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Earl Mindell's Vitamin Bible for the 21st Century

Earl Mindell
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Chemotherapy A complete antioxidant formula can enhance the effectiveness of chemo in reducing cancerous tumors while at the same time protecting healthy tissue and fortifying your immune system. ginger aids in alleviating some of the unwanted side effects such as nausea and vomiting. I'd suggest taking one Ev.Ext-33 capsule (which is a patented herbal extract of a unique subspecies of ginger) twice daily along with my MVP. (See section 172.) CAUTION: If you are undergoing chemotherapy, be sure to check with your doctor before adding any new supplements. 220.

Don't Go Shopping for Hair-Care Products Without Me

Paula Begoun
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This shampoo is not recommended. © C-system moisture complex, for conditioning and detangling ($14 for 6.76ounces) contains higher amounts of the same irritating fragrant plant oils as the C-system hydrating shampoo above, and is not recommended. © $$$ C-system conditioning mist, light hold styling spray ($15 for 5-1 ounces) is more like spraying orange-scented perfume on hair than styling it. This fragrant liquid provides minimal to no hold and minimal conditioning benefits, but it's an option for casual, unstructured hairstyles. © C-system C curl ($15 for 5.

Gary Null's Power Aging

Gary Null
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Some beneficial juices include: pineapple (especially good with juiced alfalfa sprouts); a combination of aloe vera, star fruit, and cabbage juices; cucumber juice; fresh apricot juice; and cantaloupe juice. ginger has been known for a very long time for its anti-inflammatory nature and should be added to many juices. An important goal with arthritis is to eliminate anything that is creating uric acid. Meat is a primary suspect here, and arthritis sufferers are urged to become vegetarians, if they have not done so already.

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma

Jack Challem
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Hutt also asked her to take several anti-inflammatory supplements, including fish oil capsules (1,000 mg twice daily), as well as ginger, turmeric, and bromelain. Anita's response was dramatic. After three weeks she had lost ten pounds and her glucose had normalized, enabling her to stop taking the glucose-lowering medications. Her pain, swelling, and stiffness decreased considerably, and her energy levels began increasing. At a six-week follow-up visit Anita had lost a total of eighteen pounds, and her blood pressure was normal, so she was able to stop taking the hypertensive medications.

The Edge Effect: Achieve Total Health and Longevity with the Balanced Brain Advantage

Eric R. Braverman
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Finish with a glass of rice milk. DAY 2 BREAKFAST 4 oz. fruit mixed with 2 cups plain yogurt. Finish with 1 cup soy milk. LUNCH 4-6 oz. lentil soup with 1 sLice rye toast. Finish with a sliced banana with cinnamon. DINNER 8 oz. grilled dark-meat fowl with yz cup mixed portobello and reishi mushrooms. Finish with 6 oz. mixed berry smoothie. DAY 3 BREAKFAST 6 oz. oatmeal sprinkled with raisins and caraway seeds. Lemon herbal tea. LUNCH 6-8 oz. steamed or baked chicken breast cooked with 3 bay leaves. 6 oz. cauliflower, beet, and green bean salad mixed with olive oil.

The Doctor's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia

Sheldon Saul Hendler
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It is interesting to note that an alcoholic beverage prepared from Jamaican ginger, popular in some parts of the U.S. in the 1930s, caused a serious neurologic problem called "the Jake Walk." Those who collect blues music of that period are probably aware of the many references to "the Jake Walk blues." Ginger does appear to have some pharmacologically active substances and we wish the princess of Thailand well in her continued studies of the herb.

The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program

Andrew L. Stoll
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Grilled Teriyaki Tuna 4 SERVINGS Teriyaki is a Japanese term describing food marinated in a mixture of soy sauce, sake (rice wine) or sherry, sugar, ginger, and spices. Here we've used tuna, but you could easily substitute another omega-3-rich fish such as salmon. M cup soy sauce 3 tablespoons brown sugar 3 tablespoons sherry or sake 1 tablespoon peeled, minced gingerroot lA teaspoon red pepper flakes 1 clove garlic, minced four 6-ounce tuna steaks, about % inch thick each 8 green onions (optional) 1 teaspoon canola oil Combine the first six ingredients in a large zip-top bag.

The Serotonin Solution

Judith J. Wurtman and Susan Suffes
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Serves 1 3 ounces lean beef, cut into thin strips 2 cloves garlic, minced I1/1 inch slice fresh ginger, grated 1 medium onion, sliced thin 2 generous tablespoons soy sauce 1 tablespoon red wine vinegar 1 teaspoon peanut butter 1 10-ounce package Oriental stir-fry vegetables '/2 cup cooked rice Marinate the pork, garlic, ginger, and onion in the soy sauce and vinegar for at least one hour in the refrigerator. Spray a skillet or wok with nonstick vegetable spray and heat over medium heat until it sizzles when a drop or two of water is added. Melt the peanut butter in the skillet.

The Doctor's Vitamin and Mineral Encyclopedia

Sheldon Saul Hendler
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Ginger (Zingiber officinale) is native to tropical Asia and is cultivated in other tropical areas such as Jamaica. It has been used as a flavoring, a condiment and a folk remedy. Ginger tea is supposed to promote cleansing of the body through perspiration and is also said to be an appetite stimulator, a carminative (agent which expels gas from the intestines) and helpful in the symptomatic treatment of colds, if given at their outset. It has been used in China and other countries for many years as a tonic.

The Sunfood Diet Success System

David Wolfe
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One small green-leafy salad containing kale or spinach. Add one squeezed orange as a dressing. 20 raw macadamia nuts. Snacks 2 mangos. 1/2 quart (1/2 liter) juice containing apple, cabbage, celery and parsley. 1-2 handfuls of goji berries. Dinner Sequoia's Calcium Soup (see Appendix C: Sunfood Recipes). (Make a thick, hearty raw soup and enjoy until satiated!) Small salad containing 80% green-leafed vegetables (including kale or spinach), 2 avocados and organic, extra virgin, cold-pressed olive oil as dressing.

The Rhodiola Revolution: Transform Your Health with the Herbal Breakthrough of the 21st Century

Richard P. Brown, M.D., and Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D.
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Fortunately, taking ginger capsules Vi hour prior to her dose of Rhodiola rosea calmed her upset stomach, so she was able to resume her treatment. Jeanne's optimal dosage of Rhodiola rosea turned out to be one-half of a capsule before breakfast, and again before lunch. By the third week, she felt like a new person—or, rather, the person she had been before her illness. Of course, post-Lyme infection doesn't always respond so dramatically to such small doses of Rhodiola rosea. But with larger doses— usually 200 to 300 milligrams twice daily—symptoms often get better over time.
For example, garlic, ginger, and Indian spices such as coriander and turmeric are known to supply nutrients and antioxidants that support cellular energy production as well as the cells' defense and repair mechanisms. So trade in your saltshaker for these, as well as for sprinkles of cinnamon, nutmeg, black peppercorns, fennel, cloves, mustard seeds, curry, saffron, cumin, and caraway. For a dash of extra nutrition, try seasoning your cooking with fresh basil, cilantro, bay leaves, parsley, or mint. Stay well hydrated. This means drinking at least six glasses of water per day.
These include aloe vera, black cohosh, echinacea, garlic, ginger, ginkgo, ginseng, saw palmetto, St. John's wort, and valerian, among numerous others. Most of these herbs have achieved their prominence in the marketplace because they have been the subjects of the most clinical research. The past 10 to 20 years have witnessed an explosion in the scientific study of herbal formulations.

Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany

C. P. Khare
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Nicholas Culpeper (1616-1654) wrote of it: "A dram of the dried root of Monk's Rhubarb, with a scruple of ginger made into powder, and taken into fasting in a draught or mess of warm broth, purges choler and phlegm downwards very gently and safely without danger. The seed thereof contrary doth bind the belly, and helps to stay any sort of lasks or bloody-flux. The distilled water thereof is very profitably used to heal scabs; also foul ulcerous sores... The juice of the leaves or roots or the decoction of them in vinegar, is used as the most effectual remedy to heal scabs and running sores.

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma

Jack Challem
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Curcumin and Turmeric Root Curcumin, a bright yellow spice, is obtained from the root of turmeric (Curcuma longa), a member of the ginger family. Native to Asia, curcumin is one of the oldest and most cherished anti-inflammatory herbs in Indian Ayurvedic medicine. Turmeric root and curcumin are mild Cox-2 inhibitors but are not as powerful and not as dangerous as popular Cox-2-inhibiting drugs. According to recent experiments, they block the activity of "NF kappa B," a protein that turns on inflammation-promoting genes.

Gary Null's Power Aging

Gary Null
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Flaxseed oil, borage oil, salmon oil, and cod liver oil can help in turning off pain, as can wild ginger, as well as cinnamon. To help with what the Chinese call the "energy flow," there is bupleurum. For headache pains we can use the herbs feverfew, cayenne, valerian, and skullcap, and theanine, an amino acid found in the leaves of green tea. Again, you are not expected to use all of these. For example, just take theanine, at 100 mg, two or three times a day. That can frequently turn off a headache and give a calming feeling. Calcium-magnesium at 1,500 mg can also do that.

The Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Mark Bricklin
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Half of those taking gingerroot made it the full six minutes; none of the Dramamine or placebo volunteers could stand the spinning for the full time. The ginger seems to work in the gastrointestinal tract to prevent nausea. One or two capsules every few hours would be an appropriate amount. Look for them in health food stores. If you want to do some ocean fishing and you are susceptible to this unholy malady, I suggest that the one maneuver you should avoid at all costs is anchoring the boat in swells. Generally, as long as the boat keeps moving at a good clip, there is no trouble.
Chewing on ginger sticks or drinking ginger tea has been recommended by herbalists. Also, honey, nutmeg and mace are potentially helpful. For the child who gets carsick, a family trip can turn into an unpleasant experience unless the child is given a front seat in the car. Exactly why this is so remains unknown, although it seems to be related to the fact that seeing through the front window provides relatively stable, or nonmoving, objects on which to focus {New England Journal of Medicine, November 8, 1979).

Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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Several spices, including red pepper, ginger, mustard seed, cinnamon, and cardamom are also thought to boost metabolic rate. Kelp and other sea vegetables are said to increase metabolism by virtue of their iodine content and thyroid stimulation. While evidence is lacking, these herbs and seaweeds are relatively safe. Appetite Suppressants Phenylpropanolamine (PPA) is often found in appetite suppressants as well as cough and cold remedies.

Herbal Drugs and Phytopharmaceuticals: A Handbook for Practice on a Scientific Basis

Josef A. Brinckmann and Michael P. Lindenmaier
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Odor: Faintly aromatic and characteristic (reminiscent of ginger). Taste: Pungent, burning and bitter. Colors the saliva yellow when chewed. Fig. 2: Curcuma domestica Val. A rhizomatous, tropical perennial with rather large, oblong-lanceolate, basal and petioled leaves with almost parallel nervature. The zygomorphic flowers appear close to the ground, having three fused sepals and three large, yellow petals. Fig. 3: Curcuma domestica Val., freshly dug, secondary rhizomes.
Suitable HPLC methods for the determination of the pungent principles in fresh peppers, chilies, ginger, capsicum oleoresins as well as pepper spray products can also be found in [11] and [12]. Adulteration: Fruits from other varieties such as Capsicum annuum L. var. longum (DC.) Sendtner, (Louisiana long pepper) contain only small amounts of capsaicinoids, and should not exceed 2%. Detection of other Capsicum annuum varieties is difficult in the cut drug and impossible in powder form (see TLC identification). Unripe fruits contain small-grained starch.
Dietary supplement. ginger, as a spice (§ 182.10), its oleoresin and natural extractives (§182.20) are Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS). Authentication: Macroscopic (See: Description) and microscopic (see also: Ph. Eur. or USNF). Beneath the thin, irregular cork, there is a narrow cortex, whose parenchyma contains numerous oil cells with a yellow or brownish yellow content; small collateral vascular bundles are also present.
Products containing concentrated extracts of ginger with a drug-to-extract ratio of 25:1 or higher and with an equivalent dry weight per dosage unit of 2 g and above are required to carry the following warnings: "Individuals taking anticoagulants should seek medical advice before taking this product", and "Individuals at risk of bleeding problems should seek medical advice from their health practitioner prior to taking this product". Canada: Approved active ingredient in over 40 Schedule OTC Traditional Herbal Medicines (e.g.
Ruangsri. ginger for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled trial. Obstet. Gynecol. 97, 577-582 (2001). [17] Y.J. Surh et al, J. Environ. Pathol. Toxicol. Oncol. 18, 131-139 (1999); CA. 131, 237574 (1999). [18] F. Kiuchi et al, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 40, 387-391 (1992). [19] H. Schuhbaum, D.H. Paper, and G. Franz, Book of Abstracts, 2000 Years of Natural Products Research (Amsterdam, July 26-30, 1999), Abstr. No. 159 (1999). [20] J. Yamahara et al, J. Ethnopharmacol. 23, 299-304 (1988). [21] M. Yoshikawa et al, Chem. Pharm. Bull. 42, 1226-1230 (1994).

Everybody's guide to homeopathic medicines

Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman
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Acid liquids (such as lemonade, orange juice, or ginger ale) and spices should be avoided because they stimulate salivation and increase pain. CASETAKING QUESTIONS FOR MUMPS Character of the symptoms: țWhich glands are affected (parotid glands only, submaxillary glands under the jaw, testes or ovaries)? țDo the affected glands feel very hard, almost rocklike? țAre the affected glands visibly red and inflamed? țWhat is the character of the pain? Does it extend into the ears or throat? Other symptoms: țIs the face red? țIs there excessive salivation, bad breath, or a bad taste in the mouth?

The Inflammation Syndrome: The Complete Nutritional Program to Prevent and Reverse Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies, and Asthma

Jack Challem
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The study confirmed ginger's use as an antiinflammatory agent in Chinese medicine, dating back more than twenty-five hundred years. Two topical treatments also can help. Several studies have found that creams containing capsaicin, the pungent component of hot peppers, can reduce the pain of osteoarthritis. Capsaicin blocks the transmission of pain chemicals to the brain. The effect appears to be strictly symptomatic, but other than a local sensation of heat, it is far safer than acetaminophen and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

Ultraprevention : The 6-Week Plan That Will Make You Healthy for Life

Mark Hyman, M.D.
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Try herbal detoxification teas containing mixtures of burdock root, dandelion root, ginger root, licorice root, sarsaparilla root, cardamom seed, cinnamon bark, and other herbs. 3. Repair the Rust: Oil the Oxidative Stress System Antioxidant Foods Among the many classifications of food is a new one—ORAC, or oxygen radical absorbence capacity, a measurement of the ability of a food to mop up free radicals. To measure ORAC, scientists put a person's blood in a test tube, add some toxins, and measure how well it takes care of the damage—the higher the ORAC score, the better.

The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D.
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Fresh ginger root relieves the sting of minor burns and can prevent and fight heartburn by absorbing stomach acid. A ginger compress can soothe carpel tunnel syndrome. Ginkgo Extracts prepared from the leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree appear to expand blood vessels, improve blood flow to the brain, and treat circulatory disorders and impotence. Used primarily to treat problems of the elderly, this serious medicine should be taken only under physician supervision.

Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health

Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Ginger capsules or ginger tea for nausea and gas. S Chewable papaya tablets for indigestion after a big meal. / Echinacea, astragalus, goldenseal capsules or tincture for cold and flu prevention. / Zinc lozenges combined with vitamin C and propolis for cold prevention. Zinc has a direct effect in boosting the immune system and may have some antiviral properties as well. ' :: / An herbal throat spray that includes echinacea and goldenseal to prevent a sore throat from taking hold. / White willow bark capsules or tincture to treat a headache or other types of pain. / Kava or St.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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Fresh ginger
Nausea and vomiting