The Life Extension Editorial Staff See book keywords and concepts | The nutrients tested included various combinations of chrysin, nettle root, maca, ginger root, muira puama, and zinc, along with piperine to enhance the absorption of the chrysin.
The results from the first pilot study showed that nine out of 10 men experienced a significant reduction in serum estradiol (estrogen) levels after only 30 days, compared to baseline. In this brief study, total testosterone increased in seven out of 10 men, but free testosterone increased in only four of the 10 men studied. Other blood parameters were not statistically altered. | Ray Strand, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Herbal medicines to avoid while taking Coumadin are angelica root, anise, borage-seed oil, devil's claw, papain, ginseng, ginger, ginkgo, horse chestnut, alfalfa, red clover, clove oil, feverfew, passionflower herb, salvia root (danshen), willow bark, cinchona bark, turmeric, garlic, coquinone, and dong quai.
Occasionally patients on Coumadin suffer a serious adverse drug reaction, possibly even a life-threatening bleed. How often does your doctor or pharmacist give you an entire list of drugs to avoid if you are taking this medication? | The Life Extension Editorial Staff See book keywords and concepts | Ginger may be added to foods, brewed in teas, or taken in capsules.
For pain and inflammation, 1-2 grams daily should be taken.
Proanthocyanidin. Proanthocyanidin possesses extraordinary antioxidant properties that may be of value in reducing the inflammation associated with pain (Li et al. 2001). For chronic pain, start with 100 mg twice a day for 4-6 months and then reduce the dosage by half.
Foods That Fight Pain
Until recently, most people did not think that food had much to do with pain. | A suggested dosage is 2 gtams of ginger a day.
Qreen Tea
At one time, aspirin was credited with feats thought uncommon to green tea, that is, the ability to inhibit the COX-2 enzyme. However, salicylic acid (the main anti-inflammatory component of aspirin) is a naturally occurring compound found in green tea, having COX-2 inhibiting qualities. The polyphenols and fla-vonoids contained in green tea ate also COX-2 inhibitors (Noreen et al. 1998). | Boswella and ginger have powerful antiinflammatory value. Protein-digesting enzymes such as protease, bromelain, trypsin, lipase, pancreatin, and papain have also been found to have significant antiinflammatory effects.
Pain, even from the wrist, lowets serotonin levels because serotonin gets used up at the site of inflammation. This creates greater vulnerability to more pain. Serotonin levels may be measured for deficiency states by measurement through an amino acid profile, a simple blood test that yields a number and a reference range for tryptophan, the precursor to serotonin. | To help control hypercoagulation, an array of hypocoagulant supplements including curcumin (turmeric extract), ginger, and ginkgo should be used (Liao 2000). In ADHD, hypercoagulation is mote of a concern in adults than children.
A study of a combination hetbal product containing American ginseng extract, Panax quinquefolium (200 mg), and Ginkgo biloba extract (50 mg) was tested for its ability to improve the symptoms of ADHD. | Antoinette Saville and Antony J. Haynes See book keywords and concepts | Vi teaspoon organic ground cloves
Sea salt (optional) and freshly ground black pepper
4 tablespoons organic cold pressed extra virgin olive oil
4 fresh mackerel, cleaned, beheaded and washed under cold running water
2 tablespoons chopped fresh organic cilantro leaves
375ml/l'/2 cups natural organic goat's yogurt
1 large organic garlic clove, crushed
2 heaped tablespoons finely chopped fresh organic mint leaves 4 heaped tablespoons grated raw baby organic zucchini
In a large, non-stick skillet, heat the coriander and cardamom seeds for 2-3 minutes. | The Life Extension Editorial Staff See book keywords and concepts | Curcumin
Curcumin comes from a plant similar to ginger and is an anti-inflammatory that inhibits both COX-2 and LOX enzyme activity. In addition, curcumin interferes with NF-KB to stop autoimmune activation and lessen tissue destruction (Joe et al. 1997; Plummer et al. 1999).
Some studies revealed that users of curcumin supplements were not getting optimal benefits from the extract. The reason is that for curcumin to be effectively assimilated into the bloodstream, it must be combined with small amounts of piperine (a component of black pepper). | E. D. Hirsch See book keywords and concepts | Rogers, ginger An American actress and dancer of the twentieth century; she danced with Fred Astaire in many film musicals.
Rogers, Will An American humorist of the twentieth century, known for his folksy but sharp social and political commentary. Two statements for which he is remembered are "All I know is just what I read in the papers," and "I never met a man I didn't like."
Romanesque (roh-muh-NESK) A style of architecture and art common in Europe between the ninth and twelfth centuries. It combined elements of the architecture typical of the Roman Empire and the Byzantine Empire. |
The Garlic CureJames F. Scheer, Lynn Allison and Charlie Fox See book keywords and concepts | Whirl until the ginger and garlic are finely chopped. Save in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Marinate chicken, pork, fish or steak before broiling and you'll have such a treat!
**NOTE: McCormick's brand makes this spice. If you can't find it, use a lemon-pepper seasoning instead.
4 servings
This is a dish I truly treasure. It's delicious and very simple to prepare. Serve with steamed rice and spinach.
2 lbs. boneless, skinless 2 Tbsp. prepared mustard chicken breasts 1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1/4 cup honey 1 Tbsp. | Using garlic with other herbs, notably ginger and coriander, in Asian cuisine, creates a symphony of flavor."
Noel Kamburian, a famous Mediterranean chef, claims that garlic is absolutely instrumental in any dish he creates.
"You can't have a song without music," he rhapsodizes. "Similarly, you can't create great cuisine without garlic. It's in my veins. I believe my mother used garlic in my baby food." (Noel chose his mother wisely. | Mark Bricklin See book keywords and concepts | If fresh isn't available, use Va to % teaspoon of ground ginger.) Serve hot with honey to taste.
If you have a "strep" throat, you usually know it because the pain can be very severe. In these cases, or when the soreness persists, see a physician.
Spa Therapy
A spa is to a gym what the Plaza Hotel is to a pup tent. Yet, there are innumerable weight-loss clubs that call themselves spas opening in shopping centers today, when in fact they're little more than gyms with a sauna thrown in. | Richard Lucas See book keywords and concepts | But half the students who had taken ginger completed the ride. The doctors suggest that the natural remedy has the advantage of acting directly on the stomach, where it speeds up the absorption of acids and toxic substances; whereas, antihistamines block nerve impulses to the part of the brain that triggers vomiting.
Po Chai is a Chinese product made with several select herbs formed into tiny pills about the size of buckshot. The pills come in small phials, which are packed ten to a carton. | Michael T. Murray, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | In the follow-up to this study, twenty-eight patients with rheumatoid arthritis, eighteen with osteoarthritis, and ten with muscular discomfort who had been taking powdered ginger for periods ranging from 3 months to 2.5 years were evaluated.38 On the basis of clinical observations, Srivastava and Mustafa reported that 75 percent of the arthritis patients and 100 percent of the patients with muscular discomfort experienced relief in pain or swelling. The recommended dosage was 500 to 1,000 milligrams per day, but many patients took three to four times this amount. | All patients reported substantial improvement, including pain relief, increased joint mobility, and decreased swelling and morning stiffness.
In the follow-up to this study, twenty-eight patients with rheumatoid arthritis, eighteen with osteoarthritis, and ten with muscular discomfort who had been taking powdered ginger for periods ranging from 3 months to 2.5 years were evaluated.38 On the basis of clinical observations, Srivastava and Mustafa reported that 75 percent of the arthritis patients and 100 percent of the patients with muscular discomfort experienced relief in pain or swelling. | Ethnopharmacologic investigation of ginger (Zingiber officinale). ] Ethnopharmacol 27, 129-140,1989.
Key uses of Ginkgo biloba:
• Cerebral vascular insufficiency (insufficient blood flow to the brain)
• Dementia
• Depression
• Impotence
• Inner ear dysfunction (vertigo, tinnitus, etc.)
• Multiple sclerosis
• Neuralgia and neuropathy
• Peripheral vascular insufficiency (intermittent claudication, Raynaud's disease,etc.)
• Premenstrual syndrome
• Retinopathy (macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy, etc. | Ralph Golan, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Or use Ephedra Plus (one or two capsules two or three times a day), a combination herbal formula containing ephedra, ginger, licorice root, marshmallow root, and other synergistic herbs, available from PhytoPharmica, Green Bay, Wisconsin. Warning: Too much ephedra can increase your heart rate and be too stimulating. Do not use if you have high blood pressure or heart disease.
• Allerplex I, an anti-allergy herbal combination capsule (one to three capsules two to four times a day), can help diminish and control symptoms. Available from Herb Technology/Khalsa Health Center of Seattle. | Mix together Vs cup Ceylon cinnamon, Vs cup ginger root, 1 tablespoon whole black peppercorns, Vs cup green cardamom, and 1 tablespoon cloves.
2. Bring 3 cups water to a rapid boil. Add 1 tablespoon tea mixture. Let this low-boil for twenty minutes. Add 1 cup milk and return to low heat for a few minutes. Remove from heat, strain immediately, and serve with honey.
Yogi tea is said to be of great benefit during the first weeks after childbirth to help stop bleeding. It is also an energizing, tasty, and healthful drink. |
The Garlic CureJames F. Scheer, Lynn Allison and Charlie Fox See book keywords and concepts | Whirl until the ginger and garlic are finely chopped. Save in a glass jar in the refrigerator. Marinate chicken, pork, fish or steak before broiling and you'll have such a treat!
**NOTE: McCormick's brand makes this spice. If you can't find it, use a lemon-pepper seasoning instead.
4 servings
This is a dish I truly treasure. It's delicious and very simple to prepare. Serve with steamed rice and spinach.
2 lbs. boneless, skinless 2 Tbsp. prepared mustard chicken breasts 1 Tbsp. soy sauce
1/4 cup honey 1 Tbsp. | Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | In a classic study from Germany, it was discovered that this herb, in conjunction with lesser amounts of ginger root (see below), Wormwood and Cayenne, was remarkably effective in curing indigestion and heartburn in human patients (25). Other studies have provided dramatic proof that Gentian root stimulates the gallbladder and pancreas (e.g., 26-27). It also causes strong stimulation of the appetite, increases saliva and digestive juice secretion, and accelerates the emptying of the stomach (28). Administration of Gentian root should precede mealtimes by about one half hour for maximum benefit. | CONTENTS: CAYENNE (Capsicum annum), Kelp (Saminaria,
Macrocystis, Ascophyllum), Gentian root (Gentiana lutea), ginger root (Zingiber officinale), Blue Vervain (Verbena hastata).
PURPOSE: Blood. To stimulate circulation.
Other Applications: Frostbite, hypothermia, varicose veins, colds, flu, fevers, sore throat, indigestion, heartburn.
USE: 1. Poor Circulation: 2-4 capsules per day.
2. Infectious Ailments: 4-6 capsules per day. Use in conjunction with blends for FEVERS & INFECTIONS, and INFLUENZA:
3. Hypothermia: 2 capsules per hour until body temperature stabilizes.
4. | In the studies cited above (4-5), Gentian root was as important as ginger root in terms of stimulating the digestive process and eliminating or overcoming the causes of digestive problems. In good health or bad, it increases absorption, assimilation and resorption. The effect of Gentian on the vascular system is to help insure that the abdominal organs receive a rich supply of blood. It has also been found that Gentian root increases the sensitivity of many glands and organs to the effect of adrenalin—the endogenous hormone that is secreted when the body needs quick energy (12). | Francois Couplan, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | It is aromatic, its smell and taste vaguely reminiscent of ginger (Zingiber officinale, Zingiberaceae). It can also be candied.
It has been used as a carminative, diuretic and expectorant, and was reportedly made into a contraceptive tea for women by the Indians.
Externally, it is an irritant, provoking dermatitis in certain people.
The leaves can also be used fresh or dried as a condiment.
It is wise to use moderation with all parts of this plant as a related European species (A. europaeum) is known to have emetic properties. | It can be grated like ginger and added as a spice to cakes, fruits salads and various desserts. Elecampane root is used in Europe for flavoring liquors such as vermouth.
It contains an essential oil, much inulin, minerals, resin and various substances.
Elecampane is tonic, expectorant, cholagogue, stomachic, antiseptic, diuretic and vermifuge. It has been used medicinally since Antiquity.
The young leaves are edible after cooking, possibly in several changes of water.
The yellow ray flowers contain vitamin A. They can be added to various dishes as a flavorful decoration. | Judith Wills See book keywords and concepts | Ground ginger 46.3
- Nori seaweed, dried 19.6 Special K 16 Rasin bran 16 All Bran 12.0 Lentils, green or brown, dry weight 11.1
« Cocoa powder, unsweetened 10.5
— Sesame seeds 10.4 " Pumpkin seeds 10.0
Soybeans, dry weight 9.7
Chicken liver 9.2
Textured soy protein or TVP 9.0
Lentils, red, dry weight 7.6
Lambs' liver 7.5
Liver pate 7-4
Weetabix 7.4
USA RDI 18 mg UK RNI 14.8 mg (females), 8.7 mg (males) EC RDA 14 mg Iron's main function is to carry oxygen from the lungs to all the cells of the body. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Some spices, such as ginger, nutmeg, and cinnamon (one-half teaspoon each) should be added, and a cup of raisins, a cup of chopped nuts, and the juice of half a lemon to add to the taste of the final product. After all ingredients are well-blended, a teaspoon of the mixture at a time may be dropped onto a cookie sheet well lubricated with corn oil or other shortening. With the oven preheated to 400°F., baking for about fifteen minutes will suffice. | Robert Hass, M.S. See book keywords and concepts | Potstickers ("Pork" Dumplings)
3 Morningstar Farms Breakfast Patties
3 Morningstar Farms Breakfast Links
1-square inch cube of fresh ginger root, peeled
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 medium chopped scallion (white and green parts)
16 Nasoya Egg Roll Wrappers cut into 3V2-inch-diameter circles
2 teaspoons Bertolli Extra Light Olive Oil
For best results, you will need a dumpling maker for this recipe. You can purchase one in most kitchen stores for under five dollars. | Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | MENSTRUATION
PEPPERMINT LEAF, Fennel, ginger root, and Catnip contain volatile oils and other constituents that absorb intestinal gas, calm upset stomach, inhibit diarrhea as well as constipation, aid digestion, eliminate heartburn, and prevent and remedy childhood colic. These properties are integral to the folk medicine of North and South America, all of Europe and Asia, Africa, Australia, the Pacific Islands—is there anybody left? In tea or capsule, with cream or milk, in small and large quantities these herbs have served their intended purpose for centuries. | E. D. Hirsch See book keywords and concepts | Astaire, Fred An American entertainer of the twentieth century; he danced in many film musicals with ginger Rogers, with other partners, and alone. He was admired for his speed and grace, and for his apparently effortless approach to dancing.
Audubon, John James (AWD-uh-bon) An American artist and naturalist of the nineteenth century. The color illustrations that make up The Birds of America are his best works.
"Auld Lang Syne" (ohld lang ZEYEN, ohl dlang ZEYEN) A traditional Scottish song, customarily sung on New Year's Eve; the title means "Time Long Past. | Richard Lucas See book keywords and concepts | Prepare as ordinary tea, add a pinch of ground ginger, and drink three or four cups daily.
English Name: Buckwheat
Botanical Name: Fagopyrum esculentum
Buckwheat is very nourishing and digestible and has always been an important food crop in the central provinces of China.
Honey made from buckwheat has proven effective in some cases of peptic ulcers. Consider the following examples:
• Mr. R., a business executive, suffered from a duodenal ulcer for several years, medical treatments helped for a while, but sooner or later the ulcer trouble always returned. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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with Ginger...
...and Plants and Herbs:...and Root ...and Garlic ...and Cayenne ...and Cinnamon ...and Ginseng ...and Spices ...and Leaves ...and Turmeric ...and Bark ...and Pepper
...and Concepts:...and Minutes ...and Heat ...and Study ...and Motion ...and Studies ...and Formula ...and Time ...and Activity ...and Taste ...and Production
...and Key Health Concepts:...and Herbs ...and Foods ...and Herb ...and Symptoms ...and Treatment ...and Diet ...and Drugs ...and Remedy ...and Medicine ...and Ingredients
...and Adjectives:...and Fresh ...and Dried ...and Hot ...and Cold ...and Herbal ...and Raw ...and Red ...and Green ...and Black ...and Dry
...and Health Conditions and Diseases:...and Nausea ...and Pain ...and Sickness ...and Vomiting ...and Inflammation ...and Arthritis ...and Diarrhea ...and Cancer ...and Headaches ...and Migraines
...and Substances:...and Water ...and Food ...and Extract ...and Acid ...and Powder ...and Tincture ...and Liquid ...and Tonic ...and Formulas ...and Acids
...and Foods and Beverages:...and Tea ...and Juice ...and Vegetables ...and Honey ...and Onion ...and Sugar ...and Fruit ...and Meals ...and Beans ...and Soup
...and Physiology:...and Effects ...and Effect ...and Helps ...and Pregnancy ...and Prevent ...and Circulation ...and Increase ...and Levels ...and Reduces ...and Swelling
...and Anatomy:...and Stomach ...and Blood ...and Body ...and Skin ...and Liver ...and Heart ...and Brain ...and Immune system ...and Muscle ...and Tissue
...and Objects:...and Oil ...and People ...and Capsules ...and Seed ...and Plant ...and Gas ...and Hour ...and Strain ...and Product ...and Produce
...and Actions:...and Drink ...and Eat ...and Taking ...and Avoid ...and Boiling ...and Eating ...and Warming ...and Boil ...and Adding ...and Cook
...and Medical Terms:...and Dose ...and Drops ...and Properties ...and Doses ...and Dosage ...and Placebo ...and Results ...and Platelet ...and Double-blind ...and Stimulant
...and Macronutrients:...and Seeds ...and Salt ...and Oils ...and Protein ...and Enzymes ...and Fiber ...and Calories ...and Minerals ...and Fats ...and Mineral
...and Who:...and Patients ...and Women ...and Children ...and Family ...and Child ...and Physician ...and Patient ...and Human ...and Doctors ...and Volunteers
...and Nutrients:...and Vitamin ...and Vitamin C ...and Calcium ...and Antioxidant ...and Magnesium ...and Prostaglandins ...and Zinc ...and Potassium ...and Iron ...and Antioxidants
...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Gastric ...and Intestinal ...and Standardized ...and Gastrointestinal ...and Acute ...and Oral ...and Internal ...and Menstrual ...and Rheumatoid
...and Where:...and Chinese ...and China ...and India ...and Indian ...and Asian ...and Europe ...and United states ...and America ...and Japan ...and West
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Period ...and Breath ...and Strength ...and Concentration ...and Menstruation ...and Memory ...and Attention ...and Vision
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Relieves ...and Relieving ...and Expectorant ...and Analgesic ...and Antimicrobial ...and Calming ...and Antiseptic ...and Antifungal ...and Oxidation
...and Drugs:...and Aspirin ...and Chemotherapy ...and Tablets ...and Laxative ...and Diuretic ...and Antibiotics ...and Antibiotic ...and Sedative ...and Stimulants ...and Diuretics
...and Treatment Modalities:...and Massage ...and Ayurvedic ...and Chinese medicine ...and Acupuncture ...and Traditional chinese medicine ...and Cleanse ...and Relaxation ...and Fasting ...and Yoga ...and Biofeedback
...and Animals:...and Rats ...and Mice ...and Turkey ...and Worms ...and Dogs ...and Cat ...and Insects ...and Horse ...and Cats ...and Insect
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Triglycerides ...and Height ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Heart rate ...and Body weight
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Saliva ...and Hormones ...and Stomach acid ...and Estrogen ...and Histamine ...and Insulin ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Steroid ...and Lipids ...and Estrogens
...and When:...and Winter ...and Spring ...and Summer ...and At night ...and December ...and October ...and September ...and August ...and February ...and July
...and Organizations:...and Health food stores ...and Pharmacy ...and Fda ...and Clinic ...and Lancet ...and Medical center ...and Government ...and Medical school ...and Usda ...and Manufacturers
...and Chemicals:...and Caffeine ...and Free radicals ...and Ethanol ...and Carcinogens ...and Additives ...and Poisons ...and Mercury ...and Fragrance ...and Nicotine ...and Aluminum
...and Supplements:...and Fish oil ...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Glucosamine ...and Lactobacillus ...and Coenzyme q10
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Msg ...and Lactose ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Aspartame
Related Concepts:
Root Water Tea Fresh Nausea Herbs Minutes Oil Effects Garlic Pain Foods Effect Sickness Food Stomach Dried Blood Body Juice Hot Fresh ginger Heat Cold Herb Study Motion Studies Symptoms People Treatment Vomiting Drink Extract Capsules Chinese Formula Inflammation Time Acid Patients Skin Helps Cayenne Cinnamon Eat Diet Taking Herbal Vegetables Activity Arthritis Raw Dose Powder Tincture Digestion Honey Seeds Red Drops Anti-inflammatory Drugs Pregnancy Liver Prevent Green Salt Avoid Ginseng Remedy Digestive Circulation Onion Black Dry Taste Spices Seed Women Properties Doses White Vitamin Leaves Medicine Nausea and vomiting Sugar Natural Turmeric Dosage Bark Increase Heart Chopped Pepper Fruit Sweet Oils Production