Win Wenger, Ph.D. and Richard Poe See book keywords and concepts |
Stick to whole grains and well-washed raw fruits and vegetables as much as possible. The best time to visit an allergist is before you become pregnant, so you'll know exactly which substances to avoid.
Obviously, these guidelines are all subject to your doctor's advice. For medical reasons, you may have to eat certain foods, stick to a certain weight, or take certain drugs that would not necessarily be optimum for your baby's brain growth. The best insurance is prevention. Being in the best possible health before you get pregnant will minimize the need to put your baby's future IQ at risk. |
Gabriel Cousens See book keywords and concepts |
Hg (systolic BP/diastolic BP) in people with normal blood pressure and by an average of 7.2/2.8 mm Hg in people with hypertension.
There is some danger with potassium excess, especially with diabetes and kidney disease. If someone is receiving a high potassium supplementation, kidney function should be periodically evaluated. Potassium is also alkalinizing.
Good food sources of potassium are prunes, tomatoes, artichoke, spinach, sunflower seeds, and almonds. |
Culture of Life anti-diabetogenic foods) only 1.5 percentage points.17
1990 1995
No Data ? <4% H 4%-6%H 6%-8%B 8%-10%B >10%H
Source: MoktUd ct al.. DwIhHi Cm 2000:23:1278-83;/ .Am NUAmt 2001286:10.
Figure 5: Diabetes trends among adults in the U.S., 1990,1995, 2001 DIABETES AS A CAUSE OF DEATH
According to the CDC, diabetes was the sixth leading cause of death listed on U.S. death certificates in 2002 (other reports suggest it is fifth?regardless, we need to pay attention). This ranking is based on the 73,249 death certificates in which diabetes was listed as the underlying cause of death. |
Hg (systolic BP/diastolic BP) in people with normal blood pressure and by an average of 7.2/2.8 mm Hg in people with hypertension.
There is some danger with potassium excess, especially with diabetes and kidney disease. If someone is receiving a high potassium supplementation, kidney function should be periodically evaluated. Potassium is also alkalinizing.
Good food sources of potassium are prunes, tomatoes, artichoke, spinach, sunflower seeds, and almonds. |
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II See book keywords and concepts |
In essence, the recommendation to shift our eating habits to more fruits and vegetables and whole grains was a fraud. This was the committee's attempt to demonstrate their ability to be the supreme arbiter of reliable scientific information!
Having looked forward to my membership on this new committee, I was shocked to see what was emerging. |
James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Foods that are high in potassium are beneficial as well: fruits and vegetables, especially apples, bananas, carrots, oranges, potatoes, tomatoes, cantaloupes, peaches, plums, strawberries, meat, and fish.
Electrolyte drinks can help you quickly restore lost minerals. We recommend these drinks only on a short-term basis, though. Many contain artificial colorings and large amounts of sugar, although more healthful alternatives are available.
Drinking water on hot days or after physical activity is important. |
by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Pectins are found in all plant cell walls as well as in the outer skin and rind of fruits and vegetables. For example, the rind of an orange contains 30 percent pectin, an apple peel 15 percent, and onion skins 12 percent. The gel-forming properties of pectin are well known to anyone who has made jelly or jam. These same gel-forming qualities are responsible for the cholesterol-lowering effects of pectin. |
James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Avoid salads and raw foods, including fruits and vegetables, except those that have a thick outer slittle at a time. |
by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
K ' I
Peaches and nectarines are good sources of carotenes and flavonoids, such as lycopene and lutein, which give red, orange, and yellow colors to fruits and vegetables. These phytochemicals are particularly beneficial in preventing macular degeneration, heart disease, and cancer.
Fresh peaches and nectarines are usually best when in season, June through August. In the winter, peaches and nectarines are imported from South America. Ripe peaches or nectarines yield to gentle pressure on the skin. |
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II See book keywords and concepts |
Antioxidants, found in fruits and vegetables, are linked to better mental performance in old age.
• Kidney stones can be prevented by a healthy diet.
• Type 1 diabetes, one of the most devastating diseases that can befall a child, is convincingly linked to infant feeding practices.
These findings demonstrate that a good diet is the most powerful weapon we have against disease and sickness. |
Bill Sardi See book keywords and concepts |
ORAC units).
Bottom line: eat high ORAC antioxidant-rich fruits (apple peel, grapes, pomegranates, cherries, blueberries). Juicing may be advantageous but poses challenges in having to consume high volumes of food and to maintain fresh stocks in the kitchen. Greens formulas (drinks, powders) may or may not be advantageous and should be labeled for their ORAC values to help consumers evaluate their antioxidant power. |
by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Specifically, our teeth are composed of twenty molars, which are perfect for crushing and grinding plant foods, along with eight front incisors, which are well suited for biting into fruits and vegetables. Only our front four canine teeth are designed for meat eating, and our jaws swing both vertically to tear and laterally to crush, while carnivores' jaws swing only vertically. Additional evidence that supports the human body's preference for plant foods is the long length of the human intestinal tract. |
James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Green Green drinks are also good for redicin you will find relief from the pain of CTS whole grains, fresh fruits and vegetables, and ). This eating plan will help you lose weight rpal tunnel. tyro waking hours to combat fluid retention, a cause of CTS, so consume plenty of beans, }eafy vegetables are good sources of B6 as well, g inflammation.
Super Seven Prescriptions—Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
Super Prescription #1 Vitamin Bft
Take 100 mg three times daily. |
People who consume small amounts of fruits and vegetables and those with low blood levels of antioxidants have been reported to be at high risk for cataracts. all or
Food to Avoid
Banish from your diet urated hydrogenated and processed foods, tion. All of these foods your body's cells—and Alcohol puts a heavy detoxify your blood so Some eye doctors ha ity to digest milk sugars properly. Whil^ and eye disorders, it seems prudent for from their diet.
As we age, our organs of detoxification body's ability to purge itself of free rad a month. |
Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts |
Buy organic: Organically-produced fruits and vegetables consistently have a higher vitamin and mineral content than conventionally-produced. Buying organic not only saves you from the toxicity of pesticides and heavy metals, it boosts the nutritional density of the produce.
«•* Eatsea vegetables: Consuming spirulina or sea vegetables (like kelp, bladderwrack, kombu, dulse, wakame, nori, etc.) delivers ocean-rich minerals to your body in a bioavailable form. |
James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Fresh fruits and vegetables are among the best sources of antioxidants, so have a couple of servings at every meal. For vitamin E, add wheat germ to salads, cereals, or juices. Nuts and seeds are other good sources of this vital nutrient.
The consumption of fish is very important. Salmon, halibut, cod sole, and others are healthful sources of DHA, an essential fatty acid involved in brain function and GPA, which reduces inflammation.
A deficiency of the B-complex vitamins can both cause the disease and imitate its symptoms. |
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II See book keywords and concepts |
Is it fruits and vegetables? Is it carbohydrates? Is it milk? Each of these foods or nutrients has been suggested to play a role. The debate has raged, and solid answers are seldom agreed upon.
Most of the debate over the past twenty-five years on dietary fiber and its link to large bowel cancer began with Burkitt's work in Africa. Because of Burkitt's prominence, many people have believed that fiber is the source of colorectal health. Perhaps you have already heard that fiber is good for preventing colon cancer. |
Jay Joseph See book keywords and concepts |
Looking specifically at food choices, one study found that identical twins "show the greatest similarity in food tastes" when compared to same-sex and opposite-sex fraternal twins, and another that identicals had more similar preferences for fruits and vegetables (but not for staple items).3 More recently, the authors of a large study of 455 pairs (232 identical, 223 fraternal) looked at differences in twin dietary intake and found that "intraclass correlations are consistently and significantly higher for identical twins for every nutrient. |
T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II See book keywords and concepts |
We now know that eating a low-fat, low-protein diet high in complex carbohydrates from fruits and vegetables will help you lose weight. But what if you want to become bigger? A desire to be as big as possible is pervasive in most cultures. During the colonial period in Asia and Africa, Europeans even considered smaller people to be less civilized. Body size seems to be a mark of prowess, manliness and dominance.
Most people think they can be bigger and stronger by eating protein-rich animal-based foods. This belief stems from the idea that consuming protein (a.k.a. |
Michael Lerner See book keywords and concepts |
Liver juice was added to the therapy by Gerson in 1950 in the belief that the nutritional quality of fruits and vegetables was declining due to modern farming practices. According to the Gerson Institute, the rise of modern organic farming holds out the promise of higher-quality fruits and vegetables than were available during Gerson's lifetime.
2 Patricia Spain Ward, "History of Gerson Therapy," contract report for the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), revised June 1988. |
Peter Pringle See book keywords and concepts |
The muscular agriculture establishment was systematically destroying the alternative crops of fruits and vegetables that were a much better and more available source of vitamin A than any rice produced in a Swiss laboratory.
Shiva became especially incensed as she told people about the demise of bathua, a popular leafy vegetable rich in vitamin A and grown in North India. She charged that bathua had been pushed to extinction by herbicides used on new Western varieties of wheat. |
Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard See book keywords and concepts |
Simple carbohydrates are found in highly refined, nutrient-depleted foods like table sugar, but they are also found in highly nutritious whole foods like fruits and vegetables. Complex carbohydrates are found in heavily processed foods like white bread and pastries, but are also present in nutrient-dense foods such as wheat berries and beans. The old rudimentary view of simple versus complex carbohydrates becomes quite meaningless when considered in this context. |
On the other hand, if you skip the meat and stick to plant foods, you could eat all of the following foods and still come in under your goal of no more than 12 grams of saturated fat: ž10 servings of fruits and vegetables ?1 serving of tofu ž6 servings of whole grains ?1 ounce of nuts ž1 serving of beans ?1 ounce of seeds
"Joint World Health Organization (WH0)/Food and Agriculture Organization (FA0) of the United Nations Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (2002)
(% of total fat)
Cheeseburger, double patty, 1
18. |
Peter Pringle See book keywords and concepts |
A 1983 survey of American publicly available fruits and vegetables showed that 97 percent of the varieties being sold by commercial U.S. seed houses had disappeared since the beginning of the century. In that period, the varieties of cabbage in the U.S. Department of Agriculture's seed storage bank dropped from 544 to 28, carrots from 287 to 21, cauliflower from 158 to 9, tomatoes from 408 to 79, cucumbers from 285 to 16, and Mendel's garden peas from 408 to 25. Of the 7,089 varieties of apple in use during the same period, 6,211 had been lost, and of 2,683 pears, 2,354 no longer existed. |
John A. McDougall See book keywords and concepts |
Animal products, especially dairy protein of any kind, will disrupt good bowel habits almost immediately, with normal function not returning until three to four days after discontinuing these foods and reintroducing healthful ones. Exercise and drinking more water have been suggested for relief of constipation, but their benefits are questionable.
Priming the Pump ears of poor bowel function characterized by constipation can cause residual problems, such as bowel distention and a "lazy bowel," especially if there has also been laxative abuse. |
Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA See book keywords and concepts |
There are small amounts of GLA oils in oatmeal and trace amounts in many fruits and vegetables. You only need minuscule amounts of these oils to drive your prostaglandin pathways. The most significant source of GLA oils is found in borage oil, which is sold in capsules at your health food store. However, your GLA oils should be balanced with omega-3 oils, so before you go out and buy borage oil capsules, read on.
A specific type of omega-3 oil, eicosapen-taenoic acid (EPA), found in fish oil, will inhibit the production of bad prostaglandins without bothering the good ones. |
H.J. Roberts, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
METHANOL IN "NATURAL SOURCES" The FDA and the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American
Medical Association (1985) rationalize the safety of methanol in aspartame products with statements such as "fruits and vegetables are also sources of dietary methanol," and "dietary methanol also arises from fresh fruits and vegetables" (Federal Register Vol. 48, No. 132, July 8, 1983, p. 31380). |
Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA See book keywords and concepts |
Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Other Tips on These Drugs
They can skew the results of many blood and urine tests.
Loop Diuretics
Bumetanide (Bumex) Ethacrynic Acid (Edecrin) Furosemide (Lasix) Torsemide (Demadex)
What Do They Do in the Body?
Increase urination, reduce fluid and water retention, largely by reducing sodium chloride (salt) uptake in your cells.
What Are They Prescribed For?
High blood pressure, edema (swelling, water retention, puffiness).
What Are the Possible Side Effects/Adverse Effects? |
H.J. Roberts, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
METHANOL IN "NATURAL SOURCES" The FDA and the Council on Scientific Affairs of the American
Medical Association (1985) rationalize the safety of methanol in aspartame products with statements such as "fruits and vegetables are also sources of dietary methanol," and "dietary methanol also arises from fresh fruits and vegetables" (Federal Register Vol. 48, No. 132, July 8, 1983, p. 31380). |
Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA See book keywords and concepts |
The average American doesn't eat nearly enough antioxidant-rich fresh fruits and vegetables to counteract these environmental toxins. Our bodies are in double oxidant jeopardy, which makes taking antioxidant supplements an important part of preventing heart disease.
Antioxidants come in many forms, from teas and herbal tinctures to foods and vitamins. Their disease. Many researchers believe the increased risk is caused by the depletion effect excess alcohol has on magnesium. |