Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
I advise such persons (as well as anyone constantly exposed to secondhand smoke or who lives in an industrial environment with hazardous pollutants) to eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. Something in these foods helps keep the cells lining the respiratory passages (where many lung cancers originate) growing in an orderly way. It may also neutralize the carcinogenic effect of cigarette smoke itself, as well as the cancer-causing substances in charcoal-broiled meats and industrial wastes. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Results of this study found a significant association between intake of vitamin A from fruits and vegetables and a reduced risk of lung cancer in men.
—T.E. Byers, et al., "Diet and Lung Cancer Risk: Findings from the Western New York Diet Study," American Journal of Epidemiology, 125(3), March 1987, p. 351-363.
This study examined the beta-carotene levels in tissue samples of uterine leiomyomas and adjacent normal myometrium obtained at hysterectomy from the uteri of 18 patients. |
The Complete Book of Alternative NutritionSelene Y. Craig, Jennifer Haigh, Sari Harrar and the Editors of PREVENTION Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts |
Being more active and replacing sweets, alcohol and processed foods with fruits and vegetables are sensible steps that will help keep anybody's weight and blood sugar under control.
Bones like the Flintstones'
Ancestral diets also seem to prevent osteoporosis, the brittle-bone disease that affects an estimated 25 million Americans, mostly women.
Skeletons of early people show that men and women of all ages had strong, heavy bones, says Dr. Eaton. The health of their skeletons can be attributed to an active lifestyle and a balanced, calcium-rich diet. |
Fresh produce provides a complex mix of fiber, vitamins and minerals. fruits and vegetables are also rich in phytochemicals, a group of compounds that appear to have anti-cancer properties. Researchers say that this unique combination may play a key role in fighting off cancer.
In the fiber department, modern hunter-gatherers get a mega-dose by eating 40 to 50 grams a day—two or three times what our highly refined Western diet contains. And some early societies, such as early Native American hunter-gatherers, probably ate as much as 130 grams of fiber a day. |
Eating large quantities of fruits and vegetables every day provided loads of soluble fiber, the kind of fiber found in fruits, grains and some legumes. The benefit of this fiber is that it has been shown to lower cholesterol levels.
The mineral-rich hunter-gatherer diet also seems to be protective against high blood pressure, a major risk factor for heart disease. The diet is low in sodium and rich in potassium, a combination that seems to prevent high blood pressure. |
Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
You'll find the best sources to be yellow, orange, or red fruits and vegetables, as well as green leafy vegetables. (The latter are green despite their beta-carotene content because of the chlorophyll they contain.) Page 89 contains a list of beta-carotene— rich foods.
Do not conclude from any of the above that you should take vitamin A supplements, too much of which can hurt you. |
People with stomach cancer also tend to be poor, so their diet is usually high in refined, processed starch and low in fresh fruits and vegetables. The best way, then, to beat stomach cancer is to cut down on smoked, barbecued, pickled, salted, and cured meats and fish, and eat lots of foods rich in vitamins C and A.
Most skin cancers, no matter how late they're found and removed, are not a threat to life. Malignant melanomas, which rank thirteenth in cancer incidence, are the exception. |
You'll also find some in kidney, liver, meat, and poultry, but fruits and vegetables have very little. How much selenium each of these particular foods contains will depend on the selenium content of the soil in which they were grown (except for lobsters, of course). I do not recommend selenium supplements for arthritis unless you live in an area where the soil is low in selenium and you are unable to meet the RDA in your diet. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Cutting down on these foods, and eating lots of fruits and vegetables instead, will support the body.
•Complex Carbohydrates...An antiaging diet is high in complex carbohydrates, such as grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds. Many are eaten raw or close to their natural state, and none are unnecessarily processed, or overcooked. Frying is minimized, although stir-frying is acceptable. Very little, if any, animal proteins are eaten, and fats are used sparingly. Only about 10 to 15 percent of calories should come from fat.
Complex carbohydrates help us in several ways. |
the Editors of PREVENTION Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts |
You should also have generous helpings of complex carbohydrates, found in pasta, breads, fruits and vegetables. Your body breaks down these foods to glucose, for muscle power. These foods also provide a mix of vitamins and minerals that assist in the chemical reaction needed to fuel muscles. "Think of vitamins and minerals as 'oil' for the muscle engine," says Dr. Clarkson.
Help from the Doctor
If your muscles suddenly become weak for no apparent reason, view the situation as a potentially life-threatening emergency and go to the nearest hospital for treatment. |
Judith Wills See book keywords and concepts |
One thing is for certain—if you want to protect your health, you MUST eat up your fruits and vegetables, just like your mother always used to tell you to do.
¦ Carotenoids
Probably the first phytochemical to be linked with health was beta-carotene, the orange pigment in carrots, sweet potatoes, and other plants, which can convert to vitamin A and which was cited as one of the first antioxidants, along with vitamins C and E. In fact, the carotenoid group of compounds in foods numbers about 600, many of which are also potent antioxidants. Here are just some of them. |
The Editors of Prevention Magazine Health Books See book keywords and concepts |
Probably about the amount you're getting now, if you're eating a well-balanced diet that contains at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. That's 1.5 to 3 milligrams of boron a day.
Supplements are not necessary or desirable, Dr. Hunt adds. "We don't yet know enough about boron to determine if amounts of more than three milligrams a day are safe," he says.
Daily Value: 120 micrograms
Qood Food Sources: Brewer's yeast, broccoli, ham, grape juice
Th ink of it as the shovel that gets the fuel into the furnace. |
We saw in our population that the ones who were deficient ate less than one serving of fruits and vegetables a day, when it is recommended that you eat five to nine servings," says Dr. Johnston.
Early signs of vitamin C depletion include weakness and lethargy, followed by delayed wound healing. If stores are completely exhausted—a rare occurrence today—scurvy appears. Its symptoms include dementia, bleeding gums, tooth loss, hemorrhages and pain in muscles, bones and joints. |
Judith Wills See book keywords and concepts |
Five a day" -interpreting the fruit and vegetable guidelines
Departments of health throughout the Western world are advising us to eat at least five portions of fruits and vegetables a day for good health. Based on all the research to date, that is sensible advice no one should ignore. In fact, we should aim for "five" as a minimum.
However, many people are confused as to what exactly the five portions means. For example, does it include potatoes? How big is a portion? Do the five portions all have to be different? And does everything have to be fresh? Here are the answers. |
All other fruits and vegetables not mentioned above will count (as long as portion size guidelines opposite are followed).
Example 3:
# Glass of fruit juice on waking
# 1 apple and 1 banana chopped into breakfast cereal
# Homemade carrot soup for lunch
# Large bowlful of salad with venison steak for evening meal
¦ Portion sizes
Portion size of your "five a day" is important. A couple of lettuce leaves or the two or three slices of tomato in a sandwich won't be enough to count— most salad items weigh very little and you need a really good bowlful of them. |
Coumarins, found in various fruits and vegetables, as well as in licorice, help thin the blood and thus may help in the prevention of stroke and heart disease.
See also: Supplements, Heart Disease, Cancer, and Antioxidants.
Approximately 67% of Americans over the age of 21 claim to have drunk alcohol in the past year. In Europe the average is higher at about 80%. Recent news stories report that drinking alcoholic beverages has health benefits. Other stories say abuse of alcohol is related to many of the major causes of death in the US. |
Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts |
But to prevent cancer, the National Cancer Institute recommends eating five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Anyone who does that can easily consume up to 500 milligrams of vitamin C a day, just from foods. In effect, the National Cancer Institute is recommending a vitamin C intake that's eight times higher than what the Food and Nutrition Board considers the maximum safe amount."
Around the time all this was going on, the Food and Drug Administration released its own nutritional guidelines. Called Daily Values, they're essentially averages of the RDAs for each nutrient. |
That's not good. fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber and nutrients that help prevent America's top three killers: heart disease, cancer, and stroke.
The Myths of Going Meatless
Clearly, building your diet around fruits, vegetables, and other plant-derived foods has a lot to offer, health-wise. Yet as recently as the mid-1970s, most nutritionists called vegetarianism a one-way ticket to malnutrition.
How things have changed. Today we know that eating healthfully is easier as a vegetarian than as a meat eater, largely because most vegetarians consume less fat than the typical omnivore. |
Gary Null, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Here are a few guidelines: When making your juices, use organic produce whenever possible, as harmful chemicals found in tainted fruits and vegetables become more concentrated after juicing. That, obviously, is counterproductive when your object is internal cleansing. Drink about eight 10-ounce glasses of juice a day, and you'll be treating your whole body to a maximally usable supply of health-giving phytochemicals, antioxidant vitamins and minerals, chlorophyll, and enzymes. |
Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts |
In that case, many fruits and vegetables can make a contribution to your calcium intake. Among those highest in calcium are col-lard greens (290 milligrams per cup, cooked), bok choy (250 milligrams per cup, cooked), tofu (244 milligrams per cup), dried figs (161 milligrams in six figs), and kale (148 milligrams per cup, cooked).
Vegetarians risk neurological damage from \itamin B12 deficiency. Because vitamin B12 is found primarily in meats and other animal-derived foods, vegetarians often have low levels of the nutrient. |
Frances Darragh and Louise Darragh Law See book keywords and concepts |
Use fresh fruits and vegetables if child is hungry.
• Avoid fried foods, fatty foods, egg yolks, excess protein, and alcohol.
• Beetroot, carrot and dandelion juices are especially beneficial. Freshly squeezed citrus juice mixed with water (1:1) should be sipped daily.
As antiseptic: Golden Seal or Thyme For diarrhea: Meadowsweat, Raspberry For depression: Gotu Kola, St. |
Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts |
Wash all fruits and vegetables in a solution of dishwashing liquid and water. Use a vegetable brush.
þ Peel apples, cucumbers, eggplants, and any other produce that has a wax coating. Pesticides can be sealed in with the wax.
þ Discard the outer leaves of cabbage and lettuce.
þ Chop spinach, broccoli, cauliflower, and celery before washing.
þ Buy produce in season.
þ Petition your supermarket to stock locally grown produce, which is less likely to be waxed and treated with post-harvest pesticides during transport and storage. plementation. |
Steer clear of processed foods and fast food, instead building your diet around whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. And if you know you'll be eating in an Asian restaurant, call ahead and ask if they use MSG. used in mainstream medicine, but they are considered standard by naturopathic physicians, who are more nutrition-oriented.
Next, all 106 study participants began an elimination diet. They gave up dairy products, beef, pork, veal, alcohol, caffeine, and foods containing gluten,
(continued on page 34)
Food Intolerance Survey
The following questionnaire, developed by Jeffrey S. |
Judith Wills See book keywords and concepts |
Low-sodium, potassium-rich foods include dried fruits, legumes, nuts, potatoes, bananas, garlic, onions, and many other fruits and vegetables.
¦ Phosphorus
USA RDI 1 g UK RNI 550 mg (males and females) EC RDA 800 mg About 1 kilo of body weight is phosphorus and most is in the skeleton. It is an essential part of all body cells, helping in the release of energy and regulating protein activity. As it is a major constituent of all plant and animal cells, and added to many commercial foods, deficiency in the diet is not likely and, on average, our diets are above the RDI. |
Vitamin C is found mainly in fruits and vegetables, and is easily lost in storage, processing, preparation, and cooking (see page 208). For example, fresh peas contain approximately 24 mg vitamin C per 100 g; canned garden peas only 1 mg.
The only plants that contain no vitamin C are unsprouted grains and dried legumes.
¦ The B Vitamins
The B vitamins are a group of six water-soluble vitamins that work together in the body and are essential for growth and the proper development of a healthy nervous system; for body maintenance and food digestion and the metabolism. |
The Garlic CureJames F. Scheer, Lynn Allison and Charlie Fox See book keywords and concepts |
We invite it in many processed foods, in: fruits and vegetables grown in soils with a high level of aluminum, in free-flowing salt, some white flour, baking powder, some salad dressings and drinks in aluminum cans and many medicines and toiletries, as listed in the previous chapter.
The South Pacific island of Guam presents a frightening medical statistic. Almost 10 percent of its local population dies of a degenerative brain disease - Lou Gehrig's disease, Parkinsonism or another form of dementia. This is attributed to the high amount of aluminum in its soils. |
Michael T. Murray, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Fresh fruits and vegetables are rich in a broad range of antioxidant compounds, including vitamin C, carotenes, flavonoids, and glutathione. All of these antioxidants are critically involved in important mechanisms that prevent the development of macular degeneration.
Herbal recommendations for macular degeneration
There are three excellent choices for macular degeneration: Ginkgo biloba, bilberry, and grape seed extracts. Use the standardized extract of at least one of these plants at the recommended dosage (Chapter 3—Bilberry; Chapter 13—Ginkgo biloba; Chapter 16—Grape Seed Extract). |
To help solidify stools, pectin-rich fruits and vegetables such as pears, apples, grapefruit, carrots, potatoes, and beets may offer some benefit. Also, fresh blueberries have a long historical use in diarrhea. Vegetable broths and diluted fruit and vegetable juices should be consumed to maintain electrolyte levels.
Herbal recommendations for diarrhea
Goldenseal and other berberine-containing plants can be used according to the dosages given on p. 170.
Another useful herbal treatment is carob pod powder. |
Michael Castleman See book keywords and concepts |
All you need is a juicer, an appliance similar to a blender but specifically designed to extract the liquid from fruits and vegetables. The liquid contains most of the food's vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. What's left over is fiber. Of course, the body needs fiber for good digestion, and many Americans don't get enough. But vegetarians seldom have to worry about fiber deficiency. A good vegetarian diet provides plenty of fiber.
Juices pack incredible nutritional punch. One pint of mixed vegetable juice contains the vitamin and mineral equivalent of two meal-size salads. |
Susun S. Weed See book keywords and concepts |
Vitamin C is optimally effective when ingested in fresh (not canned, bottled, frozen, or reconstituted) fruits and vegetables.
Linus Pauling, Nobel Prize winner and researcher into the effects of vitamin C, found that daily doses of 10 grams of ascorbic acid could increase the life span of those with terminal cancer. Further studies have failed to replicate his results, but there appear to be design flaws in those studies (such as limiting the length of time the vitamin was given, as opposed to Pauling's studies where the full dose was given until the person died). |