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Whole Foods Companion: A Guide For Adventurous Cooks, Curious Shoppers, and lovers of natural foods

Dianne Onstad
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Cinnamon, ginger, cardamom, and clove are used together as a tea to telieve cough and congestion and to promote digestion. Cinnamon contains a substance that kills various fungi, bacteria and other microorganisms, including Staphylococcus aureas (staph infections), Clostridium hotu-linum (botulism), Aspergillus parasiticus (many molds), and A. flavus (which produces the poison aflatoxin). Cinnamon bark oil, produced in Sri Lanka for over two thousand years, is one of the most antimicrobial essential oils.

The New Detox Diet: The Complete Guide for Lifelong Vitality With Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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Lemon juice, wheat grass, or a little ginger or garlic juice can be added to drinks for vitality and to stimulate cleansing. Water and other liquids increase waste elimination. Lemon tends to loosen and draw out mucus and is especially useful for liver cleansing. Diluted lemon juice with or without a little honey or the Master Cleanser lemonade loosens mucus quickly, so if this is used we need to cleanse the bowels regularly to prevent getting sick. Most vegetable juices are milder than lemon juice.

The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health

Walter Last
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For herbs, consider bromelain, ginger (with most meals), ginkgo biloba, and green tea; also helpful are digestive enzymes high in lipase. additional therapies: Remove any dead teeth and make sure there is no chronic jawbone infection in the wisdom tooth positions. Get regular exercise; have alternating hot and cold showers; and do skin brushing. Frequently press into the fleshy pad below the left thumb; pressing strongly here during a heart attack can allegedly stop the attack.
With ulcers and irritable bowel (Crohn's disease), try slippery elm powder before meals; meals with arrowroot can be soothing; and use ginger root often with meals. Goldenseal and chamomile are useful as they are anti-inflammatory Try glutamine and zinc sulfate with meals (200 mg/day); also copper salicylate, herbal parasite cure, oxygen therapy, and colloidal silver. Magnesium is best taken as magnesium chloride; take also high-quality aloe vera juice. Use the magnetic pulser and south pole of a strong magnet on sites of inflammation or discomfort.
Especially strong with antiinflammatory properties are goldenseal, slippery elm powder, and ginger, also devil's claw, ginseng, gotu kola, pau d'arco, and sage. Try suitable Bach Flower Remedies; do the herbal parasite therapy and follow protocols in Intestinal Sanitation (see step 3). additional therapies: Try a strong antimicrobial therapy with electronic zapper, magnetic pulser, colloidal silver, and oxygen therapy. Also useful are spinal massage, tapping, and adjustment; deep muscle massage; frequent castor-oil packs on abdomen and lower back.
A good anti-inflammatory herb for everyday food flavoring is ginger root. For good heart health, avoid highly heated fatty and oily foods, especially if heated with access to air, as in frying. Not only are heated animal fats harmful when they form oxy-cholesterol, but so are oxidized and peroxi-dized polyunsaturated oils. Use vegetable oils that have not been heated to more than 120° F. Generally, I trust only high-quality linseed oil and extra-virgin olive oil to have retained their lipase.
Flavor with any combination of the following: miso, soy sauce, fresh parsley, coriander, cumin, fresh ginger, onion, and any other herbs or spices. Form flat burgers and bake crisp in a grill or a nonstick pan. Part 5 Problem Foods and Food Problems This part explains in more detail the reasons for the dietary recommendations in part 4. Most problem foods are widely used basic foods that lead to health problems in many people.

The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Healing

Gary Null, Ph.D.
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ANTIANEMIC: Red Cedar; Pignut Hickory; Buckbush; Shagbark Hickory; Dandelion; Coneflower; American Styrax; Black Gum; Corn Salad; White Oak; Mugwort; Shortleaf Pine; Red Clover; Northern Red Oak; Ramie; Asian Wild Ginger; Siebold's Wild Ginger; Devil's Claw; Tomatillo; Bilberry. ANTIANGINAL: Lanceleaf Periwinkle; Pignut Hickory; Sharbark; Hickory; Irish Moss; Purslane; Blackbean; Red Cedar; Opium Poppy; Asparagus; Oats; Cowpea; Ben Nut; Spinach; Purple Tephrosia; Visnaga; Snakeground; Licorice; Black Cherry; Dwarf Sumac; Black Gum.

Healing Pets With Nature's Miracle Cures

Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A.
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It has been shown that ginger counters the formation of pro-inflammatory substances such as leukotrienes and certain prostaglandins.24 I use a product that is standardized at 20 percent for gingerols and shogaols. If a product is not standardized, it is probably of inferior quality and will not work as well. Licorice Corticosteroids are considered by many to be among the great wonder drugs of the twentieth century.

Gary Null's Power Aging

Gary Null
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Do not use crystallized ginger. Ginkgo Biloba. Ginkgo improves circulation to microcapillaries to carry vital nutrients and oxygen to all tissues of the brain and heart. It works to prevent strokes, and is also prescribed for stroke survivors. It's yet another free-radical fighter. Ginseng. A Chinese symbol of longevity, ginseng is considered a rejuvenation herb. Research shows that ginseng is an antioxidant that slows the free radical damage of aging. It promotes better focus under stress, and boosts energy levels. Gotu Kola.

Don't Go Shopping for Hair-Care Products Without Me

Paula Begoun
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This shampoo is not recommended. © Knot Free Shampoo ($11 for 8.5 ounces) contains TEA-lauryl sulfate as one of its main detergent cleansing agents, along with essential oils of peppermint and lemon, which makes this a drying, irritating problem shampoo for all hair and scalp types. What's Not So Good About It: The prices are rather high; the thymus extract in these products has no benefit for hair beyond that of a water-binding agent. © Moisturizing Shampoo ($12 for 8.5 ounces) is a very standard shampoo that can be a great option for all hair types, and it poses minimal risk of buildup.

Rational Phytotherapy: A Reference Guide for Physicians and Pharmacists

volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel
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I Acrid bitters such as ginger and galangal. Besides their action on the digestive glands, bitter principles act reflexively on the cardiovascular system, causing a decrease in heart rate and cardiac stroke volume (Table 5.2). Taking bitters for several weeks can engender an aversion to certain bitter herbs, accompanied by loss of appetite. Bitters, then, differ from other dyspeptics (Sect. 5.2) in that they are generally used for a shorter period of time. The taste of bitter herbs cannot be corrected with raw sugar or other sweeteners.
The results of these controlled treatment studies offer compelling evidence that the antiemetic properties of ginger rhizome, prized by sailors for centuries, still have therapeutic applications today. EJJ Iberis amara - Combination A combination product containing nine 9 ingredients, with the trade name Iberogast®, is among the 10 most commonly prescribed herbal medications in Germany (see Table A3 in the Appendix).
Vutyavanich T, Kraisarin T, Ruangsri RA (2001) ginger for nausea and vomiting in pregnancy: randomized, double-masked placebo-controlled trial. Obstet Gynecol 97: 577-82. WeiB RF (1991) Lehrbuch der Phytotherapie. 7th Ed. Hippokrates Verlag Stuttgart. White DA, Thompson SP, Wilson CG, Bell GD (1987) A pharmacokinetic comparison of two delayed-release peppermint oil preparations, Colpermin and Mintec, for treatment of the irritable bowel syndrome. Int J Pharmaceutics 40:151-155. Wichtl M (ed) (1989) Teedrogen. Wissenschaftliche Verlagsgesellschaft mbH Stuttgart: 372-374.
Corresponding differences were also found in the number of vomiting episodes (Vutyavanich et al., 2001). The results of these controlled treatment studies offer compelling evidence that the antiemetic properties of ginger rhizome, prized by sailors for centuries, still have therapeutic applications today. EJJ Iberis amara - Combination A combination product containing nine 9 ingredients, with the trade name Iberogast®, is among the 10 most commonly prescribed herbal medications in Germany (see Table A3 in the Appendix).

Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health

Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Here are suggestions for your travel kit: / Melatonin, sublingual (under the tongue) tablets for insomnia and jet lag. / ginger capsules or ginger tea for nausea and gas. S Chewable papaya tablets for indigestion after a big meal. / Echinacea, astragalus, goldenseal capsules or tincture for cold and flu prevention. / Zinc lozenges combined with vitamin C and propolis for cold prevention. Zinc has a direct effect in boosting the immune system and may have some antiviral properties as well.

Gary Null's Power Aging

Gary Null
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For circulatory system help, the following apply: Ginkgo biloba, gotu kola, hawthorn berry, vitamin E, cayenne pepper, ginger, marjoram, and garlic. Bilberry is an extremely important nutrient, a superstar for the eyes. Pine bark extract and grape seed extract (generally between 100 to 500 mg a day) are also good because they fortify the capillaries that furnish the eyes with fluid, and aid in the prevention of lens impairment. Two Chinese herbs useful for healing dry and inflamed eyes are daigaku eyedrops and shehu.
Some recommended herbs are boneset; boswellia (one of the best natural remedies for arthritis); burdock root, a great blood cleanser; cayenne pepper, long known for its antiarthritis power; devil's claw, which we've already mentioned as a uric-acid fighter and thus one of the best herbs to help our joints; stinging nettle; prickly ash bark; white willow bark; yucca; garlic; sea cucumber; ginger, as we've mentioned; buchu leaf; and turmeric. Use these all as directed.

Food Fight

Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen
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Japan has more than 3,000 McDonald's franchises serving rice dishes and a fried chicken sandwich with soy sauce and ginger. Thai customers order Samurai Pork Burgers, a teriyaki-spiced sandwich that may have contributed to the chain's 10 to 15 percent increase in expansion in 1999 alone. Hong Kong has 158 franchises, which is one restaurant for every 42,000 residents, not far from the U.S. number, which approaches one restaurant for every 30,000 Americans.23 McDonald's is not the only fast-food company with a strong foreign presence.

Rational Phytotherapy: A Reference Guide for Physicians and Pharmacists

volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel
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Ernst E, Pittler MH (2000) Efficacy of ginger for nausea and vomiting: a systematic review of randomized clinical trials. Br J Anaesth 84: 367-71. Fiegel G (1971) Die amphocholeretische Wirkung der Fumaria officinalis. Z Allg Med 34:1819. Fintelmann V (1996) Klinische Bedeutung der lipidsenkenden und antioxidativen Wirkung von Cynara scolymus (Artischocke). In: Loew D, Rietbrock N (eds) Phytopharmaka II: Forschung und klinische Anwendung. Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt: 145-159. Fintelmann V, Menften HG, Siegers CP (1993) Phytotherapie Manual.

Gary Null's Power Aging

Gary Null
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I would also suggest stinging nettle, capsicum, ginger root, peppermint leaf, burdock root, dandelion root, grapefruit seed extract, and at least 6 oz of aloe vera consumed throughout the day. Make sure that you are getting 1 tsp of miso in soup daily. One more strategy to knock out allergies: Look for a combination capsule with the following broad-spectrum nutrients: glucosamine sulfate, pantothenic acid, B complex, vitamin C, vitamin E, coenzyme Q10, glutathione, bromelain, quercetin, and garlic. Arthritis. Very many people suffer from arthritis, a local inflammatory process.

Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany

C. P. Khare
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Use in Western herbal German Commission E recognized ginger's efficacy in the following areas: Figure 1 Ziziphus mauritana—flowering and fruiting branch [WOI] Classical use Three varieties of jujuba have been mentioned by Charaka—Badara, Kola (Kuvala) and Karkandhu (bearing big, medium and small fruits respectively). All the three were mentioned separately. Karkandhu was also known as Shragaala-Badari. Sinchitikaa-phala, another variety, was also mentioned. Sushruta mentioned five varieties— Badara, Kola, Karkandhu, Sauvira and Sinchitikaa-phala.

Heinerman's Encyclopedia of Healing Juices

John Heinerman
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A delightful health drink which is easy to prepare in a Vita-Mix, calls for one-fourth cups fresh peaches and pears (cut into small pieces), a dash of powdered ginger, and one-half cup sugarfree ginger ale. Mix on medium or high speed for twenty seconds. Some people like to add half a cup of ice cubes, which is okay to do if the lungs aren't inflammed in any way. This mixture yields about one and one-half cups of a health drink that's sweet, creamy, and refreshing to the palate.

Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany

C. P. Khare
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Mixed with a little ginger, leaf juice is given for colic in children, with black pepper (Piper nigrum) in catarrhal fever. Fresh juice is given for checking vomiting. Leaves, ground with water, are applied on bad boils, mosquito bites, and urticaria. A paste of fresh leaves, mixed with lemon juice, is applied on eczema, ringworm and other skin diseases. Dried leaves are used as snuff in myiosis and ozoena. Leaf juice is taken as a prophylactic during epidemics, as an adaptogen and internal antiseptic.
Use in Western herbal Zedoary is used in much the same way as ginger (Zingiber officinale) to relieve indigestion, nausea, flatulence and to promote appetite. The extracts of the drug are contained in numerous combinations for gastrointestinal indications and as cholagogues. The rhizome is used in China to treat certain types of tumours. A few trials showed that zedoary reduced cervical cancer and increased the cancer-killing effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy. Convolvulaceae j CUSCUTA Cuscuta epithymum L. Murr. Cuscuta reflexa Roxb. Habitat Europe, Asia, South Africa.
The powder of ginger, anise seed or cumine seed, and a little masticke correct the churlish working of the Hermodactyls. Those who have eaten of the common Meadow Saffron must drink the milke of a cow, or else death presently ensueth... the roots of all the sorts of Meadow Saffrons are very hurtfull to the stomacke, and being eaten they kill by choaking..." The drug is severely poisonous.
Activated charcoal powder of the wood (1 tablespoonful), powdered ginger root (one teaspoonful) and white sugar (1/2 teaspoonful) in one large glass of distilled water is prescribed as an antidote; also for diarrhoea, gas, heartburn and other general gastrointestinal distress. John Heinerman recommends a decoction of Willow bark (5 tablespoons of Willow bark in 5 cups of water) for external application for sore gums, festering sores, open wounds, serious burns, sweaty feet and tonsillitis (as a gargle). Bombacaceae j SALMALIA Figure 1 Salmalia malabarica [ZANDU] Salmalia malabarica (DC.

Overcoming Arthritis

David Brownstein
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Herbs Herbs have been used in many different cultures to help control the symptoms of arthritis. ginger has been used as a natural anti-inflammatory agent for thousands of years. One to two grams per day of ginger has proven effective in relieving many of the symptoms of arthritis. Research has also shown the herb feverfew to be effective in improving the symptoms of arthritis.10 Final Thoughts Nutritional supplements are important elements that provide the body with essential nutrients to promote healing of injured areas.

Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common Ailments

Robert M. Giller, M.D.
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Alternatively, drink ginger tea made by steeping peeled, chopped ginger in boiling water. IN ADDITION: If natural remedies don't help you, you can get a patch from your doctor that's worn behind the ear. It releases scopolamine through the skin into the blood and helps relieve motion sickness. Some people suffer from side effects from this treatment. Multiple Sclerosis MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, or MS, is a chronic, slowly progressing disease of the brain, the spinal cord, and the optic nerves.

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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Fresh ginger
Nausea and vomiting