Ray D. Strand See book keywords and concepts | Merely by consuming five to seven servings of fruits and vegetables daily, we can decrease the risk of almost every type of cancer by half.1'1
The absolute best defense your body has is a good diet. Nothing a doctor can prescribe will take the place of the diet your body needs to fuel and replenish itself. One of the principles you will hear me stress over and over is the fact that if you choose to use nutritional supplements, you must supplement a good diet, not a bad one. | Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. See book keywords and concepts | Venus-governed plants are likely to have beautiful flowers and delicious fruits. They tend to help purify the blood, keep the sweat glands open, and calm a desire for overindulgence.
Mars is considered to be hot, pungent, and dry. It governs the adrenal glands, muscles, gallbladder, sense of taste, red blood cells, metabolism, motor nerves, rectum, eye muscles, head, left brain, and left ear. Mars is also said to govern the transmission of sexual energy from the genitals (Scorpio) to the head (Aries).
Mars-governed plants may have a phallic signature. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Localisation and seasonal chenges of psoralen in Angelica fruits. In: PM 62, Abstracts of the 44th Ann Congress of GA, 76. 1996.
Harkar S, Razdan TK, Waight ES, Steroids, chromoines and coumarins from Angelica officinalis. In: PH 23:419-426. 1983.
Harmala P, Kaltia S, Vuorela H, PM 58:287. 1992.
Lemmich J et al., (1983) Phytochemistry 23 (2):553-555.
Leung AY, Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients used in Food Drugs and Cosmetics, John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York, 1980.
Nykanen I et al., Essent Oil Res 3:229. 1991.
Opdyke DLJ, (1975) Food Cosmet Toxicol: 13, Suppl 713. | Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. See book keywords and concepts | Green amla fruits can be pickled.
Other Uses
None known
Bioflavonoids, niacin, calcium, vitamin C, vitamin E, gallic acid, ellagic acid, tannins, polyphenols; amla is about twenty times higher in vitamin C than oranges.
Energetic Correspondences
• Flavor: sour, sweet, bitter, pungent
• Temperature: cool
• Moisture: moist
• Polarity: yin
• Planet: Venus/Moon
• Element: water
Avoid amla in cases of acute diarrhea or dysentery. Range and Appearance
Native to India, amla is a small to midsize deciduous tree with feathery leaves. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Sukrasno N, Yeoman MM, Phenylpropanoid metabolism during growth and development of Capsicum frutescens fruits. In: PH 32:839. 1993.
Tuerner CE, Ma C, Elsohly MA, ETH 3:293. 1981.
Wiggins RC, Pharmacokinetics of Cocaine in pregnancy and effects on fetal maturation. In: Clinical Pharmacokinetics 22(2):85. 1992.
Further information in:
Hansel R, Keller K, Rimpler H, Schneider G (Hrsg.), Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, 5. Aufl., Bde 4-6 (Drogen), Springer Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1992-1994.
Leung AY. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | Greens8000
One serving of this greens drink provides the antioxidant power of twenty servings of fruits and vegetables. It also tastes great, something rare among similar products. You add one scoop to a glass of water, stir, and drink. Greens8000 is sweetened with stevia and other natural sweeteners (such as spearmint) and contains only 49 calories and 5 grams of carbohydrates per serving. If you have celiac disease, be aware that it may contain trace amounts of gluten (a few parts per million, according to the company), owing to a small amount of barley malt. | Don't buy canned fruits because they almost always have added sugars. I also like fresh apples, kiwifruit, cantaloupe, honeydew, watermelon, and the occasional banana or pear. (Bananas and pears have been cultivated for high sugar content.) The same is true of citrus. Occasional citrus fruit is fine, but avoid drinking orange juice, which provides a lot of sugars without any fiber.
Guideline 4. Cook with Olive Oil or Macadamia Nut Oil
Here s why: Both olive oil and macadamia nut oil are rich in oleic acid, which is anti-inflammatory. | In a study of eight thousand teenagers at nine juvenile-correction facilities, sociologists arranged to have snack foods that were high in sugar and refined carbohydrates replaced with fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The change was attributed to budget cuts, so the juveniles didn't realize they were part of an experiment. During the year in which the juveniles' diets were improved, violent and antisocial incidents decreased by almost half. Imagine the benefit to society if at-risk juveniles had enjoyed a nutritious diet all of their lives. | Joerg Gruenwald, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Oats consist of the ripe, dried fruits of Avena sativa. Oat bran is taken from the outer layer of the de-furred fruit. To make rolled oats, the de-furred fruit is treated with steam, then crushed. Oat straw consists of the dried, threshed leaf and stem of Avena sativa. | Avena Sativa
Medicinal Parts: The medicinal parts are the fresh or dried above-ground parts, the ripe, dried fruits, and the dried, threshed leaf and stem.
Flower and Fruit: The green flower is a loose panicle hanging on all sides and is 15 to 20 cm long. The spikelet has 2 to 3 flowers. The outer glume has no awn, is 18 to 30 mm long and has 7 to 11 ribs. The top glumes have 2 divisions and a dentate tip and are 12 to 24 mm long. They have 7 ribs and can either be awned or unawned. The awn is 15 to 40 mm long, upright and rough. | C. W. Randolph, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Reach first for color-rich fruits such as blueberries or strawberries.
I recommend the following single serving of fruit each day: half a cup of berries; one medium apple, pear, peach, or banana; or one medium avocado.
Healthy Oils
For cooking and salad dressings, you can use extra-virgin olive oil. In addition to providing a delicious flavoring to cooked foods and salads, olive oil has been shown in studies to have a heart-protective benefit. Other healthy oils include canola oil and flaxseed oil. | Brigitte Mars, A.H.G. See book keywords and concepts | Amla is an ingredient in Chayvanprash, a popular five-thousand-year-old Ayurvedic tonic containing herbs, fruits, ghee, raw sugar, and honey. The herb is also an ingredient in the Ayurvedic formula Tripha-la, which aids in the regulation of all bodily functions, especially digestion. Amla is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for mothers who act angrily toward their children, helping to calm their emotions. It is also used to comfort children who have lost their mothers.
For topical application, amla is an ingredient in shampoos and other hair preparations as well as massage oils. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | The high fat content of the avocado, pear and the olive gives these fruits a high caloric value.
With the exception of soybeans, the fat content of vegetables is quite low, and in order to insure an adequate supply of vitamins and minerals it is necessary to ingest an abundant supply of vegetables in the diet. The dry legumes, such as beans, are high in calories because they are high in carbohydrates as well as in protein. | Bill Sardi See book keywords and concepts | In nature, it protects fruits from destruction by solar radiation. In humans, it has exhibited remarkable properties. Here is what lycopene has accomplished so far in the war against prostate cancer.
—? When 30 mg of lycopene were given to men with newly diagnosed prostate cancer, they had smaller tumors than men who weren't given lycopene and their tumors were more likely to remain localized rather than spread. [Experimental Biology Medicine 227: 881-85, 2002]
—? Two to four servings of tomato sauce, rich in lycopene, per week, results in a significant drop in prostate cancer risk. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | We tested the antioxidant level on it, and we found out that one serving, or one scoop, is equivalent to approximately three servings of fruits and vegetables. In one glass, you're getting the antioxidant power of approximately three servings of fruits and veggies.
Mike: Now what about a website where people can either purchase the product or find more information, Brandon?
Burt: You can go to www.AmazingGrass.com. We're on the internet. You can order products online. We also sell wholesale to many retail stores. | We also wanted to get something that had all the different colors in the fruits and veggies -- not just your greens, but your reds, yellows, purples and oranges. Each color has different phytonutrients in it.
Mike: I was going to talk about that. The colors of the food are indicative of the nutrition they have and each color is indicative of different phytonutrients. I call it the medicine in your food and that medicine is in this product in freeze-dried form, correct?
Burt: It is. It's all been dehydrated at low temperatures. It's not from juice. They're whole-leaf fruits and vegetables. | Dr. Abram Hoffer, MD, FRCP (C) and Dr. Harold D. Foster, PhD See book keywords and concepts | Animal cells are less versatile in meeting their requirements, but are more adept at using the fruits of the labors of the plant cells. Animals eat other animals and plants, but their major source of nutrients is plant life. If there is a deficiency of one of the important nutrients or compounds that the cell needs in order to function, the whole procedure slows or stops. Just as in a factory that assembles cars, if one vital part does not get delivered in time, the whole plant shuts down. | Generally, mariners ate enough food to meet their daily caloric needs, but lacking fruits and vegetables, their diet did not provide adequate ascorbic acid. The key issue was not food quantity but quality. This problem was compounded by copper cooking pots; this metal is antagonistic with vitamin C. Several years later in 1747, onboard the HMS Salisbury, John Lind discovered the value of oranges and lemons (which contain high levels of vitamin C) in managing scurvy. | John Heinerman See book keywords and concepts | Quinces were once thought to be a type of pear, and in fact pears are often grown on quince rootstock, but the two fruits simply cannot be hybridized. Until the late 18th century, marmalade was usually made from quinces: the word "marmalade," in fact, derives from marmelo, which is Portuguese for quince.
Towards Beautiful Complexion
Because of their extremely high moisture content and delicate mineral balance, peach, pear and quince make ideal beautifiers for a more wonderful complexion. | August is the best month for obtaining both fruits in a mature state of development. Cut them in halves and remove pits and seeds. Cover with spring or distilled water. Bring to a boil, simmering for 20 mins. Pour off juice; strain through coffee filter for clearer jelly. To 7 cups of juice, add 1 package commercial pectin. Bring to a complete rolling boil, stirring all the time. Boil for 1 min., then take off the stove. Skim foam and pour jelly into containers. Seal with 2-piece lids.
Peach-Pear-Apple Jam
Wash, peel and core about 4 2-1/2-in. diameter peaches and 5 Bartlett pears. | These small, yellow fruits were about the size of today's cherry tomatoes. But fear and ignorance, to a certain extent, kept them from becoming very popular, especially in France and England. Even when reintroduced to America, they were still thought of as being poisonous, just like other members of the deadly nightshade group happen to be. The Creoles in New Orleans finally brought tomatoes into the kitchen in 1812, but another half a century had to pass before other sections of the country got up enough courage and curiosity to try them.
But even then the tomato's troubles weren't over. | Botanically, they are really fruits, which confused many people because they are most often used like vegetables. Finally, it took, believe it or not, a ruling by the Supreme Court in 1893 to reclassify the tomato as an official vegetable, even though botanically speaking, it isn't and never will be!
Varieties of tomatoes available today include the large, all-purpose beefsteak types; the oval plum variety, used chiefly for cooking purposes; the small, tasty cherry tomato, often served in salads and the large, yellow or orange, low-acid tomatoes. | These fruits were not introduced to Hawaii until 1790 and it took until the early part of the 20th century for Hawaiian plantations to dominate the world market in this delicious fruit.
Guava Juice for Congestion
The Negritos of the Philippines have used ripe guava as a tonic for strengthening weak hearts. Among the Choco Indians of Panama, ripe guavas are consumed to overcome congestion of the lungs and throat. Fresh juice can be made by thoroughly mixing one coarsely chopped, ripe mango in 1 cup of crushed ice and 2/3 cup of ice water. Sip slowly. | Cooking in Paradise
Tropical fruits add certain distinctive flavors to otherwise dull dishes and really help to liven up so-so meals. Additionally they shorten both the cooking time and digestion of some foods, as recalled by noted research chemist, Albert Y. Leung:
It is common knowledge among peoples of the tropics that cooking meat with a piece of green papaya or wrapped in papaya leaf wiU make it tender faster.
Guava Fruit Slaw
Needed: 3 cups shredded cabbage; 1 peeled and sectioned orange; 1 cup halved, seedless red grapes; Vz cup sliced celery; one 8 oz. | Dr. Joseph M. Kadans, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Preparation: Watermelon wedges are popular as desserts and they are also used in fruit salads, pieces of watermelon being mixed with pieces of cantaloupes, pears, apples, and other fruits and berries.
For medicinal purposes, watermelon seed tea is prepared by crushing two teaspoons of the dried seeds and steeping them in a cup of hot water for an hour. Stir and strain. Drink a cup of this tea four times a day.
Botanical information: A grain, the edible product of a cereal grass triticum sativum, of several types: durim, hard spring, hard winter and soft winter. | Preparation: Oatmeal is usually served as a breakfast cereal with milk and honey, or with the addition of raisins and other fruits. However, it also may be used in baking. There are many delicious recipes for oatmeal bread, cookies and muffins.
Botanical information: Hibiscus or Abelmoschus esculentus, native to Africa but cultivated in warm climates for the young mucilaginous pods.
Nutritive values:
Vitamin A: 740 I.U. per 100 gm.
Fat: Small trace.
Vitamin B: Small traces of Bj (Thi- Carbohydrates: 7 gm. amine) and B2 (Riboflavin). Con- Calcium: 82 mg. tains .8 mg. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | The first few months of a baby's life are crucial for imprinting taste expectations, so use that time to expose them to fruits, vegetables and other natural food sources rather than refined, processed ingredients.
About the Health Ranger: Mike Adams, the "Health Ranger" is an independent consumer advocate focused on helping people improve their health through information about nutrition, diet, supplements, disease prevention and natural therapies. He's the Executive Director of the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center (www.ConsumerWellness. | Wendy Bazilian, DRPH, MA, RD, Steven Pratt, MD, Kathy Matthews See book keywords and concepts | While this tendency may have been an evolutionary trait that led us to the benefits of the nutrients in certain berries and fruits, it's long outlived its usefulness. Manufacturers have capitalized on our lust for sweetness by lacing our foods with a sweet taste that, for many of us, becomes virtually addictive. Unfortunately, these days high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS) and regular corn syrup substitutes for real sugar. HFCS, a thick liquid sweetener made from cornstarch, first appeared around 1967 and now can be found in countless prepared foods. | C. W. Randolph, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Cruciferous vegetables: 2-3 servings a day
Citrus fruits: 1 serving a day
Insoluble fiber: 2 servings a day
Lignans: 2-3 tablespoons a day
Protein: 1 serving with each meal
Calcium: 2 servings a day
Fruit: 1 serving a day (in addition to the citrus)
Healthy Oils: as a condiment
Beverages: eight glasses of water a day
Now that you know what foods will decrease your estrogen load and support hormone balance, we want to help you to avoid consuming foods and drinks that can sabotage everything you are doing to lose weight. | Stacy Malkan See book keywords and concepts | He explained that CTFA had someone testify with a basket of fruits, vegetables and a bottle of water, and suggest how ridiculous it would be to test everything that goes into our bodies. It was an effective and compelling argument, he said. "Our adversaries were upset and surprised," McEwan said, but he warned they would be back with more attempts to increase regulations. The adversaries are "strong, competent, smart and well-financed" — as evidenced by the ad in USA Today. "It is all on their website, safecosmetics.org. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.
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Vegetables Foods Fruit Diet Food Eat People Body Seeds Fiber Water Raw Acid Cancer Species Grains Fresh Vitamin Leaves Plant Eating Vitamin C Sweet Sugar Oil Juice Blood Avoid Green Nuts Whole Products Red Skin Health Fruits and vegetables Beans Protein Fish Disease Dried Time Levels Nutrients Risk Meat Whole grains Intake Study Natural Sources Drink White Heart Produce Vitamins Apples Legumes Flavor Effects Prevent Vegetable Calories Cultivated Tea Studies Berries Increase Plants Asia Antioxidants Yellow Minerals Citrus Calcium Effect Healthy Cells Helps Flowers Fats Women Liver Antioxidant Heart disease Carbohydrates Little Broccoli Orange Oils Juices Citrus fruits Black Supplements Energy Beta-carotene Toxic Example Symptoms Alcohol