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Frequent consumption of Allium vegetables, particularly garlic, has been shown from case control studies in low risk (386 cases) and high risk (234 cases) geographical areas of China, to protect against the development of gastric and oesophageal cancers.139 Garlic consumption protected against the incidence of H. pylori infection and development of gastric cancer in a screening study of 214 Chinese patients, and a decreased risk of cancer associated with garlic intake was shown in an Italian case control study of 382 patients with gastric cancer.

If It's Not Food, Don't Eat It! The No-nonsense Guide to an Eating-for-Health Lifestyle

Kelly Harford, M.C., C.N.C.
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In 1993 the National Cancer Institute spent $400,000 promoting the 5 servings of fruit and vegetables a day for better health campaign, whereas the Kellogg company spent $34 million promoting its highly processed and sugared Frosted Flakes to the public in 1992. Nutrition Action Healthletter "5 A Day" is the federal government's biggest effort to educate the general public about healthy diets. Yet its budget is minimal.

1000 Cures for 200 Ailments: Integrated Alternative and Conventional Treatments for the Most Common Illnesses

Marshall Editions
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Supplements: Chromium encourages your liver to produce a substance called glucose tolerance factor (CTF), which increases the effectiveness of insulin. Take 200-400 mg of chromium picolinate a day. Vitamin B3 (niacin) is a component of j glucose tolerance factor, vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) helps to control fat metabolism and improves the response to stress, and vitamin B6 balances hormone levels. It is best to take 50 mg of a B-complex vitamin that contains all the above B vitamins three times a day.

If It's Not Food, Don't Eat It! The No-nonsense Guide to an Eating-for-Health Lifestyle

Kelly Harford, M.C., C.N.C.
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In specific, they could also benefit from avoiding vegetables in the nightshade family, including tomatoes, eggplant, potatoes, and chili peppers, which are known to exacerbate arthritic conditions. In many cases children with ADD, ADHD, or autism have cleared these conditions completely just by going off pseudofoods and the common food allergens, and supplementing their diets with cod liver oil or flax oil. Similarly, people who have chronic sinus or bronchial congestion have cut out wheat and dairy products, the two most notorious mucous-producing foods, and are now able to breathe freely.
High levels of nitrates can also be found in vegetables that have been grown in soil heavily fertilized with nitrate fertilizers. The biggest problem associated with nitrates and nitrites is that when they combine with stomach saliva and food substances, they create nitrosamines, which are powerful cancer- If you are a fat addict, your real problem probably isn't that you are eating too much fat, it's that you aren't eating enough of the right type.

The Side Effects Bible: The Dietary Solution to Unwanted Side Effects of Common Medications

Frederic Vagnini, M.D. and Barry Fox, Ph.D.
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Sources of Sodium Sodium is found naturally in modest amounts in many foods and in higher amounts in salty foods, processed meats, fast foods, soup, canned vegetables, and many snack foods.
Beta-carotene is one of many carotenes found in fruit and vegetables. It's called provitamin A because it's converted into the vitamin in the body as needed. Studies looking at large populations have found that consuming more foods rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A lowers the risk of developing some types of cancer. However, when researchers have looked into whether taking supplements made up of these two nutrients would reduce the risk of cancer, the results have been either mixed or negative.

Unleash the Inner Healing Power of Foods

The Editors of FC&A
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Get more of it by eating vegetables and grains grown in selenium-rich soil. into your airways can trigger asthma attacks. Whatever the reason, bananas will calm your cough and your indigestion while helping to eliminate your wheeze. Healthy habite You'll breathe easier if you asthma-proof one of the main gathering places in your home - the kitchen. Use these tips to get rid of common triggers and enjoy a more pleasant dining experience. • Clean often to avoid grimy build-up that requires harsh chemical cleansers that trigger your asthma.

Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back

Michele Simon
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Other challenges include standardization and mass production of messy, perishable fruits and vegetables. Such annoyances of nature add up to more complexity and higher costs. As Matthew Paull, McDonald's chief financial officer candidly explained to the Economist magazine, "There is no question that we make more money from selling hamburgers and cheeseburgers.

Unleash the Inner Healing Power of Foods

The Editors of FC&A
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To help your body pick up more Boiling vegetables selenium, cut back on sugar, reduces their natural choose whole grains instead of selenium content. refined ones, and cook your veg- Instead try steaming, etable§ u hd Seek sauteing or microwavmg. i • r r> 1 l selenium trom brazil nuts, broccoli, cabbage, celery, cucumbers, and lean meats. And if you're worried about the fat in Brazil nuts, just go easy on them. You only need one or two whole nuts to get enough selenium. But don't leave your selenium to work alone.

Appetite for Profit: How the Food Industry Undermines Our Health and How to Fight Back

Michele Simon
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Regardless of how much "whole grain" they add to Chips Ahoy cookies, companies like Kraft cannot provide us with the kind of optimal nutrition found in fresh fruits and vegetables. No matter how hard they try to convince you otherwise, the food and beverage industries have only their own best interests at heart. The rest is just a bunch of nutriwash. "Responsible Marketing" to Kids The Lunchables Brigade is racing to the scene of a large party where routine lunch is on the menu.1 —"Advergame" for kids on Kraft Foods Web site must confess that I don't have children of my own.
Most chains don't sell a wide variety of natural whole grains, and their "fresh" fruits or vegetables are often sterile, tasteless, pesticide-soaked, and nutritionally challenged. And no wonder, since the year-round produce in large chains is cultivated for extended shelf life, portability, and cosmetic uniformity, traits that benefit the seller—not the buyer. That's why the tomatoes taste like cardboard and the fruit is rock-hard.
How can we tell people to eat more vegetables if the only place to buy food in their neighborhood is the corner liquor store, as is the case for many Americans? How can we teach children about good nutrition while we continue to peddle soda, chips, and candy in schools? Such problems are best solved through effective policy change. Most public health experts now recognize the critical role of government and society at large in shaping our food choices. This is precisely why food companies are lobbying against any legislative efforts to improve the "food environment.
I really hate to burst your bubble, CCF, but my resolve to support polices that promote the consumption of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables is based on decades of accepted nutrition science, not some twisted scheme to turn the world into Michele Simon clones. Indeed, "vegan" doesn't even accurately describe my position. Rather, I promote a whole foods, plant-based diet; there are plenty of vegan foods that don't fit that "agenda." But of course, CCF's smear rhetoric prefers to pass over a term like whole foods.

What's In Your Milk?: An Exposé of Industry and Government Cover-Up on the Dangers of the Genetically Engineered (rBGH) Milk You're Drinking

Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
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In return, we receive a weekly share of fruit and vegetables grown without pesticides all through the summer. In March, CSA will be offering an organic gardening course. This summer, we'll put out a cookbook which, among other things, will attempt to impart the mostly unappreciated joys of eating Swiss Chard. The people who take part in CSA care deeply about the safety of the food we eat, and we're a pretty vocal group. We've found a kindred spirit in the manager of our local Penni's Market, Steve Murphy, who's been very responsive to our requests for products grown without pesticides.

Understanding Medicinal Plants: Their Chemistry And Therapeutic Action

Bryan Hanson, PhD
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Just about all fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants—that old saying about an apple a day keeping the doctor away is probably truer than anyone realized. The list in Exhibit 5.1 gives some examples of foods that have potent antioxidant properties.33 Many people will be heartened to find red wine and dark chocolate on this list. As it turns out, red wine consumption was an important clue about the role of antioxidants in cardiovascular disease, which added greatly to our understanding of this disease.
Source: Das Pflanzenreich: Regni vegetables Conspectus heraugegeben von. A. Engler. Leipzig: W. Engelmann, 1909.39. Heft, IV, 83, Phytolaccaceae, p. 52, fig. 17.) and pokeweed (Phytolacca americana), a common roadside inhabitant in the eastern United States. Parts of both plants are toxic but have been used in traditional medicine. The news about lectins is not all bad, however. Portions of highly toxic lectins have been combined with antibodies to recognize cancers cells.
In fact, ample data show that diets rich in vegetables containing glucosinolates have a significant cancer-protective effect. One example is sulforaphane, an isothiocyanate derived from a glucosinolate in broccoli and broccoli sprouts (Figure 4.25, part b). This compound activates certain ena HO HO Myrosinase Allyl isothiocyanate (other products not shown) 0 b S 11 N=C = S Sulforaphane FIGURE 4.25. Glucoslnolates. a: reaction to form an isothiocyanate; b: another isothiocyanate. zymes that are able to detoxify toxic molecules, and it also induces cell death.
A particularly alarming statistic is that people with the lowest fruit and vegetable consumption have about double the rate of cancers of the colon, stomach, esophagus, lung, pancreas, cervix, and ovary, compared to people who consume many fruits and vegetables.31 Dietary antioxidants appear to be responsible for this difference. Some dietary antioxidants, such as vitamin E, vitamin C, and carotenoids like P-carotene, have been known for a long time to be important diet components with several functions, but their role as antioxidants has only been appreciated more recently.
Proper nutrition, especially a generous intake of fruits and vegetables which are rich in antioxidants, is important. This is because an LDL particle contains vitamin E in addition to protein and lipids, and a variety of antioxidants can help regenerate the vitamin E after it has taken the initial damage from ROS. We have now come full circle on the topic of antioxidants, ROS and chemical reactivity. We have seen that a variety of normal processes produce ROS.
Consumption of ginkgo extract should contribute to one's general health much as any diet high in antioxidant-rich vegetables would. This effect is not unique to the brain, but the brain certainly benefits. The antioxidants in ginkgo, however, have been shown to be especially effective at relaxing the capillaries of the brain, and therefore allowing more blood to flow, which presumably helps one to think better! At least part of this effect is due to the antioxidants interacting with nitrous oxide (NO), a naturally occurring ROS that acts as a hormone or signal molecule to control blood vessels.

Toxic Overload: A Doctor's Plan for Combating the Illnesses Caused by Chemicals in Our Foods, Our Homes, and Our Medicine Cabinets

Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton
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For vegetables you can't peel, such as broccoli, if you boil or cook them in water, most of the chemicals will be removed while cooking. Just be sure to discard the cooking water and do not use it for food preparation. Store food in glass, ceramic, or other nonplastic containers. Reduce your intake of seafood, particularly salmon and trout. Cut down your intake of animal fats, and substitute with vegetable oils.

Feed Your Genes Right: Eat to Turn Off Disease-Causing Genes and Slow Down Aging

Jack Challem
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She also suggested that Jerry eat more vegetables and fewer high-carb and high-fat fast foods. Literally fearing for his life, Jerry also began exercising regularly and adopted stress-reduction habits, such as meditation, to deal with work-related pressures. Today Jerry is a paragon of cardiovascular fitness. His homocysteine and blood-fat levels are normal, about 7 micromoles per liter of blood. In addition, his blood pressure is normal, and a treadmill test recently found him to be exceptionally fit.

Unleash the Inner Healing Power of Foods

The Editors of FC&A
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Or try these other brassica vegetables - broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, and brussels sprouts. They also contain sulforaphane. Black beans. An innovative new study showed folate may stop mutations from occurring in your genetic material, or DNA. Otherwise, these mutations could lead to cancerous cells. The study was just a start, since the researchers were only giving folate supplements to dogs. But don't wait to enjoy foods high in this important B vitamin. Just two cups of black beans can give you a day's supply.

Taking a daily multivitamin is not sufficient for good nutrition

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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This is the best way to be sure that you're getting a full complement of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, microalgae, and other food sources that can provide peak nutrition for you. This article is a content segment from the book, the Five Habits of Health Transformation by Mike Adams. The book covers the five most effective, yet effortless strategies for enhancing health. Written for busy people, it explains how to get the greatest health results possible with the least investment in time, money or effort.

Body odor can be eliminated through a change in diet

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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When you eliminate these from your diet and shift to a 100% healthful diet made of whole grains, massive quantities of leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, soy products, supergreens, lots of sprouts, raw nuts and seeds, healthy oils and other similar healthful ingredients, your body odor will all but disappear in a matter of weeks. That's because a plant-based diet is an internal deodorizer. It's true: the chlorophyll and other phytonutrients will cleanse you from the inside out. Some of the best foods for that include parsley, cilantro, celery and all mint species.

Plant-based diet greatly reduces risk of cancer, say studies

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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The same is true with vegetables: a lot of people might think spinach lasagna counts as a vegetable serving. And, again, I consider that to be junk food. It's loaded up with cheese, it probably has some sort of chemical taste enhancer if it's been purchased at the store, it has refined carbohydrates in the crust, and it probably has refined sugar in the tomato sauce. And yes, there's a little bit of spinach in there too, but that's not a vegetable serving. That's just junk food with a bit of spinach filler.

Whole food nutritional supplements offer better health benefits than isolated vitamins and minerals

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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This is the best way to be sure that you're getting a full complement of fruits, vegetables, mushrooms, microalgae, and other food sources that can provide peak nutrition for you. High-density whole food concentrates provide real nutrition In the world of holistic nutrition, we take whole foods from nature that are grown organically, or we take microalgae and other superfood supplements, and we dry them, grind them up, put them into powders, and then encapsulate those powders or shape them into pills or tablets. That's the way to get your nutrition in the modern world.

New "Juice Feasting" Emerging as Phytonutrient-Rich Disease-Fighting Nutritional System

Mike Adams, the Health Ranger
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USDA). And most of that is made of cooked, pasteurized or otherwise destroyed veggies. Juice Feasting, in contrast, allows you to greatly exceed the minimum daily consumption guidelines, achieving an intake of 300% more healing phytonutrients than the majority of Americans. Why is this important? Because a tidal wave of new research published in the last three years is pointing to the astonishing reality that plant medicines prevent, reverse and CURE chronic degenerative disease.

Women's Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine: Alternative Therapies and Integrative Medicine for Total Health and Wellness

Tori Hudson, N.D.
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I recommend that if a pregnant woman eats meat and/or dairy products, these should be "free range" and organic, or at least free from the artificial hormones and pesticides used in the agricultural processes. Dairy products have some of the highest concentration of estrogen-mimicking artificial compounds and growth hormones. Xenoestrogens from pesticides are also suspected of causing genetic damage.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Diarrhea

...and Plants and Herbs:

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...and Biological Measures:

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...and Blood levels
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...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
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...and Fructose
...and Lactose
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...and Treatment Modalities:

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...and Meditation
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...and Relaxation
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...and Drugs:

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...and Tablets
...and Antibiotic
...and Aspirin
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...and Diuretics
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...and When:

...and Winter
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...and Organizations:

...and Health food stores
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...and School of medicine
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...and Clinic
...and Food and drug administration

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
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...and Cats
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...and Insects
...and Cows
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...and Worms

...and Properties:

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...and Oxidation
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...and Antimicrobial
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...and Expectorant

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Fruits and vegetables
Vitamin C
Whole grains
Heart disease