Michael Janson, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In addition, transportation and storage of foods, whether in the market or at home, allows time for nutrients to deteriorate. fruits and vegetables can lose significant amounts of vitamin C after 3 days in cold storage, and even more at room temperature. Dried fruits can also lose vitamins A, C and E if exposed to oxygen and light. This is not to say that stored foods are of no value, but the lower nutrient content increases the importance of taking supplements. |
Commercial fruits and vegetables are frequently sprayed with toxic chemicals. Many of these substances are harmful, and they accumulate in body fat, with deleterious health effects over the years. A good example is DDT, which is still present in human fat tissue although its use was banned years ago.
Many of the pesticides prohibited in the United States have been freely sold to third world countries, which then export foods to the US. Controls on the use of pesticides and other chemicals are not strict in many of these countries. |
Beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, lycopene, zeaxanthin, and other carotenes provide some of the color in green, yellow and orange fruits and vegetables. Carotenes are highly effective antioxidants, even in tissues where oxygen levels are low. Some of the beta-carotene is converted in the body into vitamin A, but it apparently has activity independent of vitamin A. The body has a feedback mechanism that protects it from excess conversion into vitamin A, so that you have no worries about toxicity from carotenes. |
Albert Szent-Gyorgyi discovered and extracted the active substance from fruits and vegetables in the 1920s.
Vitamin C was popularized by Dr. Linus Pauling, a brilliant chemist, two-time Nobel Prize winner, and researcher in a wide range of scientific subjects. He wrote a book called Vitamin C and the Common Cold, followed by a second book called Vitamin C, the Common Cold and the Flu. In both books he cited the research and presented a compelling argument supporting the relationship of high doses of vitamin C to reduced viral symptoms. He subsequently collaborated with Dr. |
Dr. Vern Cherewatenko and Paul Perry See book keywords and concepts |
Iron also is involved in making amino acids, hormones, and neurotransmitters and is found in meat, poultry, fish, fortified cereals, and some fruits and vegetables.
RDAs: Men, nineteen and over—10 milligrams. Women, nineteen to fifty—15 milligrams. Women, fifty-one and over—10 milligrams.
Possible negative effects of higher than recommended intake: Can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, rapid heartbeat, weak pulse, dizziness, shock, confusion, and even death.
Magnesium—metabolizer. |
Fiber-containing grain products and cancer.
• fruits and vegetables and cancer.
• Fruits, vegetables, and grain products that contain fiber—particularly soluble fiber—and the risk of coronary heart disease.
• Fat and cancer.
• Saturated fat and cholesterol and coronary artery disease.
• Sodium and hypertension.
• Folate and neural tube defects.
Other Claims
Manufacturers also make claims about the nutritional value of products that can be confusing. Here are some of those claims and what they really mean:
• Calorie-free. Has fewer than 5 calories per serving or other designated amount. |
I recommend a diet in which 50 to 60 percent of calories come from complex carbohydrates (whole grains and high-fiber fruits and vegetables), 10 to 20 percent comes from protein (beans, fish, poultry, eggs, and very little red meat), and 20 to 30 percent from fat, with most of that coming from monounsaturated fats like olive oil.
And don't forget to watch your salt intake.
What you eat, when you eat, and how much you eat directly affect your blood glucose levels. It's as simple as that. |
A fat-soluble vitamin, A is found commonly in orange fruits and vegetables, green leafy vegetables, and liver, fish liver oils, whole and fortified milk, and eggs.
The findings of recent years have changed the negative attitude medicine has toward vitamin and mineral supplements. Although we still don't know all the subtleties of supplements, it is obvious that they should be a part of a healthy antidiabetes program.
Step 7: Stay Stress-Free
Although it is doubtful that stress can cause diabetes, there is little question that it can make it worse. |
Vitamin A is a fat-soluble vitamin commonly found in liver, fish liver oils, whole and fortified milk, and eggs, as well as in orange fruits and vegetables and green leafy vegetables. It's essential for vision, a healthy immune system, and bone building. Because of the health risks associated with overdosing on vitamin A supplements, it's a smarter strategy to maximize your intake of vitamin A-rich foods.
Step 4: Exercise on a Daily Basis with Activity You Enjoy
Exercise—almost any kind of exercise—can reduce your risk of developing diabetes. |
F. Batmanghelidj See book keywords and concepts |
My waist used to be a size 43 and now is a size 36.1 weighed 249 pounds; now 1 weigh 210 and have solid muscle mass. My complexion and appearance are those of a man in his early thirties and my potency of a man in his twenties. My ankles are no longer swollen and new pulses, yes, new pulses, have developed where once they were dead. I no longer take any medications for all those problems, whereas 1 used to be on at least 15 prescriptions at a time. My insulin needs are down from 95 units a day to 35-45 units a day. |
Judith J. Wurtman and Susan Suffes See book keywords and concepts |
Their carbohydrates were not severely restricted but were limited to fruits and vegetables.
The scientists then measured blood levels of the hormone prolactin, whose synthesis is regulated in part by brain serotonin. Changes in prolactin levels in the blood are a way of assessing alterations in brain serotonin. Also, they monitored the moods of their subjects throughout the study. |
Summertime is on your side, providing a huge variety of lowcalorie fruits and vegetables that minimize your feelings of deprivation. Roasted vegetables and portobello mushrooms prepared on a barbecue grill are delicious, low-calorie alternatives to hamburgers and hot dogs. Corn on the cob, fresh blueberries, poached salmon, boiled lobster, steamed clams, cold beet or cucumber soup, or vegetables eaten right from the garden all make summer dieting a lot easier. As long as you don't add fat you can enjoy all the delicacies of summer. |
Christian B. Allan and Wolfgang Lutz See book keywords and concepts |
Don't misunderstand: We're certainly not suggesting you eliminate fruits and vegetables from your diet, just that you don't consume more than 12 grams (6 BUs) of carbohydrates daily in all forms. If, for you, this means eating less fruit, then we urge you to take this step. Your health certainly will benefit.
Vitamins are small molecules that the body cannot make, so they must be obtained from the food supply. They are called small molecules because most molecules in the body are quite large, such as proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids, that is DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid). |
Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg See book keywords and concepts |
After each weekly fast, you will be able to enjoy and want more raw fruits and raw vegetables in your diet, because fasting is purifying your body!
No milk available on the market today, in any part of the United States, is free of pesticide residues. - Info from a Congressional hearing
Your Body is Your Temple And Needs the Best Care
To quote again from Pastor Dr. Stanley, "According to medical experts, fasting is the most natural, original process of purifying the body. |
Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., and Jo Robinson See book keywords and concepts |
They were eating twice as many fruits and vegetables as those living in the fishing village, for example, and their diet was richer in the very nutrients known to protect against colon cancer—fiber, calcium, and antioxidants. Lab tests provided the missing clue: The people living in the coastal village had three times more omega-3 fatty acids in their blood (primarily from the high amount of fish in their diet) and considerably less omega-6 fatty acids, giving them the ratio of essential fatty acids now proving to be highly protective against cancer. |
Eat Healthy Fats
As protective as fruits and vegetables may be, however, eating the right fats may be even more effective in fighting cancer. For decades, there has been a growing suspicion that there is a link between dietary fat and cancer, but the exact connection has been ambiguous. Some studies have shown that eating a high-fat diet increases the risk of cancer, but others have shown no connection. The source of the confusion is now becoming clear: Different fats have different effects on tumor growth. |
Carol Simontacchi See book keywords and concepts |
If fresh, organic fruits and vegetables are not eaten, vitamin intake is low, which reduces the enzyme activity in the brain. Neurotransmitters are synthesized from and fueled by vitamins. Deficiency in vitamin (niacin) causes serotonin to be undersupplied. And on and on. It's a domino effect that continues to tumble wildly when children choose junk food instead of nutritious food.
It is difficult, however, to point to a specific cause and say "this food" causes "that mental problem." Statisticians can often find correlations but not causes. |
The average American eats less than two servings of both fruits and vegetables per day, with a quarter of servings in the form of greasy, nutrient-dead french fries.
• Consumption of processed fruits has increased 913 percent, processed vegetables are up 306 percent, and processed fats and oils are up 139 percent. Just between i960 and 1981, soft drink consumption increased 182 percent, food color consumption increased 1,006 percent, and corn syrup is up 291 percent. |
Food used to be brilliantly colored fruits and vegetables, rich brown grains, milk and butter, lean game meats, and plump fish wrestled from living rivers and oceans. Food used to be plucked from the garden after a summer of planting, fertilizing, raking, and weeding. It used to have roots deeply embedded in soil that nearly pulsated with life-forms that enriched the earth. Food used to feed on tender green plants and drink out of pristine streams that sparkled with life from the sun. |
Judith J. Wurtman and Susan Suffes See book keywords and concepts |
If you are not interested in eating full servings of fruits and vegetables when you are premenstrual, you should try to incorporate them as ingredients in your main course. Including vegetables is easy. Add some frozen vegetables to your beef noodle soup while it's cooking; make a pizza with low-fat cheese and broccoli; bake a potato and top it with steamed vegetables and fat-free yogurt; fill a pita with small amounts of tuna, chicken, or mock seafood salad and add vegetables; or top noodles or spaghetti with stir-fried vegetables or mix them into a bowl of rice. |
Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg See book keywords and concepts |
While on this test don't eat any dairy, eggs, meats and only a few whole grains.
I can tell you all the great benefits that fasting, a mucusless and meatless diet will do for you. But it's best you simply try it yourself, then you be the judge. Notice how seldom you have to use a handkerchief. A 7 day fast is a great mucus eliminator. I make it a practice to fast a week to ten days in late October or November so that, as the winter comes on, I have relieved my body of any mucus that it has accumulated. I try to live on a mucusless diet. |
Judith J. Wurtman and Susan Suffes See book keywords and concepts |
For instance, citrus fruits are rich in vitamin C; apricots and bananas contain potassium. Many fruits and vegetables are high in fiber, a food constituent that is in short supply for those who eat a diet heavy in processed food. Fiber keeps the process of digestion working. Follow the guidelines for the number of fruit servings carefully; their calorie contents are generally higher than those of vegetables and can add up quickly. Avoid fruits canned in sugar syrup. An important point to remember is that fruit does not make a satisfactory stress-relief snack. |
Dr. Julian Whitaker See book keywords and concepts |
A study published in 1998 in the Journal of Neuroscience found that certain fruits and vegetables actually improve memory. Researchers at the Human Nutrition Research Center on Aging at Tufts University in Boston, fed four groups of laboratory rats either a standard diet or a diet supplemented with one of the following—spinach, strawberry extract, or vitamin E. The spinach-fed rats had the best memories and fewest signs of nerve cell malfunction. This group was followed by the rats that had been fed strawberries, and then by the rats that had been supplemented with vitamin E. |
Andrew L. Stoll See book keywords and concepts |
Cut the fruits and vegetables up ahead of time, if possible, so you have something easy to reach for.
Fats and Oils. It is essential to cut down on all fats and oils except omega-3 oils, which you are increasing. For cooking oils, use olive or canola. Both are primarily made of monounsaturated fats. Olive oil contains the most oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat, which is an important component of cell membranes. In the membrane, oleic acid has antioxidant qualities, which protect other fatty acids, including omega-3s, from oxidation. |
Without adequate rations of fruits and vegetables, missions lost large numbers of crewmen to scurvy. No one knew the cause.
Finally, in 1747, an English naval surgeon named James Lind tested six remedies on sailors and discovered that oranges and lemons delivered a cure. His classic studies, published in 1753, are generally considered the first to prove that an essential food element can prevent a disease. Another fifty years would pass before the British Navy required rations of lemons or limes on sailing vessels. |
I recommend increasing fruits and vegetables to five to seven servings per day and decreasing all fats except omega-3s.
Eat Whole Foods
It is probably best to eat nutrient-rich whole foods: whole foods are unprocessed, and they may contain many nutrients and phy-tochemicals that cannot be obtained in supplements. Positive synergistic reactions between different phytochemicals in plants may be lost when they are not eaten in plant form. Try to buy or even grow organic foods and naturally raised animal products. |
Is the heart protected by plentiful fruits and vegetables and by monounsaturated fats like olive oil, or by something else entirely? In France, for instance, consumption of saturated fat is outrageously high, yet heart disease remains low. Experts call this situation the "French paradox," and some have suggested that some component of red wine, prominent in the French diet, plays a role. By the 1980s, most of the medical profession understood that coronary heart disease and nutrition are tightly linked, but cause and effect of different foods was difficult to determine. |
James Braly M.D. and Ron Hoggan M.A. See book keywords and concepts |
The diet of our closest genetic relative, the chimpanzee, supports the perspective that fruits and vegetables are healthful. It would be a mistake, however, to adopt a vegetarian perspective based on that rationale. Chimps do eat a great deal of fruit—when they are not eating each otherl Recent observations suggest that cannibalism among chimpanzees is fairly common. Today's chimpanzee also hunts, kills, and eats small mammals. In fact, meat constitutes about 15 percent of the chimpanzee's diet. |
Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg See book keywords and concepts |
While on this test don't eat any dairy, eggs, meats and only a few whole grains.
I can tell you all the great benefits that fasting, a mucusless and meatless diet will do for you. But it's best you simply try it yourself, then you be the judge. Notice how seldom you have to use a handkerchief. A 7 day fast is a great mucus eliminator. I make it a practice to fast a week to ten days in late October or November so that, as the winter comes on, I have relieved my body of any mucus that it has accumulated. I try to live on a mucusless diet. |
Francisco, M.D. Contreras See book keywords and concepts |
Consequently, the nutritional value of the fruits and vegetables produced from such soil is dramatically diminished. According to the 1980 reference book, Applied Soil Elements, published by John Wiley & Sonstrace, trace elements, including boron, chromium, copper, molybdenum, selenium, and zinc, are not found in sufficient quantities in crop plants across much of the USA.
A government study revels that 99% of the American population is mineral deficient. Soil in at least 30 states have been shown to be seriously depleted of zinc. |