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Fruits and vegetables

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Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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Indeed it had five times the ORAC of most other fruits and vegetables. The primary active component in blueberries is a phenolic compound and powerful antioxidant called anthocyanin. This substance gives blueberries their rich blue color. (Deep shades of blue, purple, and red come from anthocyanin—great sources also include plums, deep purple grapes, and other berries.) Blueberries contain several other phenolic compounds, including flavonols and phenolic acids.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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Dietary Intake Colitis patients should avoid raw fruits and vegetables to reduce physical injury to the inflamed lining of the large intestine. Avoiding foods that provoke reactions in the gut have been shown to help improve symptoms (Candy et al. 1995). Elimination diets may be tried to determine if certain foods are adding to or causing a problem. Common foods that cause allergic reactions are wheat, corn, dairy products, and processed foods containing stabilizers and suspending agents. The chief purpose of the gut is to digest and absorb nutrients in order to maintain life.

Bottom Line's Prescription Alternatives

Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA
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Good foods for vitamin C: most fresh fruits and vegetables, such as apricots, asparagus, cantaloupe, cauliflower, citrus fruits, guava, mango, strawberries, broccoli, mustard greens, and tomato juice. Vitamin E: The Heart and Blood Vessel Helper The Shute brothers, both M.D.s, recommended vitamin E in the 1940s as a prevention against heart disease and were nearly thrown into jail for their trouble. Today, wonder of wonders, we are scientifically proving that vitamin E prevents heart disease.
One of the best ways to do this is to eliminate processed and packaged foods from your diet and concentrate on whole foods such as whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables. When you do buy processed foods, read labels carefully. Many low-fat or sugar-free foods add lots of salt or MSG to improve taste. What Nutrients Do They Deplete or Throw Out of Balance? Minerals, especially sodium, potassium, calcium, and magnesium. Zinc is another important mineral that can be lost. Zinc is crucial to proper immune system functioning, wound healing, and thyroid function.
Although many fruits and vegetables have some magnesium in them, especially good sources of magnesium are whole grains, wheat bran, leafy green vegetables, nuts (almonds are a very rich source of magnesium and calcium), beans, bananas, and apricots. Trace minerals are also important in helping your body absorb calcium. Eating plenty of leafy green vegetables gives you calcium along with these helpful trace minerals. Boron and manganese are especially important. Foods that contain boron include apples, legumes, almonds, pears, and leafy green vegetables.

The ABC Clinical Guide to Herbs

Mark Blumenthal
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Tea beverage has greater in vitro antioxidant capacity than most fruits and vegetables per serving and is more potent than vitamins C and E and the carotenoids. Tea and its flavonoids protect LDL cholesterol from oxidation following co-incubation in vitro (Najemnik ^/., 1999). Central nervous system stimulant • Tea contains water-soluble xanthine alkaloids such as caffeine, which stimulate the central nervous system and adrenal glands, increasing synthesis and release of specific neurotransmitters and hormones.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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This balance is achieved by the regular intake of water, potassium-rich fruits and vegetables that also contain the vitamins needed by the body, and salt. Unrefined sea salt, which contains some of the other minerals that the body needs, is preferable. Sea salt may not contain enough iodine to keep the thyroid gland working normally, and it may enlarge into a goiter. Regular intake of a multivitamin that contains iodine is essential. Another source of iodine is dried kelp capsules, which are available from vitamin shops.

The New Detox Diet: The Complete Guide for Lifelong Vitality With Recipes, Menus, and Detox Plans

Elson M. Haas, M.D.
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Consuming fresh, diluted juices from various fruits and vegetables can be a safe and helpful approach for many conditions. Furthermore, specific juice regimens may be used beneficially by people for whom water fasts are contraindicated. Juices help to eliminate wastes and dead cells while building new tissue with the easily accessible nutrients. See more in Chapter 3. The key to proper treatment is to individualize your program. Take into consideration your general health, physiological balance, energy level, and current lifestyle in order to set up the right program for you.
These include most high-water-content fruits and vegetables, as well as some grains and almonds. Over time, the consumption of an animal product-based diet creates an acidic state of the tissues, with chronic toxicity shown through congestions, irritation, inflammation, and degeneration. The results of this process are the many painful and terminal diseases people experience as they age.
Fiber, especially the soluble type, such as pectins and gels from fruits and vegetables, protects and promotes proper movement of feces through the GI tract without irritation. Insoluble fiber may also help lessen gut toxicity. 16. FOS (fructooligosaccharides) fuels colon bacteria and protects colon cells from pathogenic infections. Some yeast and bacterial strains use FOS as a food source; therefore, it is important to remove or reduce these microbial populations before adding FOS. 17.
An abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables are appropriate for summer; and whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and soups best simplify our diet in winter. The sample yearly program provided here is designed for a basically healthy person who eats well. It is not appropriate for people with heart problems, extreme fatigue, underweight conditions, or poor circulation (those who experience coldness). More complete, in-depth fasting programs may release even greater amounts of toxins (see Chapter 3: Fasting and Juice Cleansing).

The New Whole Foods Encyclopedia: A Comprehensive Resource for Healthy Eating

Rebecca Wood
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HUFFING AND PUFFING IN YOUR VEGETABLE CRISPER " Growing plants take in carbon dioxide and give up oxygen, but once picked, fruits and vegetables do the opposite. The technical term is respiration, according to Dr. Robert Shewfelt, one of the world's authorities on postharvest care of fruits and vegetables. While a potato gives off a mere 8 milliliters of carbon dioxide per kilogram per hour, green beans top the vegetable respiration rate by giving off 250 milliliters. The faster the respiration rate, the faster a vegetable expires.

The Miracle of Fasting: Proven Throughout History for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Rejuvenation

Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg
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When you put sunshine on the outside of your body and 60% to 70% raw fruits and vegetables in your daily diet, you are going to glow with radiant health! But these are powerful and must be taken in small doses at the start, because your sun-starved body has to slowly get used to these cleansing, solar-powered foods. The law, "Whatsoever a man sows that he shall also reap," is inscribed in flaming letters upon the portal of Eternity, and none can deny it, none can cheat it, none can escape it.
EAT THE SKINS of potatoes and other fruits and vegetables. • LOOK FOR CRACKERS with at least 2 grams of fiber per ounce. • SERVE HUMMUS, made from chickpeas, instead of sour-cream dips. • USE WHOLE WHEAT FLOUR for baking breads, muffins, pastries, pancakes, waffles and for variety try other whole grain flours. • DON'T UNDERESTIMATE CORN, including popcorn, com tortillas. • ADD OAT BRAN, WHEAT BRAN AND WHEATGERM to baked goods, cookies, etc.; whole grain cereals, casseroles, loafs, etc. • SNACK ON SUN-DRIED FRUIT, such as apricots, dates, prunes, raisins, etc.

The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program

Andrew L. Stoll
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Increase fruits and vegetables and 0mega-3s The Paleolithic diet is very similar to both the modern Mediterranean diet and the plant-based diet. However, the Mediterranean diet has slightly more breads and greater reliance on grains. Another dietary guide, the "food pyramid," has been criticized for recommending too few servings of fruits and vegetables and too many servings of simple and complex carbohydrates. The Omega-3 Renewal Plan uses elements from these, and other nutritional systems, as well as incorporating new research data on nutrition and essential fatty acids.
For this reason, one should aim for seven servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Leafy and cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli are excellent sources of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Dark-green leafy vegetables such as kale, spinach, parsley, and cruciferous vegetables contain coenzyme Q10 and glutathione, both components of cell-protecting antioxidant systems. Richly pigmented fruits and vegetables such as blueberries, cantaloupe, watermelon, and red peppers also provide antioxidant phytochemicals.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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Vitamin and mineral supplements are thus recommended for insurance in case your daily diet is not high quality and contains insufficient fruits and vegetables. The toxic mineral elements are mercury, lead, aluminum, arsenic, cadmium, and, in large quantities, iron. These minerals should be avoided—they are absorbed better by the body if the stomach is less acidic than normal. As we grow older, some of us manufacture less and less acid in our stomachs. The condition is called achlorhydria. People with achlorhydria can become deficient of vital minerals in their bodies.
Green vegetables also contain a great deal of beta-carotenes and even some DHA fatty acid needed by the brain. fruits and vegetables are important for maintaining the pH balance of the body. Chlorophyll contains a very high quantity of magnesium. Magnesium is to chlorophyll what iron is to hemoglobin in the blood—an oxygen carrier. To asthmatics, people with osteoporosis, and also cancers, sunlight is medicine. Light from the sun acts on the cholesterol deposits on the skin and converts them to vitamin D.

Disease Prevention and Treatment

The Life Extension Editorial Staff
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On the other hand, a diet rich in fruits and vegetables may decrease the risk of heart disease (7-9%) by reducing blood levels of homocysteine. Fresh and unaltered foods have a more reliable nutrient bank and are capable of delivering more homocysteine-lowering vitamins and minerals. It should be noted that niacin may increase plasma homocysteine levels (from 1-4 micromol/L) in some people (Desouza et al. 2002; Berkeley Heart Lab, http://www.berkeleyheartlab.com/HCP/ hcp_frequentlyaskedquestions_4.shtml).

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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The backbone of The Water Cure program is, simply, sufficient water and salt intake; regular exercise; a balanced, mineral-rich diet that includes lots of fruits and vegetables and the essential fats needed to create cell membranes, hormones, and nerve insulation; exclusion of caffeine and alcohol; and meditation to solve and detoxify stressful thoughts. Exclusion of artificial sweeteners from the diet is an absolute must for better health. It should also be remembered that the sort of dehydration that manifests itself as asthma leaves other scars within the interior parts of the human body.

Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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While they admit that methanol is also found in some fruits and vegetables, they add that it is never found in natural foods without ethanol and pectin. Ethanol and pectin are said to act as antidotes to methanol, preventing it from being metabolized into formaldehyde and formic acid, both deadly toxins. They remind consumers that aspartame contains no ethanol or pectin; therefore, the methanol is converted to these deadly toxins.

The Vitamin Revolution in Health Care

Michael Janson, M.D.
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You can overcome some of these problems if you grow your own food or buy organically grown fruits and vegetables (which are generally fresher because they cannot be stored as long). Commercial fruits and vegetables are frequently sprayed with toxic chemicals. Many of these substances are harmful, and they accumulate in body fat, with deleterious health effects over the years. A good example is DDT, which is still present in human fat tissue although its use was banned years ago.

The South Beach Diet: The Delicious, Doctor-Designed, Foolproof Plan for Fast and Healthy Weight Loss

Arthur Agatston, M.D.
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After that, I began to incorporate more fruits and vegetables into my diet, and some mayonnaise in my tuna, things like that. But I stayed away from having even a little bit of cereal or oatmeal. No starches. Now and then, as a treat, I might have allowed myself a little piece of a roll or something. But I stop myself. If I go out, I only go to restaurants where I know I can eat the food. I'm not going to kill myself and sit in an Italian restaurant. I know better. I'll go to a Chinese restaurant if I know they don't use MSG.
If you knew nothing about nutrition and were asked to guess which fruits and vegetables contain the most sugar, you'd probably fare pretty well. The sweeter the taste, the more sugar is present. Watermelon is bad. Tomatoes are better. Broccoli juice would be best, if anybody actually wanted to indulge in a glass every day with breakfast. So be glad that the South Beach Diet doesn't require a big glass of broccoli juice every day. j^jy KATIE A-: 1 NEVER FEEL LIKE I'M MISSING A THING. ciattttttt I've watched my weight since I was about 7 years old.

Beat Diabetes Naturally: The Best Foods, Herbs, Supplements, and Lifestyle Strategies to Optimize Your Diabetes Care

Michael T. Murray
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To reach your daily quota of vegetables (3 to 4 servings) and fruit (2 to 3 servings) you first need to know what constitutes a serving. A serving equals Table 5.3.

The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods

by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D.
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It is often difficult to separate the effects of animal protein from the effects of animal fats because they are so highly correlated. That is, when animal protein intake is high, animal fat intake is typically also high. This makes it difficult for researchers to determine what the effects of a high-protein diet are based on population studies, as the source of protein cannot be identified. Despite this obstacle, there is much evidence that reliance on animal proteins to meet protein requirements is linked to the development of several chronic degenerative diseases.

The China Study: The Most Comprehensive Study of Nutrition Ever Conducted and the Startling Implications for Diet, Weight Loss and Long-term Health

T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II
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This statement sounds a bit ominous. Colon cancer, historically one of the first cancers said to be prevented by a plant-based diet,43-45 now is being said to be unrelated to diet? And low-fat diets don't prevent breast cancer? With results like these, it's only a matter of time before the hypothesis of a dietary connection to cancer starts falling apart. In fact, I have already heard people within the scientific community beginning to say that diet may have no effect on cancer.

Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous To Your Health

James Braly M.D. and Ron Hoggan M.A.
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We also recommend five to nine servings of a wide variety of non-allergenic fruits and vegetables each day. The more vegetables and fruits one eats each day, the less likely he will develop food allergies and intolerances. Such healthy eating habits will reduce inflammatory disease and result in fewer heart attacks, strokes, and cancers, and overall better health. A healthy diet of fruits and vegetables should include one bountiful, mixed salad daily with extra-virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, or an essential fatty acid oil blend.

Hope's Edge: The Next Diet for a Small Planet

Jeremy P. Tarcher
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For this advantage, the seller has to sell the fruits and vegetables at a price the city sets. Today's thirty-five cents was half the market price. "For sellers with the best spots, there's another obligation attached to being able to use the city land. Every weekend they have to drive produce-laden trucks to the poor neighborhoods outside of the city center, so everyone can get good produce." "So how do the sellers make money if they have to sell at lower prices?" Anna asks. Adriana cites three ways: First, the city charges almost nothing for the spot.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Garlic
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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Histamine
...and Methionine
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...and Drugs:

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...and Steroids
...and Prozac

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Msg
...and Aspartame
...and Fructose
...and Lactose

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Cleanse
...and Meditation
...and Massage
...and Yoga
...and Relaxation
...and Chinese medicine
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...and Properties:

...and Oxidation
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...and Animals:

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...and When:

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...and July
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...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Lactobacillus
...and Coenzyme q10

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fresh fruits
Heart disease
Blood pressure
Whole grains
Vitamin A
Vitamin E
Free radicals