Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Imagine what a metal spatula might do after scrambling eggs, flipping burgers or stir-frying some vegetables.
Consumer fraud? You be the judge...
So here we have a pan marketed as being made with diamonds that render the surface "indestructible." It's hyped up with cool-sounding technology jargon like "nano-composite." The manufacturer blatantly claims the product contains no Teflon whatsoever, and says the pan is safe for your health.
But what's the reality here? In reality:
The nano-composite non-stick cooking surface is made primarily with PTFE, the chemical known as Teflon. | Jonathan V. Wright, M.D. and Alan R. Gaby, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Emphasize fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds.
• Non-fat dairy products and oily fish may be consumed in moderation.
• Restrict high-fat foods. Supplements:
• Vitamin C, 500 to 3,000 mg per day.
• Vitamin E, 100 to 800 IU per day.
• Magnesium, 300 to 500 mg per day.
• High-potency B-complex vitamin.
• High-potency multiple vitamin/mineral (adjust doses of other nutrients as needed). The need for supplemental iron should be determined by laboratory testing.
• Essential fatty acids, in selected cases. | Excellent summary, and you're right, I should have emphasized the vegetables, fruits, and whole grains first. I also should mention other foods which lower cholesterol. In addition to soy protein, garlic, onions, oat bran, carrots, and alfalfa sprouts are all beneficial."
"Now, what about supplements?"
"There are so many vitamins, minerals, and botanicals known to lowet serum cholesterol that drugs are virtually never a necessity. Let's see, there's inositol hexanicotinate, lecithin, pantethine, L-carnitine, beta-sitosterol, calcium, and chromium. | Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The watery fruits and vegetables, because of their higher conductivity and their structured water energy, particularly enhance the activity. The closer we move to pure prana in our food, the easier it is for the pranic energy of the system to be drawn into the upper vortex field. The dense flesh foods and low-energy tamasic foods decrease the energy of the Kundalini vortex. Meat is so much denser than biogenic foods that it does not enter the pranic field as efficiently. | It lists good foods for Yoga: grains, wheat, rice, barley, milk, ghee, butter, honey, dry ginger, cucumber, fine leafy vegetables, green garam (an Indian seasoning), and pure water. Sattvic food, according to the Bhagavad-Gita XSLL.8, is food liked by sattvic people, which promotes longevity, goodness, strength, health, happiness, and pleasure, and is juicy, rich, nourishing, and agreeable. Elsewhere in the Mahabharata, which is where the Gita comes from, the importance of not eating meat is emphasized. | In the Ayurvedic system, these traditional sattvic foods include all fruits, vegetables, edible greens, grains, grasses, beans, milk, buttermilk, honey, and small quantities of rice or bread preparations. In our present time it is completely vegan.
For our Western bodies, a sattvic diet means at least 80 percent biogenic and bioactive foods (see Chapter 20) and 20 percent cooked or biostatic foods, with a minimum of stimulating condiments. | Even eating plants may involve ending the life of the plant (which is why some strict votaries of non-violence like the Jains will not eat root vegetables but only fruit, seeds, and grains). But plants are our natural food and are much lower on the food chain than flesh food, so a vegan diet works to reduce the amount of harm in a dramatic way. Veganism causes less overall harm to life because the animals raised for consumption have eaten thousands of plants before they themselves are slaughtered. Just think of all the food that a cow must consume for the steak that one eats. | The author even did this in his own home, where he ate within 20 yards of the garden from which he just picked the fresh vegetables, and now at the Tree of Life Cafe, one can still see the garden when eating on the patio. This process is a blessing of the food in a way that honors Mother Nature and our harmonious connection with her. Formally blessing the food with Love and giving thanks to God sets the tone for us to receive the bountiful Grace that is on the table. It helps us be present enough to receive the loving vibrations of each ingredient and the whole. | A study done in 1991 by Miller found that serum Bn appeared to be unrelated to consumption of wakame, kombu, and other sea vegetables or tempeh in macrobiotic children. Other researchers feel that it is possible that raw nori, not dry-roasted nori, is a source of active B[2. Other studies have shown that dulse did have a certain amount of Bn analogue per serving.
Until research is done to see if these actually lower the MMA levels, we can't assume that because a food has human active Bi2 it will help avoid B! | Abram Hoffer, PhD, MD, FRCP(C) and Dr. Jonathan Prousjy, DPHE, DSC, ND, FRSH See book keywords and concepts | One should consume the edible parts, including leaves, seeds, tubers, roots, and stems where feasible from as many kinds of vegetables as are available. The same applies to grains, where one should use all the grains, not just a large number of products made from flour.
The natural diet is non-toxic. It is obvious that our ancestors quickly eliminated those foods that were toxic, probably at first by trial and error. If they ate the food and remained well, this would become part of the diet. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | Nut-Thins brand crackers
Place all of the ingredients on a plate, and enjoy.
Lunch and Other Light Meals Curried Chicken Salad (Serves 4+)
Chicken salad doesn't have to be bland and boring. Our recipe will forever change your thinking about this dish.
2V2-3 cups (1-1.5 pounds) chicken, cooked, cooled, and diced
1 cup diced celery
V2 cup organic raisins l/i cup raw almond slices
1 teaspoon curry powder
'/4 teaspoon ground cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon apple-cider vinegar
1 cup canola mayonnaise (e.g. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | This is really difficult soil to grow in – but thanks to the work of some great gardeners that have come through, especially someone named Chip and his ability to utilize something called EM technology – we grow almost all of our greens here and have a litany of vegetables that are grown here, as well.
Mike: For those reading, EM is effective microorganism, something like probiotics for soil.
Kevala: Yeah, that's a good way of putting it.
Mike: The gardens down here are truly amazing, especially for being in the desert. | Michael Friedman, ND See book keywords and concepts | Non-starchy vegetables should be eaten 6 to 8 servings per day.
Fruits and grains should probably be avoided at breakfast because these foods can lead to pre-lunch hypoglycemia. In fact, bouts of hypoglycemia should be avoided as much as possible. Eating smaller meals more frequently, while being aware of the glycemic indices of food, is necessary if hypoglycemia needs to be managed.
Salt need not be restricted, especially if hypotension is a sign. | Brassicas: Cabbage, cauliflower, and other brassica family vegetables have been known to be antithyroid in high dosages. In animal studies, boiled extracts showed maximum inhibition of thyroid peroxidase activity followed by cooked and raw extracts. Excess iodide was able to counteract its effects but not neutralize it.8
Traditional Chinese Medicine
The Chinese concept of hyperthyroidism is that there is usually an underlying deficiency of QI (vital energy) and yin (feminine energy), with an excess of heat, especially in the heart meridian. | Other foods, such as beans, nuts, seeds, and vegetables (peppers, spinach, chard, summer squash, turnip, onion, garlic), are good sources, provided that the soil contains sufficient quantities of iodine. Dairy and eggs will contain appreciable quantities of iodine depending on the dietary sources provided to the animals in question.
Concern about iodine deficiency leading to goiter resulted in the fortification of table salt with iodine in
1924 in the state of Michigan. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | On the other hand, if you want an earth that is scorched with pesticides, with polluted rivers, increasingly unlivable oceans, polluted produce and heavy metals in your soils, and if you want a system of corporate greed and exploitation, then go ahead and buy the non-organic fruits, vegetables and processed foods because that's what you're going to create by making that decision.
Corporate farming isn't sustainable farming
This brings us to one more level -- the corporate level, or the business model level. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | You have to follow a pristine diet, avoid ingredients that cause disease and take in fresh foods, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, grains and whole grains. Whenever possible, eat these foods raw. If you want truly exceptional-looking skin on the outside, then combine a healthy diet with Lluvia. That's my take on this product line.
Personally, I won't be using it because I don't have the patience to apply skin care products every day. (I keep my hair short, for example, because I can't stand taking the time to dry long hair. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | When people were eating cooked food – it didn't matter what it was, vegetables, french fries or meat, for that matter – the white blood cell count in the test subjects went up. Okay, white blood cells are a component of the immune system, (so) that's the immune system being triggered, signifying that there's an invader, or something that's a threat to health that's coming in. When those same people ingested foodstuff in its raw state, the white blood cell count stayed the same. That was just a drop in the bucket in terms of the studies that are out there. | When these vegetables are cooked down, we have to reference physical help again and again, and in science it's measurable. It's really important to cite the blood pH. Our homeostatic state is 7.46, so that's just slightly alkaline in terms of having acidic blood, which is anywhere from one to seven. Anything above seven to 14 is alkaline, so our bodies are always trying to keep it in that slightly alkaline state. | Kevin Trudeau See book keywords and concepts | Eat a fresh salad with lunch and dinner consisting of raw organic vegetables. This will add living enzymes. This is a good start.
Now let me give you some additional suggestions to help with acid reflux.
1. Raw apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon right before you eat each meal. This should eliminate any acid reflux. If you are feeling any heartburn, indigestion, or "acid reflux," take a spoonful of raw apple cider vinegar. Make sure it's raw and organic.
2. Go to your health food store or consult with your licensed healthcare practitioner and get some digestive enzymes. | I do take herbs, homeo-pathics, nutritional supplements, and eat organic fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and other nutritious food. I exercise. I get massage, chiropractic care, live cell therapy, energetic rebalancing, etc. I virtually do all the things listed in Chapter Six of my first book. I am not a good customer for the drug companies.
Is there a place for drugs, surgery, and western medical treatment? Absolutely yes! | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Get a lot of nutrition from the vegetables, from the grains, not just from raw plant sugars and the fat, although it's fun. People don't have to go raw overnight. I mean, maybe that sets them up also for binge eating, when they think, "I have to be raw or I'm a loser." You don't have to, unless you have a chronic disease and maybe you've been prescribed by your doctor to pursue a 100 percent raw foods lifestyle immediately, or if you are proactive enough, self-reliant and up to reading plenty of raw books out there. For example, Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine and Conscious Eating by Dr. | KC Craichy See book keywords and concepts | If space is limited, growing sprouts or vegetables in planters may be an option. One hundred years ago, 90 percent of Americans grew at least part of their own food; now it is less than 10 percent. At a minimum, you must thoroughly wash your produce.
Low Glycemic Response
Thy food shall be thy remedy. HIPPOCRATES
D uring the 1 990s, nutritional scientists told us to avoid protein and all forms of fat—even the essential fatty acids that are necessary for life and healthy cell function. | Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN See book keywords and concepts | This is also true of highly processed products using fractions of milk, eggs, meat, grains, oils or vegetables.
The difference is that second generation soy foods are billed as "health foods" whereas other processed foods are widely acknowledged to be what they are—junk foods that do not support health. The soy industry typically puts a positive spin on their products by claiming all the health benefits found in soy while insisting that levels of toxins are too low to pose any hazard to the consumer.
But risk is always a product of dose and duration of exposure. | KC Craichy See book keywords and concepts | Carbohydrates are the major source of energy in our diet and are found in grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, sugar, and alcohol. In fact, if you starve your body by not fueling it with the right kind of carbohydrates, you'll get to the point where you can't even think straight and you'll feel edgy all the time. But it's the right kind of carbohydrates— low glycemic carbohydrates—that are essential to good health.
Golden Keys to
Unlock Lifelong
Despite their benefits, today's diets have us consuming far too many carbohydrates. | Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN See book keywords and concepts | On a tour of Tokyo in the early 1930s, William Morse and other USDA researchers found "considerable quantities of fish preserved in white miso and in sake mash" and that nearly all food stores carried vegetables preserved in red miso. Morse said that he enjoyed a dinner of beef preserved in white miso that reminded him of "sugar-cured hams of the southern states." Of the use of miso as a preservative, he wryly observed that it would "undoubtedly prove far less harmful than some of the products (alcohol) now used in violation of the 18th amendment. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Now people don't have to choke down vegetables and gag on them. They can enjoy it, which they should be able to.
Mike: Yes, you don't have to mix this with three bananas and two apples to make it drinkable.
Dr. Weiss: Right.
Mike: So, people can find this in most health food stores?
Dr. Weiss: Yes, it's readily available. It's got black packaging that says "Earth's Promise" on it. It's designed to stand out and reach the eye of the customer.
Mike: Wonderful. Is there anything else you'd like to add, that you think people should know about the product?
Dr. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Now, they will choose to chew on grass and pull up and chew on certain vegetables. They are carnivores by designation, so when you put them on a vegetarian diet, you create a lot of problems and create symptoms you're actually trying to reverse. The only time a vegetarian diet is good for a dog or cat is as an interim diet. If they are having allergic reaction, then get them on as simple a diet as possible, and then reintroduce the meats to see which one they are reacting to.
Another case along that line is allergies. Dogs and cats have a lot of meat allergies today. | Kaayla T. Daniel, PhD, CCN See book keywords and concepts | Beans are the most famous of the foods containing protease inhibitors, but these antinutrients are also found in grains, nuts, seeds, vegetables of the nightshade family (potatoes, tomatoes and eggplant), egg whites, onions, garlic, bamboo, beets, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, turnips, rutabagas, buckwheat, lettuce, sweet potatoes, spinach, alfalfa, clover, apples, strawberries and grapes. Traditionally, few of these foods caused health problems because they were rarely eaten every day, and because cooking deactivates most of their protease inhibitors. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Foods Diet Fruits Eat Food Water Cancer Body People Fiber Fresh Raw Grains Fruits and vegetables Eating Fruit Beans Vitamin Protein Green Oil Acid Fish Vegetable Seeds Blood Avoid Nutrients Meat Whole Broccoli Products Garlic Juice Minutes Sugar Calcium Risk Levels Carrots Vitamin C Cabbage Time Health Nuts Sources Intake Cooking Salt Disease Calories Heat Potatoes Whole grains Legumes Greens Red Vitamins Healthy Spinach Sweet Study Iron Drink Prevent Tomatoes Increase Fats Women Natural Studies Skin Minerals Beta-carotene Heart Helps Liver Cook Produce Carbohydrates Sprouts Little Chicken Oils Plant Salad Leafy Meals Supplements Magnesium Cells Weight Sea Effects Diets Onions Dietary Herbs Source Heart disease