In effect, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round.
Some fruits that must travel considerable distances to market, however, are harvested before the enzymatic process has finished so that the ripening can continue during the journey. Green bananas and peaches will finish ripening just fine on your windowsill. Fruits such as berries and apples stop ripening the minute they're picked, however, and are often treated with ethylene gas and/or kept in cold storage for the journey from farm to the market. Keep that in mind when you buy. |
Instead of supplements, said the experts, get your beta carotene in food—in the fruits and vegetables in which they naturally occur.
The answer, therefore, is no more in the short-run, quick-fix, single-focus deprivation diet than in the search for a magic potion or pill. There is simply no alternative to a fundamental change in long-term diet. It is essential for good health.
The good news is that it is not difficult to make the change to a healthful diet. |
Phytochemicals Chart
Their Source
Their Power
(over 600) especially beta carotene, lycopene
Red, green, yellow, orange fruits and vegetables especially carrots, sweet potatoes, winter squash, tomatoes, citrus, melons, cruciferous vegetables
Antioxidants; reduce accumulation of plaque in arteries; promote cell differentiation (cancer cells are undifferentiated) . |
When the Division of Epidemiology at the University of Minnesota conducted an exhaustive review of the evidence on cancer risk and fruits and vegetables, its researchers found that "from 10 to 70 percent of all cancer is attributable to diet." The scientists at Minnesota spelled it out:
Consumption of carrots and green leafy vegetables is particularly associated with a lower risk of lung cancer. Cruciferous vegetables and carrots are associated with a lower risk of colon cancer. . . . Fruit appears to be strongly associated with lower risk of head and neck cancers. |
David Brownstein See book keywords and concepts |
Fresh fruits and vegetables provide many vitamins and minerals that help the thyroid and other hormonal glands function normally.5
Eliminate refined sugar and processed food that contains refined sugar such as table sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup and dextrose. Use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, raw honey, black strap molasses, date sugar and others.
2. Eliminate Trans-Fatty Acids
Fat is a much-maligned macronutrient. |
Organic fruits and vegetables should not contain any pesticide residue.
Hormones contained in most conventional meat products have disastrous effects on the body. Not only are they an added substance the liver has to detoxify, but I also believe that many of these hormones add to the incidence of cancer, particularly breast and prostate cancer. These hormones also wreak havoc with our own hormonal systems. Therefore, I recommend that you eat meat from organically raised animals only. |
David Brownstein See book keywords and concepts |
Organic fruits and vegetables should not contain any pesticide residue.
Hormones contained in most conventional meat products have disastrous effects on the body. Not only are they an added substance the liver has to detoxify, but also many of these hormones, I believe, add to the incidence of cancer, particularly breast and prostate cancer. These hormones also wreak havoc with our own hormonal systems. Therefore, I recommend that you eat meat from organically raised animals only. |
Examples of foods that have been stripped of their nutrients include refined flour, refined sugar and partially hydrogenated oils.
3. fruits and vegetables have been contaminated by the widespread use of pesticides. The antibiotics and hormones given to animals are another source of contamination. These contaminated foods cause oxidative damage in the body.
When we eat food rich in nutrients, the body will use these nutrients to aid in digestion. |
The major dietary sources of Vitamin C are fruits and vegetables. Recommended dose: 3000-5000mg per day.
8. Vitamin D Vitamin D is necessary for maintaining the structural integrity of bones and teeth. It also is important for maintaining a healthy hormonal system. I have found very low levels of Vitamin D in patients with arthritis. Vitamin D is found in animal sources, and it can also be made in our bodies by exposure to sunlight. Recommended dose: 1000-2000 Units per day. Vitamin D levels should be checked periodically. 9. |
Christian B. Allan and Wolfgang Lutz See book keywords and concepts |
The simple message of this chapter is that, contrary to popular opinion, fruits and vegetables are not required for vitamins and minerals. In fact, essential vitamins and minerals reside in animal foods; moreover, many invaluable nutrients can only be found in appreciable quantities in animal foods. So the next time you're eating a piece of fruit or a serving of vegetables, ask yourself, "Have I had enough CoQIO, L-carnitine, vitamin D, selenium, calcium, and vitamin B12 today? |
Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts |
The skins of fruits and vegetables, especially root vegetables like carrots and potatoes, are also good mineral "supplements" because trace minerals are concentrated in the pores of the skins. True, you need to wash these foods before eating them to remove unwanted bacteria and pesticides, but you'll silt get some minerals once you start munching. eral selenium. Sabinsa buys selenium from producers around the world and purifies it. Then the manufacturer uses a chemical process to bond the pure selenium with methionine, an amino acid. |
Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., and Jo Robinson See book keywords and concepts |
Eat seven or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day.
4. Eat more vegetable proteins, including peas, beans, and nuts.
5. Avoid saturated fat by choosing lean meat over fatty meat and low-fat over full-fat milk products.
6. Avoid oils that are high in omega-6 fatty acids.
7. Reduce your intake of trans-fatty acids.
These guidelines are quite different from the ones advocated by the Department of Health and Human Services and the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The DHHS/USDA Food Guide Pyramid in the accompanying illustration below is a low-fat, high-carbohydrate diet. |
Christian B. Allan and Wolfgang Lutz See book keywords and concepts |
Fruit has been given the green light in nutritional arenas: "Eat as much fruit as you want; it's good for you." fruits and vegetables are believed to promote good health and eliminate many diseases, even though we have not seen enough good clinical scientific evidence to support this.
All foods should be judged by their health and nutritional assessment. Some fruits, such as oranges, bananas, grapes, and all dried fruits, are quite high in carbohydrates, whereas many vegetables, such as leafy greens and celery, are low-carbohydrate foods. |
Eat more fruits and vegetables and grains, preferably whole grains. Avoid red meat and choose a salad with a low-fat dressing instead. Eat bagels instead of cake, breakfast cereal instead of eggs."
Well, Americans have been eating this way, and guess what! It's not working. Even so, it will take time for the public to understand that carbohydrates are the main cause of this problem and so many others—but the tide will eventually turn because it is clear that the low-fat theory just hasn't worked. |
We maintain that fruits and vegetables and their juices do not carry the same health benefits as fat and protein foods.
The metabolic breakdown of alcohol via acetaldehyde to acetic acid is rather similar to the breakdown of fatty acids. The extent to which alcohol has to be subtracted from the carbohydrate ration has yet to be decided experimentally. But in our experience, if sugar and starch are carefully watched, a little alcohol can be included with a clear conscience and without any harmful effects. One or two bot-des of beer a day or a few glasses of wine won't do much harm. |
Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts |
Doctors say that if you want to ensure a healthy baby, you should start planning months before conception by eating a diet jam-packed with fruits and vegetables.
That little fertilized egg has a long way to go in nine months. It has to grow and divide. Its cells specialize to become bones, nerves, and other essential tissues. What helps make all of this happen without a hitch? Nutrients.
Sure, you can take other actions to protect a developing fetus. |
Stephen T., M.D. Sinatra See book keywords and concepts |
Increase consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables (organic preferred) to five to nine servings per day.
3. Consume fewer simple carbohydrates such as pastas made from white flour, white rice, potatoes, breads, etc.
4. Consume less red meat, fewer dairy products, and more fish, turkey, and lamb.
5. Omit table sugar, margarine, high-fat ice cream, and peanut butter.
6. Use more monounsaturated fats such as olive oil or almond oil.
7. Avoid polyunsaturated fatty acids such as corn oil, safflower oil, and canola oil.
8. Use more omega-3 oils.
9. |
Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts |
Especially good sources of the phytonutrients that will help you thrive are berries, garlic, dark leafy greens, deep yellow and orange fruits and vegetables, grape juice, tomatoes, and, yes, broccoli. for instance, is needed to manufacture thyroxine, the thyroid gland's major hormone. Nutrients may also be needed to break down food for energy, as many of the B vitamins are.
Nutrients can also break down wastes that are subsequently eliminated from the body. |
Stephen T., M.D. Sinatra See book keywords and concepts |
Insoluble fiber includes cellulose, heavy cellulose, and lignin—the supportive skeleton of plants, and the fiber found in most fruits and vegetables. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, includes pectins, gums, and mucilages. These entities make up the intercellular cement of plants and have several positive effects on the body that promote health and help prevent various disease states. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like material that inhibits cholesterol and LDL absorption and is effective in reducing blood glucose levels. |
Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts |
Men with diets that were lower in potassium ate only four servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
During the eight years of follow-up, doctors found that men in the first group had a 38 percent lower risk of stroke than men in the low-potassium group. Remarkably, the greatest benefit was seen among men who had a history of high blood pressure and were taking potassium supplements along with diuretics. Their risk was slashed by a whopping 64 percent.
Even if you can't seem to get your blood pressure down all that much, potassium still offers protection, Dr. Young says. |
Folate (the naturally occurring form of folic acid) is found mostly in fruits and vegetables, so you're short-changing yourself if you're getting along on a very skimpy diet without those nutritional essentials. You might be short on folic acid during pregnancy, says Dr. DiPalma, and celiac disease or Crohn's disease can contribute to deficiency as well, he notes.
Unlike vitamin B12, folic acid is not stored in large amounts in your liver. |
Stephen T., M.D. Sinatra See book keywords and concepts |
This is particularly true for the elderly, who frequently cannot get out to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables and who may use microwaving as their preferred way of cooking. Microwaving can seriously reduce B vitamins in food. Recently it has been discovered that many suffer from large deficiencies of B vitamins, especially in the elderly population. I am very skeptical of microwaves and don't have one in my house.
Habits such as microwaving are in a sense similar to using a low-grade fuel. Freshness can also be fleeting. |
Although eating fresh fruits and vegetables on a daily basis would help, it is accepted that transport and storage can diminish vitamin content in some produce. In the article printed in this paper, it was stated that it is preferable to eat a fresh orange rather than take supplements. How fresh is fresh? Has that orange been laced with chemical agents or pesticides? Many vitamins and minerals are not prevalent in the diet, specifically coenzyme Q10, vital to people suffering from cardiovascular problems. |
Yet the best way for these individuals to increase salt intake would be to consume fruits and vegetables. Celery and sea vegetables, for example, contain sodium chloride in its natural form.
Alcohol is a source of empty calories, that is, it provides no vitamins, minerals, or other essential nutrients. This is certainly one type of beverage that should not be used by anyone trying to lose weight. Alcohol is not a food, but rather a drug. In fact it may be considered a poison. It causes metabolic damage to the body and depresses the immune system. |
Leo Galland See book keywords and concepts |
The declining severity of measles in developed nations over the past century has been due not to vaccination, but to our increased standard of living, which has made fruits and vegetables more widely available. In the United States today, the majority of children who develop measles have low levels of vitamin A. The relationship between measles and vitamin A is reciprocal. Vitamin A protects against the damage resulting from measles. Viral infection itself depletes the body's stores of vitamin A, because they are expended on recovering from the effects of infection. |
Gale Maleskey See book keywords and concepts |
Some of these supplements—truly, nature's medicines—are derived from fruits and vegetables. Others come from minerals—yes, the same minerals that make up stone and soil. Still others are highly concentrated versions of many herbs that have been used for centuries in healing teas, tinctures, and tonics.
Alongside the nutritional and herbal supplements, however, you'll also find substances so unusual that they almost seem bizarre—from bee pollen and brewer's yeast to shark cartilage and fish oil. Even some living, beneficial organisms have their place among nature's medicines. |
John Stauber and Sheldon Rampton See book keywords and concepts |
In fact, for over two decades CAST has vigorously and publicly defended and promoted pesticide-contaminated foods, irradiated fruits and vegetables, and the use of hormones and drugs on farm animals. The hundreds of industry and university researchers who belong to CAST are often on the receiving end of large grants and other payments from the same agribusiness corporations that subsidize CAST. |
Leo Galland See book keywords and concepts |
Peel all fruits and vegetables, unless they are to be thoroughly cooked. Wash your hands afterward. If you cannot peel them, soak them for fifteen minutes in a solution made by adding one teaspoon of 3 percent hydrogen peroxide to two quarts of water and then rinse thoroughly with filtered water.
4. When eating out, only eat food that has been cooked just before it is served to you. In many restaurants and delicatessens, soups, sauces, and stews are frequently stored in large containers, often left uncovered on the floor and reheated in a microwave oven. |
Dr. Gary Null See book keywords and concepts |
Remember, flavonoids, which are plant pigments, are present in fruits and vegetables and in some beans and grains. These are very protective, and most of them are not available as supplements.
"I think the diet should be largely vegetarian, although a number of studies show that fish in the diet also reduces levels of heart disease and cancer. Fish may or may not be the reason for this. It may be that eating more fish means eating less chicken and meat. Cutting those foods out of the diet help cut down on heart disease."
Merely wiping fruits and vegetables does nothing to get rid of parasites.
Avoid tap water. This is a major source of parasites, despite the addition of fluoride and chloride.
Take precautions with your pets. Never sleep with pets and be sure to deworm them on a regular basis. Do not allow pets to lick your face or eat off your plate. Avoid walking barefoot around animals.
Wash hands every single time that you go to the toilet.
Keep bowel function optimal. When the normal eliminative channels are backed up, putrefaction occurs, creating a climate conducive to parasite growth. |