D. Lindsey Berkson See book keywords and concepts | Starvation and fasting quickly lower the body levels of gst, which quickly elevates after resuming the consumption of food.
• turmeric, combined with isoflavonoids (soy), has been shown to inhibit estrogenic effects. Several times a week take turmeric in capsules, add on top of food (after food is cooked), or mix a tea-spoonful with honey.
• Do a safe and sensible program for liver and intestinal detoxification, working with a holistic medical doctor, naturopathic doctor, or nutritionally oriented health practitioner who specializes in such programs. | Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier See book keywords and concepts | Phytomedicines: A few monopreparations contain turmeric dry extract, e. g. Sergast capsules (81 mg dry extract, drug-to-extract ratio range 13—25:1, solvent: ethanol 96%), Curcu Truw® capsules (81 mg dry extract, corresponding to 1540 mg dried rhizome), and Me-teophyt N dragees (35 mg extract, drug-to-extract ratio 12.5—25:1, solvent: ethanol 96%). Manufactured extracts of varying composition are contained in numerous combination products. | Gal-lexier® contains an aqueous decoction (1:10) of artichoke leaf, dandelion, turmeric rhizome, milk thistle seed, blessed thistle herb, bog bean leaf, yarrow herb, gentian root, wormwood herb, calamus rhizome, German chamomile flower, and fennel seed.
Regulatory status
Canada: Approved active ingredient in one Traditional Herbal Medicine (e.g. Naturland Swedish Bitter) and in a few homeopathic monopreparations, requiring pre-marketing authorization.
U.K. | Ruth Winter See book keywords and concepts | TUMERIC • See turmeric.
TUNG NUT OIL • Chinawood Oil. Drying oil used to waterproof packaging materials. Toxic by ingestion. Causes contact dermatitis (skin rash). Ingestion causes nausea, vomiting, cramps, diarrhea, thirst, dizziness, lethargy, and disorientation. Large doses can cause fever, irregular heartbeat, and respiratory effects. TUNU EXTRACT • Tuno. From a Central American tree, Costilla fallax cook, closely related to the rubber tree. Cleared for use as a natural masticatory substance of vegetable origin in chewing-gum base.
TURMERIC • Tumeric. | Patrick Holford See book keywords and concepts | Curcumin: A powerful antioxidant found in mustard, turmeric, corn, and yellow peppers.
Ellagic acid: Present in strawberries, grapes, and raspberries, ellagic acid neutralizes carcinogens before they can damage DNA. A common cancer-producing chemical found in some meat, called nitrosamine, is put out of action by strawberries. In fact, research has shown that strawberries are second only to garlic for their anticancer properties against nitrosamines. | Heather Boon, BScPhm, PhD and Michael Smith, BPharm, MRPharmS, ND See book keywords and concepts | ANTI-INFLAMMATORY EFFECTS
Several experimental models have demonstrated the anti-inflammatory activity of the volatile oil component of turmeric,1415 as well as curcumin and its analogs.6'8916
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Several clinical studies have reported curcumin's effectiveness in the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis.1718 One study found that symptoms such as joint swelling, walking speed and morning stiffness were improved to the same degree in patients taking either curcumin (1200 mg daily) or phenylbutazone (300 mg daily). | Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier See book keywords and concepts | Steep for 10—15 min and then pass through a tea strainer.
6.6 Duration of use
In acute cases that last longer than one week or periodically reoccur, it is recommended to seek medical advice.
6.7 Side effects
None known.
6.8 Storage
Store protected from light and moisture.
Fig. 4: TLC of turmeric samples, on a 5 x 10 cm silica gel 60 F254 plate, unsprayed, in UV at 365 nm.
1: Curcuma longae rhizoma
2: Reference solution (thymol)
3: Curcumaexanthorrhizae rhizoma
Fig. | For a review of papers published up through 1997 discussing turmeric's anti-inflammatory, hepatoprotective, antimutagenic and tumor inhibiting, antimicrobial and antiviral actions, refer to [12]; see also [11]. A probable basis for these aforementioned effects is the antioxidant activity of the curcuminoids, particularly the tetrahydro- compounds formed through biotransformation [8, 11, 14—16]. Animal experiments and to some extent clinical studies have investigated the anti-inflammatory activity (inhibition of cyclooxygenase and
Excerpt from the German Commission E monograph
(BAn% no. | Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | In one, turmeric proved to be an effective anti-mutagen in smokers. Another showed that patients with external cancerous lesions experienced significant relief following treatment with an ethanol turmeric extract and a curcumin ointment. The administration of 500 mg per day of curcumin for seven days has been shown to significantly reduce the level of serum lipid peroxides, increase HDL cholesterol, and decrease total serum cholesterol in healthy human subjects. | Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier See book keywords and concepts | The same effects that are described for turmeric (see: Curcu-
Excerpt from the German Commission E monograph
(BAnz no. 122, Publishedfuly 6, 1988; Revised in BAn^ no. 164, Published September 1, 1990)
Dyspeptic disorders. Contraindications
Obstruction of the biliary ducts. In case of gallstones, use only after consulting with a physician.
Side effects
Indigestion with prolonged use.
Interactions with other drugs
None known.
Unless otherwise prescribed: Average daily dosage is 2 g of dried rhizome or equivalent preparations. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | Animal studies have found that turmeric root and curcumin may reduce arthritic symptoms.
The herb plantain (Plantago lanceolata, P. major) is used in Germany to treat upper respiratory inflammation and to reduce skin inflammation. It is an ingredient in some anticough and expectorant medicines.
One of its chemical components, ursolic acid, it a potent antiinflammatory. In a study conducted at Uppsala University, Sweden, researchers reported that it was a highly selective inhibitor of Cox-2, the cyclooxygenase enzyme more involved in inflammatory reactions. | C. P. Khare See book keywords and concepts | In folk medicine, turmeric is used as a stomachic, tonic, blood-purifier and skin-disinfectant. Externally the paste is applied to indolent ulcers, skin eruptions, inflamed joints. Mixed with calcium oxide, the paste is also applied over sprains and contusions. Mixed with warm milk, it is given for treating common cold; also as an internal antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent in bronchial asthma. The powder of all the varieties of Curcuma spp., mixed with milk, is given for expediting the healing of fractured bones. | The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties play a major role when turmeric is employed in the treatment of gallstones, acute and chronic inflammation of the gallbladder and inflammation of the bile duct.
Curcumin, being an active choleretic, increased bile acid output by over 100 per cent. In addition to increasing biliary excretion of bile salts, cholesterol and bilirubin, curcumin also increases the solubility of bile. This suggests a benefit in the prevention of cholelithiasis. (Michael T. Murray. | English: turmeric.
Parts used
Powder 1-3 g. Classical use
Charaka used the drug in liver disorders, urinary affections, dermatosis, toxicosis, piles, bronchial asthma, senility, impaired vision.
Sushruta prescribed the drug in oedema, anaemia, skin diseases, leprosy, malignant ulcers, haemoptysis, seminal and urinary disorders, urethral and vaginal discharges; also in indigestion and chronic dysentery. The drug was also given for purifying and promoting breast milk. | English: Mango-ginger, Wild turmeric.
Parts used
Juice 10-20 ml, powder 3-5 g. Classical use
According to Bhaavaprakaasha, the rhizome is antibilious, tonic to heart and cures obstinate skin diseases.
Active principles and pharmacology
The essential oil contains alpha-pinene, alpha- and beta-curcumene, camphor, cuminyl alcohol, myr-istic acid and tumerone. Car-3-ene and cz's-oci-mene contribute the characteristic mango odour of the rhizome.
Rhizome exhibits carminative and stomachic properties; anti-inflammatory activity in contusion and sprains. | English: Wild turmeric.
Parts used
Dose i-3 g-
Classical use
According to Kaiyadeva Nighantu, Aranya-rajani Kanda is to be prescribed in diseases due to vitiation of blood, piles, inflammatory affections, cough, bronchitis, asthma and as an internal antitoxic and antiseptic agent.
In folk medicine, rhizomes are used internally as a carminative, and externally in sprains and bruises.
Active principles and pharmacology
The essential oil contains alpha- and beta-cur-cumene, d-camphor, d-camphene and p-methoxy-cinnamic acid. The colouring matter is curcumin. | The plant used in the form of pulp, mixed with turmeric (Curcuma longa) and applied externally on eczema, gave good results.
Oral administration of the juice of the plant, mixed with honey, 2-3 times a day for a few days, was found effective in menorrhagia. Local application in the form of paste upon lower abdomen reduced severe vaginal bleeding.
A decoction with sugar, used internally 2-3 times a day, was found effective in retention of urine.
Cyperus rotundus Linn.
Figure 1 Cyperus rotundus [ADPS] Habitat
Throughout India, as a weed, up to an elevation of 2000 m. | Richard P. Brown, M.D., and Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | For example, garlic, ginger, and Indian spices such as coriander and turmeric are known to supply nutrients and antioxidants that support cellular energy production as well as the cells' defense and repair mechanisms. So trade in your saltshaker for these, as well as for sprinkles of cinnamon, nutmeg, black peppercorns, fennel, cloves, mustard seeds, curry, saffron, cumin, and caraway. For a dash of extra nutrition, try seasoning your cooking with fresh basil, cilantro, bay leaves, parsley, or mint.
Stay well hydrated. This means drinking at least six glasses of water per day. | Gary Null See book keywords and concepts | They found that turmeric and red pepper exert antitumor effects by suppressing tumor promotion of RNA.63
Tatman and Mo at the Department of Nutrition and Food Sciences at Texas Woman's University concur with numerous researchers who report the beneficial association of fruits, vegetables, and plants in preventing cancer. Their research was focused on what part of the plant was the most active in this regard. They concluded that iso-prenoids, a broad class of plant chemicals found everywhere in the plant kingdom, suppress the growth and spread of tumor cells and the growth of implanted tumors. | Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier See book keywords and concepts | Common turmeric, Indian saffron, Yellow ginger (Engl.), Rhizome de curcuma (Fr.), Curcumawurzelstock, Gelbwurzel, Gelbwurzelstock (Ger.), Ukon (Jap.), Rizoma de curcuma, Aza-fran de la India (Span.).
Origin: Cultivated in tropical Asia and Africa. The material of commerce is imported from China, India and Indonesia. The material used in Ayurvedic medicine is cultivated in almost all states of India. The material used in Chinese and Japanese medicine is cultivated in southern China, Taiwan, and Japan. | The Life Extension Editorial Staff See book keywords and concepts | The herbs milk thistle (containing silybin) and turmeric (containing curcumin) help to inhibit inflammatory cytokines.
• Silibinin Plus, 1 capsule twice daily
• Supet Cutcumin w/Bioperine, 1 capsule daily
6. Corticosteroids taken to relieve asthmatic symptoms often deplete the body of vital minerals such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, and zinc. These minetals will be replenished by taking 6 capsules each night of a multimineral supplement like Bone Assure.
7. N-acetyl-L-cysteine, 600 mg/day and glutathione, 250-500 mg/day can lower IL-4 and enhance T-cell proliferation.
8. | Curcumin from the spice turmeric may provide neuroprotection and slow erosion of the myelin shield. Two to five 900-mg capsules of Super Curcumin with Bioperine may be taken for therapeutic purposes.
Hydergine (5-20 mg a day) and/or acetyl-L-camitine (1000 mg twice a day) and/or alpha-lipoic acid (500 mg twice a day) should be taken to provide myelin sheath protection and energy enhancement to the nerve fibers. Also, Coenzyme Qiq in doses of 100 mg 3 times a day can be especially important for MS patients. Coenzyme Qiq should be taken in oil-filled capsules for maximum assimilation. | Ray Strand, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Herbal medicines to avoid while taking Coumadin are angelica root, anise, borage-seed oil, devil's claw, papain, ginseng, ginger, ginkgo, horse chestnut, alfalfa, red clover, clove oil, feverfew, passionflower herb, salvia root (danshen), willow bark, cinchona bark, turmeric, garlic, coquinone, and dong quai.
Occasionally patients on Coumadin suffer a serious adverse drug reaction, possibly even a life-threatening bleed. How often does your doctor or pharmacist give you an entire list of drugs to avoid if you are taking this medication? | Heather Boon, BScPhm, PhD and Michael Smith, BPharm, MRPharmS, ND See book keywords and concepts | An animal study has demonstrated that the active constituents of turmeric are transferred translactationally.44 Safety in pregnancy and lactation has not yet been established.
No known drug interactions.
þ dried root: 1.5-3 g daily.1 Note: The clinical trials reviewed used 400 mg curcumin three times daily.1718
Arctostaphylos uva-ursi (L.) Spreng. | However, our literature review did not find any human studies which investigated turmeric's efficacy for these indications.
Animal studies suggest that curcumin may have an inhibitory effect on a variety of experimentally-induced cancer, including: carcinogen-induced cancers of the duodenum, colon and forestomach in mice;25'26 Ehrlich ascites tumor in mice;27 carcinogen-induced skin tumor formation in mice;28 aflatoxin-induced hepatocarcinogenicity in rats;29 and carcinogen-induced cancer of the oral mucosa in hamsters. | Liver Disorders
Active Constituents
þ> Curcumin
Adverse Effects
þ None known
Drug Interactions v None known
Dried turmeric Root: 1.5-3.0 g three times daily
*> Curcumin: 250-500 mg three times daily
þ Bile Duct Blockage and Gallstones
þ Pregnancy and Lactation (safety not yet established)
þ Zingiberaceae
Curcuma domestica Val.
þ Curcuma
þ Indian saffron. | Ruth Winter, M.S. See book keywords and concepts | TUMERIC • See turmeric.
TUNA EXTRACT • The extract of the fish species Thunnus. See Fish Oil. TURKEY-RED OIL • One of the first surface-active ingredients (see). Used in shampoos. Contains sulfated castor oil. It has been used to obtain bright, clear colors in dyeing fabrics. See Sulfonated Oils.
TURMERIC • Tumeric. Derived from an East Indian herb. An aromatic, pepperlike, but somewhat bitter, taste. | Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien See book keywords and concepts | Scientific evidence suggests that artichoke leaf, medicinal mushrooms, turmeric, and other herbs also have liver-protective promise.
Respiratory Protection
Most people are surprised to learn that respiratory disease is the third major cause of death in America. In the elderly, as immune function declines, simple colds and flu often progress to life-threatening pneumonia. Especially for highly susceptible people, it is important to use every defense available to keep these "nuisance" diseases from raging out of control. | Other ingredients in the formula were ashwagan-dha (Withania somnifera) and turmeric (Curcuma longa), both of which have demonstrated anti-inflammatory effects in other studies, as well as a zinc complex. The investigators concluded that boswellia may work together with the other herbs in the preparation to produce relief of arthritis symptoms.4
How It Works
The anti-inflammatory activity of boswellia has been attributed to its ability to interrupt leukotriene synthesis. | As with herbs like garlic, ginkgo, and turmeric, ginger inhibits platelet-activating factor (PAF), a naturally occurring substance in the body that is essential to blood clotting and inflammatory processes. While adequate levels of PAF are needed to maintain proper body function, excess PAF has been implicated in the development of many conditions, including heart disease, allergies, asthma, and inflammatory disorders such as psoriasis.
Possibly one of the first plants to be cultivated by humankind, ginger has been employed and valued by nearly every major culture in the world. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Curcumin Extract Root Liver Effects Study Cancer Pain Ginger Effect Inflammation Oil Herbs Spice Anti-inflammatory Activity Water Blood Treatment Studies Yellow Antioxidant Herb Skin Foods Acid Diet Mice People Food Arthritis Tea Garlic Cells Patients Body Powder Properties Inhibited Doses Indian Curry Levels Active Stomach Spices Rats Natural Helps Research Minutes Bile Color Fresh India Seeds Time Prevent Eat Pepper Green Oral Taking Increase Symptoms Healing In vitro Dose Tumors Plant Induced Disease Extracts Rhizome Vegetables Leaf Compound Vitamin Black Gallstones Red Damage Aqueous Results Herbal Human Drugs Reduced Salt Cayenne Dosage Curcuma Heat Leaves Capsules Heart Conditions Formula Avoid Side effects