Select foods from each of the following groups: a) fresh fruits and vegetables, b) whole-grain breads, cereals, other grain products (corn, wheat, rye, rice), c) dry peas, beans (legumes), and nuts, d) animal products—red meat, poultry, fish and also milk, yogurt, cheeses. The amounts eaten from group d) must be limited. An eight-ounce steak contains 33 gm, or 300 calories, of saturated fat. This is half the fat intake an average person should have in a day. |
Their basic diet was fresh fruits and vegetables, grains, beans, nuts, and seeds. Also added were fish in the coastal and freshwater areas, and occasional beef in the range areas. Growing your own food and buying from local farmers is a beginning step for eating seasonally.
Two other factors affect what is available to you and what your diet will be. The first is the climate in which you live. Most of the United States has definitive seasons: cold and snow in the winter, and heat in the summer. The bounties of fresh foods come from later spring into autumn. |
Today most diets include an emphasis on fruits and vegetables grown for higher vitamin C content. Since sugar is now used for energy, it is no longer heavily present in the average diet. As nutritional patterns have changed, public health has improved markedly.
Wellness evaluations are expected to become more sophisticated in the future since most clients now have been educated in wellness-enhancing behaviors since they were children. Pioneer efforts in the early 1980s—such as wellness camps—opened the door to a redefinition of education as a system of developing all human potentials. |
Dr. Mary Dan Eades See book keywords and concepts |
Recommendation: The cornerstone of increasing your fiber intake should be to concentrate your efforts on eating more high-fiber fruits and vegetables, such as the green leafies, broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, and green beans. And fewer of the starchier ones, such as potatoes, refined flours and meals, and the breads and pastries made from them, Instead, choose whole grains, rice, oats, and legumes. |
Nicola Reavley See book keywords and concepts |
Only one person in ten regularly eats the recommended five servings a day of fruits and vegetables. Many people are on weight loss diets, regularly skip meals or eat a lot of foods high in sugar and fat. People also have varying nutritional needs and ways of meeting those needs. And then there are those with clearly increased needs such as pregnant women, the elderly, those taking long-term medications, and those who are chronically ill. Such people probably all have needs greater than their diet can meet. This is where the" nutritional insurance" of supplements can help. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
A study by researchers at the University of California at Berkeley showed that if people who are HIV-positive eat more fruits and vegetables, it takes them longer to develop the opportunistic infections of full-blown AIDS.
V Legume nodules. If I were taking AZT, I would also consume a few legume nodules, the little "capsules" of bacteria scattered along the roots of most legumes.
Legume nodules are reportedly the best vegetable source of a compound called heme iron. Studies show that heme boosts the anti-HIV activity of AZT. |
Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Few Americans actually do eat enough fruits and vegetables and, frankly, I am skeptical that it is actually possible to get enough antioxidants through diet alone. Fortunately, many antioxidants found in food are now available in supplement form. I believe that everyone should take a broad-spectrum vitamin/mineral supplement with antioxidants, including alpha and beta carotene, vitamins C, E, selenium, and glutathione, an amino acid. |
It is critical that the diet be rich in whole natural foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables, because they are a rich source of nutrients critical to joint health, including vitamin C, carotenes, and flavonoids.
Rheumatoid arthritis sufferers may want to eliminate foods from the nightshade family such as potatoes, tomatoes, and eggplant, which are thought to aggravate the condition in some but not all people. Some people find that eliminating all dairy products can also help to relieve symptoms. Smokers take note: Tobacco is a member of the nightshade family! |
More than five hundred compounds that give fruits and vegetables their color. At one time, bioflavonoids were considered to be little more than food dye, but today many of these compounds are being investigated for their anticancer and disease-fighting properties. Bioflavonoids have been used by natural healers for years to treat asthma and allergy; some asthma medications are based on synthetic versions of these compounds. |
Betacarotene—Betacarotene is a member of the carotenoid family, a group of more than 600 compounds found in fruits and vegetables. In a study that followed more than 50,000 nurses over a period of eight years at Brigham and Women's Hospital in Boston, researchers found that women whose diets were rich in betacarotene were 40 percent less likely to develop cataracts than those whose diets were low in this important vitamin. |
Fiber is found in whole grains, fruits and vegetables; it is absent from products made with white flour, as well as the types of processed and convenience foods that are the mainstay of the American diet. The two types of fiber, soluble and insoluble, are of equal importance. Insoluble fiber softens and bulks waste so that it moves quickly through the colon, the last stop on the GI tract before it is eliminated from the body. Soluble fiber binds with bile, a product produced by the liver which is essential for the absorption of fat, and is excreted in the feces. |
Committee on Diet, Nutrition, and Cancer, Assembly of Life Sciences National Research Council See book keywords and concepts |
Furthermore, they provide mostly indirect evidence since they are based on the consumption of foods, especially fresh fruits and vegetables, known to contain high concentrations of the vitamin, rather than on actual measurements of vitamin C intake. The results of several case-control studies and a few correlation studies suggest that the consumption of vitamin-C-containing foods is associated with a lower risk of certain cancers, particularly gastric and esophageal cancer. |
Sheldon Saul Hendler See book keywords and concepts |
B) Source/Form: Fresh fruits and vegetables are the best natural sources of vitamin C. Some of the research cited above indicates that many Americans get quantities of vitamin C in their diets insufficient to significantly protect against various disorders and pollutants. Hence the plethora of vitamin C supplements currently on the market. |
If you eat a good mixed diet, including fruits and vegetables, you will get 1.5 to 3 milligrams of boron in your food daily.
C) Take With: Best if taken with a well-balanced vitamin and mineral supplement including manganese, calcium and riboflavin. See Part Three for specific recommendations.
I. OVERVIEW: Your Mother Was Right
Mothers have been telling us from time immemorial to drink our milk. That isn't news. |
Those who have changed to diets low in fat and cholesterol, high in dietary fiber, fruits and vegetables are slimmer, healthier and more energetic.
Many still mistakenly believe that generally healthy people do not require micronutrient (vitamin and mineral) supplementation so long as they get a "well-balanced" diet. And, in fact, it isn't likely that gross vitamin and mineral deficiencies will occur in healthy individuals eating generally adequate diets. |
Aromatic isothiocyanates and indoles, for example, are found in the cruciferous vegetables; selenium in grains from selenium-rich soil, nuts (especially Brazil nuts), shellfish and edible mushrooms; vitamin C (ascorbic acid) in citrus fruits and some vegetables; beta-carotene in green leafy vegetables, green and yellow vegetables and fruits; vitamin E in vegetable oils, nuts and vegetables; bioflavonoids in most fruits, vegetables and grains; and indoles in citrus fruits and vegetables. Lentinan appears to be the active principle of the shiitake mushroom. |
Provitamin A includes such precursor substances as beta-carotene, which get converted to vitamin A once inside the body; these are typically found in carrots, sweet potatoes and many other fruits and vegetables. It's the beta-carotene that makes carrots and many other plant foods yellow/orange.
Vitamin A is essential for, among other things, vision (especially night vision), regulation of cell development, reproduction and immunity. Deficiencies often result in alterations in skin and mucous membranes that resemble precancerous conditions. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
And if you follow those guidelines, you're helping to ward off two major threats, since fruits and vegetables contain many vitamins and minerals that are helpful in preventing stroke. One British study, for example, suggested that eating the amount of vitamin C in just half an orange, somewhere between 100 and 300 milligrams, every day significantly decreased the incidence of stroke.
Again, willow bark and the other aspirin-like herbs should only be used to prevent and treat ischemic stroke. They are powerfully anticoagulant and may increase risk of hemorrhage, including hemorrhagic stroke. |
Textbook of Natural Medicine 2nd Edition Volume 2Michael T. Murray, ND See book keywords and concepts |
This is easily done by increasing the intake of high-potassium foods (i.e. fruits and vegetables) and decreasing high-sodium foods (most processed foods). Total daily sodium intake should be below 1,800 mg.
Micron utrients
Although all essential nutrients are critical to good health and in dealing with PMS symptomatology, our discussion focuses on the six key nutrients followed by some practical recommendations. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
But if you take pectin capsules, remember to eat your fruits and vegetables at a later meal to make sure you don't trigger any deficiencies.
VV Avocado (Persea americana). Avocado is one of the highest-fat fruits, so people with heart disease often avoid it. But according to a report in the Lawrence Review of Natural Products, a respected newsletter, avocado can help reduce cholesterol. In one study, women were given a choice of a diet high in monounsaturated fats (olive oil) with avocado or a diet rich in complex carbohydrates (starches and sugars. |
Ruth Winter See book keywords and concepts |
A defoaming agent in processing beet sugar and yeast and a coating on cheese and raw fruits and vegetables. Used as a coating on eggshells; in froth-flotation cleaning of vegetables; as a float on fermentation fluids as in the manufacture of vinegar, wine, and pickle brine; as a component of pesticide formulations; in modified hops extract of beer; and in many other formulations. Formerly used for bronchitis, tapeworms, and externally for arthritis and skin problems. Many petroleum products are reported to be cancer-causing agents. Others, presumably those used on food are inert. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Basically, staying regular boils down to eating a high-fiber diet, with lots of fruits and vegetables, and drinking plenty of nonalcoholic fluids. I daresay that anyone who regularly eats five fibrous fruits and five fibrous veggies a day will not suffer from constipation. In other words, a preventive ounce of carrots or apples—and of course, prunes—is worth a pound of buckthorn, an herbal laxative, taken later.
Another approach is to use an internal lubricant that allows stool to pass more easily. Mineral oil is the pharmaceutical approach, but you might try olive or linseed oil instead. |
This means getting at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
Keep in mind, though, that five is just the healthy minimum. Many nutritionists encourage eight or nine servings a day. That's a very tall order, considering that only about 10 percent of all Americans get even five, according to Gladys Block, Ph.D., a nutritional epidemiologist at the University of California at Berkeley. It's starting to sound as if a better slogan would be "tend toward ten." In 1997,1 launched my own campaign called Strive for Five Times Five (fruits, herbs, legumes and grains, nuts and vegetables). |
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Following what it calls a "common sense approach," the ACS began advocating the following measures: (1) avoid obesity; (2) cut down on total fat intake; (3) eat more high-fiber foods such as whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables; (4) include foods rich in vitamins A and C in your daily diet; (5) include cruciferous vegetables (such as cabbage, broccoli, brussel sprouts, kohlrabi and cauliflower) in your diet; (6) eat moderately of salt-cured, smoked and nitrite-cured foods; and (7) keep alcohol consumption moderate, if you do drink (ACS, 1988). |
The Life Extension Editorial Staff See book keywords and concepts |
As can be seen in this section, foods that were once considered part of a healthy "low-fat diet" have a very high glycemic index and glycemic load. This means that ingesting too many of these types of foods could cause weight gain, even if you think you are eating a healthy diet.
As shown in Table 1, eating too many high sugat-content foods and beverages causes the release of excess insulin. When evaluating the insulin-elevating effects of foods, two measurements to considet are the "glycemic index" and "glycemic load. |
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
May be selected from lists of fruits and vegetables permitted, including the following green leaves: chicory, endives, escarole, lettuce, Swiss chard, and watercress.
Alcohol, cocoa, coffee, milk, soft drinks.
All other. White bread.
All other. Refined and bleached flour. White rice.
All other.
All pastries, puddings, custards, junket, sauces, ice cream.
Any other form.
Butter, shortening, margarine, saturated oils and fats.
All other fish and seafood.
Canned fruits.
All canned juices and juices with artificial coloring and sweetening. |
Earl Mindell See book keywords and concepts |
Glutathione is present in fruits and vegetables; however, cooking can reduce its potency. I recommend taking a 50 mg. capsule once or twice daily.
What is this amino acid L-carnitine that I have been hearing about?
It's a potential life extender. Its primary job is to provide heart and skeletal cells with energy. It can help in the treatment of heart disease, reduce angina attacks, aid in the control of hypoglycemia, and may help slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease as well as benefit patients with diabetes, liver, or kidney disease. |
National Women's Health Network See book keywords and concepts |
Although folic acid is found in fresh fruits and vegetables, few people in this country eat enough of this food group. In the Nurses Health Study, 13 to 15 percent of women twenty to forty-four years of age were deficient in folate.84
Get Your Body Moving Exercise is essential for physical, mental, and emotional vitality. Humans are no more designed to sit in traffic or in front of a computer screen than fish are designed just to tread water or birds solely to perch. |
The ratio in milk and eggs is much better than meat products but not as good as fruits and vegetables.54
Carbonated beverages are another villain in the American diet. These drinks are a major contributor to the poor calcium to phosphorous ratio consumption in the United States. Carbonated beverage consumption in the United States is about 40 gallons per person per year. A single canned soft drink yields 26 to 76 mg of phosphorus. |
Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts |
C levels dropped to one-third less than normal. Another study, conducted at the University of Auckland, New Zealand, found that people with H. pylori infections had only one-fifteenth the vitamin C in their gastric acid, compared with healthy subjects. Similar research has found that H. pylori compromises levels of vitamin E and the carotenoids, a situation that increases the risk of nearly every disease.
Standard Treatment
Antacids and drugs that alter the osmotic flow are commonly prescribed for gastritis and ulcers. |