Wendy Bazilian, DRPH, MA, RD, Steven Pratt, MD, Kathy Matthews See book keywords and concepts | In general, it includes vegetables and fruits. Try to get something from Category 3 at every single meal. That could mean blueberries (or cherries, grapes, strawberries, etc.) for breakfast, a spinach salad (or romaine salad or bok choy) for lunch, and broccoli (or brussels sprouts, cauliflower, Swiss chard, etc.) for dinner. Ideally, you could choose something from every Category 3 group every day so that if you had tomatoes on your spinach salad and a sliced orange after dinner, you'd hit a SuperFoods Category 3 home run with every base covered. | Fiber is what we call the indigestible carbohydrates in food and it's found only in plant foods including fruits, vegetables, grains, and legumes. The old-fashioned view of fiber was that it was solely important for promoting "regularity." We now know that fiber plays a much more crucial role in metabolism and particularly in weight control. Many studies have shown that people who eat diets high in fiber tend to weigh less. | Another study showed that healthy-weight adults actually consume more fruits than their overweight or obese peers38, putting to rest the diet myth born of the low-carb craze that "fruit can make you fat. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Throughout this encyclopedia, the nutritive values of all natural foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds are fully explained. With the aid of the index, one can find which natural foods will provide the vitamins or minerals needed. The index is especially valuable when one wishes to ascertain just which foods contain some particular vitamin or mineral.
Value. This vitamin has a special relationship to the "lining cells" of the body, including the skin, eyes, urinary tract, bones, teeth, and the gastrointestinal tract (pertaining to the stomach and intestines). | Wendy Bazilian, DRPH, MA, RD, Steven Pratt, MD, Kathy Matthews See book keywords and concepts | The study results showed that one or two cups of tea, made from green, black, or oolong tea, provide a similar antioxidant ability as five servings of fruits and vegetables or 400 milligrams of vitamin C.13 Of course these results were in the laboratory: The author of the study urged caution in applying these results to humans because the bioavailability of the vitamin C would depend on a host of factors. But the finding is yet another compelling argument for the value of adding tea to your diet.
Orange Power
Oranges have long been one of the favorite SuperFoods. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | The ingestion of ample quantities of fruits and vegetables also supplies vitamins and fiber as well as alkaline-forming elements, and it is the combination of all these factors that makes them so beneficial.
In general: Blood is the fluid that circulates in the veins, arteries, heart and capillaries. It is the principal medium by which the tissues of the body are nourished and relieved of waste or effete matter. The blood is mainly a plasma in which corpuscles are suspended. There are red and white corpuscles. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | If we passed this law, freaked-out consumers would flock to the fresh produce section and begin buying up fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains and other non-processed foods. And that, of course, might accidentally make them healthier.
#11 Outlaw cancer-causing chemicals and fragrances in personal care products
Here's an obvious one: Let's make it illegal for personal care product manufacturers to poison their customers. This can be easily accomplished by outlawing the use of toxic liver-damaging or cancer-causing chemicals now used throughout the cosmetics and personal care industry. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | We've got superfoods, we've got vegetables, fresh vegetable juices, raw fruits and vegetables in every description imaginable and we've got organic food of every description imaginable. The answer is there.
Mike: At this time in human history, we have access to the most exotic and the most amazing foods of any civilization that we know of in the history of this planet. It's due to people like you who are getting this out there, but we are blessed right now with access to this food that kings would have killed for, you know? | Sure, not everybody should be eating massive amounts of lettuce or kale, but if you look at what's out there, all these different categories -- fruits and different vegetables, nuts and seeds, seaweed, wheat grass, superfoods, sprouts, and kimchis and sauerkrauts -- it's just unbelievable the choices we have before us.
Mike: You're making me hungry just thinking about it. What about the book? Where can people find the book?
Wolfe: Well, it's now available. RawFood.com has been our website we've had up as an online health food store for about 11 years, so we put it up there first. | Because we have the technology of refrigeration and the ability to transport great fruits and vegetables and all kinds of different superfoods and exotic foods, we don't really need to be consuming all this cooked food anymore. It's become more of an excess than something that's necessary, and it actually degrades flavor. People are really into food. But they think, “Raw food? It's just going to be carrots and celery.”
Actually, it exposes you to a massive amount of flavor sensations. It's caused a literal epidemic of raw food restaurants to open across America. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Vegetables and milk have some choline content but most other foods, including fruits, have little or no choline.
Value. This vitamin is needed for the proper functioning of the entire digestive system, especially by the adrenal gland. This member of the B-vitamin family is also known as calcium pantothenate and is generally recognized as essential for growth. Food processing has often removed this vitamin from the final food product placed on the store shelves.
Result of deficiency. | Connie Bennett, C.H.H.C. with Stephen T. Sinatra, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Better carbs also include fiber-filled fruits, which contain all kinds of nutrients and phy-tochemicals.
Sweets or Sugary Foods: All calorically sweetened desserts and snack foods such as chocolates, cookies, candies, cakes, donuts, ice cream, sweet rolls, pancakes, pies, soft drinks, fruit-juice blends, sweetened iced teas, and other sweet drinks, as well as chewing gum and breath mints.
Hidden Sugars: Sweeteners (often several kinds in one product) added to thousands of prepared products—including those where you'd never expect them. | Wendy Bazilian, DRPH, MA, RD, Steven Pratt, MD, Kathy Matthews See book keywords and concepts | So while a dieter on a high-protein diet is increasing his intake of saturated fat which has been linked to a range of health problems, he is also reducing his intake of high-quality whole foods like healthy carbohydrates and fruits and vegetables which are rich in the very nutrients that have been associated with reducing risks to the most common chronic causes of disease and death.
To step back for a moment, there's no question that evidence points to some association between high-protein foods and weight loss. | Michael Pollan See book keywords and concepts | These changes have given us the Western diet that we take for granted: lots of processed foods and meat, lots of added fat and sugar, lots of everything—except vegetables, fruits, and whole grains.
That such a diet makes people sick and fat we have known for a long time. | Brenda Watson and Leonard Smith See book keywords and concepts | Most fruits, due to their high sugar content, also provide nourishment for any fungal organism we may be harboring, and can give rise to Candida overgrowth and such attendant problems as fatigue, allergies, digestive problems, and brain fog.
For these reasons, I do not recommend anything more than a three-day juice fast during the detox program unless you are being supervised by a practitioner. If you scored higher than 25 on the self-test in Chapter 1, avoid fasting—especially if this is your first time completing a detox program. | David Steinman See book keywords and concepts | So one smart thing for men and women alike would be to modify their diets to include low-inflammation foods such as wild salmon, organic vegetables and fruits, and the elimination of fried, greasy foods.
In other words, by moderating the COX-2 and 5-LO inflammatory cascade, we can do everything possible to stop cancer cells in their tracks. | Hyla Cass See book keywords and concepts | Studies show that this number of servings of fruits and veggies is the minimum that will protect against many diseases, including cancer, stroke, and degenerative diseases.
?Try something new. Enjoy all the variety in the plant kingdom—you'll get a well-rounded daily dose of natural antioxidants. Although there are 150,000 edible plant species on earth, most people limit themselves to iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, potatoes (mainly as French fries), bananas, and oranges (mainly as juice). | Eat lots of antioxidant-rich fruits and vegetables—at least five servings a day.
?Take these supplements daily: a high-potency multivitamin formula, 1-3 grams of vitamin C, 30 mg of CoQ10, a probiotic supplement containing 1 billion live bacteria per dose, an antioxidant formula, and 1 gram of fish oil, twice daily.
You need a minimum of twenty minutes worth of exercise a day. Ideally, you'll find time to fit in about four hours worth of aerobic exercise each week—that's enough to reduce your chances of a heart attack and some cancers by 50 percent. | Most carbohydrates—bread, cereals, fruits, and vegetables—break down into this simple sugar during digestion.
This does not mean that you should eat more sugar to enhance your energy! Quite the opposite. The quick-release sugars—found in white flour, candy, cookies, and fruit juices—will lead only to the "sugar blues." Instead, eat complex carbohydrates—found in whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruit—which release their glucose slowly over time. This gives your body the glucose it needs for fuel without the blood sugar spikes that leave you feeling tired, cranky, and craving sweets. | About 9,000 people recorded the foods they ate over a twenty-four hour span—and the results of those surveys showed that only 11 percent had eaten adequate servings of fruits and vegetables. Another large government survey, this one from the Centers for. Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), found that only 23 percent of American adults meet current recommendations for exercise. (For more details on this survey, see www.cdc.gov/nchs/data/series/sr_10/srl0_232. pdf.)
Obviously, we have room for improvement in both the way we eat and our commitment to exercise. | Most carbohydrates—bread, cereals, fruits, and vegetables—break down into this simple sugar during digestion.
This does not mean that you should eat more sugar to enhance your energy! Quite the opposite. The quick-release sugars—found in white flour, candy, cookies, and fruit juices—will lead only to the "sugar blues." Instead, eat complex carbohydrates—found in whole grains, legumes, vegetables, and fruit—which release their glucose slowly over time. This gives your body the glucose it needs for fuel without the blood sugar spikes that leave you feeling tired, cranky, and craving sweets. | Eat more raw fruits and vegetables; these contain enzymes helpful for breaking down food and reducing the time it spends in the stomach.
?Eat cranberries or take cranberry extract; this has been found to reduce the invasion of H. pylori.
To Treat Heartburn Naturally:
?Drink fresh juice of potatoes or cabbage (you'll need a vegetable juicer to make this juice), or eat a little raw grated potato.
?Slowly eat a banana, chewing it well.
?Drink some club soda.
?Drink a glass of organic milk or eat a few ounces of plain yogurt.
? | Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac. See book keywords and concepts | The easy answer ties in with the previous recommendation: eat carbohydrates in the form of whole foods: whole grains, whole-grain products, vegetables, and fruits.
To understand why choosing the right carbohydrates can help keep blood sugar levels more even, let's take a step back and look at carbohydrates as a whole. There are two different types of carbohydrates. Simple carbohydrates are made up of single sugar molecules or two sugar molecules joined together. Complex carbohydrates are also made up of sugars, but the sugar molecules are strung together to form longer, more complex chains. | Michael Pollan See book keywords and concepts | Even some of the researchers associated with the Nurses' Health Study have begun doing dietary pattern analysis, in one case comparing a prudent diet modeled on Mediterranean and Asian patterns—high in fruits, vegetables, and fish and low in red meat and dairy products—with a typical Western diet featuring lots of meat (and processed meat), refined grains, sugary foods, french fries, and dairy products. (The study found "strong evidence" that the prudent dietary pattern may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease. | Herbert Ross, DC with Keri Brenner, L.Ac. See book keywords and concepts | One thing alternative and conventional medicine agree on is that Americans should consume far less animal protein, fat (especially bad fats), and processed foods, and eat more complex carbohydrates, especially whole grains rich in fiber, and at least five servings daily of fruits and vegetables. Buck Levin, Ph.D., RD, a specialist in environmental nutrition, offers a simple prescription for a healthy diet—one of natural, whole foods: "By whole foods we mean consuming a diet that is high in foods as whole as possible, with the least amount of processing, additives, and sweeteners. | Michael Pollan See book keywords and concepts | Based on epidemiological comparisons of different populations, researchers have long believed that a diet containing lots of fruits and vegetables confers some protection against cancer. So naturally they ask, What nutrient in those plant foods is responsible for that effect? One hypothesis is that the antioxidants in fresh produce—compounds like beta-carotene, lyco-pene, vitamin E, and so on—are the X factor. | Matters got even sketchier in the second section of the survey, when I was asked to specify how many times in the last three months I'd eaten a half-cup serving of broccoli, among a dizzying array of other fruits and vegetables I was asked to tally for the dietary quarter. I'm not sure Marcel Proust himself could recall his dietary intake over the last ninety days with the sort of precision demanded by the FFQ.
When you get to the meat section, the portion sizes specified haven't been seen in America since the Hoover administration. | Block thinks the problem with nutrition science, which she feels "has led us astray," is not the FFQ itself but mis- and overinterpretation of the data derived from the FFQ, a tool for which she makes realistic but strikingly modest claims: "The real purpose of the FFQ is to rank people" on their relative consumption of, say, fruits and vegetables or total calories. "If someone reports consuming five hundred calories a day, that's not true, obviously, but you can say they're probably at the low end of the spectrum. People overworry about accuracy. | Dan Buettner See book keywords and concepts | The AHS shows that consuming fruits and vegetables and whole grains seems to be protective against a wide variety of cancers. For those who prefer to eat some meat, Adventists recommend small portions served as a side dish rather than as the main meal.
Eat an early, light dinner.
"Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince, and dinner like a pauper," American nutritionist Adelle Davis is said to have recommended—an attitude also reflected in Adventist practices. A light dinner early in the evening avoids flooding the body with calories during the inactive parts of the day. | The classic Sardinian diet consists of whole-grain bread, beans, garden vegetables, fruits, and, in some parts of the island, mastic oil. Sardinians also traditionally eat pecorino cheese made from grass-fed sheep, whose cheese is high in omega-3 fatty acids. Meat is largely reserved for Sundays and special occasions.
Put family first.
Sardinia's strong family values help assure that every member of the family is cared for. People who live in strong, healthy families suffer lower rates of depression, suicide, and stress.
Drink goat's milk. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Vegetables Foods Fruit Diet Food Eat People Body Seeds Fiber Water Raw Acid Cancer Species Grains Fresh Vitamin Leaves Plant Eating Vitamin C Sweet Sugar Oil Juice Blood Avoid Green Nuts Whole Products Red Skin Health Fruits and vegetables Beans Protein Fish Disease Dried Time Levels Nutrients Risk Meat Whole grains Intake Study Natural Sources Drink White Heart Produce Vitamins Apples Legumes Flavor Effects Prevent Vegetable Calories Cultivated Tea Studies Berries Increase Plants Asia Antioxidants Yellow Minerals Citrus Calcium Effect Healthy Cells Helps Flowers Fats Women Liver Antioxidant Heart disease Carbohydrates Little Broccoli Orange Oils Juices Citrus fruits Black Supplements Energy Beta-carotene Toxic Example Symptoms Alcohol