And urban gardens— with vegetable production doubling or tripling each year since 1994—supply 60 percent of all vegetables consumed in the country.16 In the previous chapter, we mentioned the release of the first global survey of the sustainable farming initiatives. Yet while the media bursts this year with stories about the battle over GMOs, not to mention foot-and-mouth disease, we've seen not a single news item reporting the survey's striking findings—findings that suggest the promise of sustainable practices.

Food, Inc. Mendel to Monsanto - The Promises and Perils of the Biotech Harvest

Peter Pringle
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From the mountains, forests, and open fields of these distant lands, he sent back to his Leningrad plant institute rare varieties of staple foods—rice, wheat, corn, barley, oats, and potatoes—as well as lesser-known lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, a host of vegetables, nuts, fruits, and spices. Sometimes he selected what he wanted from cultivated crops or open markets. At other times, as he wrote in a 1920s memoir of his expedition to Ethiopia (then Abyssinia), Vavilov had more adventurous forays.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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If you begin to drink water according to my protocol, you might also benefit from taking a one-a-day vitamin tablet daily, particularly if you do not exercise or eat hearty portions of vegetables and fruits. Meat and fish proteins are good sources of selenium and zinc. If you are under stress, and until it is over, you might consider adding some vitamin Bg and zinc to your diet in addition to what is available in the vitamin tablets. If you suffer from cold sores (herpes simplex virus on the lips and even in the eyes) or genital herpes, make sure you add zinc and vitamin B^ to your diet.

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders

David Brownstein
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They are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, pasta, bread, cookies, alcohol, etc. Proteins are the building blocks of the body and they form the muscles and the organs. An adequate intake of protein is also necessary to produce hormones. Sources of protein include animal products (the most complete form of protein), vegetables such as beans and legumes, and seeds and nuts. Fat contains more energy than either protein or carbohydrates, and it is essential for forming cell membranes and for hormone production.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Potassium supplementation in the form of oral potassium tablets is generally not needed if you are on a good anti-aging diet that includes several servings of fmits and vegetables per day (The estimated safe and adequate daily dietary intake of potassium, as set by the Committee on Recommended Daily Allowances, is 1.9 grams to 5.6 grams per day.) Most individuals can tolerate excesses of potassium, but individuals taking digitalis, potassium-sparing diuretics, and ACE inhibitors, or individuals with diagnosed kidney disease, should never supplement unless physician prescribed.
Good sources of niacin are lean meats, whole grains, brewer's yeast, peanuts, eggs, poultry, fish, and green, leafy vegetables. Milk; some cheeses, for example, cheddar cheese; bananas; and turkey are good sources of tryptophan (a precursor to niacin) (Braly 1985). Vitamin B3 enhancers (in regard to absorption) are the B-complex (especially vitamins B1, B2, and Bg), vitamin C, magnesium, zinc, protein, and essential fatty acids. Antagonists to niacin absorption are alcohol, coffee, excess sugar, antibiotics, and steroids.
It is estimated that 60-90% of the average American diet is composed of carbohydrates, ranging from simple sugars and fast foods to grains and starchy vegetables, such as potatoes, corn, and beans. The least complex of all carbohydrates are the simple sugars (monosaccharides), which require virtually no digestion to metabolize. This means that after consumption they swiftly flood the bloodstream. If these food factors are eaten, it must be with extreme caution to avoid crowding the bloodstream with unnecessary burdens of glucose and insulin (Whiting 1989).

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work

Tanya Harter Pierce
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It requires the juicing of fresh, organic vegetables and fruits about 13 times every day, along with performing multiple coffee enemas every day, along with carrying out other specific daily requirements. Even some strong, young adults have found it necessary, when doing the Gerson therapy, to actually hire outside help in order to carry out the juicing required. And the daily coffee enemas may just not be "do-able" for young children, some older people, and even some middle-aged adults who may not have the energy or mobility to carry out the protocol.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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Legumes such as lentils, mung beans, broad beans, and soy beans are 24 percent high-quality proteins. vegetables also contain good-quality protein (spinach is about 13 percent protein), as do fresh turkey, chicken, veal, beef, pork, and fish. I use the word fresh because animal meat contains different enzymes that quickly destroy some of the essential amino acids within its proteins. Prolonged exposure to oxygen also destroys some of the essential amino acids in meat proteins. It makes the good fats in meat rancid and useless to the body.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Reader's guide to vitamin C food sources, enhancers, and antagonists. vegetables and fresh, uncooked fruits (especially citrus) are vitamin C-rich sources. Raw foods represent excellent choices, having escaped the rigors of processing and preparation. All vitamins and minerals work synergistically to enhance vitamin C absorption, particularly the bioflavonoids. Alcohol, coffee, sulfa drugs, antibiotics, analgesics, antidepressants, anticoagulants, oral contraceptives, and steroids can drain vitamin C from the body. Smoking seriously depletes vitamin C levels.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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In this chapter, I will give a brief overview of the other essentials—proteins, fats, fruits, vegetables, sunlight, and exercise—needed for optimal health and healing. PROTEINS Many experts are of the opinion that the body needs a minimum of between 1.1 and 1.4 grams of good-quality protein for every kilogram—2.2 pounds—of body weight per day. A 200-pound (90 kg) person thus needs about 4.5 ounces—120 grams—of protein a day to maintain muscle mass.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Keep fat consumption within healthful limits. Most vegetables, fruits, and whole grains are low in fat. It is only when you eat large amounts of processed and other high-fat foods that you overload your body with fat. Excessive consumption of fat has been associated with heart disease, cancer, and many other deadly and disabling diseases. Fatty foods certainly can be tasty, but you will be surprised how quickly you will lose your fat cravings once you eliminate eating fatty foods. Fatty Acids as Pain Fighters Interestingly, there are some types of fat that help to reduce pain.

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work

Tanya Harter Pierce
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And it is found in so many food sources that all we have to do is eat a varied healthy diet consisting primarily of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, and seeds to get plenty of it. G. Edward Griffin points out that the groups of people around the world who regularly ingest high amounts of B17 from their diets are the same groups that show extremely low incidences of cancer. One of these groups of people are the "Hunzakuts," or "Hunza," people of the Himalayas. The Hunza people have become very famous over the years because they are some of the longest-lived people in the world.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Foods and Beverages:

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...and Grains
...and Fruits and vegetables
...and Fruit
...and Beans
...and Fish
...and Vegetable
...and Meat
...and Broccoli
...and Juice

...and Adjectives:

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...and Red
...and Healthy
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...and Sea

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...and Cooking
...and Drink
...and Cook
...and Taking
...and Adding
...and Growth
...and Making

...and Macronutrients:

...and Fiber
...and Protein
...and Seeds
...and Salt
...and Calories
...and Fats
...and Minerals
...and Carbohydrates
...and Oils
...and Enzymes

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...and Food
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...and Bacteria
...and Acids
...and Light
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...and Lead
...and Powder

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...and Flavor

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...and University
...and Seed

...and Nutrients:

...and Vitamin
...and Calcium
...and Vitamin C
...and Iron
...and Beta-carotene
...and Magnesium
...and Antioxidant
...and Antioxidants
...and Potassium
...and Vitamin A

...and Anatomy:

...and Body
...and Blood
...and Skin
...and Heart
...and Liver
...and Cells
...and Colon
...and Breast
...and Stomach
...and Immune system

...and Physiology:

...and Levels
...and Intake
...and Prevent
...and Increase
...and Helps
...and Effects
...and Effect
...and Balance
...and Blood sugar
...and Function

...and Health Conditions and Diseases:

...and Cancer
...and Heart disease
...and Pain
...and Diabetes
...and Inflammation
...and Cancers
...and Constipation
...and Lung cancer
...and Breast cancer
...and Diarrhea

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Garlic
...and Leaves
...and Root
...and Olive
...and Ginger
...and Pepper
...and Kelp
...and Spices
...and Roots
...and Leaf

...and Who:

...and Women
...and Family
...and Men
...and Children
...and Patients
...and Americans
...and Animals
...and Human
...and Vegetarians
...and Doctors

...and Chemicals:

...and Pesticides
...and Free radicals
...and Caffeine
...and Carcinogens
...and Pesticide
...and Additives
...and Fluoride
...and Aluminum
...and Mercury
...and Chlorine

...and Medical Terms:

...and Properties
...and Results
...and Dose
...and Doses
...and Dosage
...and Drops
...and Syndrome
...and Gene
...and Serum
...and Inhibitors

...and Biological Functions:

...and Digestion
...and Metabolism
...and Period
...and Weight loss
...and Attention
...and Breath
...and Concentration
...and Strength
...and Vision
...and Memory

...and Medical Adjectives:

...and Digestive
...and Intestinal
...and Acute
...and Living
...and Soluble
...and Mental
...and Oral
...and Internal
...and Therapeutic
...and Scientific

...and Where:

...and Chinese
...and United states
...and Japan
...and America
...and Asian
...and Europe
...and Bay
...and California
...and Harvard
...and China

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Estrogen
...and Insulin
...and Hormones
...and Homocysteine
...and Estrogens
...and Methionine
...and Saliva
...and Cortisol
...and Histamine
...and Neurotransmitter

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Body weight
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose
...and Height
...and Heart rate

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Preservatives
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Food additives
...and Msg
...and Aspartame

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Cleanse
...and Meditation
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Acupuncture
...and Relaxation
...and Ayurvedic
...and Yoga

...and Drugs:

...and Antibiotics
...and Diuretic
...and Tablets
...and Antibiotic
...and Aspirin
...and Laxative
...and Stimulants
...and Diuretics
...and Chemotherapy
...and Steroids

...and When:

...and Winter
...and Summer
...and Spring
...and At night
...and December
...and October
...and April
...and August
...and July
...and September

...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
...and Fda
...and National cancer institute
...and Usda
...and Epa
...and Government
...and School of medicine
...and Medical center
...and Clinic
...and Food and drug administration

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Mice
...and Rats
...and Cat
...and Insects
...and Cows
...and Cattle
...and Worms

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Calming
...and Relieving
...and Antiseptic
...and Irritant
...and Relieves
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Expectorant

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C
Whole grains
Heart disease