J. Robert Hatherill See book keywords and concepts |
Folic Acid-rich Foods þDark green leafy vegetables, especially collard greens, spinach, romaine lettuce þBrussels sprouts, and beets þLentils and soybeans þMany other fresh fruits and vegetables, especially oranges, grapefruit, asparagus, peas, avocados, and broccoli þNavy beans þNuts þWhole wheat products Processed foods that are cooked or canned will destroy folic acid. Mineral Supplements
Recently there has been enormous publicity surrounding trace metals and essential minerals. |
Ralph Moss, PhD See book keywords and concepts |
Increased dietary beta-carotene intake is also associated with a decreased risk of endometrial cancer, pio)
People with a high intake of fruits and vegetables containing beta-carotene have lower rates of lung cancer. (329) In fact, men with the lowest blood levels of beta-carotene have a 3.4 times greater risk of lung cancer than men with the highest scores. (319) There are nearly 20 studies showing an inverse relationship between dietary carotenoids and lung cancer. |
Marcia Zimmerman, C.N. See book keywords and concepts |
Organic fruits and vegetables are usually grown locally and arrive to the market with less time and handling between the field and the shelf than commercially grown produce. Freshness alone will improve the flavor and nutritional content.
I have noted in charts how many servings of each food are recommended for people of different ages. By making daily food choices with these guidelines in mind, you will help alleviate AD/HD symptoms that are diet related, and you will enjoy some new taste treats. |
John Boik See book keywords and concepts |
Epidemiological studies from around the world have consistently reported that a high intake of fruits and vegetables is associated with a low incidence of most types of cancer (Weisburger, 1991). Although the content of vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients in these foods is likely a factor, recent evidence suggests that there are a host of non-nutritive constituents in foods that also may play a significant anticarcinogenic role. |
Patrick Quillin, PhD,RD,CNS See book keywords and concepts |
Carotenoids are found in green and orange fruits and vegetables. Bioflavonoids are found in citrus, whole grains, honey, and other plant foods.
-Cruciferous vegetables. Broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, and cauliflower were involved in the "ground floor" discovery that nutrition is linked to cancer. Lee Wattenberg, PhD of the University of Minnesota found in the 1970s that animals fed cruciferous vegetables had markedly lower cancer rates than matched controls. |
Of the 15% of annual lung cancer patients who are not smokers, which totals over 22,000 deaths per year, fruits and vegetables can provide major protection against lung cancer.19
Beta-carotene and other carotenoids have been thoroughly reviewed regarding their role in cancer and found: "...carotenoids exert an important influence in modulating the actions of carcinogens."20 Beta-carotene has been shown to play a major role in the "telegraph" communication between cells that prevents or reverses abnormal growths. |
Highly perishable fresh fruits and vegetables are the richest sources of vitamin C and were unavailable on ship voyages longer than a few weeks. Around 1750, the English physician, James Lind, found that limes could prevent and reverse scurvy (does that make limes a prescription drug?).
"Time lags" are a known phenomenon that separate a discovery from the actual implementation of a breakthrough. It was another 50 years after Dr. Lind's research before limes were required to be carried aboard ships, thus costing the world thousands of unnecessary deaths in this delay. |
Oncologist working in bone marrow transplant (BMT) units will isolate cancer patients from family members and tell the patient to avoid fruits and vegetables, hoping to prevent an infection in the immune-compromised patient. Some BMT units would even autoclave the food to try to reduce exposure to bacteria. Meanwhile, we have more bacteria in our gut than all the cells in our body. There is an ongoing struggle in your gut between bifidobacteria (good guys) and putrefactive bacteria (bad guys). |
Lycopenes are reddish pigments from the carotenoid family. Most fruits and vegetables contain little to no lycopenes. Tomatoes are the richest source of lycopenes, with watermelon, and red grapefruit containing appreciable amounts of lycopenes.12 100 grams of raw tomatoes, or about 1 cup, contains about 3 milligrams of lycopenes. Lycopenes made headlines around the world, and cheers in many college dorms, in December of 1995 when a scientific study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute found that men who ate more PIZZA experienced less prostate cancer. |
Thomas Bartram See book keywords and concepts |
Highly coloured fruits and vegetables: oranges, red and green peppers, carrots, apricots, mangoes, liver and spinach. Supplements. Beta carotene (Vitamin A), Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Selenium, Zinc. See: SOD, FREE RADICALS.
ANTI-PERIODICS. Remedies that prevent the return of a disease that tends to recur (malaria). Peruvian bark, Ash Tree (Fraxinus excelsior).
ANTI-PERSPIRANTS. Herbs that reduce sweating; anti-hidrotics. Internal: White Willow bark, Red Sage. External: Essential oils of Sage, Pine, Rosemary, Lavender. |
Orange and dark green fruits and vegetables. Broccoli, Brussels sprouts, spinach, pumpkin, apricots, peaches, oranges, tomatoes. Harvard Medical School study. Among 333 subjects with a history of heart disease, those who received beta-carotene supplements of 50 milligrams every other day suffered half as many heart attacks as those taking placebos. (Dr Charles Hennekens, Harvard Medical School)
BETH ROOT. Wake Robin. Lamb's Quarter. Birth Root. Trillium erectum L. Part used: rhizome.
Action. Genito-urinary anti-haemorrhagic; alterative; soothing tonic astringent. |
Others at risk from Vitamin B1 deficiency are alcoholics, hypothyroids, pregnant women and those with a high intake of refined sugar but a low intake of fresh fruits and vegetables. Heavy coffee drinkers suffer temporary wastage.
Symptoms: weight loss, poor appetite, loss of sensation in arms and legs. Polyneuritis, muscular atrophy. Mood changes.
Of value. Slippery Elm. Dandelion. Alfalfa sprouts or tea. Psyllium husks.
Diet. |
In order to metabolise these effectively, without kidney or liver congestion, large quantities of fresh fruits and vegetables and juices should be eaten. Increase daily Vitamin B-complex intake. See: THIN PEOPLE.
DIET, VEGAN. A vegan is a strict vegetarian who does not eat meat, fish, eggs, milk and dairy products generally, He, or she, eats no animal products at all. By selecting a number of products from the plant kingdom they claim their diet is adequate.
As the Vegan diet is deficient in Vitamin B12 which may lead to anaemia, supplements are available. |
Fresh fruits and vegetables and added Vitamin C to support immune system.
PSOAS ABSCESS. Disease of the lumbar spinal column, usually tubercular which invades the sheath of the psoas muscle along which it passes to the upper thigh. Symptoms resemble hip disease. See: ABSCESS, with special reference to Echinacea internally, and Comfrey poultice externally.
PSORALEA CORYLIFOLIA. Seeds. Isolation of an anti-staphylococcal fraction for use in leu-coderma and other skin diseases. (Indian Journal of Pharmacy, 26: 141: 1964)
Alcohol, smoking cigarettes, low intake of fruits and vegetables. Foods rich in salt and nitrites including bacon, pickles, ham and dried fish. (Cancer Researchers in Digestive Diseases and Sciences) Long term therapy with drugs that inhibit gastric acid secretion increase risk of stomach cancer.
Of possible value. Alternatives:- Tea. Mixture. Equal parts: Red Clover, Gotu Kola, Yarrow. Strong infusion (2 or more teaspoons to each cup boiling water; infuse 15 minutes. As many cups daily as tolerated.
Formula. Condurango 2; Bayberry 1; Liquorice 1; Goldenseal quarter. Mix. |
John Boik See book keywords and concepts |
These include vitamins, fla-vonoids, and other compounds found in fresh fruits and vegetables. Epidemiological studies con sis tenth report that populations who consume inadequate amounts of these foods are at a higher risk for heart disease, cancer, and other degenerative diseases.
Recent studies on breast cancer patients suggest that oxidative stress is associated with malignant disease (Hictanen et al., 1994). The nature of this association is not yet clear, hut perhaps malignant disease, in and of itself, may actually increase oxidative stress.
TABLE 2.1. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
The only way to accomplish that is to eat lots more than five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. As part of my Healthy Sevens eating plan, I aim for seven different fruits and seven different vegetables every day— and I usually succeed. (For more information on the Healthy Sevens, see chapter 3.)
Of course, many other plant foods that didn't make the USDA's high-ORAC list have been found to help prevent various types of cancer. Here's just a sampling.
TOMATOES. Tomatoes and tomato-based foods are rich in lycopene, a member of the carotenoid family. |
Earl Mindell See book keywords and concepts |
There are at present 600 known carotenoids, and about 50 can be found in edible fruits and vegetables. The 5 being touted as antioxidant stars for the twenty-first century are alpha-carotene, beta-carotene, lycopene, lutein, and zeaxanthin.
ALPHA-CAROTENE: Converted into vitamin A as the body needs it, alpha-carotene has been shown to drastically reduce tumors in animals and may be ten times more powerful than beta-carotene in protecting skin, eye, liver, and lung tissue against free-radical damage.
Food and Supplement Advice: Your best food sources are cooked carrots and pumpkin. |
Marcia Zimmerman, C.N. See book keywords and concepts |
In addition, Giardia can cling to produce that has been watered with contaminated water and is one of the concerns of eating imported fruits and vegetables. However, if you follow my recommendations for washing your produce, you won't have a problem with Giardia or other waterborne infections.
Giardia and other parasitic infections can occur in young children and may be a source of hyperactivity, teeth grinding, bed-wetting, a dry cough that doesn't go away, itching in the rectal area, or headaches and dark circles under the eyes. |
Until rather recendy, seasonal changes necessitated dietary changes when our fruits and vegetables came only from local farms, and the possibility of building up intolerance to specific foods was gready reduced. Today we don't have the seasonal limitations on our diets that we once did, and we can easily diversify our diet by choosing new and exotic foods that are unfamiliar to those of us who were raised on regional American cuisine. Most of us have gone into restaurants that serve dishes native to other countries and enjoyed what we ate. Now we can serve many of these dishes at home. |
Sulfur dioxide Sulfiting agents, a group of preservatives that includes sulfur dioxide, are found in many foods, from fresh fruits and vegetables to beer and wine. Inhalation of sulfiting agents destroys vitamin Bi and can cause flushing, hypotension, asthmatic wheezing, and tingling sensations.
Tertiary butylhydroquinone (TBHQ) This antioxidant contains petroleum-derived butane. TBHQ is used either alone or in combination with the antioxidant/preservatives BHT or BHA. The ingestion of one gram of this antioxidant has caused vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, and collapse. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Fill up on fruits and vegetables. Throughout this book, I've been harping on the importance of antioxidant nutrients—notably vitamin C, vitamin E, and the carotenoids (including beta-carotene). These nutrients help prevent the cell damage linked to many age-related conditions, including heart disease and cancer. Guess what? Antioxidants also help protect against osteoarthritis.
At Boston University, Timothy McAlindon, M.D., surveyed the eating habits of 640 older adults, then tracked the group's knee health over a 10-year period. |
Ralph Moss, PhD See book keywords and concepts |
To summarize: Colorful fruits and vegetables are a fantastic source of potent antioxidants. The most powerful fruits are the berries, particularly wild blueberries. Berry-containing juices are a convenient and economical way to obtain their health benefits. Black, and especially, green teas are wonderfully beneficial as they are also extremely high in antioxidant power. Grapes, grape juice and red wine are also very worthwhile sources of antioxidants. One should also eat the seeds in grapes (see chapter 14). |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
That said, I realize that most people don't get all of the fruits and vegetables that I do. Many don't even meet the five-servings-a-day quota that the National Cancer Institute has deemed the minimum for cancer prevention. So if you're not getting as many servings of fruits and veggies as you should, supplements can give you a little extra nutritional support.
The supplements that I'd recommend for cancer prevention are the antioxidants: vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and the mineral selenium. |
Ralph Moss, PhD See book keywords and concepts |
Carotenoids are what make fruits and vegetables attractive to the eye. For decades, they were dismissed as mere food colorants, but today we have come to understand that eating them is vitally important to our health.
There are about 600 carotenoids in nature, of which about 20 have been identified in common foods. |
James A. Duke, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Some of the key antioxidant nutrients are vitamins C and E, the carotenoids (including beta-carotene), and the mineral selenium.
All fruits and vegetables contain generous amounts of antioxidants. Recently, though, researchers at the USDA set out to determine which foods have the highest antioxidant content. They developed a scale to measure oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC)—in layman's terms, the ability of various foods to neutralize free radicals. The higher the ORAC score, the more antioxidant protection a food provides. |
So with my doctor's supervision, I modified my diet to include textured soy protein; plums and prunes for boron; capsules of fenugreek; more fruits and vegetables, especially crucifers and pomegranates; and an occasional cup of a 'female' herbal tea. [This regimen] relieved my hot flashes."
Later, she wrote me again: "Just a note to update you on my experience with plant estrogens as a way of dealing with menopause. |
Ralph Moss, PhD See book keywords and concepts |
That diet was extremely high in fruits and vegetables. Gerson's sin was that he believed such a diet could not only prevent but treat advanced cancers.
In reference to his case, the Journal of the American Medical Association declared, in 1949, "There is no scientific evidence whatsoever to indicate that modifications in the dietary intake of food or other nutritional essentials are of any specific value in the control of cancer."
Fifty years later, in 1997, the same journal declared, "The era of nutrient supplements to promote health and reduce illness is here to stay... |
I eat lots of organic fruits and vegetables and take almost all of the major antioxidants on a daily basis.
It is hard to avoid cliches when writing about this topic. Words like "miracle" and "revolution" flow too easily off the tongue. But I think in the case of antioxidants and nutritional medicine they are justified. The turn towards nutritional therapies has the feeling of something big, a long-awaited turn towards a new kind of healthcare, compared to which conventional medicine will seem like medieval barbarity. |
Thus, it is still an excellent idea for smokers and others to eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. If you do take a carotene supplement, make sure that it is (a) of natural origin and (b) contains a mixture of carotenoids.
Despite CARET, there have been some more recent studies showing benefits even from beta-carotene taken as a single agent. Thus, Dr. Michelle S. |