Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in general should be encouraged" (32).
A second conference on vitamin C was held at NIH in September, 1991. By this time it had become apparent to all that vitamin C was beginning to get "a little respect," in the words of Science (10/18/91). According to this magazine, vitamin C may have had a "checkered past" because of the "fringe group" associated with its use, but the scientific tide was turning in its favor.
Dr. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
The mess hall served few fruits and vegetables, so I found myself eating meat and potatoes, much to my chagrin. Years later, when I was doing botanical research in Panama, I had a few days out in the bush when I lived off canned meat, white rice, and fried bread. That also gummed up the works, so to speak.
Now when I travel, I make a conscious effort to guard against constipation. For breakfast, I often partake of bran cereal. It's probably the safest, cheapest, and easiest way to keep myself regular. Adding fruit to my cereal gives me an extra dose of fiber. |
Michael Lerner See book keywords and concepts |
In each study, high intake of fruits and vegetables containing carotenoids was associated with reduced risk of lung cancer, though this finding is also compatible with the possibility that some other factor in these foods is responsible for the result. At the same time, little relation was found between vitamin A intake and the risk of lung cancer.11
Vitamin A and retinoids have been demonstrated in clinical studies to reverse a variety of precancerous and cancerous conditions, primarily those related to epithelial tissue. |
Earl Mindell See book keywords and concepts |
Food and Supplement Advice: Glutathione is found in fruits and vegetables, but cooking can reduce its potency. As a supplement, I'd suggest a 50 mg. capsule one or two times daily. The amino acid methionine helps protect against glutathione depletion, so a diet that includes natural food sources of methionine—such as beans, eggs, fish, garlic, lentils, soybeans, and yogurt—is a good idea. Taking an amino acid supplement containing L-cysteine and L-methionine can also boost the body's own production of glutathione.
114. |
Dr. Mary Dan Eades See book keywords and concepts |
Eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables, and include soy products, brown rice, and legumes in your diet.
• Depression occurs commonly in people deficient in folic acid, perhaps because a deficiency of this member of the B vitamin group causes low levels of the brain chemical serotonin, important in maintaining a happy or contented mood. Recommendation: Take 2 to 5 mg of folic acid daily. Take a 50 to 100 mg dose of vitamin B-complex along with your folic acid. The B vitamins are a tight-knit group and work best together. |
Probably the single most important step in reducing high blood pressure is for you to eat a properly constructed diet focusing on several fundamentals: adequate in lean protein, extremely low in sugar and refined starches, reduced in fat, high in fiber, and with an increase in consumption of raw fruits and vegetables. Please refer to Macronutrients, page 23, where you will find the information necessary to calculate your adequate protein needs and guidelines for constructing a diet that meets the criteria outlined above. |
Processing of foods can result in considerable loss of vitamin B6: )m as little as 15% to as much as 70%) is lost in freezing of fruits and vegetables, 50% to 70% from processing meats, 50% to as high as 90% from milling grains.
Food Sources—Although this vitamin is found in all foods, brewer's yeast, carrots, chicken, eggs, fish, meat, peas, spinach, sunflower seeds, walnuts, and wheat germ contain the highest amounts. Other sources include liver, soybeans, bananas, poultry, beef, tuna, pork, veal, kidney, salmon, lima beans, peanuts, and avocados. |
The antioxidant property of ascorbic acid in citrus juices (such as lemon juice) prevents browning of the cut surfaces of susceptible fruits and vegetables, such as apples, peaches, and avocados. All this antioxidant activity makes vitamin C a mighty soldier in the war on aging.
This nutrient is a major component in the health of the immune system. There is a growing body of evidence that it helps enhance resistance to diseases ranging from infections to cancer. Vitamin C has also helped reduce the symptoms of allergies and asthma. |
Grains and seeds may contain a good amount of selenium, but it depends on the selenium content of the soil in which they were grown. fruits and vegetables contain little selenium.
Functions in the Body—Your body requires selenium, along with vitamin E, to produce its own natural free radical scavenger and potent antioxidant, glutathione. This body chemical works to promote a healthy immune system. Because your immune system defends you from infection, from developing cancer, and possibly from aging, you require selenium to maintain good health. |
D. Lindsey Berkson See book keywords and concepts |
In another example, vinclozolin (a fungicide used on many common fruits and vegetables) breaks down into two metabolites, Mi and M2, which have been studied for endocrine disruption and have been found to bind to the androgen receptor and block its signaling.
• Even a weak estrogen given at a critical time can produce irreversible effects. Weak environmental estrogens may also synergize with stronger natural estrogens. This is accomplished through several mechanisms. |
The Life Extension Editorial Staff See book keywords and concepts |
Keeping the bowel bacteria in balance by taking probiotics such as Lactobacillus acidophilus on a regular basis is also recommended.
Soy Estrogens Versus Estrogen Drugs
Based upon records of dietary soy consumption in Japan, where breast cancer incidence is very low, daily soy isoflavone intake has been estimated to be about 50 mg a day. On the other hand, the typical Western diet provides only 1-5 mg a day of the soy isoflavones that may protect against several forms of cancer. |
Muhammed Majeed, Ph.D. Vladimir Badmaev, M.D., Ph.D. Uma Shivakumar, Ph.D. R. Rajendran, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
Just as we need to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, we need to get optimal amounts of the major antioxidant nutrients, especially the curcuminoids.
Richard A. Passwater, Ph.D., Berlin, Maryland June, 1995
1. History and traditional uses
Curcuma longa L. (fam. Zingiberaceae), also known as turmeric, was highly esteemed by the ancient Indo-European people for its golden-yellow dye resembling sunlight. This culture, known as Arya, worshiped the solar system and attributed special protective properties to those plants, which, like turmeric, contained sun-colored yellow dyes. |
Gary Null See book keywords and concepts |
You see, the average African does not eat a lot of fruits and vegetables, and in this country—until we could store food to keep it fresh— we had to live on what could be put on the floor of the barn for most of the year. That meant cereals, pulses, legumes. You ate fruits during the period they were on the trees in summer, but you didn't live with them during the rest of the year. The same applies, of course, to third world countries.
"While it is possible to be a vegetarian and yet have a low-fiber diet, vegetarians are better off than nonvegetarians on the average. |
Fat in minimal amounts and juices are preferred to harder-to-assimilate whole fruits and vegetables while the system is recovering.189
Good news for victims is that recovery rates are good when the disorder is identified and treated early.190
The Unnatural Natural Disease
Appendicitis is both commonplace and puzzling to us. Does removal of your body's appendix seem normal to you? The answer is probably yes—but that is purely because it has become an acceptable custom. Here are a few surprising facts:
• According to Di. |
There are various elements of fiber that are important for bowel behavior, the most important of which are the pentoses, which are eight times richer in whole meal flour than in white flour; but either flour is richer than fruits and vegetables.
"So to prevent diseases related to constipation—and we are a totally constipated nation—if we could get the pentoses found in cereals we could practically eliminate the laxative industry.
"When it comes to diseases like diabetes, there is a different aspect of fiber involved, guar gum; the pectins are also slightly involved. |
A disproportionate amount of grain in the diet often adds up to a diet high in calories, while fruits and vegetables contain many nutrients needed by the body but not found in the grains.
My work is locking at communities that have a minimal incidence of these diseases and comparing their foods with ours, or comparing the food of England or the United States a hundred years ago to what we eat now. |
John Boik See book keywords and concepts |
In a study on 1,830 subjects, ingestion of glutathione derived from raw fruits and vegetables reduced the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer (Flagg et al, 1994).
Increases in the plasma concentration of glutathione can be expected to produce increases in intercellular levels, at least in some cells. Endogenous glutathione is taken up by lung, kidney, and small intestine epithelial cells in rats in vitro (reviewed by Hagen et al., 1990).
Dietary intake of glutathione may vary between 2.9 to 131 mg/day in Americans. |
Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens See book keywords and concepts |
These observations, in addition to other beneficial properties of fruits and vegetables, have encouraged the development of public health campaigns such as the "five-a-day" program designed to increase their intake (NRC 1989a).
A few studies have been conducted in experimental animals on the ability of specific dietary plants to prevent cancer (Birt and Bresnick 1991). Most extensively studied have been members of the cruciferous, allium, and tea families, which were effective in rodents preventing cancers at numerous sites, including esophagus, colon, lung, breast, and skin. |
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
While still in medical school, he cured these headaches through the use of an experimental low-salt diet that was rich in fresh fruits and vegetables. As a physician, he then tried this diet on tuberculosis and then on cancer. There appeared to be improvement in some cases (2,3). Gerson later refined his approach with a number of other therapeutic principles.
Some of these were fairly conventional at the time, but appear strange today because of the rapid changes in medicine. |
Third on this list was a recommendation for people to eat more high-fiber foods such as whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables.
"Knowledgeable patients should not die of colorectal cancer," a University of Florida surgeon has said.
By increasing the intake of dietary fiber, decreasing fat consumption, and using modern technology to detect polyps and early cancer, people can greatly decrease the death rate associated with this disease (17).
Cereal companies have seized on bran as a marketing device. But some scientists are uneasy with the quick fix implicit in the fiber theory. |
Another flavonoid, quercetin, derived from the common horse chestnut, is also found in many plants, including edible fruits and vegetables. It is an enzyme inhibitor. Japanese scientists found that it markedly inhibited the growth of human stomach cancer cells (8).
FAA's side effects: Doctors saw uncomfortable warmth and flushes, nausea, diarrhea and visual complaints. Low blood pressure was also seen in some patients (4,9).
1. Kerr DJ, et al. Phase II trials of fiavone acetic acid in advanced malignant melanoma and colorectal carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 1989;60:104-6.
2. Hornung RL, et al. |
Beta-carotene is a natural chemical found in many fruits and vegetables, especially brightly colored ones like carrots, mangos, papayas and yams. It was discovered in 1928, as one of a family of about 500 colorful food pigments called carotenoids (ca-rot-en-oids). Beta-carotene is a provitamin, converted into vitamin A in the human body. Recent research has indicated that in reducing the risk of cancer it also plays an important, independent role.
Beta-carotene slowly reaches more parts of the body for a longer time and gives more protection than plain vitamin A. |
This is to encourage Americans to eat five servings or more of fruits and vegetables as part of a low-fat, high-fiber diet. According to an NCI press release (7/1/92), "an estimated thirty-five percent" of all cancer deaths "may be related to diet."
The 'cancer establishment' has made the leap to dietary prevention. The subject of treating cancer with diet remains taboo. Yet for many years, innovative scientists have been investigating the role of dietary intake, especially protein and calories, on the outcome of already-existing cancers. |
Gary Null See book keywords and concepts |
Cellulose is also found in the "stringy" section of common fruits and vegetables, especially the ones that call for lots of chewing—apples, celery, and carrots, for example.30
Should you eat your vegetables cooked or raw? A good cellulose source may in some cases be a poor nutrient source if you don't break down at least some of the cellulose of the cell walls by chewing, cooking, or steaming. A high-fiber root vegetable such as a carrot is one example of a food whose nutrients are available if you chew it well or cook it. |
Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens See book keywords and concepts |
Citrus juices =200 ppm; citrus oils 50-90%; other fruits and vegetables 1-30 ppm; coffee, tea ~ 1 ppm; spices, trace -5%
NTP, 1990
Widely used spice
Dhaliwal et al., 1987
NTP, 1990b
Concon et al., 1979; El-Mofty et al., 1988; El-Mofty et al. |
Gary Null See book keywords and concepts |
So even if your diet is well balanced, if you depend largely on processed food, you may wish to include more raw and unrefined foods, such as whole fruits and vegetables and unheated nuts to insure yourself of a plentiful supply of B2.
Here's another helpful hint for preserving the riboflavin content of foods you cook: never cook with the pinch of bicarbonate of soda (baking soda) some recipes call for. It destroys B2.31 If you must use the soda, compensate for the loss by adding a bit of brewer's yeast or bran to your recipe. |
Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens See book keywords and concepts |
It is important to note that diet also plays a role in protecting against cancer, since diets rich in fruits and vegetables have been associated with reduced rates of cancer. Although dietary factors are certainly involved in carcinogenesis, the percent of cancer attributable to diet has remained uncertain.
The Charge to the Committee
This report was prepared by the Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens, which was convened in 1993 by the National Research Council upon the recommendation of its Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology. |
Since then, a comprehensive review of epidemiologic studies has assessed the role of ascorbic acid in cancer and provided convincing evidence that ascorbic acid, an important component of fruits and vegetables, prevents cancer at a number of sites (Block 1991). An examination of the relationship between gastric cancer and ascorbic acid provides some of the strongest evidence for its anticancer effects (Mirvish 1983, Block 1991); ascorbic acid status is particularly important in the prevention of gastric cancer in populations with chronic gastric infection (Correa 1994). |
Michael Lerner See book keywords and concepts |
According to the Gerson Institute, the rise of modern organic farming holds out the promise of higher-quality fruits and vegetables than were available during Gerson's lifetime.
2 Patricia Spain Ward, "History of Gerson Therapy," contract report for the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), revised June 1988. |
For cancer prevention, fresh fruits and vegetables should be eaten daily.
4. For cancer prevention, alcohol should be consumed in moderation, if at all. Smoking should be completely terminated.
5. Fiber—wheat bran and cellulose—have been shown in animal studies to have some protective effect against cancer, while corn, Meta-mucil, and alfalfa fiber may promote cancer. |