John Boik See book keywords and concepts |
In a study on 1,830 subjects, ingestion of glutathione derived from raw fruits and vegetables reduced the risk of oral and pharyngeal cancer (Flagg et al, 1994).
Increases in the plasma concentration of glutathione can be expected to produce increases in intercellular levels, at least in some cells. Endogenous glutathione is taken up by lung, kidney, and small intestine epithelial cells in rats in vitro (reviewed by Hagen et al., 1990).
Dietary intake of glutathione may vary between 2.9 to 131 mg/day in Americans. |
Other red-blue fruits, such as blackberries, cherries, blueberries, and red grapes might also produce these effects.
Reviewed by Pizzorno and Murray, 1987; Raoetal., 1983
This flavonoid, found in green tea and other plants, promotes the cross-linking of collagen.
Beretz and Cazenave, 1988
Glucosamine is a component of proteoglycans, and stimulates its synthesis. Proteoglycans are essential components of connective tissue. Glucosamine may effectively treat osteoarthritis, in part by stimulating collagen production in damaged joints. |
Anthocyanins from red-blue fruits and other plants
Monboisse et al., 1983; reviewed by Pizzorno and Murray, 1987; Rao et al., 1983
Section 14.4.4
Calf and shark cartilage
Lee and Langer, 1983
Section 15.2 i + )-Catechin (found in green tea and other plants)
Makimura et al.. 1993: Osawa et al.. 1991: Beretz andCazenave, 1988
Section 14.4.4
Eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) (found in certain fish oils)
Reich etal., 1989
Section 12. |
Since the exact nature of many endogenous proteases are unknown, they are often described in relationship to well-defined proteases such as the following: trypsin and chunotrvpsin (produced in the pancreas lo aid in protein digestion), papain (produced from unripe papaya fruits), ficin (produced from the sap of fig trees), and bromelain (produced from the stems of pineapple plants). For example, human skin contains a variety of proteases that resemble chymotrypsin and trypsin. As a second example, the endogenous protease cathepsin B resembles papain (Fischer and Slaga, 1985:223). |
Quercetin is found in Crataegus cuneata (shan zha), Pueraria thunbergiana (ge gen), Glycyrrhiza glabra (gan cao), Morus alba (sangye), and many other herbs and fruits (Hsu et al., 1982:454).
6 A water-soluble quercetin product may soon be available in nonprescription form. This form should be more easily absorbed. contrast, OPCs are readily absorbed by mice (Schwitters and Masquelier, 1993:24-58). |
Nelson Foster and Linda S. Cordell See book keywords and concepts |
Manv of their domesticated forms had small fruits that dried well, making them easy to transport, and had seed that remained viable for long periods. The fact that chili pepper was the most common spice used by the Native Americans, combined with its case of transportation, virtually assured it a place on early voyages back to Spain.
Heiser and Pickersgill both believe that the first peppers Columbus and his men encountered were probably Capsicum chinense and Capsicum frutescens. Another candidate, put forth by Hardy Eshbaugh, is the undomesticated Capsicum annuum. |
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Another flavonoid, quercetin, derived from the common horse chestnut, is also found in many plants, including edible fruits and vegetables. It is an enzyme inhibitor. Japanese scientists found that it markedly inhibited the growth of human stomach cancer cells (8).
FAA's side effects: Doctors saw uncomfortable warmth and flushes, nausea, diarrhea and visual complaints. Low blood pressure was also seen in some patients (4,9).
1. Kerr DJ, et al. Phase II trials of fiavone acetic acid in advanced malignant melanoma and colorectal carcinoma. Br J Cancer. 1989;60:104-6.
2. Hornung RL, et al. |
Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens See book keywords and concepts |
In addition, fruits and vegetables are dietary sources of many non-nutritive constituents, such as iso-flavonoids, isothiocyanates and other sulfur-containing compounds, some of which have inhibited the carcinogenic process in experimental animal studies. Foods high in fiber content are associated with a decreased risk of colon cancer in humans, but it is not yet clear that fiber per se is the component responsible for this protective effect.
• Carcinogens and anticarcinogens present in the diet can interact in a variety of ways that are not fully understood. |
Ralph W. Moss, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Third on this list was a recommendation for people to eat more high-fiber foods such as whole grain cereals, fruits and vegetables.
"Knowledgeable patients should not die of colorectal cancer," a University of Florida surgeon has said.
By increasing the intake of dietary fiber, decreasing fat consumption, and using modern technology to detect polyps and early cancer, people can greatly decrease the death rate associated with this disease (17).
Cereal companies have seized on bran as a marketing device. But some scientists are uneasy with the quick fix implicit in the fiber theory. |
Increased consumption of fruits and vegetables in general should be encouraged" (32).
A second conference on vitamin C was held at NIH in September, 1991. By this time it had become apparent to all that vitamin C was beginning to get "a little respect," in the words of Science (10/18/91). According to this magazine, vitamin C may have had a "checkered past" because of the "fringe group" associated with its use, but the scientific tide was turning in its favor.
Dr. |
Since vitamin C is commonly found in fruits, scientists have also tried to estimate the overall protective value of eating fruit and drinking fruit juice. Of 29 additional studies that simply looked at fruit intake, 21 found "significant protection" from cancer. For cancers of the esophagus, larynx, oral cavity and pancreas, evidence for a protective effect of vitamin C or some other component in fruit is "strong and consistent." For cancers of the stomach, rectum, breast, and cervix there is also good evidence, she said. |
Beta-carotene is a natural chemical found in many fruits and vegetables, especially brightly colored ones like carrots, mangos, papayas and yams. It was discovered in 1928, as one of a family of about 500 colorful food pigments called carotenoids (ca-rot-en-oids). Beta-carotene is a provitamin, converted into vitamin A in the human body. Recent research has indicated that in reducing the risk of cancer it also plays an important, independent role.
Beta-carotene slowly reaches more parts of the body for a longer time and gives more protection than plain vitamin A. |
Committee on Comparative Toxicity of Naturally Occurring Carcinogens See book keywords and concepts |
Although the consumption of fruits and vegetables containing caffeic acid is considered to be protective against cancer, extremely high levels of coffee consumption may pose a risk. The available scientific information does not enable us to resolve this issue.
Table 5-9 illustrates two other important points. First, some consumer subgroups might be exposed to relatively high levels of naturally occurring carcinogens, for example, high consumers of stone fruit distillates and well-done meats. |
Ruth Winter, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
Used as an antiseptic and preservative in cosmetics, it occurs as the acetate (see) in seeds and fruits of Heracleum sphondylium and Umbelliferae. A colorless liquid, slightly soluble in water, it is miscible with alcohol. No known toxicity.
HEXENOL • Liquid with odor of green leaves. It occurs in grasses, leaves, herbs, and tea. Used in fragrances.
HEXETIDINE • An organic compound used as an antifungal ingredient. HEXYL ALCOHOL • Used in antiseptics and in perfumery. See Hexanol. HEXYL LAURATE • The ester of hexyl alcohol and lauric acid. Used as an emulsifier. |
John Boik See book keywords and concepts |
Epidemiological studies almost unanimously report a strong correlation between a diet high in fruits and vegetables and low cancer risk. In a study on 22 German vegetarians, NK cell activity was 4 times higher than omnivorous controls. However, lifestyle habits other than vegetarianism may have affected the results (Malter et al., 1989).
Vegetarian diets may inhibit neoplastic cells by altering the fatty acid content of their cell membranes (Siguel, 1983). |
Cynthia A. Foster, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Even the Surgeon General says that 30% of all cancers are caused by a faulty diet - one deficient in fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grains.
I tried to make ends meet after graduation by consulting with people on how to heal themselves with herbs and natural healing. I was terrified of getting arrested, as my teachers and so many medical doctors have. It was never a large clinic, as I worked out of my home. I had many successes. I also had failures, but I never, not once, hurt anyone with herbs. They were all only helped by them. |
Richard Lucas See book keywords and concepts |
In China, different types of vinegar are made from various natural substances, such as rice, wheat, apples, cherries, peaches, grapes, and certain other fruits.
Among its uses in Chinese medicine, apple cider vinegar is recommended as a wash for pruritus of the anus. This is a chronic condition of itching of the anus (the final 1 or Wi inches of the rectum). |
John Robbins See book keywords and concepts |
Avoiding sugar and white flour products, and eating plenty of whole grains, fresh vegetables, and fruits is fundamental to a healthy diet. Refined foods frequently do not carry the essential nutrients needed by the human body for optimum health. They leave the cells still hungry for nutrients, thus promoting overeating and excessive weight gain. The increased body fat in turn produces higher blood levels of estrogen, and more PMS. |
These and other studies have found that when troubled youngsters are put on a healthy diet based on nutrient dense foods like whole grains, vegetables, and fruits, and avoid sugar and artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives, the results are predictably outstanding.
Supplementary vitamins and other essential nutrients also often help. A number of double-blind placebo-controlled studies have found that the frequency of antisocial behavior in juveniles is lowered significantly by appropriate supplementation. |
Art, music, and movement are part of the daily activities, along with herbs and a vegetarian diet based on organic fresh fruits, vegetables, and whole grains. The underlying belief is that when patients express their passions, talents, and gifts, they activate their innate forces of self-healing. "Artistic activities like painting, clay modeling, creative speech, and color therapy lift the patients out of fixed habits and help them unblock their creative faculties," said one observer.15 Movement exercises are designed to help both the body and the soul to breathe freely again. |
E. Richard Brown See book keywords and concepts |
Shall we hate and despise and look down upon these people whom our social system has made what they are, or shall we pity them and shall we blame ourselves for having made them what they are, for keeping them where they are, and for clothing ourselves with the fruits of their unpaid labor?
Frederick Engels was not more eloquent!
Gates concluded that it was necessary and desirable for capital to voluntarily reduce its return on investments from the prevailing 5 percent to 2 percent and give the balance to the workers.
Cut down their hours of labor. Improve their living conditions. |
Dian Dincin Buchman, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Citrus fruits, which are high in vitamin C, help to fight infection. An old favorite for both laryngitis and sore throat is a combination of soothing hot lemonade and honey, drunk throughout the day. Scrub the outside rinds of 4 lemons. Cut them open and squeeze the juice into 1 quart of water. Add the clean rinds. Bring to a light boil. Pour into a large pitcher. Dissolve several tablespoons of honey into the hot lemonade. Refresh throughout the day with extra hot water, some honey, and one or two lemons.
The white pith of the grapefruit is high in needed bioflavonoids. |
Cynthia A. Foster, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
People could eat as many fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, grains and tofu that they wanted and they would be eating zero cholesterol. What they would find is that in one to two months, a high cholesterol reading would return to normal.
The low sodium diet was prescribed for high blood pressure. It contained ground beef - something nowadays that is full of growth hormones, antibiotics, saturated fat and cholesterol and is also high in sodium. Then, there is the risk of Mad Cow Disease with eating cows in the first place. |
Mark Blumenthal See book keywords and concepts |
Vitex agnus-castus (7-13:1) 4 mg, extractant: ethanol 60% (m/m).
PreMens® Ze440: Zeller AG / Seeblickstrasse 4 / CH-8590 Romanshorn 1 / Switzerland / One coated tablet contains 40 mg chaste tree fruit hydro-alcoholic extract of which 20 mg is native dry extract, 6.0-12.0:1 (w/w) and 20 mg is lactose as excipient, 60% ethanol by weight. Normalized to contain a minimum of 0.6% casticin.
Strotan® Kapseln: Strathmann AG & Co. / Sellhopsweg 1 / 22459 Hamburg / Germany / Tel: +49-40-55-9050 / Fax: +49-40-55-9051-00 / Email: [email protected] / |
Cynthia A. Foster, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
There were no pictures of vegetables or fruits stuck in the intestines - only meat.
By this time, I had seen so many people with high cholesterol levels and having so many other problems caused by eating meat, that I started recommending everyone become a vegetarian. Unfortunately, they didn't do what I said because the doctor came in right after me with a weight loss restricted calorie diet that included meat and other animal products. Obviously, he had seniority, so they all listened to him. At least he was telling them to lose weight. |
Daniel B. Mowrey, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Content and stability of alpha-tocopherol in fresh and dehydrated pepper fruits (Capsicum annum L.)." Journal of Agriculture and Food Chemistry,
27(6), 1979.
Form: Capsule, Topical, Sitz Bath
HAZEL (Hamamelis virginiana), Mullein (Verbascum thapsus), Wild Alum (Geranium maculatum), Goldenseal root (Hydrastis canadensis).
PURPOSE: To soothe and heal hemorrhoids; and an effective general astringent for other purposes.
Other Applications: Varicose veins; phlebitis.
USE: 1. Hemorrhoids, internal; 2-4 capsules per day. |
Ben Davis See book keywords and concepts |
For example, fruits require not more than one hour for digestion. They should not be eaten at the same meal with fresh vegetables, which require four hours for digestion. One retards the digestion of the other, which gives the body much unnecessary work.
Many people use sugar with fruit. This causes fruit to ferment. Then they are surprised when they develop gas and heartburn. Lower forms of animal life do not require antacids. Neither are they subject to ulcers, colitis, constipation or diarrhea under normal conditions. |
You will take sitz baths and live on fruits and greens and vegetables. No bread, no cereals, no meats, no alcohol of any kind. See Sister Celeste.'
"Sister Celeste, one of Father Kneipp's assistants, gave him full details. He followed these instructions to the letter. His diet was purely vegetarian, very low in starches and with scarcely any fatty foods. Of course, today it is no miracle to us that a strict diet would rid a patient of excess sugar in the blood and its symptoms. But in those early days, a no-medicine treatment that really worked was startling! |
Canned fruits should be omitted from the diet when it is possible to obtain fresh. Canned pineapple and canned grapefuit are the exceptions. They are usually canned without artificial sweetening, and without cooking. Therefore, they still contain much food value. |
John Heinerman See book keywords and concepts |
A banana is also one of the few fruits to contain some trace amounts of chromium, a micronutrient responsible for stimulating enzyme activity in the metabolism of glucose for energy and the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol.
One of the most bizarre but highly effective uses I've ever heard for ripe bananas and banana juice was related to me recently by Jim Rose. Mr. Rose and the Circus Sideshow which bears his name, rolled into Salt Lake City Thursday, October 14, 1993, and performed the following Friday evening at a private lounge. |