Schuyler W. Lininger, Jr. DC See book keywords and concepts |
The major antioxidants in the lens of the eye are vitamin C (p. 341)' and glutathione (an antioxidant enzyme).7 Vitamin C is needed to activate vitamin E (p. 344),8 which in turn activates glutathione. Both nutrients are important for healthy vision.
Vitamin C (p. 341) levels in the eye decrease with age;9 however, supplementing with vitamin C prevents this decrease10 and has been linked to a lower risk of developing cataracts."12 Healthy people have been reported to be more likely to take vitamin C and vitamin E supplements than those with cataracts in some" but not all studies. |
Nutritional Supplements That May Be Helpful
Doctors of natural medicine will often suggest that people who experience easy bruising supplement with 1-3 grams of vitamin C (p. 341) per day for several months. This is usually accompanied by at least several hundred milligrams of bioflavonoids (p. 271)— vitamin-like substances that are needed to strengthen capillaries and therefore might also help with bruising.1 If the vitamin C/bioflavonoid combination is helpful, it strongly suggests that the person's diet was inadequate.
Are There Any Side Effects or Interactions? |
Barnet Meltzer, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
II. Whole, Complex Carbohydrates 20-25% (e.g., whole grain breads, pastas, and cereals; brown rice; potatoes)
III. Non-Animal Proteins (e.g., beans, legumes, 15-20% tofu, tempeh, and veggie burgers)
IV. Natural Fats (e.g., monounsaturated and 10?5% unsaturated oils; avocado; unsalted seeds, nuts, and nut butters)
A peak-performance diet combines a high percentage of simple and complex carbohydrates with a moderate amount of non-animal proteins and a small quantity of natural fats.
Rule 6: Simplify
You would expect it to be simple to simplify your diet. And you're right. It is. |
Patricia Hausman & Judith Benn Hurley See book keywords and concepts |
In fact, the high-carotene group was only one-seventh as likely to contract the disease as the low-carotene group.
• The NCI's Dr. Haenszel interviewed people who had colon cancer and those who did not, and found that those free of the disease reported eating more cabbage.
• Researchers at the Roswell Park Memorial Institute in Buffalo, New York, confirmed that people who did not have lung cancer took in more vitamin A than patients with the disease. Following up on their findings, they linked higher intakes of vitamin A to better protection from cancers of the esophagus, bladder, and larynx. |
Sandra Steingraber See book keywords and concepts |
One research institution, the Environmental Working Group, places this estimate higher. In their review of FDA monitoring data, EWG staff discovered that many more violations were detected by FDA chemists than were reported by FDA enforcement personnel. The actual violation rate, according to their reanalysis, is 5.6 percent—nearly double the FDA's offical claim—and involves sixty-six different pesticides, including many banned or restricted for use. Green peas showed a violation rate of nearly 25 percent, pears 15.7 percent, apple juice 12.5 percent, blackberries 12. |
Committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences National Research Council See book keywords and concepts |
Similar inverse associations were found for indices of vitamin A and C intake, especially for vitamin C intake. In a case-control study among Chinese in Singapore, de Jong et al. (1974) found that a significant decrease in risk for esophageal cancer among males was associated with consumption of bread, potatoes, and bananas. They also found a direct association with consumption of very hot beverages. Ziegler at al. (1981) examined the role of nutrition in the etiology of esophageal cancer among blacks in the United States. |
The mechanisms responsible for these effects are not fully understood, partly because nutritive and non-nutritive components of foods may interact to exert effects on cancer incidence.
In the laboratory, investigators have attempted to shed light on the mechanisms by which diet may influence carcinogenesis. They have examined the ability of individual nutrients, food extracts, or non-nutritive components of food to enhance or Inhibit carcinogenesis and mutagenesis, thereby providing epidemiologists with testable hypotheses regarding specific components of the diet. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Herbs have immune-enhancing properties, especially when taken at the first sign of a cold or flu.
Vitamin C, bioflavonoids, and GLA strengthen the immune system, thus helping us counteract colds and the flu.
Getting enough rest is an important strategy in fighting off these illnesses.
Homeopathic remedies for alleviating colds and flu are given according to symptoms and stage of illness.
Applying pressure to points on the feet can speed up recovery.
Inhaling essential oils can help clear up congestion, and when sprayed into the air, mists of these oils have a germ-deactivating effect. |
Prevention Magazine See book keywords and concepts |
Setting the Most
Keep it clothed. Most of a pear's fiber is in the peel. By eating pears with the skin on, you'll get the full complement of fiber, along with the cholesterol-lowering benefits, Dr. Camire says.
Fresh is better. While canned pears are convenient, they don't provide anywhere near the benefits of fresh, says Donald V. Schlimme, Ph.D., professor of nutrition and food science at the University of Maryland in College Park. For one thing, canned pears have been peeled, so they have lost most of their healing fiber. |
Committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences National Research Council See book keywords and concepts |
Although they also found an inverse relationship for an index of vitamin A consumption based on selected foods, there was an even stronger inverse relationship for an index of vitamin C consumption. Also consistent with these findings were observations of populations in the Caspian littoral of Iran (a region of particularly high esophageal cancer incidence) indicating that consumption of green vegetables and fresh fruit and estimated vitamin A and C intake in high risk areas were lower than in areas of low risk (Hormozdiari et al. |
Bill Gottlieb See book keywords and concepts |
WATER: Stimulate the Intestines
When you're increasing the amount of fiber in your diet, you should drink a lot of water (at least six to eight 8-ounce glasses a day). The reason fiber relieves constipation, says Dr. Stengler, is that it absorbs a lot of water, creating large, soft stools.
Hot water works better than cold because it stimulates peristalsis, the squeezing, muscular action that pushes stool through the digestive tract, says Andrew Gaeddert, a professional member of the American Herbalists Guild and director of the Get Well Clinic in Oakland, California. |
Committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences National Research Council See book keywords and concepts |
The activity of three of the fruits (strawberries, raspberries, and peaches) was due to residues of the fungicide captan. Quercetin accounted for the mutagenicity of the remaining fruit and vegetable (raisins and onions) as well as two of the beverages (red wine and grape juice). The mutagen in coffee was not identified. This extensive survey of fractionated extracts of 68 foods did not reveal the presence of any mutagenic chemicals or foods that had not been previously reported. Similarly, Bjeldanes et al. |
Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Even the sun is no longer indispensable; quality artificial grow lights that mimic the sun's warmth and light are now available. What these technological advances truly mean, however, is that we may say goodbye to the nutritional and revitalizing qualities that are supposed to come from the foods we eat.
Never before has this ancient saying been more true. Of course, intensive agriculture does increase yields, and sometimes even several harvests a season, depending on the farming methods and region. |
Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts |
A 1991 study by the USDA showed similar results-. 58 percent of 2,900 samples showed pesticide residues.
Pesticide applications to U.S. food crops soared from near zero in 1940 to more than one billion pounds in 1987. Fear of exposure to even trace amounts of these chemicals is the major reason that a growing number of Americans now spend more than $1.5 billion a year (up from about $175 million in 1980) on organically grown produce.
Scientists generally agree that occupational exposure to large doses of pesticides poses a health hazard. |
Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens See book keywords and concepts |
Tbe authors also suggest that reduced consumption of red meat may decrease the incidence of colon and prostate cancer and that modification of sex hormone levels might have some effect on breast cancer incidence.
Impact of Dietary Constituents on Human Cancer
Although only a few individual carcinogens in the diet have been identified through epidemiologic studies (e.g., aflatoxin and arsenic), these studies have identified dietary components as either contributing to or reducing cancer risk. |
Nicola Reavley See book keywords and concepts |
Proteins are made up of 20 main naturally-occurring amino acids and some other minor ones. Some of these amino acids are essential constituents of the diet as they cannot be made in the body, whereas others are nonessential. Meat, fish, eggs, milk and soybeans contain all the essential amino acids and are known as complete proteins. Grains, beans, peas, nuts and seeds contain some amino acids and not others, and are called incomplete proteins. Two incomplete protein foods, eaten together, can provide a complete protein, for example, baked beans on toast or lentils and rice. |
Ruth Winter See book keywords and concepts |
May contain FDA-approved antioxidants. Petrolatum helps to soften and smoothe the skin in the same way as any other emollient and is less expensive. The oily film helps prevent evaporation of moisture from the skin and protects the skin from irritation. However, petrolatum does cause allergic skin reactions in the hypersensitive. When ingested, it produces a mild laxative effect. Not absorbed but may inhibit digestion. It is generally nontoxic.
PETROLEUM • Hydrocarbons, Naphtha, Waxes. |
FLUORINE COMPOUNDS • Calcium Fluoride. Hydrofluorsillic Acid. Potassium Fluoride. Sodium Fluoride. Sodium Silicofluoride. All have been used in the fluoridation of water. Fluorides cross the placental barrier and the effects on the fetus are unknown. New clinical evidence shows that kidney disturbance sometimes is due to the amount of fluoride it contributes to the blood. Fluorine containing compounds (sodium, potassium, or calcium fluoride) are illegal. A petition for extension in dietary supplements was terminated in 1973. |
Grace Ross Lewis See book keywords and concepts |
Mexico. Sometimes it drifts across the border from Mexican crop spraying or is in the water supply in the border states. Mexico continued to use this chemical to kill mosquitoes that cause malaria. They have now agreed to phase out its use over the next ten years.
30. What is pycnogenol that is so popular in health food stores?
It is the antioxidant isolated from the bark of a pine tree by Masquelier, a French chemist. This was about 50 years ago. The active principal is OPC, which is found in grape seeds.
31. What is the good ingredient in green tea? |
Leo Galland See book keywords and concepts |
FDA during 1992 and 1993. They used seven rating criteria, including the percentage of each crop with detectable pesticide residues and the known toxicity of each type of residue. The group calculated that 50 percent of food pesticide exposure occurs through consumption of twelve foods. The vegetables with the greatest contamination were bell peppers, spinach, celery, green beans, and cucumbers. They recommended substituting less contaminated vegetables for these. The safer vegetables included green peas, broccoli, asparagus, romaine lettuce, carrots, radishes, Brussels sprouts, and potatoes. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Our bodies evolved expecting high levels of these nutrients. Without optimal intakes, we develop osteoporosis, anemia, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, cataracts, arthritis, and other disorders; and
4. are low in calories. They average as little as one calorie per gram, compared to up to nine calories per gram in highly refined foods.
Most of the foods on our ancient ancestors' plates were plants. So it's no wonder that no other food is so closely linked to lifelong health and longevity. |
Fortunately, our bodies are only concerned with getting the right amount of nutrients. The source is unimportant. Chicken breast is as good a source of low-fat protein as gazelle, salmon is as good a source of omega-3 fatty acids as eland, and you can get your vitamin C just as well from oranges as from wild greens.
The secret to regaining our evolutionary balance is to glean the best of our ancient ancestors' eating habits and combine those with the safe, abundant, nutritious foods available today. |
Committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences National Research Council See book keywords and concepts |
The activity of three of the fruits (strawberries, raspberries, and peaches) was due to residues of the fungicide captan. Quercetin accounted for the mutagenicity of the remaining fruit and vegetable (raisins and onions) as well as two of the beverages (red wine and grape juice). The mutagen in coffee was not identified. This extensive survey of fractionated extracts of 68 foods did not reveal the presence of any mutagenic chemicals or foods that had not been previously reported. Similarly, Bjeldanes et al. |
Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In addition, extra products are suggested to achieve results that most would find desirable, such as increased vitality and enhanced well-being.
Beliefs on Which It Is Based
It is the opinion of megadose advocates that most people require vitamins and minerals in much greater amounts than they receive through their diets, and in dosages often far greater than their RDAs. They believe that, when it comes to vitamins and minerals, if some is good, more must be better. |
David Heber, M.D., Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
California soil. This includes over 250 varieties, 70 of which are grown solely in California. Although there is evidence that the California Native Americans knew about farming from their trade contacts with Native Americans in Arizona, they did not adopt an agricultural lifestyle. They didn't have to farm to feed themselves. The California climate exists in a few other places on earth, including the Fertile Crescent in the Middle East, a small area of Chile, the Argentine pampas, parts of Australia, and parts of the Cape of South Africa. |