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The Okinawa Program : How the World's Longest-Lived People Achieve Everlasting Health

Bradley J. Willcox, D. Craig Willcox, and Makoto Suzuki
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National Cancer Institute, which advises a minimum of five servings of vegetables and fruits a day. (The NCI had originally recommended even more servings, but felt it was unrealistic in light of the huge change in eating habits most Americans would have had to face.) Okinawan elders eat an average of seven servings of vegetables and fruit a day, seven servings of grains per day, two servings of flavonoid-rich soy products per day; omega-3 rich fish several times a week; and minimal dairy products and meat.
The take-home message is that high-fiber whole grains (low glucose load), vegetables, fruits, and soy are still the key to colon cancer prevention along with regular colon screens after age fifty. The following table lists the most important lifestyle factors within your control that can affect your risk for colon cancer.
Vegetables and fruits should receive stronger emphasis. 5. The grain section should emphasize whole grains. In light of these observations and data compiled in our Okinawa study, we created our own pyramid based on the East-West chample, or fusion diet, of the Okinawans to make up for the shortcomings in the US DA Food Pyramid. Choosing your daily servings based on the Okinawa Food Pyramid gives you a general guide for healthy eating.
No, it just means we must minimize the foods that have a very high GI (80 or above) and eat plenty of whole grains, fruits, and vegetables. If you absolutely must have a high-GI fix on a regular basis, then use some of the tips below to lower the overall glucose load of your meal. In the big picture, you need not worry about the GI of a particular food if you eat largely from the Okinawa Food Pyramid. But just to keep you as informed as possible we have provided the Glycemic Index of different foods in the table below.

The Politics of Cancer Revisited

Samuel S. Epstein, M.D.
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Finally, they should demand independent certification and verification for hormones and other feed additives, such as the California Nutri-Clean program for testing pesticide residues on fruits and vegetables that is now available in about 600 supermarkets nationwide. References 1. S.S. Epstein, "Potential public health hazards of biosynthetic milk hormones," Int. J. Health Serv. 20(l):73-84, 1990. 2. R. Hertz. "The estrogen-cancer hypothesis with special emphasis on DES," in Origins of Human Cancer, H. H. Hiatt, J. D. Watson, and J. A. Winston, Eds, pp. 1665-1682, Vol.

Infinite Mind: Science of the Human Vibrations of Consciousness

Valerie V. Hunt
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So, although we readily accept the fruits of current invention, we are not prone to give up outmoded thought. Usually, we have forgotten or perhaps never knew where these beliefs about reality originated. Therefore, let us examine two parallel, often complementary but sometimes opposing ways of constructing reality, one stemming from physical mechanics and the other from quantum mechanics. The older paradigm describing physical reality that we have validated with our experience became known as Newtonian-Cartesian concepts of reality. In this sytem, there is no such thing as consciousness.

Herbs of Life: Health & Healing Using Western & Chinese Techniques

Lesley Tierra
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They include leaves, flowers, juicy fruits, fast growing roots and tubers. They contain an abundance of volatile oils. They tend to grow and mature quickly and have a detoxifying effect in the body. All of these aspects of the energy of herbs are summarized in the following chart. Once we can determine the energy of the physical ailment in the body, then we can properly choose an herb with an energy that matches it appropriately. This is what we will learn in the next chapter. 1 As with everything in Nature, there are exceptions to the rule.

The Longevity Code: Your Personal Prescription for a Longer, Sweeter Life

Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner
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Switch to unsweetened applesauce or fruits packed in their own juices. . 11. Limit Your Salt Intake Impact ** Salt is essential to maintain the delicate balance of fluids in our body. But the vast majority of us err on the side of overconsumption. Indeed, the average American's diet includes two to three times more sodium than the USDA's daily recommended allotment of 2,400 mg. Does this pose a serious health threat? It does if you suffer from congestive heart failure or kidney disease, which are complicated by salt's ability to retain water.

Foods That Fight Pain: Revolutionary New Strategies for Maximum Pain Relief

Neal Barnard, M.D.
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It is found in green, leafy vegetables, beans and other legumes, and fruits. These plants do not have much oil of any kind, and what they have is heavily balanced toward ALA, as opposed to other kinds of fats.* Only so much fat or oil can fit into the membranes of your cells, and if your diet is rich in these foods, your cell membranes will take up plenty of ALA. Unfortunately, a diet rich in meats, dairy products, shortenings, and cooking oils (e.g., corn oil or cottonseed oil) means that unfriendly fats get packed into your cell membranes instead of ALA.
Soluble fiber is also found in beans, barley, vegetables, and fruits. A four-ounce serving of beans every day cuts cholesterol levels significantly.9 • Soy products have a special cholesterol-lowering effect, apart from the fact that they have no cholesterol or animal fat. If your burger is made of soybeans instead of beef, you'll skip all the animal fat and cholesterol and get soy's extra cholesterol-lowering benefit in the bargain.10 • Garlic lowers cholesterol, and a little bit goes a long way. The effect amount is one-half to one clove per day.
Vegetables, fruits, grains, and legumes have no cholesterol at all, and nearly all are well below 10 percent fat. As you might guess, a switch from beef to chicken does not lower your cholesterol level much. In fact, in a careful study conducted jointly by five different clinics, researchers found typical "heart diets" that include moderate amounts of chicken and fish only reduce cholesterol levels by about 5 percent. That is not enough to prevent a heart attack or save you from cholesterol-lowering drugs, let alone reverse heart disease.
Grains, vegetables, fruits, and beans, on the other hand, have no cholesterol at all and, in their natural state, almost no fat. As a result, they allow something to happen in your body that never happened before. A low-fat, vegetarian diet, along with mild exercise, avoiding tobacco, and reducing stress, lowers most people's blood cholesterol dramatically, helps prevent artery blockages from growing, and actually allows the arteries' natural healing processes to start cleaning out the accumulated plaque to open them up again. An artery-opening program is presented in chapter 2.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients

Ruth Winter, M.S.
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It produces large blueberrylike fruits. The roots were formerly used as an antiseptic. No known toxicity. See also Cohosh Root. BLUE FLAG • Iris versicolor. Flag Lily. Fleur-de-lis. Liver Lily. Poison Flag. Wild Iris. The rhizome contains salicylic (see) and isophthalic acids, volatile oil, iridin, a glycoside (see), gum, resin, and sterols. Herbalists use it as a cathartic and emetic, and to treat liver complaints, swollen glands, hepatitis, jaundice, skin diseases, and loss of appetite. Promoted in herbal medicines as both relaxing and stimulating. BLUEBERRY EXTRACT • Vaccinum myrtillus.

The Longevity Code: Your Personal Prescription for a Longer, Sweeter Life

Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner
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Eat More fruits and Veggies-Five to Seven Servings per Day Impact ????? Fresh fruit and vegetables aren't very popular in Scotland. In fact, Scots eat fewer servings per day than folks in most other parts of the world— and their premature death rates are among the highest, especially for women between forty-five and fifty-four. Over in Spain, where fruit and vegetable consumption is four times that of Scotland's, women have a remarkably low midlife death rate. These facts by themselves do not prove that eating plenty of fruit and vegetables boosts longevity.

Healing Moves: How To Cure, Relieve, And Prevent Common Ailments With Exercise

Carol Krucoff and Mitchell Krucoff, M.D.
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Eat a nutritious, well-balanced diet that includes five servings of fruits and vegetables and six servings of grains each day. Avoid foods that are high in saturated fat. ADDITIONAL RESOURCES * The American Heart Association has numerous brochures and fact sheets about cholesterol and heart disease. Call 800-AHA-USA1 or visit the Web site: www. americanheart.org. * The National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute's Information Line offers free material about cholesterol and heart disease to consumers and health professionals.

The Longevity Code: Your Personal Prescription for a Longer, Sweeter Life

Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner
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Make several of your servings of fruits and vegetables fiber-rich selections. Apples or pears with their skins, oranges, strawberries, raw carrots, cooked broccoli, and Brussels sprouts are all good choices. • Eat a hearty fiber-filled breakfast. • Eat baked or roasted potatoes with their well-scrubbed skins on. • Throw some chickpeas on a salad. • Eat whole-grain breads and pastas. • Select soups with legumes in them, such as split pea or lentil. • And yes, eat more beans (baked beans have 9.8 grams of fiber in half a cup). Booster 9. Eat Breakfast Impact ? ? ?

Healing Moves: How To Cure, Relieve, And Prevent Common Ailments With Exercise

Carol Krucoff and Mitchell Krucoff, M.D.
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The impulse to reach for fruits and vegetables instead of chips may come from physiologic cravings triggered by an active body's desire for nutritious fuel. Improving sleep. Since regular exercise helps people get to sleep more easily and deepens sleep, it helps people "recharge their batteries" more effectively so that they function better and can make better health choices throughout the day. * Promoting "hardiness." Just as your high school coach told you, exercise builds character.

The Longevity Code: Your Personal Prescription for a Longer, Sweeter Life

Zorba Paster, M.D. and Susan Meltsner
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Eat more fruits and vegetables; perhaps take a vitamin C supplement. There's some indication that taking in too little vitamin C, folic acid, and beta-carotene raises cervical cancer risk. 22. Screen for Colon and Rectal Cancer Impact ???? Rarely seen earlier this century, colon and rectal cancer is now the second most common form of cancer in the United States. One in seventeen Americans can expect to get it at some point in their lives. And the older you get, the more vulnerable you are. Each year, close to 120,000 new cases are diagnosed in this country.

Herbs of Life: Health & Healing Using Western & Chinese Techniques

Lesley Tierra
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A little bit of raw food is beneficial, and meat eaters can healthily include salads, fruits and juices to help counteract their warmer diet. Fruit Fruit and juice have a neutral-warm, neutral-cool or cold energy. Their predominant emptiness (there are a few exceptions) creates elimination and dampness in the body.

Healing Moves: How To Cure, Relieve, And Prevent Common Ailments With Exercise

Carol Krucoff and Mitchell Krucoff, M.D.
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Most calories, about 60 percent of the diet, should come from carbohydrates, such as fruits, vegetables, breads, and grains. About 15 percent of calories should come from protein, and the rest, about 25 percent, should come from fat. Popular high-protein diets actually deplete glycogen, the body's storage form of carbohydrate. Once available glycogen stores are emptied, the body starts burning protein from tissues (including muscle tissue) to meet its demand for energy. You lose hard-earned muscle as a result. Seattle sports nutritionist Susan M.
Eat sensible portions from a well-balanced diet with emphasis on fruits, vegetables, and grains. Be sure you eat enough to fuel your body (at least 2,100 calories per day for a man and 1,800 for a woman), since about half of the weight lost on extremely low-calorie diets isn't from fat but from muscle and bone. * Reduce your intake of fats so they make up less than 30 percent of your diet. ^ Be as active as you can throughout the day. If you expend just 10 extra calories a day, over the course of a year you'll lose a pound of fat. * Remember that one pound of fat equals 3,500 calories.
To maximize weight loss, however, exercise should be combined with healthy eating, which means: ^ Eating a sensible, well-balanced diet with emphasis on fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. * Striving to reduce your intake of fats, so that they make up less than 30 percent of your diet. * Not "supersizing" it. In America, portions are often excessive, and many people don't realize that one serving of meat is two to three ounces (about the size of a deck of cards) and one serving of a bagel is one-half of a small one. (An entire bagel is two to four servings, depending on the size.

Intelligent Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation

Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D.
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Eat "five a day" — simply having five servings of fruits and vegetables every day helps prevent cancer. • Eat foods high in carotenoids — plant substances, some of which are easily converted into vitamin A by our bodies, that have been found to have cancer-preventive qualities. Foods high in carotenoids include spinach, carrots, pumpkin, mango, papaya, apricots, and sweet potato. • Be environmentally aware, especially if you have genetic risk factors.

Prescription Alternatives, Third Edition: Hundreds of Safe, Natural Prescription-Free Remedies to Restore and Maintain Your Health

Earl L. Mindell, R.Ph., Ph.D.
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Acidic fruits or juices, carbonated drinks, sodas, wines and syrups decrease the effectiveness of these drugs. Alkaline foods such as milk, dairy products and vegetables also decrease the effectiveness of these drugs. What Nutrients Do They Throw Out of Balance or Interact With? Amino acids, calcium, vitamin B6, B12, folic acid, potassium and vitamin K may be depleted. What Else to Take If You Take These Drugs Supplements of the above. Take two hours after taking macrolides. Be sure to take probiotics during and after a course of antibiotics.

The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

E. D. Hirsch
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Jesus mentions "true prophets" and "false prophets" — those who present the true message of God, and those who present a counterfeit {see fruits ye shall know them, By their and wolves in sheep's clothing). He himself was considered a prophet in his lifetime {see prophet is not without honor save in his own country, A), and is still widely revered by non-Christians as a prophet, though not as the Messiah. The New Testament also mentions that some of the early Christians were prophets who spoke inspired messages to their communities.

Intelligent Medicine: A Guide to Optimizing Health and Preventing Illness for the Baby-Boomer Generation

Ronald L. Hoffman, M.D.
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Many traditional detoxification regimens for eczema highlight supposed allergic responses to citrus fruits. Other common food culprits include eggs, milk, wheat, tomatoes, and yeast.) This diet, together with supplements of vitamins, minerals, and essential fatty acids, produced a reduction in Barry's inflammation in just 2 weeks. By then, a stool test had revealed a massive overgrowth of intestinal yeast. We prescribed antifungal medicine, and Barry's skin improved further.

The Practical Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Mark Bricklin
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It might also be logically expected that vegetarians, because they obviously consume more grains and beans and possibly fruits than omnivores, are taking in considerably more dietary fiber. Since a generous consumption of fiber has already been linked with various health benefits, how could we be sure that any benefit enjoyed by vegetarians is not a result of eating more fiber rather than not eating meat? And what if the "typical" vegetarian consumes more vitamin supplements than other people? Surely that might enter the picture, too.
Primarily, unrefined, complex carbohydrate foods, notably whole grains, potatoes, vegetables and fruits. Legumes such as beans are also permitted as long as you don't overdo them. Very small amounts of low-fat cheese can sometimes be worked into the diet, too. Now, that may sound a lot like a vegetarian diet, but Pritikin doesn't want you eating even vegetal foods that have a lot of oil, such as avocados or soybeans. And he certainly doesn't want you putting any kind of creamy sauces or even regular yogurt on your vegetables. And what does all this do for you?
Western Journal of Medicine (November, 1980) that his wife cleared up her psoriasis when she stopped eating fruits (especially citrus), nuts, corn and milk. Other patients under Dr. Douglass's care improved on a similar program. In addition, says Dr. Douglass, "I also asked them to stop using such acidic foods as coffee, tomatoes, sodas and pineapples because empirically I had found this helped. In fact, elimination of acids has helped a number of patients with various rashes during the five years I have used it.

The Dictionary of Cultural Literacy

E. D. Hirsch
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It also contains the Lord's Prayer; the Golden Rule ("Whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them"); the commandments tO turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, and cast not pearls before swine; the image of false prophets as wolves in sheep's clothing; and many other well-known teachings, including: "Ye are the salt of the earth," "Love your enemies," "No man can serve two masters," "Ye cannot serve God and mammon," "Consider the lilies of the field," "Judge not, that ye be not judged," "ask, and it shall be given you," and "By their fruits ye shall know them.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

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...and Saliva
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...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
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...and Height
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Body weight
...and Blood glucose
...and Heart rate

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Aspartame
...and Msg

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Ayurvedic
...and Cleanse
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Meditation
...and Acupuncture
...and Folk medicine
...and Yoga

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
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...and Antiseptic
...and Expectorant
...and Irritant
...and Antimicrobial
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...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Heart disease
Citrus fruits