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Fruits and vegetables

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Foods rich in carotenoids, such as dark-green leafy vegetables and yellow and orange fruits and vegetables; foods rich in sulphoraphanes, such as broccoli, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts; and food and herbs rich in flavonoids, such as berries, green tea, and grapes, all counteract cancer at the initiation stage. The next step of carcinogenesis is promotion. During this stage, the DNA-damaged cells are triggered by certain nutrients and their byproducts to multiply.
Three to five daily servings of fruits and vegetables can correct even severe salt sensitivity. Potassium is also found in blackstrap molasses, brewer's yeast, brown rice, nuts, torula yeast, and wheat bran. LJ Use moderate amounts of polyunsaturated fats (such as olive oil) in cooking, and supplement with essential fatty acids in the form of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). GLA is found in black currant, borage, and evening primrose oils, which can be taken in capsule form, 500 milligrams twice daily. LJ Discontinue use of all stimulants, including coffee and tobacco.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Fish liver oil; dark green leafy vegetables; yellow fruits and vegetables; vitamin A-fortified milk; butter; egg yolks. Vitamin D Supports bone and tooth formation and muscle function. Necessary for proper absorption of calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, and zinc. Supports the healthy functioning of the thyroid gland. Bone and tooth problems. Men 15-24: 10 mg 24 and up: 5 mg Women 15-24: 10 mg 24 and up: 5 mg Pregnant/nursing: 10 mg 200-400 IU. Fish liver oil; fortified milk; salmon; herring; sardines; butter; eggs. Sunshine is the best source. Vitamin E Aids in tissue healing.
Lycopene, found in red fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, red grapefruit, and red peppers, is another excellent antioxidant with anticar-cinogenic properties. The bioflavonoids work with vitamin C and enhance its antioxidant action as well. Unless you eat all of the foods mentioned here regularly, take 500 to 1,000 milligrams of mixed bioflavonoids three times daily. ¦ Boron helps create stronger bones. Taking supplemental boron has been shown to reduce losses of calcium and magnesium from the body in postmenopausal women. It may also have a positive effect on estrogen levels.

Reclaiming Our Health: Exploding the Medical Myth and Embracing the True Source of Healing

John Robbins
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Diets become higher in fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and more plant-based proteins. They become lower in fat, and lower in adulterated, refined, and highly processed foods. The Healthy School Lunch Program, a project of EarthSave International, is today working to change the food served in schools in a healthier direction. Parents and teachers throughout the country who would like to see these kinds of changes implemented in their local schools are invited to contact EarthSave at P.O. Box 68, Santa Cruz, CA 95062 (1-800-362-3648).

Natural Pet Cures: Dog & Cat Care the Natural Way

Dr. John Heinerman
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This is important since the fiber of fruits and vegetables contain many valuable nutrients that would otherwise never be assimilated were the fiber to be discarded. (See the Product Appendix under Vita-Mix for more information on this fine machine.) _Tokyo Dog, Teriyaki Style_ 1 cup chopped tomatoes 'A cup celery with leaves 2 tablespoons sweet green bell pepper 4 baby carrots 2 tablespoons raw onion 2 tablespoons Teriyaki Sauce 1 Vi cups ice cubes Place all of the ingredients in the Vita-Mix 5000 in the order given. Secure the two-part lid by locking under its tabs.

Nontoxic, Natural and Earthwise

Debra Lynn Dadd
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Interestingly, in tropical regions, where native people have abundant fruits and vegetables, they eat and use fewet animals; in coldet climes, whete there is less vegetation, they eat mote animals. When native people take the life of the animal for theit own sutvival, it is done with ritual tespect; they kill only those animals they need for survival, and all parts are used (meat, skin, and bones). While we can cettainly look to theit example, we can also envision a wotld whete we are in harmony with the Eatth and do not kill animals at all.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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Being abundant in plants, flavonoids are commonly consumed in the human diet, especially if it is rich in fruits and vegetables. The word 'flavonoid' is derived from the Latin word flavus meaning yellow and many flavonoids are indeed yellow in colour. However, many others are white and the special flavonoid-related anthocyani-dins are red, blue or purple. (For a discussion of the pharmacological properties of anthocyanidins, see the bilberry monograph on p.297.

Nontoxic, Natural and Earthwise

Debra Lynn Dadd
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The rest should be fruits, vegetables, and gtains, which contain essential nutrients that are not ptesent in meat. fruits and vegetables should be cut up and eaten raw; use cooked whole grains such as brown rice. Proper food combining is also recommended for animals to aid in digestion: feed fruit separately, protein with vegetables, and starch with vegetables. • A pamphlet by world-famous herbalist-veterinarian Juliette de Bairacle Levy makes food recommendations based on observing what animals eat and how they behave in nature, and then applying these observations to home and kennel care.
Wide variety of fruits and vegetables. Starr Organic Produce. Oranges, tangelos, tangerines, grapefruits, and limes, plus avocados, papayas, and bananas. Texas Ruby. Tree-ripened grapefruits and oranges. Totally Organic Farms. Huge variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. Valley Cove Ranch. Navel and Valencia oranges, lemons, mandarins, grapefruits, and avocados. Weiss's Kiwifruit. Certified kiwis. Salad Dressing_ Harmful ingredients: BHA/BHT, colors, EDTA, flavors, glycols, hydrogenated oil, pesticide residues, sucrose, sulfur compounds.
Fill a pot with water to rinse fruits and vegetables in, and use a vegetable brush to remove debris instead of a forceful stream of water. • Compost your kitchen scraps instead of using a garbage disposal. • If you drink cold water, keep a bottle in the refrigerator instead of running the tap until cold water comes through. • Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator or sitting on the countertop instead of running them under hot water. • Get an instant water heater (see renewable energy) for your kitchen sink so you don't have to let water run while it heats up.

New Choices in Natural Healing: Over 1,800 of the Best Self-Help Remedies from the World of Alternative Medicine

Bill Gottlieb
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But even with organizations such as the National Cancer Institute in Rockville, Maryland, and the American Cancer Society urging us to eat more fruits and vegetables, many people still aren't getting the message. One study found that fewer than 10 percent of Americans eat the recommended two fruits and three vegetables a day. A few glasses of fresh juice each day is a great way to increase the nutrient density of our diets, says Cherie Calbom, M.S., a certified nutritionist in Kirkland, Washington, and co-author ofJuicing for Life.
Eating for Immunity Another bonus offered by fruits and vegetables: They're among the best sources of nutrients needed for a strong immune system, your body's defense against disease. It's your immune system that helps prevent and fight colds and other viruses, infections and even diseases such as cancer. "When a patient of mine comes in with pneumonia, I may give him antibiotics," says Dr. Klaper. "But then I say 'Why did he get pneumonia? What is he is doing to his immune system?' Healthy people don't get pneumonia. Problems with immunity are often related to the way someone eats.
While you could get the nutrients you need from taking vitamin supplements, the advantage to getting them in fruits and vegetables is that you also Food Sensitivity: How to Discover the "Healthy" Foods That Can Cause Disease Orange juice, whole-wheat toast and some low-fat yogurt with a banana on top. Sounds like a healthy breakfast, right? Maybe not, according to David Edelberg, M.D., an internist and | medical director of the American Holistic Center/Chicago.
You could get as much as 500 milligrams if you eat a diet really high in fruits and vegetables, but that would be pushing it," he says. "Yet most of the studies show that vitamin C does the most good—functioning as an antihistamine, killing viruses, boosting immunity and protecting against cancer, diabetes and other diseases—in dosages that range anywhere from 500 to 10,000 milhgrams, which you could never achieve with food." Dr. Block has reviewed more than 100 studies examining the relationship between vitamin C and cancer. In virtually every study, the nutrient had a protective effect.

Nontoxic, Natural and Earthwise

Debra Lynn Dadd
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This is true for many other fruits and vegetables as well. Artificial Colors, Flavors, and Preservatives Because processing removes vital nutrients and alters food, artificial ingredients are often added to make the food more palatable, to help in the manufacturing process, or to give a product longer shelf life. The average person in this country consumes five thousand different synthetic chemicals in his or her day-to-day diet for a total of six pounds of preservatives and artificial compounds each year.

The complete Book of Water Healing - Using the Earth's most essential resource to cure illness, promote health, and soothe and restore body, mind, and spirit

Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D.
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Avoid red meats, increase fruits and vegetables in the diet, and use olive oil, a monounsatu-rated fat. Some complementary physicians believe that the primary cause of most high blood pressure is a food allergy, so this should be investigated. According to cardiologist Dr. Stephen Sinatra, author of Heartbreak and Heart Disease, about 35 percent of high blood pressure patients may have a coenzyme Q10 deficiency, a substance, he says, that functions like a vitamin as it rescues body tissues that have been damaged by free radicals. Dr.

The Food Pharmacy: Dramatic New Evidence That Food Is Your Best Medicine

Jean Carper
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FACTS Lemons and limes gained fame for their ability to prevent scurvy, the former curse of seamen who went for months without fresh fruits and vegetables. A little over a tablespoon of lemon juice daily prevents scurvy because of the vitamin C content. Scurvy is a dread, potentially fatal vitamin C deficiency disease. (Muscles waste away, wounds don't heal, bruises appear, gums bleed and deteriorate.) For years English ships were required by law to carry enough lemon or lime juice for each sailor to have an ounce daily after being ten days at sea. That's why the English are nicknamed "limeys.
Breast: yogurt. fruits and vegetables high in carotenoids. Colon: green leafy vegetables, notably cabbage, broccoli, brussels sprouts. Also cauliflower. Acidophilus milk or yogurt, especially that made with acidophilus culture. Milk, preferably vitamin D-fortified skim milk. Wheat bran. Esophagus: green and yellow vegetables, apples, cherries, grapes, melons, onions, peas, beans, plums, pumpkin. Larynx: green and yellow vegetables. Lung: carrots, kale, spinach, broccoli, dark-yellow squash, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, apricot.
Most high fiber fruits and vegetables, like carrots, cabbage, and apples, are bulk laxatives with about one quarter the effect of wheat bran. Soluble fiber foods, like oats and barley, can help. Also kelp. Myth: American-type rhubarb is not a laxative. Oriental-type medicinal rhubarb is.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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Stay away from greasy meats and favor fruits and vegetables. Stop smoking. Avoid coffee and caffeine. Also, fish oil and garlic supplements are known cholesterol fighters. They are many times safer if not overused. It makes little sense to rely on a possibly very dangerous drug like Zocor when so many goods alternatives are available. No. 17 - Biaxin — This is an antibiotic used to treat minor infections of upper and lower respiratory tract. It is also used to treat ulcers and skin infections. Potential dangers — This drug is relatively safe as far as known, but can have severe side effects.
That means developing a healthy immune system with a healthy diet, regular exercise and vitamin rich diet that includes high amounts of fruits and vegetables. Garlic in known to have antibiotic properties. Taking garlic on a daily basis may keep you from serious infection, but is not guaranteed. No. 21 - Paxil — Another Prozac-like drug. Used for depression, diabetic nerve disease, headache and premature ejaculation. Potential Dangers — See chapter dedicated to Prozac in this book. Also see listing for Zoloft. Like Prozac and Zoloft, Paxil is extremely controversial.
That means developing a healthy immune system with a healthy diet, regular exercise and vitamin rich diet that includes high amounts of fruits and vegetables. Garlic in known to have antibiotic properties. Taking garlic on a daily basis may keep you from serious infection, but is not guaranteed. No. 38 — Dilantin — An antiseizure medication most often prescribed to people with epilepsy. It is the most prescribed of all the antiseizure drugs. Also sometimes prescribed for the prevention of migraine headaches. Potential Dangers — Has been linked with causing cancer.

The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Plants: Ethnopharmacology and Its Applications

Christian Ratsch
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Commercial Forms and Regulations Coconuts are available throughout the world wherever fruits and vegetables are sold. On the other hand, palm wine can be obtained only where it is made, as it is quite perishable. Arrak can be obtained throughout Southeast Asia but is only infrequently available in the West. Literature See also the entries for Areca catechu and palm wine. Fernando, T. 1970. Arrack, toddy, and Ceylonese nationalism. Ceylon Studies Seminar 9:1-33, Colombo. Guzman-Rivas, P. 1984. Coconut and other palm use in Mexico and the Philippines. Principes 28 (1): 20-30.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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Flavonoids, a group of phenolic constituents found widely in plants, including most fruits and vegetables, have been found to possess a number of antiinflammatory effects, including, especially for rutin and others from the flavonol subgroup, effects on the microvasculature21 (see also p.31). Rutin, quercetin-3-rutoside, is a flavonoid glycoside with quercetin as an aglycone and rhamnose and glucose as sugar moieties. It is very widely distributed in the plant kingdom. It is official in many pharmacopoeias and is widely sold as a health supplement, sometimes in association with vitamin C.

The complete Book of Water Healing - Using the Earth's most essential resource to cure illness, promote health, and soothe and restore body, mind, and spirit

Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D.
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Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables and high-fiber foods. Maintaining a high-fiber diet that includes whole grains, root vegetables, and beans helps to cut down on calcium excretion. Avoid caffeinated beverages, sugar, salt, and meat products, which promote bursts of calcium excretion that may be a cause of kidney stones. Avoid high-oxalate foods such as spinach, chard, tea, cocoa, and antacids that contain high amounts of calcium, and increase calcium absorption and urinary calcium concentration. Don't drink alcohol or coffee.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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For example, a study in Finland, following a cohort of 9959 cancer-free individuals (from a population of 62 440) for 24 years from 1967, found an inverse relationship between the development of lung and other cancers and the consumption of flavonoid-rich fruits and vegetables.4 In a study in The Netherlands on a randomly selected cohort of 3123 subjects (from a total study size of 120 852), researchers found an inverse relationship between onion consumption and the development of stomach cancers over 3 years.

The complete Book of Water Healing - Using the Earth's most essential resource to cure illness, promote health, and soothe and restore body, mind, and spirit

Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D.
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For uric acid stones eat high-alkaline foods including soy products, fresh fruits and vegetables, avocados, citrus fruits, honey, and corn products. Avoid meats, dairy products, coffee, sweets including soft drinks and chocolate, fast-food condiments such as ketchup, mustard, and relish, all of which are acid-forming foods. LARYNGITIS Water Therapy The double cold compress is a unique comfort to the throat and helps to heal the vocal cords from within. Drink at least 2 quarts of warm water a day to keep the larynx moist. At home keep the air moist with a humidifier.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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That means developing a healthy immune system with a healthy diet, regular exercise and vitamin rich diet that includes high amounts of fruits and vegetables. Garlic in known to have antibiotic properties. Taking garlic on a daily basis may keep you from serious infection, but is not guaranteed. No. 33 - Hytrin — This is a drug used to treat high blood pressure. It is in a class of drugs called Alpha Blockers. Potential Dangers — Can cause dizziness and fainting. The first dose is especially likely to cause this effect. Many people are allergic to alpha blockers.

Prescription for Herbal Healing: An Easy-to-Use A-Z Reference to Hundreds of Common Disorders and Their Herbal Remedies

Phyllis A. Balch, CNC
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Take at least 200 milligrams daily, or eat fresh fruits and vegetables every day. Ll Avoid factors that deplete the body's store of GSH. Ultraviolet radiation (usually from sunlight), or the use of alcoholic beverages or acetaminophen (Tylenol) can lower GSH levels. Ll Take 150 milligrams of lipoic acid three times a day. This free-radical fighter slows the destructive action of T-suppressor cells, and is toxic to HIV. Ll Drink eight glasses of quality water daily. An adequate water supply can prevent kidney problems. This is especially important if you are taking indinavir (Crixivan).

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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Coenzyme q10

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fresh fruits
Heart disease
Blood pressure
Whole grains
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Free radicals