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Valerian Root, Aniseed, Lobelia, Brigham Tea, Black Walnut Hulls, Licorice, ginger. — highly concentrated, works very quickly. A few drops to 1/4-1/2 teaspoon every two hours has been used for adults. — helps feed the nerves and gives a calm feeling. Described by one person as "just taking a burden off your shoulders." MOST COMMON USES Anti-spasmodic Coughing Spastic Conditions Arthritis Insomnia-Sleep Stress Convulsions Nerves 71 2.__Chickweed, Black Cohosh, Goldenseal, Lobelia, Scullcap, Brigham Tea, Licorice. — used for ear drops to relieve ear ache and fight infection.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Examples of prepared oleoresins are paprika, ginger, and capsicum. Powdered extract - a solid extract which has been dried to a powder. Putrefaction - the process of breaking down protein compounds by rotting. Recommended dietary allowance (RDA) - recommended dietary allowance. Resins - complex oxidative products of terpenes that occur naturally as plant exudates, or are prepared by alcohol extraction of botanicals that contain resinous principles.
Pizzorno Jr, ND Curcuma longa (family: Zingiberaceae) Common names: turmeric, curcuma, Indian saffron GENERAL DESCRIPTION Curcuma longa, a perennial herb of the ginger family, is extensively cultivated in India, China, Indonesia, and other tropical countries. It has a thick rhizome from which arise large, oblong, and long-petioled leaves. The rhizome is the part used; it is usually cured (boiled, cleaned, and sun-dried) and polished.1 CHEMICAL COMPOSITION Turmeric contains:1,2 • 4-14% of an orange-yellow volatile oil that is composed mainly of turmerone, atlantone, and zingiberone • 0.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 2

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Fischer-Rasmussen W, Kjaer SK, Dahl C, Asping U. ginger treatment of hyperemesis gravidarum. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1990; 38: 19-24 8. Wolkind S, Zajicek E. Psycho-social correlates of nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. H Psychosom Res 1978; 22: 1-5 9. FitzGerald CM. Nausea and vomiting in pregnancy. Br J Med Psycho 1984; 57: 159-165 10. Hyde E. Acupressure therapy for morning sickness. A controlled clinical trial. J Nurse Midwifery 1989; 34: 171-178 CHAPTER CONTENTS I to Diagnostic summary 1429 Obesity Michael T. Murray, ND Joseph E.
There do not appear to be any side-effects with ginger at these levels. Bupleuri falcatum Chinese thoroughwax root is an important component in various Chinese traditional medicine prescriptions, particularly in remedies for inflammatory conditions. Recently these formulas have also been used in combination with corticosteroid drugs like prednisone.103 Chinese thoroughwax has been shown to enhance the activity of cortisone. The active constituent components of Chinese thoroughwax are steroid-like compounds known as saikosaponins.
Srivastava KC, Mustafa T. ginger (Zingiber officinale) in rheumatism and musculoskeletal disorders. Med Hypothesis 1992; 39: 342-348 103. Shimizu K, Amagaya S, Ogihara Y. Combination of shosaikoto (Chinese traditional medicine) and prednisolone on the antiinflammatory action. J Pharmaco Dyn 1984; 7: 891-899 104. Yamamoto M, Kumagai A, Yokoyama Y. Structure and actions of saikosaponins isolated from Bupleurum falcatum L. Arzniem Forsch. 1975; 25: 1021-1040 105. Hiai S, Yokoyama H, Nagasawa T et al. Stimulation of the pituitary-adrenocortical axis by saikosaponin of Bupleuri radix.

The How to Herb Book: Let's Remedy the Situation

Velma J. Keith and Monteen Gordon
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Herb Sources-Alfalfa, Blue Cohosh, Capsicum, Cascara, Catnip, Chickweed, Dandelion, Eyebright, Fenugreek, ginger, Goldenseal, Hawthorne, Hops, Kelp, Licorice, Marshmallow, Mullein, Papaya, Red Clover. VITAMIN B3 (NIACIN OR NICOTINIC ACID, NIACINAMIDE) Water soluble. Small quantities found in food usually need a supplement. Also called Vitamin P-P or Pellagra preventative. Called the happy vitamin because it helps with stress. A synthetic form of Niacin is used to enrich white flour products. Using amino acid tryptophan, the body can manufacture its own niacin.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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Administration of 6 g of dried powdered ginger has been shown to increase the exfoliation of gastric surface epithelial cells in human subjects.43 This may cause some gastric distress and ultimately could lead to ulcer formation. Therefore, it is recommended that dosages on an empty stomach be less than 6 g.

Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health

Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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You can prevent the production of Cox-2—naturally—with a special ginger extract I'll tell you about in the natural alternatives section of this chapter.

The Okinawa Diet Plan : Get Leaner, Live Longer, and Never Feel Hungry

Bradley J. Willcox, M.D., D. Craig Willcox, Ph.D., Makoto Suzuki, M.D.
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Vz cup finely chopped leek, white part only 2 tablespoons kudzu powder or 1V2 tablespoons arrowroot powder 1 tablespoon sake rice wine 1 cup sliced fresh shiitake mushrooms 1 tablespoon white miso Hold a sardine's caudal fin with one hand; using a small knife, scrape the scales off the sardine, from head to tail. Chop the head off as well as the caudal and dorsal fins. Make a cut along the belly (do not cut through to the back) and open the fish. Remove the abdomen and wash the dark red flesh with cold running water. Repeat with the remaining sardines.

Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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As mentioned previously, these include garlic and cayenne pepper. ginger root helps with the circulation, while hawthorn berries are the safest effective heart tonic. Many herbs can be used in CVD as heart tonics, as diuretics in hypertension, and for improving general circulation. Lifestyle factors helpful in reducing CVD, besides reducing smoking, especially, and avoiding excessive caffeine and alcohol, are exercise and stress management. Before the technological age, exercise was part of everyday life; now it must be a special activity.
HERBAL CAFFEINE SUBSTITUTES Roasted barky Chicory root Dandelion root Postum Pero Pioneer Rombouts Rosataroma Wilson's Heritage Cafix Miso broth Duran Peppermint Ginseng root ginger root Ephedra Comfrey leaf Lemon grass Red clover Comfrey leaf Some authorities feel that if we are to drink a cup of coffee a day, we should do it in the mid to late afternoon, the most harmonious time. For the English, this is teatime.
Pumpkin seeds contain zinc and are thought to be helpful to the prostate gland. ginger root is a good zinc source, as are mustard, chili powder, and black pepper. In general, fruits and vegetables are not good zinc sources, although peas, carrots, beets, and cabbage contain some zinc. The zinc in grains is found mainly in the germ and bran coverings, so refining them will lower the zinc content. Approximately 80 percent of zinc is lost in making white flour from whole wheat. Since zinc is soluble in water, canning foods or cooking in water can cause zinc losses.
Rosemary, ginger, cumin, or orange peel, used to make tea and drunk before meals, can also be helpful. I have come to believe that the digestive tract and its function may be the single most important body component determining health and disease. Maintaining normal digestion, assimilation, and elimination is a necessity, and when these functions are faulty, we may not be aware that these dysfunctions are contributing to so many other problems. Another key digestive factor is that HC1 is a stimulus to pancreatic secretions, containing the majority of enzymes that actively break down foods.

The New Encyclopedia of Vitamins, Minerals, Supplements and Herbs

Nicola Reavley
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These include cayenne or chilli pepper {Capsicum annuum), ginger (Zingiber officinale), garlic (Allium sativum), turmeric (Curcuma longd), ginkgo (Ginkgo biloba) and bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus). See page 384 for more information on these herbs and the precautions that may be necessary.

Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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For improving body heat, one or two capsules of ginger root powder can be taken once or twice a day for about a month. Cayenne pepper can also be used in this way. Ginkgo biloba One of the oldest living plant species is the ginkgo tree. Estimated at well over 100 million years old, the leaves from this tree have a bilobal, brainlike appearance, hence the name, Ginkgo biloba. Though fairly new to the Western culture, the leaves of the gingko tree have been used for centuries in the Orient for complaints associated with aging.

Get Healthy Now with Gary Null: A Complete Guide to Prevention, Treatment and Healthy living

Gary Null
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A few tablespoons of grated fresh or powdered ginger can be used in cooking to add some excitement to your meal. GINSENG (Panax ginseng is Latin for the Chinese variety; the species native to North America is Panax qinquefolium), considered the master herb by the Chinese, is probably the most researched herb in the world. It is highly valued in China; in fact, the fist diplomatic liaison between the U.S. and China was a trade agreement for selling ginseng. Ginseng was used as far back as 3100 B.C. in China; around 2597 B.C. it was discussed as a medicine in a scroll.

Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 1

Michael T. Murray, ND
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All patients reported substantial improvement, including pain relief, increased joint mobility, and decreased swelling and morning stiffness. In the follow-up to this study, 28 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 18 with osteoarthritis, and 10 with muscular discomfort who had been taking powdered ginger for periods ranging from 3 months to 2.5 years were evaluated.38 Based on clinical observations, Srivastava & Mustafa reported that 75% of the arthritis patients and 100% of the patients with muscular discomfort experienced relief in pain or swelling.
Administration of 6 g of dried powdered ginger has been shown to increase the exfoliation of gastric surface epithelial cells in human subjects.43 This may cause some gastric distress and ultimately could lead to ulcer formation. Therefore, it is recommended that dosages on an empty stomach be less than 6 g.
In the follow-up to this study, 28 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, 18 with osteoarthritis, and 10 with muscular discomfort who had been taking powdered ginger for periods ranging from 3 months to 2.5 years were evaluated.38 Based on clinical observations, Srivastava & Mustafa reported that 75% of the arthritis patients and 100% of the patients with muscular discomfort experienced relief in pain or swelling. The recommended dosage was 500-1,000 mg/day, but many patients took three to four times this amount. Patients taking the higher dosages also reported quicker and better relief.

The New Holistic Health Handbook: Living Well in a New Age

Berkeley Holistic Health Center and Shepherd Bliss
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Heavy uses of curry, black pepper, ginger, and cinnamon can also be irritating to the rectum. If there is ulceration, irritation, or ineffective elimination, a potato suppository may be useful. Whittle out a piece of raw potatoe about the size and shape of your little finger. This is inserted overnight and really aids in the healing of hemorrhoids. Slippery elm or flax seed can also be used to soothe this condition. Take them in either tea or suppository form. Diarrhea Diarrhea is sometimes caused by a weak spleen.
Baby oil, massage lotions, ginger juice, etc., may be used to lubricate the surface of the skin. Figure 1. The Lung Meridian, with a descending flow of energy running from the top of the chest, along the inside of the arm to the outside of the thumb, joins a series of 11 bilateral points. Figure 4. The Spleen-Pancreas Meridian, with an ascending flow of energy running from the foot to the chest, joins a series of 21 bilateral points. Figure 2.
Circulation system: cayenne (most powerful, fast-acting, nonirritating if uncooked, anti-inflammatory), ginger, bayberry bark, prickly ash (for the joints and extremities), myrrh. Digestive system: hops, papaya, mustard seeds (one-half tsp. of whole seeds in a cup of warm water 20 minutes before eating), apple cider vinegar and honey (a tsp. of each in a glass of warm water 20 min.
The most famous of Chinese herbs are ginseng, ma huang, and ginger. Ginseng, panax ginseng, is the fabled herb of immortality, used by the Chinese as a panacea for many different ailments. Modern research has demonstrated that ginseng helps the body adapt to stress. Ginseng is a tonic for the endocrine glands and is soothing to the digestive system. The Chinese used ma huang, ephedra sinica, as an herbal stimulant to improve circulation and open up bronchial passages. It wasn't until the late nineteenth century that scientists isolated the alkaloid ephedrine from this plant.

Staying Healthy with Nutrition: The Complete Guide to Diet and Nutritional Medicine

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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Ginseng As with ginger, the root of the ginseng plant, usually Panax ginseng, is the active and commonly used part. It comes to us mainly from Asian cultures, where it is used extensively as a tonic, stimulant, and rejuvenator, especially for men. It is also used by women for fatigue and sexually related symptoms. It is often part of formulas used to balance the menstrual cycle, reduce premenstrual symptoms or hot flashes of menopause, or to improve the sex drive or enhance fertility. Probably the most common use of ginseng is to increase energy.

The Food Pharmacy: Dramatic New Evidence That Food Is Your Best Medicine

Jean Carper
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Chiang insists that the finer you chop the garlic and ginger, the more interesting the finished dish will be.) Cut the dark skin off the outside of the water chestnuts, then chop them into pieces about the size of a match head. Combine the cornstarch and water in a small bowl and set aside. Cut the bean curd into l/2-inch cubes. Drain the tree ears, then rinse them and pick them over carefully to remove the tiny impurities, like little pieces of wood, that might still be imbedded in them. Then mince into little pieces the size of a match head.

The Green Pharmacy: New Discoveries in Herbal Remedies for Common Diseases and Conditions from the World's Foremost Authority on Healing Herbs

James A. Duke, Ph.D.
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If I had angina, I would take ginger regularly and use it liberally in cooking. V*. Khella (Ammi majus). A 1951 article published in the New England Journal of Medicine touted the anti-angina benefits of khellin, a compound in khella that increases blood flow into the heart. The article called khellin "a safe and effective drug for the treatment of angina pectoris." As little as 30 milligrams of khellin a day can help, but noted naturopath Michael Murray, N.D.

The Holographic Universe

Michael Talbot
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Then mustard, pepper, ginger, et cetera were tried; each was named and apparently tasted by the girl when I put them in my own mouth."41 In his book Experiments in Distant Influence the Soviet physiologist Leonid Vasiliev cites a German study conducted in the 1950s that produced similar findings.

The Healing Foods: The Ultimate Authority on the Curative Power of Nutrition

Patricia Hausman & Judith Benn Hurley
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We recommend these seasoning combinations for marinades and sauces: • Garlic, ginger, and chives. • Sweet onions, tomatoes, basil, and thyme. • Saffron, leek, and tomatoes. At cooking time, grill or bake it, or slice it against the grain and saute it for several minutes on each side in a small amount of olive or peanut oil. Striped Bass This is a versatile fish. You can broil, bake, microwave, saute, plank, poach, or grill it. It substitutes well for red snapper in recipes.
Soy sauce, garlic, ginger, and tomato are our favorites. Although moist heat usually is recommended for lean cuts of meat, flank steak should be broiled or grilled quickly, about 7 minutes on each side for rare meat. (Overcooking will make this meat tough.) Finally, slice flank steak thinly and against the grain for best results. Ground Round At the Market: Look for ground round as the lean alternative to hamburger. Some stores do not prepackage ground round but will grind any piece of lean meat for you on request.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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Fresh ginger
Nausea and vomiting