the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing See book keywords and concepts |
Doctors are unsure whether supplements work the same way as nutrients taken from fresh fruits and vegetables.
ž Megadoses of vitamin C over 2 grams a day can cause side effects, like diarrhea, kidney stones, and problems digesting other nutrients.
ž Many governments don't regulate supplements, so there's no way of knowing exactly how much and what grade of nutrients goes into them.
It's always a good idea to check with your doctor before taking any supplements. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Richard commented, "I snack on fruits and vegetables throughout the day and don't seem to eat as much food to feel full on this diet, which probably explains why I've lost eight pounds in the last five weeks and never felt deprived!"
• Snack on beans. Bean spreads, such as black bean dip or hummus made without tahini, are especially filling, since they are high in fiber and water, but low in fat.
• Serve soup. "Broth-based soups are satisfying foods because they tend to be low in fat and high in fiber and water, the two ingredients that add volume without adding calories," says Dr. Rolls. |
James F. Balch, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
In this quest to alleviate world hunger, scientists have come up with a myriad of methods to speed up the growth and extend the shelf life of all types of foods, ranging from fruits and vegetables to grains and meats. Unfortunately, these modem marvels come with problematic byproducts that, if not confronted, will pose a unique set of health problems never before encountered in the world. The foremost of these dangers confronting us is the man-made contaminants that find their way into our bodies through the foods we eat. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Regardless of the pesticide controversy, fresh fruits and vegetables are the most nutritious foods in the diet and should be consumed in greater quantities whether or not they're organic, homegrown, or grown by conventional methods.
Should you buy organic produce? The answer to that question depends on your reasons behind the purchase. If you are concerned about the environment, then yes, buy organic, since organic farming is much gentler on the land. |
Alan Keith Tillotson, Ph.D., A.H.G., D.Ay. See book keywords and concepts |
DIET TO REDUCE WIND AND HEAT Strengthens the Nerves and Reduces Inflammation
General: Foods that are both highly nutritive and easy to digest are key to healing the nervous system, while good-quality oils and adequate fruits and vegetables help fight inflammation. Drink spring water, especially with meals. All foods should be fresh, and organic if possible. Try to maintain regular mealtimes and adequate sleep, and avoid snacking. Use a high-potency multivitamin / multimineral.
Grains: Corn, rice, wheat (unless you are allergic). Favor well-cooked whole grains. |
Moreover, even among those who do know the major health protective dos and don'ts, many are still part of the 92% of Americans who fail to consume the necessary 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day. In theory, people may be aware of the various risks and benefits associated with certain diet and lifestyle choices, but they aren't implementing these healthy practices in their daily lives. Many people resist any new practices that may require them to adapt their lifestyle. |
Everyone who eats fewer than 5 servings of fresh fruits and vegetables every day, please sit down.
• Everyone who drinks more than 2 ounces of hard liquor or 16 ounces of wine per day, please sit down.
• Everyone who does not get at least 15 minutes of vigorous exercise every day, please sit down.
• Everyone who does not get at least 7 hours of sleep each night, please sit down.
• Everyone who smokes cigarettes, please sit down.
Within one minute, out of an initial 400 people, only 3 remained standing at the end of the exercise (one of them being yours truly). |
Flavonoids are found in dark yet luminous blue, black, red, and violet fruits and vegetables. They generally relate most closely to Yang (within this overall cooling group) and help maintain immune function and neutralize poisons. Thus, they act to strengthen blood vessels and capillaries, regulate inflammatory cells, and even modulate gene expression. They have a number of functions related to circulation, including vasodilation and reduction of platelet stickiness and edema. Flavonoids also work in concert with vitamin C to help fight germs and viruses and reduce inflammation. |
Basically, we need to eat lots of colorful fruits and vegetables, and we want to know more about which ones are best for our health. Therefore, the study of color in herbal medicine focuses primarily on the plant pigments—the colorful chemicals generated by plant metabolism—and how they affect the basic life processes. We discussed them in the previous section, where we learned that they are generally anti-inflammatory and helpful in detoxification. |
Flavonoids are a diverse set of chemicals which include many brilliant plant pigments that, like carotenoids, are responsible for many of the attractive colors you see in fruits and vegetables (though some are colorless). More than 4,000 flavonoid compounds have been isolated from plants so far. One notable medicinal effect of some flavonoids is their ability to strengthen blood vessel integrity and reduce inflammation. They also have antiviral and antimicrobial effects.
Flavonoids are extremely potent antioxidants and are often found in plants containing vitamin C. |
Elizabeth Somer, M.A., R.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Mother Nature packed nutritional muscle into fruits and vegetables. In addition to hefty doses of antioxidant nutrients such as vitamins C and E and selenium, folic acid, and fiber, vegetables and fruit contain more than 12,000 compounds that boost your body's natural defenses against disease. They encourage cells to raise their levels of enzymes that hinder cancer-causing substances from initiating cancer, act as antioxidants to fend off cancer, and regulate hormones that otherwise encourage cancer growth. |
Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts |
Why are fruits and vegetables so powerful? Frank M. Sacks, M.D., an assistant professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School, says there are two obvious possibilities: something in plant foods depresses blood pressure or something in meat forces it up.
At first Dr. Sacks thought meat raised blood pressure, but he scrapped the theory after he tested vegetarians by having them add meat to their diet. In one group of vegetarians who ate eight ounces of lean beef a day for a month, systolic blood pressure rose very slightly, diastolic blood pressure not at all. |
the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing See book keywords and concepts |
Ignore any diet that encourages you to cut back on the fruits and vegetables that help prevent chronic disease. You don't want to put your long-term health at risk for short-term weight loss.
In addition to selecting healthy foods, pay attention to the calories you take in. "Once you suit your portions to your needs," says Polk, "you will find it easier to maintain a healthy weight for life."
One way to make it easier to remember what a serving looks like is to compare it with something familiar. These examples should help. |
J. E. Williams, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
One reason is that they consume large amounts of refined carbohydrates or hydrogenated fats and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables. This way of eating provides an excess of calories that the body cannot use, and it stores the excess as adipose tissue, or body fat. At the same time, these foods are notoriously low in nutrients, especially the trace elements vital for a healthy immune system.
Nutritional influences on illness and immune strength are more far-reaching than once thought by Western physicians. |
It contains moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates (primarily brown or basmati rice), adequate fats and proteins,3 and abundant fresh fruits and vegetables. The emphasis is always on vegetables. This diet comprises 50-55 percent complex carbohydrates; 15-20 percent high quality protein; and 20-25 percent healthy fats and oils.
The other diet I recommend is a low-carbohydrate diet, and for short periods of time (up to one month) I may advise a no-carbohydrate diet. This type of diet is similar to that advocated by Barry Sears and is known as the 30-30-40 Zone diet (Sears 1995). |
A diet composed mainly of processed foods, low in fresh fruits and vegetables but high in calories, is deficient in these essential micronutrients.
Most Americans have access to lots of food, in fact, too much food of the wrong kinds. Fast-food restaurants are on nearly every corner and supermarkets are in every shopping center. However, the standard American diet (SAD) is actually deficient in many essential nutrients and is low in nutrient density. |
the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing See book keywords and concepts |
Fresh fruits and vegetables are loaded with antioxidants, which may prevent LDL cholesterol from becoming oxidized. Dr. Lori J. Mosca, director of preventive cardiology research and education at the University of Michigan, says, "When a fat such as LDL undergoes oxidation, it is more prone to collect in blood vessels to form plaque. Over time, the plaque narrows the blood vessels, or unleashes a blood clot, which can result in a heart attack or stroke. When LDL is not oxidized, it does not seem to cause problems."
These powerful antioxidants can help keep your heart healthy.
ž Vitamin E. |
Compare this to modernized countries where fruits and vegetables have been replaced with fast, processed food and you'll find up to 70 percent of the population suffers from some form of arthritis. Just a coincidence? Not according to nutrition experts. They link this trend in part to boron, a trace mineral many plants, including apples, absorb from the soil.
If you eat like most people, you'll get about 1 to 2 milligrams (mg) of boron a day, mostly from non-citrus fruits, leafy vegetables, and nuts. |
Dr. John Yiamouyiannis See book keywords and concepts |
The sources of fluorine intoxication are drinking water containing 1 part per million or more of fluorine, fluorine compounds used as insecticidal sprays for fruits and vegetables (cryolite and barium fluosilicate) and the mining and conversion of phosphate rock to superphosphate, which is used as fertilizer. The fluorine content of phosphate rock is about 4 per cent. During conversion to superphosphate, about 25per cent of the fluorine present is volatilized and represents a pouring into the atmosphere of approximately25,000 tons of pure fluorine annually. |
James F. Balch, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Eat more low-fat foods including fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and nonfat dairy products.
• Get plenty of exercise, at least four hours a week. This can be easily accomplished by making a morning or an evening walk part of your daily routine.
• Reduce stress by practicing meditation.
• Don't automatically salt your food, and keep your daily consumption of salt down to 2.4 grams (about one teaspoon) per day. use potassium "salt" substitute. Try "sea salt" or kelp. |
Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts |
Thumbs Up:
MORE fruits and vegetables concluded that curbing total fat or saturated animal fat does not affect blood pressure at all.
On the other hand, he is convinced that agents in vegetables and fruits have mysterious powers to reduce blood pressure. One blood-pressure lowering drug may be fiber, especially from fruit. A recent Harvard study of nearly 31,000 middle-aged and elderly men found that those who ate very little fruit were 46 percent more likely to develop high blood pressure over the next four years than men who ate the equivalent fiber in five apples a day. |
James F. Balch, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Eat more raw fruits and vegetables. Drink their juices for immediate vitamin, mineral, and enzyme uptake. Avoid processed foods, dairy products, alcohol, caffeine, and junk food.
Finally, another must in combating stress is as your kids might say, to just chill out. No matter which method you choose, you need to unwind often and get your mind uncluttered. You can do this through exercise, deep breathing, hobbies, and just plain laughing! Personally, I meditate on God's Word when the going gets rough and I feel overwhelmed by it all. |
Michael Tierra See book keywords and concepts |
Persons with diets consisting primarily of fruits and vegetables will excessively eliminate minerals and vitamins from the system, despite the high intake accompanying these foods. Persons with a diet rich in meats will fail to absorb the necessary nutrients from the food because the digestive and absorptive functions become separated with this kind of diet.) Adding large doses of purified vitamins and minerals will generally fail to overcome these problems.
The key to total nutrition is a balanced diet. |
Linda B. White, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
These colorants give bilberries, blueberries, purple grapes, and many other fruits and vegetables their deep coloring. Anthocyanidins protect blood-vessel walls and prevent leakage. They strengthen the connective tissue that supports blood vessels. Anthocyanidins are available in pill form. Proanthocyani-dins, derived from either grapeseed or pine bark, have similar properties and are available in supplement form. Typical dosage: 150 milligrams of proanthocyanidins per day. tonic as well. |
Michael Tierra See book keywords and concepts |
To break the fast, on the fifth day, take only lightly cooked fruits and vegetables, and soupy grains. Resume a normal balanced diet, high in grains, on the sixth day.
This diet is very good for eliminating excess moisture, reducing coldness of the body and restoring the ability to assimilate nutrients. It will also help remove the sensation of excessive thirst for those who normally experience that condition.
Alternating Expansion and Contraction. Either method of fasting may precipitate a minor healing crisis. |
The use of whole grains, bran and a balance of a few fruits and vegetables will help eliminate this problem, provided harmful denatured foods are removed from the diet. For children or persons who are weakened, a mild laxative is a tea of licorice and raisins or a tablespoon of sesame or olive oil taken in the evening.
Coughs and Sore Throats Internal:
Make a cough syrup using equal parts:
Elecampane Wild cherry bark Licorice Comfrey root Coltsfoot Lobelia
Cook down the decoction until a syrupy consistency is achieved (see the section on "Syrups" in the "Methods of Application" chapter). |
Exotic fruits and vegetables imported from distant climates will throw us off balance at a high price. There are also specific items to avoid: white sugar, denatured flour and artificial stimulants. These drain the energy of the body and make the assimilation of nutrients from whole foods more difficult. Thus the best diet is one that bypasses the recent technological changes in food supply and relies on nature for its health-giving qualities.
A healthful diet is not determined solely by the foods eaten. |
James F. Balch, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Much of the imported fruits and vegetables come from Mexico, a country that has no agency responsible for monitoring pesticide use.
Still, the blame for these foods containing harmful pesticides reaching our dining tables does not lie exclusively with the exporting country. Every hour, of every day, of every year, the united States ships an average of twenty-seven tons of pesticides to other countries. On the other hand, only about one percent of the imported food coming into this country is routinely inspected by the FDA! |
What about all of the fruits and vegetables that are waxed? This tactic is used to keep moisture in and extend shelf life. Presently, there are six types of wax that the Food and Drug Administration has given its approval for use on produce. Interestingly enough, they are the same waxes we use on automobiles, furniture, and floors. These waxes include palm oil derivatives, shellac, paraffin, and certain synthetic resins. Some of the foods that these waxes are applied to include: apples, cucumbers, peppers, eggplants, citrus fruits, melons, squashes, tomatoes, and turnips. |
Michael T. Murray, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Both in terms of preventing and treating osteoarthritis with diet, it is critical that the diet be rich in whole natural foods, especially raw fruits and vegetables because of their rich source of nutrients critical to joint health, such as vitamin C, carotenes, and flavonoids.
Glucosamine sulfate (a natural constituent of cartilage), at a dosage of 500 milligrams three times daily, has been shown to produce better results than standard drug therapy for osteoarthritis. |