Bradley J. Willcox, M.D., D. Craig Willcox, Ph.D., Makoto Suzuki, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Five daily servings of fruits and vegetables plus several servings of whole grains and beans will provide not only essential fiber but also the nutrients and phytochemicals critical to lowering cancer risk.
Don't be intimidated by the numbers. It's not as hard to get your 20 to 35 grams of fiber as it may seem. |
Mark Hyman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
And 91 percent are not eating the government's recommendation of five servings of fruits and vegetables a day. Yet we recommend eight to ten servings, not five!
The main areas of malnutrition among Americans include:
• Essential fatty acids
• Essential minerals:
• Magnesium
• Zinc
• Calcium
• Selenium
• Folic acid and the B-complex vitamins, which help to reduce homocysteine
• Antioxidants
To complicate matters even further, it isn't always enough to simply eat the right kinds of food and take the right vitamins. |
One of the main reasons the government (and your mother) tells you to eat more fruits and vegetables is because they contain a whole range of antioxidants, such as vitamins C and E, and beta-carotene, as well as flavonoids and other powerful chemicals.
We also recommend vitamins to support the liver, such as the B vitamins; minerals including magnesium, choline, and lecithin; and certain foods, including garlic, onions, broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts, kale, and cauliflower.
This brings up what we call the NCR concept. |
David Brownstein See book keywords and concepts |
Pesticides on fruits and vegetables (also found in many juices) are extremely toxic to the liver and the fat cells of the body. Organic fruits and vegetables should not contain any pesticide residue.
Hormones contained in most conventional meat products have disastrous effects on the body. Not only are they an added substance the liver has to detoxify, but I also believe that many of these hormones add to the incidence of cancer, particularly breast and prostate cancer. These hormones also wreak havoc with our own hormonal systems. |
Mark Hyman, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
The Mediterranean diet included fat from foods such as fish, olive, and canola oils; it also included a high number of fruits and vegetables, beans, nuts, seeds, and eggs, as well as some wine. And, it was significantly higher in fiber than the AHA diet, as well as in two important fatty acids: alpha-linolenic acid (a polyunsaturated omega-3 oil found in flaxseed, and canola and soybean oil) and oleic acid (from olive oil).
The results? |
How to choose your food
• Search out local markets for organic produce—whenever possible use certified organic fruits and vegetables. According to the FDA and the EPA, the twelve most contaminated foods are strawberries, peppers (red and green), spinach, cherries, peaches, cantaloupe (Mexican), celery, apples, apricots, green beans, grapes (Chilean), and cucumbers.
• Use eggs that are organic or are produced without antibiotics and hormones.
• Whenever possible, buy organic dairy products.
• Find local sources of free-range, organic meat, poultry, and other animal products. |
Patrick Holford See book keywords and concepts |
When not possible, wash or peel fruits and vegetables.
• Never deep-fry foods, and switch to steam-frying instead of sauteing.
Don't use cling wrap unless it states "non-PVC."
Rearrange your daily schedule to minimize time spent in traffic.
Drink alcohol very infrequently, and avoid smoky places.
Avoid medical drugs unless they are the only viable option for treating a health problem. If you get frequent infections or aches, investigate the underlying cause rather than relying on painkillers or antibiotics. |
Kenny Ausubel See book keywords and concepts |
A Finnish study found an inverse relationship between lung cancer incidence and the consumption of dietary flavonoids found in fruits and vegetables.8 A study in the Netherlands has shown that allium vegetables such as onions, garlic, and leeks reduce the risk of stomach and colon cancer.9 A diet rich in antioxidants from fruits and vegetables has been found to be a factor in protecting against nonmelanoma skin cancer.10
A 1988 study by Dr. |
Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen See book keywords and concepts |
People in Austria and Denmark born in October-December live longer than those born in the spring, presumably because such babies undergo key in utero development in months when their mothers had access to a healthier diet, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables, and may also have been more active.
These scientists then did two clever things. First, they looked at longevity data in Australia, where the seasons are the reverse of those in the Northern Hemisphere. The data were shifted by a half-year; those people born April-June lived longest. |
Kevin Trudeau See book keywords and concepts |
Acid Reflux/Heartburn/Gas/ Bloating
Candida, parasites, nonprescription and prescription drugs, eating food that has been over processed with no living enzymes, mental and emotional stress
Raw organic apple cider vinegar with mother, drink 2-4 tablespoons before each meal; digestive enzymes, specifically with beta-tine hydrochloric acid; probiotics, specifically acidophilus bifidus; Candida cleanse; parasite cleanse; colon cleanse; eat more organic raw fruits and vegetables; Dr. |
Eating organic meat is probably even more important than eating organic fruits and vegetables. There has been a second reported case of Mad Cow Disease in Canada. This is significant because I can assure you that if there have been two reported cases of Mad Cow Disease, that means that there are thousands and thousands of cows that have Mad Cow Disease that have not been reported. I believe that cows in America have Mad Cow Disease and are not being reported. The information is being suppressed and hidden from you. |
I believe that if you add or increase the amount of raw fruits and vegetables in your diet, you'll be better off.
Here's the other big problem. You can't look at food labels, you have to read the ingredients. Because if the label says all-natural, it's usually a big lie. Why? The food industry has lobbied the politicians to allow certain totally man-made ingredients to be classified as all-natural. Keep in mind that there are over 15,000 ingredients that don't even have to be put on the label. |
It is also put in the water that is used in the irrigation of fruits and vegetables. The chlorine is a major problem. Again, I'm pointing this out to you just so you can see how all encompassing the problem is. So consider this: our water supply is loaded with toxins. |
The absolute best way to correct this problem is to buy a good juice machine and make fresh juice using organic fruits and vegetables. Drinking three to four glasses of fresh juice gives your body a huge amount of living enzymes, as well as vitamins and minerals in the natural state and in the proportion that nature intended.
3. Eat raw organic nuts and seeds.
Raw means uncooked. Stay away from roasted and salted nuts and seeds. Ideally, buy them in the shell, they retain more nutrients. There is tremendous life force in nuts and seeds. They are great to snack on throughout the day.
4. |
Patrick Holford See book keywords and concepts |
These and other fresh fruits and vegetables are the kinds of foods you need to eat every day to keep young and energetic. (See the chart below for the ORAC ratings for several foods. You can find a more comprehensive listing of ORAC ratings in part 9)
We should all obtain 3,500 ORAC units a day, although 5,000 to 6,000 will give you even more protection against aging. You'll also be better protected against many diseases, including cancer and heart disease. |
Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen See book keywords and concepts |
Senator Tom Harkin of Iowa supported the Congressional bill subsidizing free fruits and vegetables in school cafeterias as an alternative to vending items.70
A report by the Government Accounting Office on state laws governing school commercialism found the laws variable and inadequate. As of November 2000, only nineteen states had regulations addressing commercialism in schools, some of which were designed to promote commercial activity. None of the policies were directed at more recent media-based commercialism (e.g., Channel One). |
Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts |
The main group of interest is the carotenoids, over 600 of which are found in nature—providing red, orange and yellow pigments to fruits and vegetables. Some—in particular a and (3 carotene—act as provitamins, converted to vitamin A by the human digestive system.
Carotenoids are chemically characterised by long hydrocarbon chains with conjugated double bonds. They are synthesised from phytoene, a C40 intermediate formed by condensation of two molecules of geranylgeranyl pyrophosphate (Harborne and Baxter 1993). |
Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen See book keywords and concepts |
Compared to schools with only the NSLP, children in schools with these additional eating opportunities eat fewer fruits and vegetables.41
The U.S. Department of Agriculture created a program called "Healthy School Nutrition Environments" in conjunction with several health organizations. Claiming that nutrition should be a priority in every school, the group pointed out that students "are flunking healthy eating." ţOnly 2 percent of youth meet all the recommendations of the food guide pyramid; 16 percent do not meet any. |
Kevin Trudeau See book keywords and concepts |
The fiber in the fruits and vegetables is still needed for other bodily functions such as the elimination through the colon, so you still need to eat the whole fruit and vegetable. But you can get the nutritional value through the juice. It is much better than taking vitamin and mineral tablets if you're going to juice.
So to summarize: If it's made by man, don't put it in your body.
How toxins get in your body through your skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body. Anything put on the skin is absorbed and gets into the body. Even science admits this to be true. |
Jeremy P. Tarcher See book keywords and concepts |
There's an open-air produce market around the corner from where I live now in Paris, and when I go there in the mornings, I talk with the vendors about how I'm using the fruits and vegetables. You should have seen their eyes pop when I told them I had just made watermelon soup for dinner!
Especially for those of you with skeptical, die-hard meat-eating friends, or for those of you who are die-hard meat-eaters, I have one more story to tell. The other night I invited several French friends over to try some dishes. |
Among his jobs are creating a national registry of local fruits and vegetables in France and advising similar projects in Hungary and other European countries. Anthony had told us that productivist agriculture is not only quickening the loss of small producers, it's destroying food diversity and wiping out distinctions among cultures around the world whose traditions and memories are grounded in the food they eat and share. |
Marion Nestle See book keywords and concepts |
Among the six agencies with the broadest mandates, all conduct inspections and collect and analyze samples, and at least three—though not necessarily the same ones—have something to do with regulating dairy products, for example, as well as eggs and egg products, fruits and vegetables, grains, and meat and poultry. Until recently, the system had no mission statement (for whatever such statements are worth), and it still does not have consistent rules, clear lines of authority, a rational allocation of resources, or standards against which to measure success. |
Jeremy P. Tarcher See book keywords and concepts |
But as I began to eat whole grains and beans, nuts and seeds, and unprocessed fruits and vegetables, my preoccupation and cravings stopped. My weight adjusted to exactly what felt comfortable for my frame and has stayed there ever since.
Thirty years later, scientists now have an explanation for my experience. Nutritionists can measure the rates at which we metabolize food. Processed food—refined sugars and other refined carbohydrates—are quickly metabolized; we therefore get hungry sooner and want more. |
Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen See book keywords and concepts |
One study of more than 16,000 children found that the more days a week children ate dinner at home with the family, the more likely they were to have healthful eating patterns (more fruits and vegetables, less fried food and soft drinks, less fat, a lower glycemic [sugar] load, and more fiber).57
More than 40 percent of adults eat at a restaurant on a typical day.
It is not surprising that calorie intake increases in children who eat out. |
Bruce Fife and Jon J. Kabara See book keywords and concepts |
We can get antioxidants in fresh fruits and vegetables, but most people don't eat enough of these to provide significant protection. Antioxidant supplements can help. Another way to fight free radicals is with coconut oil. Unlike other vegetable oils, coconut oil is chemically very stable and is not oxidized easily. In fact it is so resistant to free radical attack that it acts as an antioxidant helping to prevent the oxidation of other oils. Coconut oil then can help protect the heart and arteries from free-radical induced injury and, therefore, helps reduce the risk of heart disease. |
Patrick Holford See book keywords and concepts |
In fact, the amount of fruits and vegetables consumed by the average person in a year has the equivalent of up to one gallon of pesticides sprayed on it.
The first family of pesticides was organochlorines. These proved so toxic and nonbiodegradable that most have been banned in the U.S. and Europe (though not in many food-exporting developing countries). They were replaced by organophosphates, and in the United Kingdom alone more than ten tons of pesticides are now applied to crops every year. |
Dharma Singh Khalsa, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Another 25 percent of total caloric intake should be made up of fruits and vegetables. Beans, especially, are exceptionally nutritious and high iiti protein, and can be prepared in a multitude of pleasing dishes. Because they're a high-protein, hearty food, they're a good substitute for meat.
Whenever possible, the fruits and vegetables should be fresh. It's also wise to find produce that was organically grown. Herbicides and pesticides can have a gravely deleterious effect upon cerebral function. |
Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
For example, eating fruits and vegetables prevents scurvy. Modern scientists discovered that scurvy is caused by a vitamin C deficiency, which eating fruits and vegetables can prevent. Advocates of high-dose vitamin regimens take the fact that vitamin deficiencies cause disease, and extrapolate to the conclusion that megadoses of vitamins prevent or cure disease.
Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, Ph.D., for example, famous for his work as a chemist and worker for world peace, in his later career advocated massive doses of vitamin C to prevent cancer. |
Arthur Agatston, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
My advice is to boost your body's supply of antioxidants by exercising and eating fruits and vegetables, which are rich in nutrients. I hedge my bet by suggesting a single daily multivitamin.
In contrast to the antioxidants, the news about taking fish oil supplements, in capsule form is very exciting. Just as we advise people to eat plenty offish high in beneficial omega-3 oils, such as salmon and tuna, we suggest these capsules. They lower triglycerides and make the blood cells less sticky. |
David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts |
Grains and cereals contain a preponderance of insoluble, poorly fermentable fibers; their ingestion shortens intestinal transit time and increases stool bulk. fruits and vegetables contain more water-soluble fibers that result in a moist stool, but have less effect on transit time. Usually, 20 to 60 g of dietary fiber is a sufficient daily intake.
Psyllium, lignin, and pectin bind bile acids, which reduces the rate of their reabsorption by the intestine and promotes excretion. |