People might think turmeric and ginger are just common herbs, but they're also powerful medicines. There's a lot of very excellent work that's been done on a hops-derived extract, which is rich in a group of compounds called humulones. And these show every bit as effective anti-inflammatory activity as 400 mg of Ibuprofen, for 9 hours. So here you've got something with activity comparable to a common anti-inflammatory drug, and Ibuprofen's a damn good anti-inflammatory, but primarily without some of the stomach hazards. I think that those are some of my picks. | Antoinette Saville and Antony J. Haynes See book keywords and concepts | Cook for 20 minutes, stir in the ginger and cook for 10 minutes or until the potatoes are soft. Allow the soup to cool then process it using a blender. Return the soup to the pan, reheat and season to taste. Serve sprinkled with the chopped cilantro.
Serves 6 lf v sf sof yf nf ef
Parsnip and Celeriac Soup
Celeriac makes a very useful alternative to potatoes - although it looks rather unappealing on the outside, once cooked, it is easily transformed into a light, fluffy mash or a creamy gratin Dauphinoise. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | This is why many diabetics derive some benefit from ginger. It's more popularly known to help treat motion sickness or nausea. That's really only one of the minor uses of this herb, however. This herb is a fantastic tonifier, and this combination really works for reducing inflammation, joint pain and arthritis pain.
There are some claims on the front of this product that are acknowledged by the FDA, but I'm trying to give you a description that goes beyond those claims to look at what these individual ingredients offer. The description I'm offering applies beyond this particular product. | Antoinette Saville and Antony J. Haynes See book keywords and concepts | Add the garlic, ginger, mushrooms and scallions and stir-fry for a few minutes until the shrimp are hot and the vegetables softened. Adjust the seasoning, adding more Japanese seasoning if you like. Sprinkle with the cilantro and serve immediately.
Makes 4 small portions
Roast Cod with Black Olive Crust
You can use any chunky white fish you like for this recipe. I usually serve this dish with a large salad of mixed leaves and herbs and a bowl of steamed wild and brown rice, sprinkled with plenty of freshly chopped parsley. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | The top three ingredients are rosemary, turmeric and ginger. What's the big deal about these three ingredients? You'll notice that these are not isolated chemicals, nor are these vitamins or minerals. This is not chondroitin sulfate, or glucosamine, or MSM, or any of the other more common nutritional supplements you might typically take for joint health. Rather, these affect inflammation and joint pain through a different mechanism. They help inhibit the inflammatory response in the human body by fundamentally balancing the body's systems. | Joe Graedon, M.S. and Teresa Graedon, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Ginger has a long tradition as a digestive aid and antiflatulent. Thanks for sharing your home remedy.
• • •
Besides being a staple of South Asian cooking, turmeric (Curcuma longa) has been used in the traditional Ayurvedic medicine of India for thousands of years. It also is an ingredient in yellow mustard. It has recently gotten a lot of scientific attention for its anti-inflammatory properties. Some of our readers report that it is also helpful against gas.
• • •
Q. / have found that eating more than one hard-boiled egg produces bloating and gas with an unpleasant sulphurous odor. | The Editors of FC&A See book keywords and concepts | Basil, rosemary, turmeric, ginger, and parsley add zing to any dish, as well as a hefty load of flavonoids and other powerful antioxidants. Herbal experts say fresh herbs are much more potent than the dried variety.
Onions. Half an onion a day keeps stomach cancer away. That's what Dutch researchers discovered in a study of more than 120,000 men and women. Making half an onion part of your daily menu could cut your risk of stomach cancer in half. Onions contain quercetin and other antioxidants that can safeguard your stomach. | Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D. See book keywords and concepts | A doctor should be informed if ginger is used before surgery as the herb may increase bleeding.
Common name: Maidenhair tree Botanical name: Ginkgo biloba
Parts used and where grown
Ginkgo biloba is the world's oldest living species of tree. Individual trees live as long as 1,000 years. Ginkgo grows most predominantly in the southern and eastern United States, southern France, China, and Korea. The leaves of the tree are used in modern herbal medicine. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | For example, if you want to prevent cancer, all you need to do is eat large quantities of raw broccoli, broccoli sprouts and other sprouts, almonds, spirulina, garlic, onions, ginger, and from the herbal world, you can consume licorice root, graviola herb and many other herbs and medicinal plants that will not only prevent cancer, but can even help reverse early-stage cancers.
Preventing diabetes and heart disease through nutrition
When it comes to diabetes, avoidance is quite simple. | Marshall Editions See book keywords and concepts | Also, avoid deep-fried food, and eat less fatty and greasy foods, since they l_ create more heat. Bitter melon, watermelon, adzuki beans, tofu, and radishes are also
CO good choices. DC
Diet: Feed your child soft foods, since children with mumps have a hard time chewing. Soups and fruit juice ice pops can be soothing, and can be fed to a child throughout the day instead of solid food. Eliminate fats while the child is sick as they are extremely difficult to digest with this condition.
Supplements: Vitamin C supports the immune system and helps fight infection. | Indian frankincense. These herbs act on some of the same physiological systems as pharmaceutical medications, though they may not act as quickly.
Willow: This plant contains mildly anti-inflammatory salicylate compounds. There are many species of willow that have medicinal effects, with specific varieties anc concentrations of the active medicinal compounds. Willow bark is used to relieve pair related to muscle and joint inflammation, and can help with the symptoms of sciatica, z4 tea can be made from high-quality willow bark (it should contain at least 7% total salicir compounds). | Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan See book keywords and concepts | Add the strips, mushrooms, bell pepper, broth, coriander, parsley, black pepper, turmeric, ginger, paprika, and red pepper. Place the lemon slices on top of the stew, cover, reduce the heat, and simmer for 30 minutes.
Remove and discard the lemon slices. Stir in the artichokes and cook just until heated. Season with the salt and serve immediately. | Chinese black bean sauce
1 bunch broccoli
1 large onion, cut into 6 wedges and layers separated
2 tablespoons water
3 tablespoons dry sherry or nonalcoholic sweet wine, such as
Wi teaspoons cornstarch dissolved in V2 cup cold water
Mash the ginger and garlic together in a small bowl. Add the black bean sauce and mix well.
Divide the broccoli florets into bite-size pieces. Peel and chop the stems into v2" pieces and stir-fry with the florets and onion in a medium skillet over high heat. | Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D. See book keywords and concepts | The other ingredients are peony (page 724) root, pinel-lia root, cassia bark, ginger (page 680) root, jujube fruit, Asian ginseng (page 630) root, Chinese scullcap root, and licorice (page 702) root.
Maitake (page 707) mushrooms, which are currently being studied, contain immuno-modulating polysaccharides (including beta-D-glucan [page 470]) that may be supportive for HIV infection.85'86
A controversy has surrounded the use of echinacea (page 669) in people infected with HIV. | Enzymes (page 506) (chymotrypsin, trypsin)
(page 568) (DLPA) Vitamin B, (page 597), Vitamin B6 (page 600), Vitamin B,2 (page 601) (in combination)
Colchicine (from autumn crocus) Willow (page 760)
Bromelain (page 481) Enzymes (page 506) (papain)
Vitamin C (page 604)
Cayenne (page 654) (topical) Devil's claw (page 668) Eucalyptus (page 673) (topical) ginger (page 680) Peppermint (page 726) (topical) Turmeric (page 753)
What are the symptoms of low back pain?
Low back pain may be a steady ache or a sharp, acute pain that is worse with movement. | Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan See book keywords and concepts | Salt to taste
Place the flour in a shallow dish and roll the chicken substitute strips to coat. Place the strips in a large, heavy, deep nonstick skillet or stir-fry pan over medium-high heat and cook until browned. Remove from the pan and set aside.
Add the onion and garlic to the skillet and steam-fry until soft, adding very small amounts of water as needed to prevent sticking and burning. (Or place in a microwaveable dish, cover, and microwave on high for 7 minutes.)
Add the strips, mushrooms, bell pepper, broth, coriander, parsley, black pepper, turmeric, ginger, paprika, and red pepper. | Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D. See book keywords and concepts | CHECKLIST FOR INDIGESTION, HEARTBURN, AND LOW STOMACH ACIDITY
Nutritional Supplements
**¦*• Lactase (page 545) (for lactose intolerance only)
(page 628)
Greater celandine
(page 684)
**r-r Enzymes (page 506) (Lipase [page 547]) Vitamin B12 (page 601) (for people with the combination of low vitamin B12 levels, delayed gastric emptying, and Helicobacter pylori infection)
Bitter orange
(page 635)
Caraway (page 651) Fennel (page 676) ginger (page 680) Linden (page 704) Peppermint (page 726) Sage (page 740) Turmeric (page 753)
!? | Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton See book keywords and concepts | These include echinacea, garlic, ginger, goldenseal, aloe vera, mushrooms, elderberry, and many others. Many appear to be very effective, but first make sure that you are getting all the nutrients you need. Once any nutritional deficiencies are sorted out, you can then move on to herbal remedies.
Chapter 6
Neurological Disorders
OUR BRAINS ARE THE MOST important part of our bodies—they make us who and what we are. They control everything we do and say, and their health is fundamental to our survival. | Neal D. Barnard and Bryanna Clark Grogan See book keywords and concepts | Combine the pears, cranbei juice, orange peel, salt, nutmeg, and ginger in a large be juice concentrate ad cornstarch together m a small bov ately pour into the mixture and Wend well. Pour im nonstick baking c*1 (or a baking dish lined with parchi for 20 minutes. T™°ve from the oven and reduce the he Stir the fruit mure thoroughly and sprinkle the granol top. Bake for to 30 minutes or until the fruit is soft. S,
MAKES 8 S'INGS calories froi ' XJ'n"> 1U1 mg sodium ion juice, and 2 .1 heat and warm y flour, cinnamon,
. (it will foam up). Pour iefly but thoroughly. | James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Chamomile and ginger oils will help soothe stomach pain.
Stress Reduction
General Stress-Reduction Therapies
Any stress-reduction technique will help calm your stomach, so feel free to use any of the strategies listed in the Exercise and Stress Reduction chapter. You may find that yoga is especially helpful, as it not only reduces stress but also builds up the abdominal muscles. Regular exercise and Pilates are excellent as well.
Bach Flower Remedies
See the chart on pages 648-650 to find the remedy that best suits your personality and tendencies. | Pour boiling water over the grated root and drink the tea, or try adding ginger fresh to your meals. If you want something stronger, take 1 to 2 grams of dried powder in a capsule two or three times daily or use 1 to 2 ml of a tincture three times daily.
Boswellia (Boswellia serrata) is takfen in doses of 1,200 to 1,500 mg of standardized extract, containing 60 to 65 percejnt boswellic acids, two to three times daily.
Plant sterols and sterolin is more spejcifically used for rheumatoid arthritis, to calm down an overactive immune system. | Prevents vomiting (e.g., ginger). antifungal Destroys or prevents fungal infections. antigalactic Reduces or stops breast milk secretion (e.g., sage). antihelmintic An herb that destroys parasites (e.g., garlic, wormwood, black walnut). anti-inflammatory Reduces inflammation in the body (e.g., licorice root, bromelain, boswellia, white willow, black cohosh). antimicrobial Prevents or destroys microbe (virus, bacteria, fungus, etc.) growth. antioxidant Prevents the damage of cells by free radicals (e.g., ginkgo, astragalus, hawthorne berry, milk thistle, thyme, wild oregano). | Super Seven Prescriptions—Morning Sickness
Super Prescription #1 ginger root (Zingiber officinale)
Drink a fresh cup of tea two to three times daily, or take 300 mg of the capsule form three times daily.
Super Prescription #2 Vitamin B6
Take 25 mg three times daily. Double-blind studies have found this to be effective. Vitamin B6 injections or intravenous administration by your doctor may be even more effective. | To improve circulation, flavor your meals with garlic, onions, ginger, or cayenne pepper.
Vitamin E is good for the circulation and also helps prevent blood clots. Wheat germ is an excellent source, as are soybeans and leafy greens.
Food to Avoid
Saturated fats, along with hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated oils, slow down your circulation and worsen the inflammation of the blood vessels. Avoid them.
Sugar and other refined carbohydrates can lead to weight gain and constipation. Dramatically reduce your intake of sweets and refined foods. | Henry Pasternak, D.V.M., C.V.A. See book keywords and concepts | In the Ayurvedic system of medicine, ginger is commonly used for inflammatory joint diseases. It has been shown that ginger counters the formation of pro-inflammatory substances such as leukotrienes and certain prostaglandins.24
I use a product that is standardized at 20 percent for gingerols and shogaols. If a product is not standardized, it is probably of inferior quality and will not work as well.
Corticosteroids are considered by many to be among the great wonder drugs of the twentieth century. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Also, add onions, garlic, and ginger to the anti-cancer list.)
• Soy products contain isoflavones known to support the immune system and fight cancer.
• Macadamia nuts contain heart-healthy oils that actually promote high metabolism and fat burning rather than fat storage.
• Sprouts are loaded with vitamin C, digestive enzymes and the mysterious "live" element that you only get from living foods.
• Spirulina contains GLA, an essential fatty acid lacking in the modern diet. | Alan R. Gaby, M.D., Jonathan V. Wright, M.D., Forrest Batz, Pharm.D. Rick Chester, RPh., N.D., DipLAc. George Constantine, R.Ph., Ph.D. Linnea D. Thompson, Pharm.D., N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Some products contain a combination of curcumin and ginger. However, no research has investigated the effects of these herbs on low back pain.
A combination of eucalyptus (page 673) and peppermint (page 726) oil applied directly to a painful area may help. Preliminary research indicates that the counter-irritant quality of these essential oils may decrease pain and increase blood flow to afflicted regions.61 Peppermint and eucalyptus, diluted in an oil base, are usually applied several times per day, or as needed, to control pain. | Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Apples and pears may have a slight drying effect but can be neutral in their effect on vata if they are taken with warming spices such as ginger or cinnamon. Fruits that seem most balancing for vata seem to be apricots, avocados, berries, cherries, coconut, figs, citrus, melons, nectarines, and plums. Classically some high-glycemic fruits such as bananas and melons have been recommended, but, if you understand the Rainbow Green Live-Food Cuisine (see Chapter 27), the author does not recommend them on a regular basis. | Michael T. Murray See book keywords and concepts | Saute onion with a little olive oil in a medium saute pan over medium-low heat for about 5 minutes, stirring frequently; add garlic and ginger, and continue to saute for another minute, then remove from heat and add the curry powder and chili powder. Mix well. Return to heat and add stock, chicken, bell pepper, and coconut milk. Simmer until chicken is done, about 10 minutes. Salt (use No Salt or Nu-Salt) and pepper to taste.
Place rice on plate and top with the curry mixture.
One cup fresh blueberries Directions:
Served chilled for a Vi-cup serving size. | Saute onion, garlic, ginger, and mushrooms in a medium saute pan for about 5 minutes. Bake the salmon in a baking dish, depending on how thick it is (about 7 minutes if less than an inch thick). When cooked, place on bed of mushroom mixture.
Fresh Raspberries
1 cup fresh raspberries
Served chilled for a Vi-cup serving size. A little vanilla soy milk or nonfat yogurt can be used to soak the berries as well. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Adjectives:...and Fresh ...and Dried ...and Hot ...and Cold ...and Herbal ...and Raw ...and Red ...and Green ...and Black ...and Dry
...and Health Conditions and Diseases:...and Nausea ...and Pain ...and Sickness ...and Vomiting ...and Inflammation ...and Arthritis ...and Diarrhea ...and Cancer ...and Headaches ...and Migraines
...and Substances:...and Water ...and Food ...and Extract ...and Acid ...and Powder ...and Tincture ...and Liquid ...and Tonic ...and Formulas ...and Acids
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...and Objects:...and Oil ...and People ...and Capsules ...and Seed ...and Plant ...and Gas ...and Hour ...and Strain ...and Product ...and Produce
...and Actions:...and Drink ...and Eat ...and Taking ...and Avoid ...and Boiling ...and Eating ...and Warming ...and Boil ...and Adding ...and Cook
...and Dose ...and Drops ...and Properties ...and Doses ...and Dosage ...and Placebo ...and Results ...and Platelet ...and Double-blind ...and Stimulant
...and Macronutrients:...and Seeds ...and Salt ...and Oils ...and Protein ...and Enzymes ...and Fiber ...and Calories ...and Minerals ...and Fats ...and Mineral
...and Who:...and Patients ...and Women ...and Children ...and Family ...and Child ...and Physician ...and Patient ...and Human ...and Doctors ...and Volunteers
...and Nutrients:...and Vitamin ...and Vitamin C ...and Calcium ...and Antioxidant ...and Magnesium ...and Prostaglandins ...and Zinc ...and Potassium ...and Iron ...and Antioxidants
...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Gastric ...and Intestinal ...and Standardized ...and Gastrointestinal ...and Acute ...and Oral ...and Internal ...and Menstrual ...and Rheumatoid
...and Where:...and Chinese ...and China ...and India ...and Indian ...and Asian ...and Europe ...and United states ...and America ...and Japan ...and West
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Period ...and Breath ...and Strength ...and Concentration ...and Menstruation ...and Memory ...and Attention ...and Vision
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Relieves ...and Relieving ...and Expectorant ...and Analgesic ...and Antimicrobial ...and Calming ...and Antiseptic ...and Antifungal ...and Oxidation
...and Drugs:...and Aspirin ...and Chemotherapy ...and Tablets ...and Laxative ...and Diuretic ...and Antibiotics ...and Antibiotic ...and Sedative ...and Stimulants ...and Diuretics
...and Treatment Modalities:...and Massage ...and Ayurvedic ...and Chinese medicine ...and Acupuncture ...and Traditional chinese medicine ...and Cleanse ...and Relaxation ...and Fasting ...and Yoga ...and Biofeedback
...and Animals:...and Rats ...and Mice ...and Turkey ...and Worms ...and Dogs ...and Cat ...and Insects ...and Horse ...and Cats ...and Insect
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Triglycerides ...and Height ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Heart rate ...and Body weight
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Saliva ...and Hormones ...and Stomach acid ...and Estrogen ...and Histamine ...and Insulin ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Steroid ...and Lipids ...and Estrogens
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...and Chemicals:...and Caffeine ...and Free radicals ...and Ethanol ...and Carcinogens ...and Additives ...and Poisons ...and Mercury ...and Fragrance ...and Nicotine ...and Aluminum
...and Supplements:...and Fish oil ...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Glucosamine ...and Lactobacillus ...and Coenzyme q10
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Msg ...and Lactose ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Aspartame
Related Concepts:
Root Water Tea Fresh Nausea Herbs Minutes Oil Effects Garlic Pain Foods Effect Sickness Food Stomach Dried Blood Body Juice Hot Fresh ginger Heat Cold Herb Study Motion Studies Symptoms People Treatment Vomiting Drink Extract Capsules Chinese Formula Inflammation Time Acid Patients Skin Helps Cayenne Cinnamon Eat Diet Taking Herbal Vegetables Activity Arthritis Raw Dose Powder Tincture Digestion Honey Seeds Red Drops Anti-inflammatory Drugs Pregnancy Liver Prevent Green Salt Avoid Ginseng Remedy Digestive Circulation Onion Black Dry Taste Spices Seed Women Properties Doses White Vitamin Leaves Medicine Nausea and vomiting Sugar Natural Turmeric Dosage Bark Increase Heart Chopped Pepper Fruit Sweet Oils Production