Thomas J. Moore See book keywords and concepts | Many health advocates embraced beta-carotene because it was a "natural" antioxidant found in many fruits and vegetables and therefore ought to be free of health hazards. Even the National Cancer Institute jumped on the beta-carotene bandwagon, declaring, "A large body of epidemiological evidence indicates that cancer incidence is reduced as consumption of dietary vitamin A or its precursor, beta-carotene, found in dark green and yellow vegetables and fruits, increases."26The National Cancer Institute limited its recommendations to urging greater consumption of fruit and vegetables. |
Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common AilmentsRobert M. Giller, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Eat lots of fruits and vegetables.
• Determine the type of stone formation you suffer from (hypercalciuria, hyperoxaluria, or hyperuricosuria) by means of a chemical analysis and see text for more details concerning natural remedies for your particular problem.
• Magnesium: 400 mg. daily.
• Vitamin By. 50 mg. daily.
• Potassium: 100 mg. daily. | Increase the amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables and whole grains. In general, a more "primitive" diet seems to be beneficial.
• Eliminate as many fats as possible (with the exception of fish oil, see below) including animal and vegetable fats.
• If your symptoms are very bad, I suggest you try a vegetable juice fast for three or four days, making sure that the vegetable juices contain no nightshade. Check with your doctor about this.
• Adopt a regular exercise program as tolerated. Swimming, pool exercises, or yoga are good choices.
• Develop a program of stress reduction. | Increase the amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and unrefined carbohydrates. Some patients have found that becoming a vegetarian significantly reduced their symptoms. One study tested a one-week fast followed by a year of a lactovegetarian diet in a controlled test group. The group on the vegetarian diet found significant improvement in joint tenderness, swollen joints, pain, duration of morning stiffness, grip strength, and white blood count, among others. The control group found that only their pain improved significantly. | You can increase dietary fiber by irritable bowel
221 eating more fruits and vegetables. Psyllium fiber is also a good way to increase fiber when taken as a daily supplement. Increase your consumption of fiber, particularly fiber supplements, gradually so as not to cause too much gas and bloating. Additional fiber in the diet will not only help people with constipation, but can be helpful for those who suffer from diarrhea.
IBS is often associated with food sensitivities. | Increase your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables, and whole grain cereals, breads, and pastas. Do not take fiber supplements in connection with hypertension.
• If you are not sodium sensitive, try eating three or four stalks of celery daily a week before a pressure reading to see if it helps. (Don't eat celery in extremely large amounts, as it can be toxic.)
• If you drink alcohol, stop.
• Adopt an exercise program. Exercise for a half hour three to four times weekly. A brisk walk is excellent.
• Adopt a stress control program. | Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts | Do you consume at least 2,500 calories each day of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat milk products, nuts, and protein-rich foods? _
7. Do you take iron supplements when your iron intake is marginal? _
8. Do you avoid severe calorie-restricted diets? _
9. Do you snack lightly or not at all in the evening? _
10. Do you avoid eating large meals? _
I I. Do you drink at least six glasses of water each day? _
12. Do you avoid tobacco? _
13. Do you limit alcohol intake to five drinks or fewer each week? _
14. Do you get at least seven hours of restful sleep each night? _
15. | Sandra Steingraber See book keywords and concepts | In discussions about pesticide residues, fruits and vegetables often dominate. Perhaps this is because, no matter how remote our relationship to farming, we can hold a peach, a cucumber, or a cluster of grapes and can easily picture the spray gun, the nozzle, the crop duster. | D. Lindsey Berkson See book keywords and concepts | Our bodies are made largely of water. fruits and vegetables are mostly water. We should drink a good quantity of water each day. We bathe in it, cook with it, and wash our food and clothes in it. Healthy water needs to be a top priority in our lives. Today there are more than 700 chemicals found in common drinking water.
In 1997 the Environmental Working Group (ewg) came out with a booklet called Tough to Swallow: How Pesticide Companies Profit from Poisoning America s Tap Water. They found that 104 communities of 3. | Walnut Acres ships meats, cheeses, breads, soups, peanut butter, juices, canned fruits and vegetables, pastas, etc. (90 percent certified organic) through ups or parcel post. Call 800/433-3998 or try their website at Or call a health-food store in your general area for local delivery services.
Foods can be contaminated from fields spread with sewage sludge. Municipal sewage systems collect and treat 11.6 billion pounds of waste materials every year. Up to 36 percent of this sludge is spread on crops.
Oh, they don't really use sludge on fields, do they? Why not? | There are products that remove surface pesticides, chemicals, and dirt from fruits and vegetables, such as Organiclean (1-888/VEG-WASH or or Healthy Harvest Fruit & Vegetable Rinse, 203/245-2033).
Discard the outer leaves of leafy vegetables. Trim fat from meat and skin from poultry and fish (fat collects pesticide residues).
For more information on food and pesticides, contact pesticides/food or call 800/490-9198.
Another source of pesticides that we wind up ingesting comes from, believe it or not, cotton. | They say that a person eating the usda's recommended five servings of fruits and vegetables per day will eat illegal pesticides at least seventy-five times per year.
Industry spokesman Dr. John McCarthy, the vice president for scientific and regulatory affairs for the Trade Association of Pesticides, said in
This is excerpted from the 1995 ewg report A Shopper's Guide to Pesticides in Produce. This report and many others are available at
Have the most pesticides:
• strawberries (have the highest level of vinclozolin, a known endocrine disruptor)
• bell peppers (U.S. | Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts | Nevertheless, apricots are high on the list of fruits and vegetables likely to help
118 prevent certain cancers, notably of the lung and possibly of the pancreas, both extremely difficult tumors to treat, and both linked to cigarette smoking.
That's because apricots, like other bright-orange fruits or vegetables, contain highly concentrated amounts of beta carotene, a form of vitamin A that is spectacularly successful in lab tests in thwarting certain cancers, including lung and skin. |
Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common AilmentsRobert M. Giller, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Particularly good sources are fresh fruits and vegetables such as potatoes, peas, peppers, eggplant, pears, squash, lima beans, tomatoes, and bananas.
A diet that is low in fiber will promote hypertension as well as a host of other chronic ailments. The benefits of a high-fiber diet are dramatic in someone whose pressure is high. I don't recommend taking fiber supplements, but I do think an emphasis on fresh vegetables, fruits, and whole grain cereals, breads, and pastas is important. | John Boik See book keywords and concepts | Epidemiological studies almost unanimously report a strong correlation between a diet high in fruits and vegetables and low cancer risk. In a study on 22 German vegetarians, NK cell activity was 4 times higher than omnivorous controls. However, lifestyle habits other than vegetarianism may have affected the results (Malter et al., 1989).
Vegetarian diets may inhibit neoplastic cells by altering the fatty acid content of their cell membranes (Siguel, 1983). | Rex Adams See book keywords and concepts | In general, a high protein and low or natural carbohydrate (fresh fruits and vegetables) diet is recommended. Weight loss, restored energy and relief of symptoms automatically follows in most cases. diabetics take (generally "protamine zinc insulin"). It has been found that when insulin is given by injection, the addition of zinc to it prolongs its effect—spreads the insulin out in the bloodstream as slowly as possible, and makes it last longer, so that fewer injections are needed during the day. | Sandra Steingraber See book keywords and concepts | Cadmium intake by humans is mostly from direct consumption of contaminated plants, especially fruits and vegetables.
Cadmium is classified as a probable human carcinogen. In animals, it is associated with sarcoma, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. High rates of lung, prostate, and testicular cancers have also been reported in workers who inhale cadmium on the job—but the question of incineration, cadmium ingestion, and cancer risk remains unexplored. Somewhere between 50 to 75 percent of the cadmium in the waste stream—about thirteen hundred tons—comes from discarded batteries. | Rex Adams See book keywords and concepts | Jon Evans of England has reported excellent results in countless cases with extract of the herb greater celandine (10 to 12 drops in a glass of water after each meal) with a diet of fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, and no sweets, starches, fried foods, eggs or fat, and dandelion coffee instead of pure coffee.5
Sage tea has a sedative effect (a fourteenth-century writer claimed that it cured his palsy: "My hand is as steady as it was at fifteen") is antiseptic, and purifies the liver and kidneys, according to Father Kneipp, the famous European herbalist. | Cooking fruits and vegetables brings about great losses in potassium—as does salting them. A low salt, high protein diet rich in potassium can usually prevent a deficiency.
Miracle Medicine Foods
For Eyes, Ears, Nose And Throat
The old motherly notion that eating carrots will give you blue eyes may not be accurate, but eye doctors have discovered that what you eat may affect how you see. | Best food sources are fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, walnuts, filberts, peanuts, soybeans, sunflower seeds, fish, white chicken and lean muscle meat.
Instant Relief for Women's Problems!
One woman reports that her menopausal symptoms included hot flashes and extreme dryness of the vagina. She says: "Even though I'm pushing 60,1 don't like to discuss my still-active sex-life in print. But I must say that after taking a hormone pill for years, to control menopausal symptoms, I quit 'cold turkey' after reading of its cancer-causing dangers. | To the best of my ability, I avoid sugar, coffee, chemicals, overly processed foods, and White flour, but include fresh fruits and vegetables, vitamins, bran, and eat less meat and more non-meat protein. Every day I thank God that my life has turned around from a bed-ridden cripple to a useful contributing citizen."
Cherry Juice For Arthritis!
Cherries may bring you amazing relief from arthritis—without drugs. All-day, all-night relief that seems permanent, in many cases. Ludwig W. Blau, M.D. | Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien See book keywords and concepts | The same researchers showed that other closely related fruits, such as blueberry, worked in a similar fashion, whereas other fruits and vegetables did not.13 Cranberry also contains fructose, which prevents the adherence of type 1 E. coli to the urinary tract.7
Major Constituents
Proanthocyanidins, flavonoids, fructose, vitamin C
Cranberry has been safely used as a food for centuries, and is considered safe for consumption when used in reasonable doses by average consumers.
• Side effects: None known.
• Contraindications: None known.
• Drug interactions: None known. | Sandra Steingraber See book keywords and concepts | With current dietary guidelines advising five to nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables, a few percentage points of illegality add up quickly. Anyone following official dietary recommendations is consuming from one to four servings of illegal pesticide residues every twenty days—or somewhere between eighteen and seventy-two servings a year. This tally, of course, does not include illegal residues also received from meat, dairy, eggs, fish, or grains.
Food items containing legal residues of illegal pesticides also find their way into our grocery carts. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Often individuals will avoid many fine fruits and vegetables because there is some oxalic acid in them and they may have passed some calcium-oxalate stones. However, it has been found that oxalate stones are formed even when no oxalic acid whatsoever is in the diet. Apparently stones will form from a deficiency in Vitamin A, and there are undoubtedly other factors about body chemistry in regard to stone formation that are still unknown. A shortage of Vitamin B6 has also been associated with calcium-oxalate stone formation. | Dr. Gary Null See book keywords and concepts | Remember, flavonoids, which are plant pigments, are present in fruits and vegetables and in some beans and grains. These are very protective, and most of them are not available as supplements.
"1 think the diet should be largely vegetarian, although a number of studies show that fish in the diet also reduces levels of heart disease and cancer. Fish may or may not be the reason for this. It may be that eating more fish means eating less chicken and meat. Cutting those foods out of the diet help cut down on heart disease."
EXERCISE. | Larry Trivieri, Jr. See book keywords and concepts | The Whole Foods Diet
Americans should consume far less animal fat, hydro-genated oils, and processed foods, and eat more complex carbohydrates, especially raw salads and whole grains, preferably sprouted that are rich in fiber, and several servings daily of fruits and vegetables. Dr. Levin offers a simple prescription for a healthy diet: one of natural, whole foods. "By whole foods, we mean consuming a diet that is as high in foods as whole as possible, with the least amount of processed, adulterated, fried, or sweetened additives," says Dr. Levin. | Braly also suggests adopting a diet that includes a wide variety of nonallergenic fresh fruits and vegetables, seeds and nuts, and low-fat, nondairy animal protein. "Grains are important, too," he says. "Although, I make it a general policy to avoid the gluten grains such as wheat, rye, barley, and oats, which many people are not able to tolerate. I would stick to grains like brown rice, millet, and amaranth."
For people with allergies and sensitivities, it is particularly important to keep well hydrated. | William Evans, Ph.D., and Irwin H. Rosenberg, M.D., with Jacqueline Thompson See book keywords and concepts | Good sources are fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain breads and cereals, and such starches as potatoes, rice, and pasta.
¦ Protein should be limited to a minimum of 10 percent and a maximum of 20 percent of your daily diet. You might think a strength-building program such as ours would warrant a high protein intake to maintain muscle mass. It does not. First, Americans and people in the developed countries of the West tend to have more than adequate protein in their diet already, being the avid meat eaters that we are. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Preparation: It may be eaten raw or sliced into a salad with other fruits and vegetables.
Botanical information: The edible tuber of the helianthus tuber-osus plant.
Nutritive values:
Vitamin A: 20 I.U. per 100 gm. Fat: .1 gm.
Vitamin B: Thiamine .20 mg.; Carbohydrates: 16.7 gm.
Riboflavin .06 mg.; Niacin 1.3 Calcium: 14 mg. rag. Iron: 3.4 mg.
Vitamin C: 4 mg. Phosphorus: 78 mg.
Proteins: 2.3 gm. Calories: 75
Reported health benefits: This tuber is recommended in cases of constipation, gas and biliousness. | Larry Trivieri, Jr. See book keywords and concepts | On the other hand, not all fresh fruits and vegetables sold in the health food store are organic. Look for labels that identify organically grown foods.
Buy organic foods. Organic farming is a system of cultivation that doesn't use artificial fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth regulators, and livestock feed additives. Crop rotations, crop residues, animal manures, green manures, legumes, organic wastes, mineral-bearing rock, and biological pest controls are used by organic farmers to raise whole, natural foods. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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Vegetables Foods Diet Eat Cancer Food People Fruits Body Vitamin Eating Vitamin C Fiber Risk Water Study Levels Fresh Disease Fruit Health Intake Blood Nutrients Studies Beta-carotene Produce Antioxidants Heart Avoid Raw Acid Grains Pesticides Fresh fruits Antioxidant Products Prevent Sources Heart disease Time Cells Supplements Meat Women Fish Healthy Juice Vitamins Beans Whole Vegetable Protein Minerals Green Damage Increase Effects Broccoli Calcium Blood pressure Drink Research Potassium Men Example Natural Carotenoids Phytochemicals Red Sugar Whole grains Dietary Seeds Carrots Calories Plant Helps Vitamin A Nuts Skin Diets Spinach Oil Effect Tomatoes Organic Magnesium Vitamin E Tea Flavonoids Chemicals Taking Iron Free radicals Content Nutrition Consumption Free Cancers