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Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease

Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey
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Although more than 40 phytosterols have been identified, (3-sitosterol, campesterol, and stigmasterol are the most abundant and are the most effective at reducing cholesterol levels. Stanols are saturated molecules produced by the hydrogenation of sterols but are less abundant in nature [228]. The mechanisms by which plant sterols and stanols lower cholesterol levels involve the displacement of cholesterol from micelles, thus reducing intestinal cholesterol absorption and increasing fecal cholesterol excretion [229, 230].

Health and Nutrition Secrets

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
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Teas, cheese, acidic vegetables, and soft drinks in aluminum cans can all be high in aluminum: avoid eating fruit or drinking fruit juice in combination with any of these. Cooking acidic produce in aluminum pans should also be avoided. Then there are the keg parties of college lore. Kegs are usually constructed of aluminum, and beer, which is naturally high in aluminum anyway, is also acidic—which can dissolve the lining of the keg and add even more aluminum to the mixture.
Glutamate is normally found in many foods, including vegetables and meats. To prevent this glutamate from entering the brain and setting off destructive excitotoxicity, God created a special boundary called the blood-brain barrier that prevents most harmful substances in the blood from entering the interior of the brain. It can be thought of as a gatekeeper. Under normal circumstances this gatekeeper is very efficient. Unfortunately, persistent manipulation of the foods we consume has endangered the balance necessary for this protective system to operate correctly.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Recommendations Q Eat a diet consisting mainly of fresh vegetables and fruits, plus brown rice, raw seeds and nuts, turkey, white fish, and whole grains. Q Avoid highly processed, fried, and junk foods, as well as chicken. Approximately one-third of all chickens sold in this country contain pathogenic bacteria such as salmonella. Turkey is acceptable; such bacteria are not found in turkey. Q Drink only steam-distilled water, sugar-free juices, and herbal teas. Q Take acidophilus to replenish the "friendly" bacteria destroyed by antibiotics.

Exposed: The Toxic Chemistry of Everyday Products and What's at Stake for American Power

Mark Schapiro
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They are now an omnipresent, though hidden, presence in America's food. Genetically modified organisms also clearly offer a real allure to many American farmers: from resistance to pests., frost, heat, drought, and other factors that can devastate whole fields in a season, the new seeds were being bred to reduce the risks from making a livelihood off the land. Some environmentalists had even promoted genetic engineering as a means of decreasing the applications of toxic pesticides and relying on genetically engineered pest resistance instead.

Health and Nutrition Secrets

Russell L. Blaylock, M.D.
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I know people who buy vegetable wash and religiously scrub all their fruits and vegetables to remove pesticides, and then just as religiously have a pesticide service treat their home inside and out every month. Because they don't see any lingering vapors, they assume the pesticide, and therefore their homes, are safe. Organophosphate pesticides kill bugs by inhibiting a special enzyme, also found in humans, called cholinesterase. Under normal circumstances, this naturally occurring enzyme deactivates acetylcholine to prevent overstimulation of muscles and central neural pathways.

Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Disease

Ann M. Coulston and Carol J. Boushey
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Furthermore, among overweight youth, Mellin and colleagues [241] found that high family connectedness was associated with more regular breakfast eating, increased fruit and vegetable consumption, and lower rates of unhealthy dieting behaviors. These findings indicate the importance of a positive familial environment for adolescents and, in particular, for overweight youth who may be experiencing social stigmatization and need additional support. An important question relates to how involved parents should be in their children's eating practices; that is, what is an appropriate parental role?

The New Detox Diet: The Complete Guide for Lifelong Vitality With Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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These include most high-water-content fruits and vegetables, as well as some grains and almonds. Over time, the consumption of an animal product-based diet creates an acidic state of the tissues, with chronic toxicity shown through congestions, irritation, inflammation, and degeneration. The results of this process are the many painful and terminal diseases people experience as they age.
Increased consumption of filtered water, herb teas, fruits, and vegetables while reducing fats (especially fried foods, red meat, and milk products) will also help detoxification. A vegetarian diet may also be a healthful step for those with some congestive problems. Meats, milk products, breads, and baked goods (especially refined sugar and carbohydrate products) increase body acidity and lead to more mucus production as the body attempts to balance its chemistry. The more alkaline vegetarian foods enhance cleansing.

The New Optimum Nutrition Bible

Patrick Holford
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Risk factors such as smoking and radiation encourage free radical activity, while a good intake of antioxidant nutrients from fruit, vegetables, and also antioxidant supplements provides a measure of protection. • Overexposure to hormone-disrupting chemicals in food and water. Eating a diet low in hormone-disrupting chemicals and high in phytestrogens is another important protection factor, especially for hormonal cancers such as breast and prostate. • Poor methylation, resulting in high homocysteine and increased damage to DNA. The solution to this is more B vitamins.

Perfect Health the Natural Way

Mary-Ann Shearer
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Remove all refined sugar and carbohydrates 4. Am I Doing Something to Renew My Mind? For example, read some motivational material on a regular basis. Any bookshop will be able to help you find some stimulating reading matter. I find the Bible the most inspiring. Other books I have enjoyed are The Purpose-Driven Life (Rick Warren), Man's Search for Meaning (Victor Frankl), How to Stop Worrying and Start Living (Dale Carnegie), Failing Forward (John Maxwell), and Wild at Heart (John Eldridge). 5. Am I Developing Interests That Do Not Focus on Me or My Weight?

The New Optimum Nutrition Bible

Patrick Holford
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Make sure half of what's on your plate for each main meal is vegetables. HAVE A CLOVE OF GARLIC A DAY Either eat a cLove of garlic a day or take a garlic supplement every day. You can take garlic oil capsules or powdered garlic supplements. DON'T ADD SALT TO YOUR FOOD Don't add salt while you're cooking or to the food on your plate. The only salt I consider healthy is Solo salt, which has half the sodium of ordinary salt and lots of potassium and magnesium. Use this in moderation instead.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Choke 2: 2 tablespoons low-sodium tomato sauce on 1 cup wholewheat pasta with 2-3 meatballs (do not add cheese to this meal), fresh berries Choke 3: 4-6 oz. broiled or baked red snapper fillet with lemon or lime juice and 1-2 tablespoons pesto, sugar-free Jell-0 for dessert Choice 4: Broiled salmon steak or other fish with steamed broccoli and carrots, 1 cup Low-fat plain yogurt mixed with berries, and sprinkled with pumpkin seasoning Choice 5: Caesar salad with 1 boiled egg, spinach, celery, carrots, 2 oz. low-fat cheese such as mozzarelLa or feta, and 4 oz.

The Rhodiola Revolution: Transform Your Health with the Herbal Breakthrough of the 21st Century

Richard P. Brown, M.D., and Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D.
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Use the oil to saute vegetables or to make salad dressing. Never heat flaxseed oil, though, because it destroys the omega-3 essential fatty acids. Bad fats are saturated fats, the kind found in red meat, pork, bacon, duck and other fatty poultry, chicken fat, and lard, as well as whole milk, cheese, butter, and ice cream. Also avoid oils that are solid at room temperature, such as palm and coconut, and those that are made from lard and other animal fats. These are high in saturated fat, too.

The New Optimum Nutrition Bible

Patrick Holford
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Soybeans also do well. Most vegetables are relatively low in the amino acids methionine and lysine; however, beans and lentils are rich in methionine. Soybeans and quinoa are excellent sources of both lysine and methionine. Early theories, such as those first expounded by Frances Moore Lappe in her groundbreaking vegetarian cookbook Diet for a Small Planet, suggested that vegetable proteins had to be carefully combined with complementary proteins in order to match the quality of animal proteins. However, we have since learned that careful combining of plant-based proteins is quite unnecessary.

Prevention's Healing With Motion: An All-New Approach to Health and Healing Based on Simple Mind and Body Exercises

The Editors of PREVENTION
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Typically, gardeners plant more fruits, vegetables, and herbs than they can consume. So why not offer your surplus to co-workers, neighbors, and friends? You'll feel a sense of pride that can overshadow any burnout blues, says Dr. Relf. "One woman I know has a lot of older neighbors, and she worries that they are not getting the right foods," says Dr. Relf. "So she grows plenty of tomatoes, collard greens, and other vegetables and gives them to her neighbors. Being charitable to others brings out a feeling of personal satisfaction.

Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives

Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA
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Foods that contain boron include apples, legumes, almonds, pears, and leafy green vegetables. Foods that include manganese include ginger, buckwheat, and oats. Be sure you're getting 1 to 5 mg of boron in your daily multivitamin or osteoporosis formula. The organic matter in our bones consists mainly of collagen, the "glue" that holds together skin, ligaments, tendons, and bones. Zinc, copper, beta-carotene, and vitamin C are all important to the formation and maintenance of collagen in the body.

The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health

Walter Last
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Here's a rule of thumb: Alkalizing foods: vegetables, fruits, sprouted seeds, almonds, most lecnimes Acid-forming foods: meat, fish, eggs, cheese, most grains and nuts Neutral foods: refined starches and sugar, fats, oils In order to maintain an amply alkaline body reserve, eat approximately four times the weight of alkalizing food compared to acid-forming food, or 80 percent alkalizing to 20 acidifying food. There are food tables available to show the amount of acid or alkaline equivalents in different foods.
Best Sources: Kelp, fruits, and vegetables. Selenium (Se): The RDA is 70/55 mg, while the recommended intake is 100-200 meg daily; the therapeutic dose is up to 500 meg taken in organic form. Selenium acts as an antioxidant together with vitamin E. It is lost in cooking and very toxic when taken at 2000 meg or more. A deficiency causes viruses to become very virulent. Deficiency Symptoms: These include fatigue, cancer, liver damage, pancreatic fibrosis, muscular dystrophy, weak immune system, reproductive disorders, cataracts, hemorrhaging, hemolytic anemia, and underactive thyroid.
Supplements are most important for individuals with nutrient malabsorption and for those who still use processed and refined foods as part of their diet or who cannot regularly obtain vegetables and fruit grown organically in good soil. The more serious the disease or health deterioration, the more supplements are likely to be beneficial and the greater should be the dosages and range of supplements taken. Calcium supplements are commonly used with conventional diets and yet many people are apprehensive of obtaining sufficient calcium when abstaining from milk products.

Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives

Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA
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This means eating plenty of whole grains, fresh fruits, and fresh vegetables. AVOID INFECTION, SPEED HEALING, AND BOOST THE IMMUNE SYSTEM Infection is a major risk of surgery. The sooner you get yourself out of the hospital the lower your risk of getting an infection. You can help avoid infection and speed up the healing process by keeping your immune system strong. In addition to the vitamins you're taking as part of the Six Core Principles for Optimal Health (see Chapter Eight), you will support your body if you take the following supplements.
Fill up on vegetables and complex carbohydrates (whole grains, potatoes, rice, corn, beans), and use meat to enrich your meals. Beans are an excellent and nutritious source of protein and contain many important vitamins and minerals. Coffee, Alcohol, and Cigarette Smoking Here's yet another good reason to either give up coffee and alcohol or use them in moderation. And do you need to be told how important it is to stop smoking now? (It's never too late to reap the benefits of quitting smoking.) Each of these substances creates a negative calcium balance in the body.

Prevention's Healing With Motion: An All-New Approach to Health and Healing Based on Simple Mind and Body Exercises

The Editors of PREVENTION
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Do this, and you'll be well on your way to meeting some of the AHAs dietary goals: at least five vitamin- and mineral-rich fruits and vegetables and six or more whole-grain breads, cereals, or starchy vegetables daily. Throughout lunch, chat with your buddies. Make plans to see the Charlie Chaplin film festival together next Sunday. Laughter is also an antidote to stress, Dr. Williams notes. 12:50 p.m.: Make a date with your doc. Call your doctor and make an appointment to have your blood pressure and cholesterol levels checked.

Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives

Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA
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Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. Other Tips on These Drugs They can skew the results of many blood and urine tests. Loop Diuretics Bumetanide (Bumex) Ethacrynic Acid (Edecrin) Furosemide (Lasix) Torsemide (Demadex) What Do They Do in the Body? Increase urination, reduce fluid and water retention, largely by reducing sodium chloride (salt) uptake in your cells. What Are They Prescribed For? High blood pressure, edema (swelling, water retention, puffiness). What Are the Possible Side Effects/Adverse Effects?

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma

Jack Challem
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Protein will stabilize glucose and insulin levels, and the fiber in vegetables will have a similar effect because it blunts the absorption of carbohydrates. It would be worthwhile as well for people with adult-onset diabetes to undergo testing for allergy like food sensitivities. For example, in one case, a person had no significant rise in glucose after eating ice cream, but had a several hundred point increase in glucose after having Scotch whiskey. A rise or decline of more than 50 points (mg/dl) in one hour is a sign of serious glucose-tolerance problems.

The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health

Walter Last
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Calcium is not well absorbed from cow's milk, as can be seen in the high incidence of osteoporosis developing in people on conventional Western diets and the fact this is not a problem in milk-free Asian countries. vegetables and sprouted and fermented seeds are high in usable calcium; the calcium content in juice from cereal grasses is higher than in milk as, after all, cows obtain their calcium from grasses in the first place. Similar considerations apply to iron, which can easily become harmful as an inorganic supplement.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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HEALTHY SNACKS Have at least two snacks a day, the first between breakfast and lunch, and the second between lunch and dinner. Yogurt with nuts, berries, or ^ teaspoon of organic maple syrup Bananas with some cinnamon or cocoa powder, or just plain 1 or 2 soft-boiled eggs with some baby carrots 2 oz. low-fat cheese with grapes, green apple, and mixed raisins 5 whole-wheat sesame-seed crackers with olive oil for dipping Yellow, orange, and green pepper strips When Gary first walked in my door, it was immediately clear why he'd come to see me.

Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives

Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA
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Foods that alkalinize the urine include most fruits (exceptions are cranberries, plums, and orange juice), dairy products (except cheese), and vegetables. What Else to Take While Taking These Drugs Studies have shown that asthmatics tend to be deficient in the mineral magnesium and that the body's ability to cope with stressful situations is compromised when low on this mineral. Daily use of beta-agonists such as albuterol, salmeterol, and epinephrine, as well as the use of theophylline, can further deplete the body's magnesium stores.

The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health

Walter Last
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The foods with the greatest potential for healing and rejuvenation, according to my experience, are bee pollen, sprouted seeds, purple foods, freshly pressed juices of vegetables (especially of young grasses), and lactic-acid fermented foods. These form the base of my recommended diets and will be explained in this chapter.

Prescription for Nutritional Healing, 4th Edition: A Practical A-to-Z Reference to Drug-Free Remedies Using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs & Food Supplements

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Essential fatty acids (EFAs) (primrose oil, Zeaxanthin 90 meg flaxseed oil, salmon oil, and fish oil are good sources) As directed on label. Minerals Daily Dosages *Be careful not to confuse milligrams (mg) with micrograms (meg). A microgram is 1/1,000 of a milligram, or 1/1,000,000 of a gram. Boron (picolinate or citrate) 3-6 mg "You should take iron supplements only if you have been diag- Calcium (citrate, ascorbate, or malate) 1,500-2,000 mg nosed with a deficiency of this mineral.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Potassium
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...and Balance
...and Blood sugar
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...and Health Conditions and Diseases:

...and Cancer
...and Heart disease
...and Pain
...and Diabetes
...and Inflammation
...and Cancers
...and Constipation
...and Lung cancer
...and Breast cancer
...and Diarrhea

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Garlic
...and Leaves
...and Root
...and Olive
...and Ginger
...and Pepper
...and Kelp
...and Spices
...and Roots
...and Leaf

...and Who:

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...and Patients
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...and Animals
...and Human
...and Vegetarians
...and Doctors

...and Chemicals:

...and Pesticides
...and Free radicals
...and Caffeine
...and Carcinogens
...and Pesticide
...and Additives
...and Fluoride
...and Aluminum
...and Mercury
...and Chlorine

...and Medical Terms:

...and Properties
...and Results
...and Dose
...and Doses
...and Dosage
...and Drops
...and Syndrome
...and Gene
...and Serum
...and Inhibitors

...and Biological Functions:

...and Digestion
...and Metabolism
...and Period
...and Weight loss
...and Attention
...and Breath
...and Concentration
...and Strength
...and Vision
...and Memory

...and Medical Adjectives:

...and Digestive
...and Intestinal
...and Acute
...and Living
...and Soluble
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...and Where:

...and Chinese
...and United states
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...and Asian
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...and Bay
...and California
...and Harvard
...and China

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Estrogen
...and Insulin
...and Hormones
...and Homocysteine
...and Estrogens
...and Methionine
...and Saliva
...and Cortisol
...and Histamine
...and Neurotransmitter

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Body weight
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Blood glucose
...and Height
...and Heart rate

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Preservatives
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Food additives
...and Msg
...and Aspartame

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Cleanse
...and Meditation
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Acupuncture
...and Relaxation
...and Ayurvedic
...and Yoga

...and Drugs:

...and Antibiotics
...and Diuretic
...and Tablets
...and Antibiotic
...and Aspirin
...and Laxative
...and Stimulants
...and Diuretics
...and Chemotherapy
...and Steroids

...and When:

...and Winter
...and Summer
...and Spring
...and At night
...and December
...and October
...and April
...and August
...and July
...and September

...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
...and Fda
...and National cancer institute
...and Usda
...and Epa
...and Government
...and School of medicine
...and Medical center
...and Clinic
...and Food and drug administration

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
...and Dogs
...and Cats
...and Mice
...and Rats
...and Cat
...and Insects
...and Cows
...and Cattle
...and Worms

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Calming
...and Relieving
...and Antiseptic
...and Irritant
...and Relieves
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Expectorant

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C
Whole grains
Heart disease