A physician and registered dietitian working out of the Tufts-New England Medical Center in Boston reported that a 57-year-old woman, who had previously undergone surgery for a gastric ulcer, "sought to lose weight with a low-calorie diet containing increased amounts of fruits and vegetables." Several months later she began experiencing "frequent episodes of vomiting and postprandial epigastric distress." A stomach x-ray "showed an 8x13-centimeter be-zoar." She was immediately placed on a low-fiber diet. |
In comparing notes with each other on several different fruits and vegetables, he brought up something interesting with regard to pomegranate juice that I jotted in a small pocket notebook I had with me and have never forgotten since.
Dr. Ben-David said that in those cases where a person's heart might be too weak to sustain an individual in consciousness much longer, if such person was administered a cup of fresh pomegranate juice internally it would save the person from passing out altogether. He jokingly referred to pomegranate juice as "my liquid mouth-to-mouth resuscitator. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
This recipe, made from things you already have in your home, can be used to remove bacteria and other toxic matter from fruits and vegetables.
1 gallon filtered water lk cup hydrogen peroxide 'A cup apple cider vinegar
Combine ingredients in a sink or basin. Soak fruits or vegetables in this solution for four to five minutes to dissolve material adhering to the plant surface. Agitate vigorously to lift the particles off the surface. Discard this solvent solution, then rinse vegetables in filtered water.
We think we're being diligent, but we're not. |
Lendon H. Smith, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
If these people have high-sodium and low-vinegar diets, they will have an elevated systolic pressure, but if they eat a well-rounded diet, including fruits and vegetables, and put vinegar on their daily salads, they will be able to reduce their sodium and keep the blood pressure under some control, even getting it down to a normal level.
Some researchers feel it is an immunity problem. Certain chemicals irritate the muscles in the arterioles and constrict them more than necessary to maintain an adequate pressure. |
Annemarie Colbin See book keywords and concepts |
This is true, in fact, of most fruits and vegetables, as well as sea vegetables (dulse, kelp, hiziki, nori), all of which are high in buffering minerals (sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, iron). Coffee, when it is not decaffeinated, can also be alkalizing, for caffeine is an alkaloid; the rest of the coffee is highly acidic. Salt, because of its sodium content, is an alkalizing element as well. |
Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., and Jo Robinson See book keywords and concepts |
Cancer-Fighting Plants
The following list shows which fruits and vegetables are thought to be most protective against specific types of cancer. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Protect your brain cells from damage by eating antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables and taking the right supplements and you're likely to sidestep age-related memory loss in years to come. Stockpile your body and brain's nurrient stores and you'll handle stress better when it hits unexpectedly. Boost your intake of iron-rich foods and you might prevent fatigue in the future. |
Fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, or low-fat milk products. b. Snack foods, such as popcorn, crackers, potato chips, or other convenience foods. c. Chocolate, cola soft drinks, hot cocoa, or coffee or tea. d. I do most of my overeating in the evening, including large bowls of ice cream with chocolate sauce, or second servings of leftovers from dinner.
12. How frequently do you have strong cravings for starchy or sugary foods? a. Seldom. b. Only during certain times of the month or year such as the two weeks before my period, or in the winter c. Frequently. d. |
The basic day's menu should include at least six whole grains, five (preferably nine) fruits and vegetables, three calcium-rich selections such as nonfat milk or yogurt, and three iron-rich selections such as extra-lean meat, chicken, fish, or legumes. You should eat regularly throughout the day, or at least five times, so every mini-meal or snack should include one or more grain and one to two fruits or vegetables. At three of those meals/snacks, you also should include a calcium-rich and an iron-rich selection. (See Table 10.3, "Size Matters," on page 249 to learn about serving sizes. |
Of course ir doesn't take a scientist to realize that chowing down on more highly processed, nutrient-bleak foodlike products laced with fake fats or fake sugars is a far cry from earing more fresh fruits and vegetables. Reduced-fat potato chips are nor healthful foods; it's just that they are less unhealthful than their full-far counterpart. You are still eating empty calories, which promotes weight gain. Fake fats won't magically make anyone slim; the only way to do that is to eat a healthful diet and exercise daily. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
And participants were to consume at least one to two liquid meals a day, preferably from quality proteins made from rice or soy, plus a wide variety of phytochemicals from fruits and vegetables. I also suggested a number of cookbooks to show people how creative this regimen could be. Part VI—Eating To Live tells you how to completely restructure your eating habits.
My associates and I then measured parameters and created groups accordingly. At one time, we had five hundred overweight people in one group. |
Annemarie Colbin See book keywords and concepts |
One of my students, who is Chinese, wrote a paper about "hot" and "cold" foods as used by her mother and grandmother: Meat, fried foods, spices, and tropical fruits were considered "hot," and forbidden if someone had a fever; seasonal fruits and vegetables, soupy rice (congee), and pears were considered "cold" and were used to treat fevers.12
The Ayurvedic medicine of India holds that one of the main properties of foods is that of virya, or the ability to warm or cool the body. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
I found more than a hundred different fruits and vegetables that could do that and listed them in The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Healing.
I researched foods high in phytochemicals to balance the body's natural hormone levels. These were given in juice form, which provided higher bioavailability, so that the person doesn't lose nutrients due to poor digestion. |
Annemarie Colbin See book keywords and concepts |
Seasonal: To be in harmony with our environment, it is a good idea to choose summery foods in the summer, wintery foods in the winter. fruits and vegetables in season are cheaper and do not lose nutrients like foods that have been transported long distances. They also taste better. In addition, seasonal eating means salads and fruit in the summer, soups and stews in the winter. On the whole, most people do eat that way. However, with the advent of refrigeration, freezer trucks, and worldwide transportation, we can get raspberries in December and yams in July. |
We also ignore this natural order when we go on restricted diets, such as raw food and juice regimes, which require us to eat lots of fruits and vegetables in the winter, or cooked and salty mac-
Preface to the Tenth Anniversary Edition
When I set out to write Food and Healing in the early 1980s, I intended to lay out a unified field theory of the effects of food on health, and to include practical information on the uses of food as nourishment and as medicine. |
There is a movement afoot called Five-a-Day, which encourages people to consume five servings of fruits and vegetables daily—not a bad place to start!
Soy Foods
Miso, tofu, tempeh, and soy milk were already quite popular when this book first came out, and I did discuss them in the section on "Beans." Since then, there have been many studies about the effects of soybeans, both on animals and on human beings. There are two main points I'd like to add here.
1. Soybeans contain elements that interfere with the absorption of zinc, namely, phytic acid, or phytates. |
Meals that are vegan (zero animal protein) create no problem as long as they don't mix fruits and vegetables.
The meal combinations seem to be very successful for both digestion problems and weight loss. People with digestive disorders well.6 In addition, soybeans are good for the heart: one review study found that soy protein, when replacing animal protein in the diet, seems to help lower cholesterol and serum triglycerides by about 10 percent each. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Even organic produce should be cleaned, perhaps even more than nonorganic foods, because organic fruits and vegetables are grown in fertilizer made from manure. Hence, coliform bacteria are present. When the rain hits the fertilized ground, these bacteria bounce up onto the produce. Someone harvests it and puts it in a box. That person has bacteria on his hands. Dozens of hands—each with their own bacterial "gloves"—could touch that produce before you eat it.
So, you may think it's "safe" because a food is organic and neglect to wash it. This is not good. |
Richard Lucas See book keywords and concepts |
Some examples are brown rice, oatmeal, buckwheat, unprocessed bran, and fruits and vegetables such as spinach, prunes, avocados, pumpkins, papayas, very ripe bananas, baked apples, and so on. By consuming ample portions of such foods and/or using one of a number of select Chinese herb teas, constipation can be overcome the natural way.
Exercise is also stressed. It is well known that people who spend any time in a hospital bed are frequently constipated, due to lack of exercise. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
If you're stressed and not consuming at least two fruits and vegetables at meals and snacks, then consider taking a supplemenr that contains at least 250 milligrams of vitamin C. (See Table 7.2, "Calming Foods," on pages 182-183, for more information.)
The B Vitamins
Our bodies' B vitamin requirements increase slightly during times of stress. Most of the B vitamins help develop or mainrain rhe nervous system, which is in overdrive during stressful events. |
Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner See book keywords and concepts |
Fall short of the crucial five to seven daily servings of fruits and vegetables? Overdo fats, calories, and proteins derived from meat and poultry? Up to one-third of all cancer deaths are nutrition-related.
ž Are you currently being exposed to carcinogens such as radon or asbestos in your home, workplace, or neighborhood?
ž Are you physically inactive? Sedentary lifestyles make you one and a half times more likely to develop colon or breast cancer.
ž Have you taken estrogen in menopause (as hormone replacement therapy)? |
Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts |
For two or three days, eat only raw fruits and vegetables, alternating one meal made up of any available fruits with a meal of vegetables.
"On the day before the main diet, take a dose of castor oil in the early afternoon to clean the bowels, and do not eat any dinner. Before going to bed take a double enema. First, take one pint of plain water at body temperature, and let it out. Then repeat with a full quart. If you can make camomile tea and mix it with water, so much the better. Camomile can be obtained at drugstores or health food stores. Enemas during fasting are very important. |
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
It was further estimated that if then-current exposure levels were to continue, 6,000 preschool children would develop cancer from exposure to residues of carcinogenic pesticides in fruits and vegetables.101 Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) policies now allow residues of a single carcinogenic pesticide on a single food item at levels posing a "negligible cancer risk" of 1/ 100,000 excess cancers, equivalent to some 35 excess annual cancer deaths. |
The American Cancer Society believes that the benefits of a balanced diet rich in fruits and vegetables far outweigh the largely theoretical risks posed by occasional, very low pesticide residue levels in foods."10
• In September 1996, the ACS together with a diverse group of patient and physician organizations, filed a "citizen's petition" to pressure FDA to ease restrictions on access to silicone gel breast implants. |
Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki See book keywords and concepts |
Although the Paleolithic diet of our remote ancestors contained higher amounts of animal protein than is currently consumed today, it also contained considerably lower levels of saturated fat and consisted mostiy of the unrefined, complex carbohydrates found in foods such as wild fruits and vegetables. In fact, as medical anthropologists S. |
If you follow the Okinawa Program (ten fruits and vegetables per day), you will get over 400 mg/day.53
Optimum intake. Plenty of circumstantial evidence supports the use of higher doses of vitamin C for optimizing immune health, protecting against cardiovascular disease, and reducing cancer risk, but further study is needed. The Okinawan elders have a higher dietary intake of vitamin C than other Japanese and Americans, but don't take supplements. Eating a diet high in vegetables and fruits is the best initial course of action, but for optimal levels, take 500 mg once a day.54
Cautions. |
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Ames has also objected to the regulation of EDB, saying that the "trace of the carcinogen EDB now allowed in food is insignificant;"21 this in spite of the fact that available noncarcinogenic alternatives include aluminum phosphide for grains and cold storage for fruits and vegetables. |
Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner See book keywords and concepts |
Make several of your servings of fruits and vegetables fiber-rich selections. Apples or pears with their skins, oranges, strawberries, raw carrots, cooked broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all good choices.
• Eat a hearty fiber-filled breakfast.
• Eat baked or roasted potatoes with their well-scrubbed skins on.
• Throw some chickpeas on a salad.
• Eat whole-grain breads and pastas.
• Select soups with legumes in them, such as split pea or lentil.
• And yes, eat more beans (baked beans have 9.8 grams of fiber in half a cup).
Booster 9. Eat Breakfast Impact ? ? ? |
Samuel S. Epstein, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Foods approved for treatment include fruits and vegetables, dry and dehydrated herbs, spices, teas, pork, poultry, white potatoes, wheat, and wheat flour. However, New York, New Jersey, and Maine have prohibited the sale and distribution of irradiated food, as have foreign governments, including Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Australia, and New Zealand.
Claims of safety are unproven at best. High-energy irradiation produces complex chemical changes in food with the formation of poorly characterized radiolytic products, including benzene. |
Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner See book keywords and concepts |
Booster 1: Stay Away from Tobacco
Booster 68: Ensure Job Safety
Booster 75: Nurture Your Home
Booster 76: Reduce Air Pollution, Radon, and Indoor Toxins
ž I do not consume five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables a day.
Booster 5: Eat More Fruits and Veggies-Five to Seven Servings per Day Booster 22: Screen for colon and rectal cancer
ž When I am on a boat I do not wear a life preserver.
Booster 19: Practice Water Safety
ž I use marijuana frequently.
Booster 4: Curtail Illicit Drug Use, Part II—Marijuana
ž I rarely wear seat belts. |