Run to the vegetable stand? ... 332
High antioxidant foods ... 333
Multivitamin antioxidant power... 333
Misunderstandings about antioxidants and cancer... 334
Antioxidants: Cell protectors... 336
Oxidation and cancer... 336
Coenzyme Q10 and cancer... 337
Americans hear a lot about antioxidants (vitamins A, C, E, beta carotene, CoQIO, and others) these days.
The National Cancer Institute promotes its 5-a-day plant food regimen, but it has failed to prevent cancer. | Ex- ¦ cept for vitamin D, nearly every major risk factor or preventive measure for breast cancer (alcohol consumption, red meat, exercise, age, vegetable consumption), involves the control of iron.
Prevention of breast cancer should ensue immediately following cessation of menstruation and continue throughout the remainder of life and consist of iron chelation, provision of omega-3 oils and the calming of estrogen production via safe and natural plant molecules such as low-dose lignans. | In other words, it may be better to increase vegetable consumption than to reduce meat intake. [Am J Clinical Nutrition 74: 411-12, 2001] Furthermore, a very recent study casts more doubt on the idea that a high-calcium diet reduces osteoporotic hip fracture. A recent study showed calcium did not reduce hip fracture rates, whereas 800 IU of vitamin D did. [Am J Clinical Nutrition 77: 504-11, 2003]
The debate continues
How did this craze for alkalinity and saliva testing start? It started decades ago with a German biochemist named Otto Warberg. | Tobacco Control 11:1110-17, 2002]
Cigarette smoking Rheumatoid arthritis Yogurt consumption vegetable consumption
670% increased risk 420% increased risk 310% increased risk 60% reduced risk
A Frank Statement to Cigarette Smokers
RECENT REPORTS on experiments with mice have given wide publicity to a theory that cigarette smoking is in some way linked with lung cancer in human beings.
Although conducted by doctors of professional standing, these experiments are not regarded as conclusive in the field of cancer research. | Andreas Moritz See book keywords and concepts | Cream of broccoli soup can have a bacteria gene in it, and salad dressing is most likely made with canola oil, vegetable oil or soybean oil (all genetically engineered). The tobacco gene is now used in lettuce and cucumbers and the petunia gene is used in soybeans and carrots. If you have celiac disease, you may need to avoid walnuts because they can have the barley gene in them. Even strawberries are not harmless anymore; they can now have "undisclosed genes" in them, so you will never know what else you are getting when you treat yourself to this delicious fruit. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | The tomato, for example, is technically the fruit of a plant, but it is commonly known as a vegetable. To learn about the tomato, one need only to find it's place in the alphabetical listing, without concern as to its technical category.
Quantities expressed in one hundred grams. Throughout the encyclopedia section, there are references to quantities of grams (gm) and milligrams (mg). For the foods listed here, the quantity is usually one cup, although of course a cup of raisins would be heavier than a cup of chopped celery. | Andreas Moritz See book keywords and concepts | Most olive oil products were adulterated with vegetable oils, such as canola, corn, cottonseed and soy oils, which have been shown to cause, not prevent heart disease. Some "olive oils" contained only 10 percent olive oil. Buy your olive oils preferabgly at whole food stores. The cheaper the oils are, the more likely they are not pure. Avoid the Following brands: Andy's Pure Olive Oil (Italy), Bertolli (Italy), Castel Tiziano (Italy), Cirio (Italy), Cornelia (Italy), Italico (Italy) Ligaro (Italy), Olivio (Greece), Petrou Bros. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Botanical information: A fruit technically, but generally accepted as a vegetable, the plant is known as Lycopersicon of the family Solanaceae.
Nutritive values:
Vitamin A: 1,100 I.U. per 100 gm. Fat: .3 gm. Vitamin B: Thiamine .06 mg.; Carbohydrates: 4 gm.
A, B or C. Protein: .6 gm. Calories: 360
Calcium: 12 mg. Iron: 1 mg. Phosphorus: 12mg.
Riboflavin .04 mg.; Niacin .05 mg
Vitamin C: 23 mg.
Vitamin K: Amount uncertain.
Calcium: 11 mg. Iron: .6 mg. Phosphorus: 27 mg. Potassium: 360 mg.
Protein: 1.0 gm. | Doug Dollemore, Mark Giuliucci and the Editors of Men's Health Magazine See book keywords and concepts | This fruit and vegetable rainbow includes perennial favorites such as cantaloupe, oranges, peaches, tomatoes, spinach, yams and carrots. Ask your greengrocer to turn you on to some more exotic and unusual fruits and vegetables that are loaded with nutrients.
Eat 'em raw or just-cooked. Cooking food can draw out a lot of the vitamins and minerals, so whenever you can, try to eat fruits and vegetables in their natural raw or unprocessed state or minimally cooked. Try fresh fruits, raw or steamed vegetables and salads.
Don't boil. | Andreas Moritz See book keywords and concepts | Especially during that time of year, Vata needs to be soothed and nourished by soft and warming foods such as hearty stews and soups, long-cooked vegetable casseroles, freshly prepared bread, puddings and hot cereals. Butter, oils and cream, too, keep Vata in check. Since sensitivity is one of his characteristics, the Vata type becomes upset when there is too much noise and disturbance around meal times.
Vata types are the most likely to need a more nourishing breakfast. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | Team the fish with a fresh vegetable, such as baked or steamed asparagus.
Good rule of thumb: You should be able to find a lot of choices at quality seafood restaurants. Ask whether the fish is dusted with flour.
Italian Restaurants***
For many people, Italian food means garlic bread, pasta, and pizza—all starchy foods. Indeed, more than four hundred types of pasta can be found in Italian cuisine. Still, Italian foods are among our favorite because healthy options abound. | For breakfast, consider making the Scrambled Egg and vegetable Saute (see the recipe on page 154), which allows for leftovers that can be reheated in a microwave oven on Monday and Tuesday morning. Later that day, you can roast a chicken or pan-fry a fish fillet or a chicken breast. Because food prep and cooking take time, get into the habit of making more than you'll eat in a single meal. Use the leftovers for subsequent meals, and you'll cook fewer days during the week.
Five Key Points to Remember while Following the Plan
1. Build most meals around a centerpiece of high-quality protein.
2. | Use the squash in conjunction with a nonstarchy vegetable, such as broccoli or green beans, with your dinner. extra-virgin olive oil 1 acorn squash
1 teaspoon toasted garlic pieces (or Rinaldo's Garlic Gold Nuggets)
Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F and lightly coat a baking dish with olive oil. Cut the squash lengthwise (horizontally) down the middle. Use a spoon (a grapefruit spoon works great for this) to remove the seeds. Lightly coat the yellow flesh with olive oil and diced garlic. | Problematic foods included Lean Cuisine and Healthy Choice dinners, Campbell's Healthy Request Tomato Soup, V8 vegetable juice, and yogurts with fruit. These and other foods had too much sugar, too much salt, too much trans fat, or not enough vitamins, minerals, or fiber.
Are Labels Confusing?
In 2006, in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine, Russell L. Rothman, M.D., reported that two-thirds of people could not correctly multiply or divide food quantities, based on the information on food labels. For example, people had trouble calculating the amount of sugars in 2. | Your Daily Values may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs:
Total Fat Less than
Sat Fat Less than
Cholesterol Less than
Sodium Less than
Total Carbohydrate
Dietary Fiber
(fully hydrogenated vegetable oils). To identify interesterified oils, you'll have to examine the Ingredients list.
Occasionally, as with the yogurt bar example on the previous page, the Nutrition Facts box does not account for all of the fats. For example, that yogurt bar lists 3. | Fourth, alcohol is a common food addiction, and alcoholics who crave specific types of alcoholic beverages may have an allergy-addiction to the grain or the vegetable that particular beverage is made from. In addition, excess consumption of alcohol may damage the gut wall. The consequence, known as "leaky gut syndrome," may allow undigested proteins to enter the bloodstream and trigger immune reactions.
Fifth, people can become addicted to a food's texture and the act of chewing that food. | Mark Lynas See book keywords and concepts | Each bit of beach lost, each vegetable garden invaded by salt water, each undercut coconut tree which topples into the waves will add to the inevitable toll. Decades before the last bit of coral disappears under the sea, community services will decline, children will emigrate, schools will close, and the fabric of a nation will begin to unravel.
Bear in mind that as future chapters of this book unfold, unacknowledged and mostly forgotten, atoll nations will be submerging - bit by bit. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Other Names: Agueweed, Crosswort, Feverwort, Indian Sage, Sweating Plant, Teasel, Thoroughwort, vegetable Antimony
Flavonoids: including eupatorin, astragalin, rutin, hyperoside
Sesquiterpene lactones: including eupafolin, euperfolitin, eufoliatin, eufoliatorin, euperfolide
Immunostimulating polysaccharides (heteroxylans)
The herb acts as an antiphlogistic, a diaphoretic and a bitter, in addition to stimulating the body's immune system. | Andreas Moritz See book keywords and concepts | Burkitt's recommendation was based on vegetable fiber. Bran (cereal fiber), on the other hand, has a far higher fiber content. A practically worthless byproduct of the milling process, until then, bran had been thrown away. Almost overnight, it became a highly priced profit maker. Although totally inedible, backed by Burkitt's fiber hypothesis, bran could now be promoted as a valuable food. But Dr. | Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner See book keywords and concepts | Protein: 1 serving = 2 to 3 oz of cooked lean meat, poultry, or fish (roughly the size of a deck of cards), Vi cup cooked beans, 1 egg, or 2 tbsp of peanut butter count as one oz of lean meat
• Vegetable: 1 serving = 1 cup raw leafy vegetables; Vi cup of other vegetables, cooked or raw; Vi cup of vegetable juice
• Fruit: 1 serving = 1 medium apple; V2 cup of chopped, cooked, or canned fruit; 3A cup of fruit juice
• Grains: 1 serving = 1 slice of bread; 1 ounce of ready-to-eat cereal (may be a cup or % cup, check the package); V2 cup cooked cereal, rice, or pasta.
7. Cut the Fat Impact ???? | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | Then use a vegetable peeler to remove the peel along the lower parts of the stems. Spread a thin layer of olive oil on a baking sheet and lay the asparagus spears on it. Arrange the onion slices on top of the asparagus. Drizzle them with olive oil and sprinkle them with sage. Broil them for 3 to 5 minutes with the asparagus about 3 inches from the heating element. Use tongs to flip the asparagus over and bake for another 2 to 3 minutes. The asparagus is done when the tips start to have a seared, crunchy look. | Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Replacing saturated fatty acids in the diet with polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) from vegetable oils will lower both total cholesterol and LDL levels and decrease blood pressure.52 However, it may also lower HDL.
The third general type of fat is monounsatu-rated fat. These fats contain one double bond. Monounsaturated fatty acids, as found in olive oil, show either no effect on HDL or an increase in HDL, thereby promoting a better effect than either PUFAs or saturated fats. Of all the types of fat, monounsaturated is the healthiest for your heart. | Paul D. Blanc, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The alkali could be vegetable (usually meaning potassium carbonate), mineral (soda, derived from plant or mineral), or animal. Animal alkali equated with ammonia, the best source of which was urine, the most reliable donors being humans.
The Romans perfected the cleaning of cloth, with and without urine, to an art. This was the trade of the fuller. Being a plebeian of the Collegium Aquae, or in other words, a rank-and-file fuller, accounted for something, despite its smelliet aspects. And it was, undeniably, a good business. | No toxic chemical solvents are needed to mix vegetable or animal glue, to ease their application, or to remove any excess or unwanted amounts.
Watet solubility is not automatic just because a material is naturally derived. In fact, a number of plants (particularly trees), in addition to containing water-soluble gums, produce a wholly different type of polymer known as resins, which are made up of repeating units of acid or alcohol molecules instead of long chains of sugars. Like plant gums, resins are sticky, but far more so. | In this they are essentially no different from animal or vegetable glues that adhere as the water they contain evaporates. Put in plain terms, the way good glue and even better glue works is to simply dry.
Beginning in the 1950s, polymer chemists began to develop a fundamentally different concept of glue. Suppose a new kind of glue could be created that was applied as monomer subunits that polymerized on the spot? This would not be an improved glue that simply dried more quickly than the competition, but rather a glue that catalyzed. | The animal glues and the vegetable gums may differ in their strength and utility, but they have one very important thing in common: both are water soluble. Even in the eleventh century, Rugerus understood that glue-stuff dissolves in water, even if he didn't know that it was collagen that he was extracting by so patiently simmering his fish heads and stag horns.
Collagen and starch are water soluble because, fundamentally, the wotld of a living cell is water bound. All its vital connections interface with an aqueous environment. | The odd whitening of vegetable colors that he observed was the harbinger of an entire industry that was to follow. But before that could happen, the new chemistry, born at the beginning of the eighteenth century, needed to mature. And to do that, phlogiston needed to be left behind. Chlorine was just the tonic to help chemistry grow up. | The only plausible and promising preservative of timber is the gas of the kerasote [sic], procured from the distillation of coal or vegetable tar, which, when driven off in the shape of gas, will penetrate every part of the largest logs.36
Barrow may be allowed some confusion in terminology. Unlike the processes patented by Kyan and Burnett, creosote (Barrow's kerasote) was not named after a person, although it was, like Kyanizingznd Burnettizing, a newly coined term, meant to convey the sense of "flesh preserving" from its original Greek root. | Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Flaxseed oil, nature's richest source of omega-3 fatty acids, is the vegetable alternative to fish oil. It contains twice as many omega-3s and is usually less expensive. Flaxseed oil provides the body with alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which it uses to make EPA, whereas fish oil provides EPA directly. There is some concern that humans do not readily convert ALA to the EPA and DFIA, and therefore flaxseed oil would be a less efficient method of gaining EPA and DHA. | Sophie D. Coe and Michael D. Coe See book keywords and concepts | But where cacao butter would have a natural place, such as in milk chocolates, instead of adding it during the conching or earlier steps in the process, large-scale manufacturers prefer to substitute cheap vegetable fats such as lecithin and palm oil. This is the usual practice with "summer" coatings—confectionery coatings used in budget or medium-priced boxed chocolates; such coatings are easier to work with because of their low viscosity, and they do not have to be tempered, but they have an inferior, watered-down flavor. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Substances:...and Water ...and Food ...and Acid ...and Acids ...and Liquid ...and Cream ...and Powder ...and Light ...and Extract ...and Essential oil
...and Macronutrients:...and Protein ...and Seeds ...and Oils ...and Salt ...and Fats ...and Fiber ...and Calories ...and Fatty acids ...and Minerals ...and Carbohydrate
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...and Plants and Herbs:...and Leaves ...and Garlic ...and Root ...and Pepper ...and Olive ...and Ginger ...and Roots ...and Stems ...and Flowers ...and Leaf
...and Anatomy:...and Body ...and Skin ...and Blood ...and Liver ...and Heart ...and Cells ...and Stomach ...and Immune system ...and Breast ...and Head
...and Nutrients:...and Vitamin ...and Calcium ...and Vitamin C ...and Vitamin E ...and Potassium ...and Iron ...and Beta-carotene ...and Magnesium ...and Vitamin A ...and Omega-3
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...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Preservatives ...and Msg ...and Fructose ...and Lactose ...and Food additives ...and Aspartame
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...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Blood levels ...and Triglycerides ...and Height ...and Body weight ...and Blood glucose ...and Heart rate
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Oxidation ...and Expectorant ...and Antiseptic ...and Aphrodisiac ...and Relieves ...and Relieving ...and Antifungal ...and Antimicrobial ...and Irritant
...and Organizations:...and Health food stores ...and Epa ...and Fda ...and Usda ...and National cancer institute ...and Manufacturers ...and Medical center ...and Government ...and Clinic ...and Food and drug administration
...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Fish oil ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Lactobacillus ...and Glucosamine
Related Concepts:
Oil Vegetables Water Foods Food Diet Fresh Fruit Juice Leaves Eat Protein Minutes Raw Oils Seeds Acid Green People Garlic Body Plant Beans Cancer Fruits Cooking Vitamin Skin Salt Flavor Broccoli Fish Time Avoid Potatoes Soup Fats Heat Chopped Meat Fiber Salad Root Sugar Products Dried Sweet Carrots Blood Taste Whole Eating Salads Red Calories Onion Greens Soups Juices Drink Olive oil Cabbage Nuts White Health Nutrients Cook Species Little Source Natural Herbs Calcium Tea Grains Sources Tomatoes Levels Cheese Celery Essential Intake Vitamin C Seed Liver Pepper Spinach Sauce Vitamins Olive Hot Disease Soy Corn Butter Produce Ingredients Heart Risk Animal