Vegetables should be included in the diet and should always be cooked with a slice of ginger root to maintain proper Yin-Yang balance. 8. There is a good variety of harmless Chinese herbs or herb formulas from which to choose for treating or relieving a wide range of female disorders.
Mrs. L.L. suffered from internal "piles," symptomized by rectal itching and burning, a dull aching sensation, and pain up inside the rectum, with occasional bleeding. The pain increased during a bowel movement and became intensified when there was constipation. | Constituents: Uses:
Constituents: Uses:
Constituents: Uses:
Pinellia and Magnolia Combination
Constituents: Pinellia, magnolia bark, hoelen, perilla, ginger.
Uses: Menopausal anxiety, depression, irritability, or other strong emotions.
Ginseng and Tang Kuei Ten Combination
Constituents: Ginseng, tang kuei, peony, atractylodes, hoelen, cnidium, rehmannia, astragalus, cinnamon, licorice. Uses: Fatigue, weakness, anemia, and persistent leucorrhea after childbirth or miscarriage. | Cinnamon Combination
Constituents: Cinnamon, licorice, ginger, peony, jujube.
Uses: Common cold with low vitality, headaches, fever, spontaneous sweating.
English Name: Self-Heal Botanical Name: Prunella vulgaris
This plant contains astringent and styptic properties and is used as a cold mouth wash for bleeding gums or as a gargle or mouth wash for ulceration or inflammation of the mouth and throat. Prepare a tea by adding 1 ounce of the leaves to one pint of boiling water. Remove from the heat, cover, and allow to stand for ten minutes. Strain. | Ralph Golan, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Arthritis (noninfectious)
Herbal Bromelain (devil's claw, black cohosh, bromelain/pineapple, ginger, turmeric, celery, quercetin/ yellow onion, feverfew): two to four capsules three to four times a day (Eclectic Institute). Rheumatoplex (Chinese nardostachytis, myrrh gum, Chinese mastix, Chinese notopterygii root, Chinese achranthis root, Chinese poria): one to five capsules three times a day (Herb Technology/Khalsa Health Center). | Richard Lucas See book keywords and concepts | It contains bupleurum, cinnamon, ginseng, pinellia, licorice, scute, peony root, jujube fruit, and ginger.
Since ancient times, bupleurum has been regarded as a superior herb for its powerful harmonizing effect on the organism, relieving tension, nervousness, and hyperactivity. Ginseng, the tonic herb, is well known for its ability to increase strength and vitality, and to reduce reactions to a stressful lifestyle. The seven other herbs in this Chinese formula work synergistically so that the combination is much more effective than the use of any of the single herbs alone. |
The Garlic CureJames F. Scheer, Lynn Allison and Charlie Fox See book keywords and concepts | In a blender, combine tomato, garlic, ginger, coriander, curry and olive oil. Blend well and toss with the potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Serve at room temperature.
6 servings
Use aromatic basmati rice for this flavorful dish.
1 tsp. olive oil 2 cups basmati rice
2 cloves garlic, minced 4 cups water
1 med. onion, chopped 2 cups frozen peas
1 tsp. curry powder 1 cup diced green pepper
Heat the oil in a large saucepan and add onion and garlic. Saute for 5 minutes and add curry powder, rice and water. | Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts | Whatever the source of the burn, it can be treated by crushing fresh ginger, squeezing out the juice and applying with a cotton ball.
GOTU KOLA In the Fiji islands, healers treat burns with the gotu kola plant, a weed that is commonly found in mountainous tropical regions. Fiji healers claim that the plant accelerates the healing of burned tissue.
HONEY Descendants of the Norse people still mix honey and cod liver oil into a preparation that they use to treat minor burns. Nutrients in the oil (vitamins A and D) and honey accelerate healing by nourishing surrounding areas of healthy skin. | Michael T. Murray, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Suekawa M, Aburada M, and Hosoya E: Pharmacological studies on ginger. II. Pressor action of (6)-shogoal in anesthetized rats, or hindquarters, tail and mesenteric vascular beds of rats. III. Effect of spinal destruction on (6)-shagoal-induced pressor response in rats. J Pharmacobio-Dyn 9, 842-860, 1986.
18. Onogi T, et al: Capsaicin-like effect of (6)-shogoal on substance P-containing primary afferents of rats: A possible mechanism of its analgesic action. Neuropharmacology 31,1165-1169,1992.
19. | Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts | Willow bark for headaches, ginger for an upset stomach, moldy bread to protect cuts and scrapes against infection are just a few of the countless remedies they found in Mother Nature's pharmacy.
For years, practitioners of modern medicine scoffed at these "primitive" folk treatments. But the tables have turned. Researchers are discovering that folk cures not only work, in many cases they are even better than chemically manufactured commercial drugs. They are at least as effective — and almost always cheaper, gentler and safer. | Chamomile works great if you're tense, blackberry or ginger are nice if you are suffering from indigestion, and ma huang is a wonderful stimulant if you're feeling tired.
Some herbs need a little extra help before they'll release their good stuff. That's where decoctions come in. Much like an infusion, a "decoction" is made by steeping parts of plants in boiling water. However, because decoctions are made from the tougher parts of plants — stems, nuts, roots and seeds — you'll need to boil the herb for a few minutes for maximum effect. | To try the second remedy, dip a cotton ball in a solution of 1 part ginger juice to 10 parts alcohol, and massage the bald area. Rinse after 30 minutes.
KELP Popular in Scottish diets, kelp helps prevent skin wrinkles. Eating kelp is also said to make your hair richer and more full-bodied. Minerals are important for hair growth — and kelp is full of minerals, particularly iodine. Hair loss is one of the earliest manifestations of hypothyroidism, which is caused by too little iodine in the body. | And here are recipes for three more especially tasty, berry-based cough treatments: (1) Simmer elderflower and/or black currants in a little water, sweeten with honey, pour in a wineglass and drink while still hot. ginger and cloves can be simmered along with the berries to add warmth and antiseptic properties to the mixture. (2) Mix the juice of black currants with honey to make a syrup. Then take it, as needed, by the teaspoon. (3) Mix raspberry juice with honey, and take 2 teaspoons as needed. | The Egyptians and Indians add honey to tea made with fresh or powdered ginger, tumeric or cumin.
LEMON An old folk remedy for constipation is to drink lemon juice in a cup of warm water (without sweetener) 30 minutes before eating breakfast. In China, they like to use grapefruit juice instead.
Any aerobic exercise helps keep your body in tune, and that includes preventing constipation. Exercises such as walking, jogging, or running increase blood flow to the intestines, which can help improve bowel regularity. | Lesley Tierra See book keywords and concepts | Oils which are warming and stimulating are made by adding pure essential oils such as cinnamon, thyme, cajeput, camphor, eucalyptus, peppermint, ginger or wintergreen to name a few. These herbal oils are generally used over specific areas where treatment is needed.
The best oils to use are olive or sesame because these warm the skin and keep longer. A few other oils are nice to add in smaller amounts such as apricot, almond and avocado. Experiment with these oils until you find your favorite combination. | Linda B. White, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | If you take a blood thinner, consult your doctor before taking therapeutic doses of ginger.
Hawthorn (Crataegus spp.)
This herb acts as a tonic for the heart and blood vessels. It increases the strength of both the vessels and the heart's contractions, thereby increasing circulation to the extremities. Although this herb is usually used in congestive heart failure, many practitioners feel it has value for people with Raynaud's as well. Most research has focused on hawthorn's leaves and flowers, and most capsules, tablets, and tinctures are made from them. | Lesley Tierra See book keywords and concepts | A traditional Ayurvedic paste, called Trikatu, contains black pepper, long pepper (pippli) and ginger and is fabulous for cold, flus, mucus congestion, lung ailments, sore throat and cough, ad from coldness.
1. Powder desired herbs in nut & seed or coffee grinder or blender. If using fresh herbs in a blender, add a Utile water.
2. Place in bowl and add enough sweetener to form a paste.
3. Store in covered glass container.
Amounts: Use 1 part herbs to 2 parts sweetener, although this varies if the herbs are fresh or dry. | Linda B. White, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Good choices would be lemon balm, ginger, St.-John's-wort, and mullein. Typical dose: 2 to 3 cups of tea per day (simmer 1 teaspoon of dried chopped root in 2 cups of water for 15 minutes),- the tea can also be cooled to use in a compress. Caution-. Limit use to not more than six weeks. Do not use if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, or a disease of the thyroid, kidney, liver, or heart. Do not use licorice if you're pregnant or nursing.
Baikal Skullcap (Scutellaria baicalensis)
This Chinese herb works against both viruses and bacteria, so it's a good one to apply topically to shingles. | Or skip the airline food and bring your own saltines, melba toast, candied ginger, or bananas. The goal is to avoid stomach-upsetting fats, but still have something to eat that's easy on the digestion.
ž Keep your area well-ventilated; overly warm or stuffy conditions aggravate nausea.
Calm Mind, Calm Stomach
Because motion sickness ebbs and flows, it can play havoc with your nerves. Alternately feeling relief as the nausea fades and anxiety as it returns may be the worst part of motion sickness. Classic antianxiety herbs can be helpful in such cases. | Lesley Tierra See book keywords and concepts | By first scalding a cup of milk and adding 1/2 teaspoon honey and 1/2 teaspoon powdered ginger, the mucus-producing and congesting properties of milk are mitigated, and the body receives a warming nutritive tonic instead.
Herbal oils are a method of extracting the active principles of herbs into an oil. They are used on the outside of the body, like liniments. They are good for sore and aching muscles, cuts and stings and are wonderful for massage. My whole family loves to be massaged regularly with herbal oils. | Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., and Jo Robinson See book keywords and concepts | Add the onion, garlic, ginger, and cook until onions are soft, a few minutes. Add the peppers, sugar, salt, and cayenne pepper and cook for another few minutes. Finally, add the shrimp or squid and cook briefly until done. Serve over rice.
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
19 gms.
9 gms.
138 mgs.
6 gms.
<1 gms.
138 mgs.
1 gms.
0.5 gms.
0.1 gms.
0.1 gms.
1. | Add mushrooms, bamboo shoots, water chestnuts, and ginger. Simmer 10 minutes. Add tofu, soy, rice wine vinegar, noodles, and greens. Bring to serving temperature. Remove from heat and stir in the oils.
Total Fat
Sat. Fat
11 gms.
16 gms.
1551 mgs.
8 gms.
1.2 gms.
0.9 mgs.
0.1 gms.
0.2 gms.
0 gms.
0 gms.
Instead of soaking the peas overnight, you can boil them for 2 minutes in 6 cups of water and then soak for 2 hours. | Linda B. White, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Crystallized ginger or candied chunks of the root can also be eaten.
Peppermint (Mentha x piperita)
One of the oldest and most-used remedies for any kind of stomach upset, peppermint helps prevent vomiting and quiets stomach spasms. The tincture can be taken along on trips and drunk in a little bit of water. Or simply try a strong peppermint candy such as Altoids. Typical dosage-. 10 to 20 drops of tincture in water after meals or before trips,- or 1 cup of tea as needed (steep 2 to 4 teaspoons of dried, cut, and sifted leaf in 1V2 to 3 cups of hot water for 15 minutes). Caution-. | Studies show that ginger can prevent motion sickness. Typical dosage: up to eight 500-to 600-milligram capsules per day,- or V7 to 1 teaspoon fresh ground root per day,- or 10 to 20 drops of tincture in water three times
Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare)
Fennel relieves gas and stimulates the digestive tract. If you expect to eat a vegetable that you have trouble digesting, such as cabbage, try adding fennel seeds to your recipe. | Dr. John Heinerman See book keywords and concepts | I'm sure that my mother wouldn't be here if not for ginger,' says Mary."
Bruised Paws
Tender Footpads
Dogs and cats were endowed with protective footpads to help them lope along in a graceful gait or add more spring to their steps when rapid movements become necessary. Sometimes, in the course of their locomotions, they are prone to getting rose thorns, cockleburrs, wood slivers, pieces of glass, tiny rocks, or other sharp objects imbedded in their footpads.
Also, they may be likely to catch one of their paws in a broken piece of wooden or chain-link fencing or even a small animal trap. | Michael T. Murray, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Other good recommendations are ginger and turmeric, as both of these herbs are excellent carminatives (substances that promote the elimination of intestinal gas) and intestinal spasmolytics (substances that relax and soothe the intestinal tract).
Kidney stones
Kidney stones are extremely common in the United States. Each year nearly 6 percent of the entire U.S. population develops a kidney stone. More than 10 percent of all males and 5 percent of all females experience the pain of a kidney stone during their lifetime. | Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Allen, C.E. "Ginger rhizome: a new source of proteolytic enzyme." Journal of Food Science, 38(4), 652-655, 1973.
19. Glatzel, H. "Treatment of dyspetic disorders with spice extracts." Hippokrates, 40(23), 916-919, 1969.
Form: Capsule, Poultice, Compress, Mouthwash
CONTENTS: HORSETAIL (Equisetum arvense), CHAPARRAL (Larrea divaricata), Plantain (Plantago ovata), Parsley (Petroselinum sativum), Burdock (Arctium lappa), Marshmallow (Althea officinalis), Slippery Elm (Ulmus vulva). | Ralph Golan, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | To get a slight kick, add a radish, a garlic clove, or a bit of onion or slice of ginger root. This is a genuine treat that you and your body will treasure. Also try juicing your watermelon—if it's organic, juice the rind as well.
In Chapter Eighteen, you'll read about fasting. A day on fresh juices alone will be like no other. But begin, perhaps along with your regular diet, with a glass a day. Drinking a glass of juice ten to thirty minutes before breakfast is good, but any time will do. Even vegetable-phobic children will often drink carrot juice! | American Medical Publishing See book keywords and concepts | Many herbal remedies are believed to be effective in treating arthritis, including evening-primrose oil, ginger, turmeric and willow bark. Acupuncture has been remarkably successful for many arthritics.
More arthritis advice: Your arthritis may have a lot to do with a poor diet, and a proliferation of yeast cells in your digestive system. Yeast cells occur naturally in your intestinal tract, but sometimes antibiotic drugs, a diet of too many sweets, breads, meats and mold-bearing foods can produce an overpopulation of yeast cells in your body. | Ralph Golan, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Stomachache (from overeating)
Equal parts slippery elm, cinnamon, ginger, cayenne, and goldenseal.
Trauma (sprains, strains, fractures, dislocations, bruises, hematomas, postsurgery)
Use Bromelain and Curcumin (bromelain and turmeric): one to three capsules three to four times a day between meals and at bedtime (Scientific Botanicals).
Urinary tract and bladder infections
Arbu-Tone (uva ursi, lespedeza, boldo, goldenrod, vitamin B-6, magnesium, and potassium): one to three capsules every two hours while acute, then three to four times a day (Phyto-Pharmical Enzymatic Therapy). | Try Guguplex/Guguplus from Phyto-Pharmica/Enzymatic Therapy of Green Bay, Wisconsin, which contains niacin, vitamin C, ginger, and chromium in addition to the gugulipid. Take one capsule three times a day.
• If sluggish liver metabolism is fueling elevated cholesterol, take a combination herbal formula that stimulates liver cell functioning and contains milk thistle (approximately 350 milligrams), artichoke (250 milligrams), and curcumin/turmeric (150 milligrams). Take one or two capsules three times a day. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Adjectives:...and Fresh ...and Dried ...and Hot ...and Cold ...and Herbal ...and Raw ...and Red ...and Green ...and Black ...and Dry
...and Health Conditions and Diseases:...and Nausea ...and Pain ...and Sickness ...and Vomiting ...and Inflammation ...and Arthritis ...and Diarrhea ...and Cancer ...and Headaches ...and Migraines
...and Substances:...and Water ...and Food ...and Extract ...and Acid ...and Powder ...and Tincture ...and Liquid ...and Tonic ...and Formulas ...and Acids
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...and Anatomy:...and Stomach ...and Blood ...and Body ...and Skin ...and Liver ...and Heart ...and Brain ...and Immune system ...and Muscle ...and Tissue
...and Objects:...and Oil ...and People ...and Capsules ...and Seed ...and Plant ...and Gas ...and Hour ...and Strain ...and Product ...and Produce
...and Actions:...and Drink ...and Eat ...and Taking ...and Avoid ...and Boiling ...and Eating ...and Warming ...and Boil ...and Adding ...and Cook
...and Dose ...and Drops ...and Properties ...and Doses ...and Dosage ...and Placebo ...and Results ...and Platelet ...and Double-blind ...and Stimulant
...and Macronutrients:...and Seeds ...and Salt ...and Oils ...and Protein ...and Enzymes ...and Fiber ...and Calories ...and Minerals ...and Fats ...and Mineral
...and Who:...and Patients ...and Women ...and Children ...and Family ...and Child ...and Physician ...and Patient ...and Human ...and Doctors ...and Volunteers
...and Nutrients:...and Vitamin ...and Vitamin C ...and Calcium ...and Antioxidant ...and Magnesium ...and Prostaglandins ...and Zinc ...and Potassium ...and Iron ...and Antioxidants
...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Gastric ...and Intestinal ...and Standardized ...and Gastrointestinal ...and Acute ...and Oral ...and Internal ...and Menstrual ...and Rheumatoid
...and Where:...and Chinese ...and China ...and India ...and Indian ...and Asian ...and Europe ...and United states ...and America ...and Japan ...and West
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Period ...and Breath ...and Strength ...and Concentration ...and Menstruation ...and Memory ...and Attention ...and Vision
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Relieves ...and Relieving ...and Expectorant ...and Analgesic ...and Antimicrobial ...and Calming ...and Antiseptic ...and Antifungal ...and Oxidation
...and Drugs:...and Aspirin ...and Chemotherapy ...and Tablets ...and Laxative ...and Diuretic ...and Antibiotics ...and Antibiotic ...and Sedative ...and Stimulants ...and Diuretics
...and Treatment Modalities:...and Massage ...and Ayurvedic ...and Chinese medicine ...and Acupuncture ...and Traditional chinese medicine ...and Cleanse ...and Relaxation ...and Fasting ...and Yoga ...and Biofeedback
...and Animals:...and Rats ...and Mice ...and Turkey ...and Worms ...and Dogs ...and Cat ...and Insects ...and Horse ...and Cats ...and Insect
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Triglycerides ...and Height ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Heart rate ...and Body weight
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Saliva ...and Hormones ...and Stomach acid ...and Estrogen ...and Histamine ...and Insulin ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Steroid ...and Lipids ...and Estrogens
...and When:...and Winter ...and Spring ...and Summer ...and At night ...and December ...and October ...and September ...and August ...and February ...and July
...and Organizations:...and Health food stores ...and Pharmacy ...and Fda ...and Clinic ...and Lancet ...and Medical center ...and Government ...and Medical school ...and Usda ...and Manufacturers
...and Chemicals:...and Caffeine ...and Free radicals ...and Ethanol ...and Carcinogens ...and Additives ...and Poisons ...and Mercury ...and Fragrance ...and Nicotine ...and Aluminum
...and Supplements:...and Fish oil ...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Glucosamine ...and Lactobacillus ...and Coenzyme q10
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Msg ...and Lactose ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Aspartame
Related Concepts:
Root Water Tea Fresh Nausea Herbs Minutes Oil Effects Garlic Pain Foods Effect Sickness Food Stomach Dried Blood Body Juice Hot Fresh ginger Heat Cold Herb Study Motion Studies Symptoms People Treatment Vomiting Drink Extract Capsules Chinese Formula Inflammation Time Acid Patients Skin Helps Cayenne Cinnamon Eat Diet Taking Herbal Vegetables Activity Arthritis Raw Dose Powder Tincture Digestion Honey Seeds Red Drops Anti-inflammatory Drugs Pregnancy Liver Prevent Green Salt Avoid Ginseng Remedy Digestive Circulation Onion Black Dry Taste Spices Seed Women Properties Doses White Vitamin Leaves Medicine Nausea and vomiting Sugar Natural Turmeric Dosage Bark Increase Heart Chopped Pepper Fruit Sweet Oils Production