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Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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In general, a high protein and low or natural carbohydrate (fresh fruits and vegetables) diet is recommended. Weight loss, restored energy and relief of symptoms automatically follows in most cases. diabetics take (generally "protamine zinc insulin"). It has been found that when insulin is given by injection, the addition of zinc to it prolongs its effect—spreads the insulin out in the bloodstream as slowly as possible, and makes it last longer, so that fewer injections are needed during the day.

Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common Ailments

Robert M. Giller, M.D.
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Gradually increase the amounts of fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads, beans, and other high-fiber foods. Gradually eliminate highly refined foods. • Use a stool softener or psyllium powder—1 teaspoon in water once or twice daily—when you first notice symptoms or if hard stool is not relieved by diet. • Improve your bowel habits: Don't strain; move your bowels only when you feel the urge. Limit the time you spend on the toilet—don't use the bathroom as a library! • Don't use harsh toilet paper. Use premoistened towelettes and wipe gently.
Increase your fiber intake, particularly more of the following foods: fruits, vegetables, whole grain breads and cereals, and oat bran. • If you are overweight, lose weight on a sensible diet. Do nor go on an extremely low-calorie diet, as this can exacerbate gallstones. • Be sure to drink six to eight glasses of water daily. • Eat a healthy breakfast daily. • Avoid caffeine. IN ADDITION TO YOUR DAILY SUPPLEMENTS, PACE xxiv, TAKE • Lecithin: 500 mg. three times a day. IN ADDITION: Surgery is the traditional route for gallstones that are persistent and troublesome.
Water-soluble fiber such as that found in vegetables and fruits, pectin, and oat bran is the most important. There's another interesting theory that links food allergies and gallbladder attacks. In 1948, Dr. J. C. Breneman began using a very successful regime to prevent gallbladder attacks based on his work with food allergies. Dr. Breneman holds that eating allergy-causing foods stimulates the swelling of the bile ducts. The swelling reduces the flow of bile from the gallbladder and causes the pain and other symptoms connected with a gallbladder attack.
Fight constipation by increasing foods high in fiber, especially fruits and vegetables (see Constipation, page 92). • Limit the intake of manganese to no more than the minimum daily requirement. • Use the exercises described to gain better physical control. IN ADDITION TO YOUR DAILY SUPPLEMENTS, PACE xxiv, TAKE • Vitamin E: under your doctor's supervision, gradually increase to 2,000 I.U. daily and eat foods rich in vitamin E such as salad oil or dressing, walnuts, sunflower seeds, and plums. • Vitamin C: under your doctor's supervision, increase to 3 g.
A diet high in vegetables and fruits will regulate bowel function and help reduce the severity of the inflammation. Vitamin E has provided dramatic results in controlling cystic mastitis. Eighty-five percent of the patients in one study showed remission of lumps, while the remaining 15 percent showed clear improvement. The vitamin E used in this study was natural vitamin E, so be sure to check the label. (The synthetic vitamin E was found ineffective.) Vitamin A, taken in high doses, also stimulates complete or partial remission of cystic mastitis.

The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs

Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
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In addition, the group of compounds calledflavonoids, found in many of the most popular and healthful herbs, fruits, and vegetables, offers strong antioxidant properties that can protect DNA and strengthen immune function. Population studies clearly show less cancer in people who consume more flavonoid-rich foods and herbs. Flavonoids and other antioxidants are important protection for the human body against the damaging effects of oxygen "free radicals.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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Cooking fruits and vegetables brings about great losses in potassium—as does salting them. A low salt, high protein diet rich in potassium can usually prevent a deficiency. CHAPTER 9 Miracle Medicine Foods For Eyes, Ears, Nose And Throat The old motherly notion that eating carrots will give you blue eyes may not be accurate, but eye doctors have discovered that what you eat may affect how you see.

Prescription For Disaster: Dangers In Your Medicine Cabinet

Thomas J. Moore
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The top 50 are the most popular drugs, the fruits of the most advanced medical scientists, and, compared to herbal remedies, thoroughly tested. Then why do they remain so dangerous? Why hasn't a free market, billions of dollars, and a flourishing science produced drugs without these troubling risks? Why can't we have drugs that meet the basic human dream of something we can take freely without worrying about it? It turns out that the problems of prescription drugs are embedded in the very nature of how we think about and invent new medicines.

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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I watched my eating very carefully—ate no food with sugar on or in it, used plenty of vegetables, fruits and, of course, some meat. I also took vitamins and minerals, such as bone meal, dolomite and A and D, vitamin B complex which had B-6 in it, vitamin E, vitamin C, and especially important, I used blueberry leaf tea two and three times a day. Last August 23 the doctor took my blood test; the following day he reported to me that my blood was perfectly normal, so I have no more diabetes." Brewer's Yeast and Diabetes! Mrs. F.M.
Best food sources are fresh, raw fruits and vegetables, especially bananas, walnuts, filberts, peanuts, soybeans, sunflower seeds, fish, white chicken and lean muscle meat. Instant Relief for Women's Problems! One woman reports that her menopausal symptoms included hot flashes and extreme dryness of the vagina. She says: "Even though I'm pushing 60,1 don't like to discuss my still-active sex-life in print. But I must say that after taking a hormone pill for years, to control menopausal symptoms, I quit 'cold turkey' after reading of its cancer-causing dangers.
This is followed by a head massage, a cold shower or rubdown with a sponge and drying with a rough towel, a dry-brush massage all over, morning exercises of any type, a breakfast of homemade soured milk, yogurt or buttermilk in combination with fresh juicy fruits (apples, pears, grapefruit, oranges, bananas, grapes or fresh berries). No between-meal snacks are recommended, with 'Apparently the doctors who wanted to operate in a week had themselves delayed the operation, for reasons not mentioned. Whatever the reason, Mrs. E.

Living Downstream

Sandra Steingraber
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With current dietary guidelines advising five to nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables, a few percentage points of illegality add up quickly. Anyone following official dietary recommendations is consuming from one to four servings of illegal pesticide residues every twenty days—or somewhere between eighteen and seventy-two servings a year. This tally, of course, does not include illegal residues also received from meat, dairy, eggs, fish, or grains. Food items containing legal residues of illegal pesticides also find their way into our grocery carts.
Cadmium intake by humans is mostly from direct consumption of contaminated plants, especially fruits and vegetables. Cadmium is classified as a probable human carcinogen. In animals, it is associated with sarcoma, lung cancer, and prostate cancer. High rates of lung, prostate, and testicular cancers have also been reported in workers who inhale cadmium on the job—but the question of incineration, cadmium ingestion, and cancer risk remains unexplored. Somewhere between 50 to 75 percent of the cadmium in the waste stream—about thirteen hundred tons—comes from discarded batteries.

A Consumer's Dictionary of Cosmetic Ingredients

Ruth Winter, M.S.
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A flammable, colorless liquid with a characteristic odor, occurring naturally in apples, broccoli, cheese, coffee, grapefruit, and other vegetables and fruits. Also used in the manufacture of synthetic rubber and in the silvering of mirrors. It is irritating to the mucous membranes, and ingestion of large doses may cause death by respiratory paralysis. Inhalation, usually limited by intense irritation of the lungs, can also be toxic. Skin toxicity not identified. ACETAMIDE MEA • N-Acetyl Acid Amide. N-Acetyl Ethanolamine. Used as a solvent, plasticizer, and stabilizer (see all).

Miracle Medicine Foods

Rex Adams
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Their staple foods are grains, fruits, raw vegetables, very little milk, eggs or meat, and no refined or processed foods. 212 The Man Who Lived Two and A Half Centuries! Professor Li Chung Yun is famous for having lived longer than any other man on record—an incredible 256 years! His death, the cause of which remains unknown, was reported by The New York Times in 1933. A professor at Minkuo University claimed to have found records showing Li was born in 1677, and that on his 150th and 200th birthday he was officially congratulated by the Chinese government.

Sugar Blues

William Duffy
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Unloaded in this island paradise and left to expire, the sailors were tempted by unknown fruits and plants. They partook of these strange tropical things. Gradually, to their amazement, all began to recover. When Columbus passed by the island months later on the return journey to Europe, he was amazed when bearded white men hailed the ship. Even more astonishing was the discovery that the sailors were alive and healthy. In honor of the event, the island was named Curasao—the Portuguese for cure.

The Encyclopedia of Popular Herbs

Robert S. McCaleb, Evelyn Leigh, and Krista Morien
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The healthful effects of green tea consumption are attributed to the presence of compounds called polyphenols, a type of compound called flavonoids—which are also found in many fruits, vegetables, and other herbs—that exert beneficial antioxidant properties. Oxidative damage to proteins and DNA in the body is caused by chemical reactions involving potentially harmful free radicals, which are thought to play an important role in aging and the development of many diseases. For example, cancer and heart disease both are believed to be linked to free radical damage.

The Woman's Encyclopedia of Natural Healing

Dr. Gary Null
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These foods can be eaten cooked or raw, and should include vegetables of all sorts, fruits, and a few whole grains. Fruit and vegetable juices are especially important. You have to flood the system with nutritious fluids, such as carrot and green leaf juices. Apple juice should always be added because apples contain a material that is very good for cellular energy. If you put those juiced phytochemicals into the body every hour, these cancer patients will have their cellular enzyme systems speeded up so that the individual cells can spit up toxins.
Remember, flavonoids, which are plant pigments, are present in fruits and vegetables and in some beans and grains. These are very protective, and most of them are not available as supplements. "1 think the diet should be largely vegetarian, although a number of studies show that fish in the diet also reduces levels of heart disease and cancer. Fish may or may not be the reason for this. It may be that eating more fish means eating less chicken and meat. Cutting those foods out of the diet help cut down on heart disease." EXERCISE.
Do you like to eat raw fruits and raw vegetables? Do you like undercooked meat or fish? Do you work in a hospital, day care center, sanitation department, or garden? Antibiotics and other immunosuppressive medications can also contribute to the problem: "These drugs derange the intestinal ecosystem, thereby creating an excellent breeding ground for both intestinal protozoa and Candida albicans" says Dr. Yutsis. "Here we come to a very interesting conclusion. If Candida albicans resists treatment, look for parasites." Also important to consider is the state of the host.
Merely wiping fruits and vegetables does nothing to get rid of parasites. Avoid tap water. This is a major source of parasites, despite the addition of fluoride and chloride. Take precautions with your pets. Never sleep with pets and be sure to deworm them on a regular basis. Do not allow pets to lick your face or eat off your plate. Avoid walking barefoot around animals. Wash hands every single time that you go to the toilet. Keep bowel function optimal. When the normal eliminative channels are backed up, putrefaction occurs, creating a climate conducive to parasite growth.
This is accomplished by lowering fat, adding whole grains, vegetables and fruits, and eliminating immune system inhibitors such as coffee, sugar, alcohol, and high-fat foods. Foods such as cheese and meat have high amounts of estrogen and are omitted, as estrogen aggravates the disease. A mostly vegetarian diet is best for lowering estrogen and stimulating the immune system. BOTANICALS. Two botanical formulas are included. One contains chaste tree berry, dandelion root, motherwort, and prickly ash in equal amounts. One-half teaspoon is taken three times daily.

Natural Prescriptions: Dr. Giller's Natural Treatments & Vitamin Therapies For Over 100 Common Ailments

Robert M. Giller, M.D.
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This means lots of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and cereals. Avoid eating processed food: substitute whole grain bread for white, a whole apple for apple juice. • Add a fiber supplement to your diet. Take psyllium seed bulking agents. Follow the directions on the package and be sure to take with plenty of water. • Avoid constipation and, if you do become constipated, don't use laxatives. If you do experience some constipation, increase your psyllium and water intake, and if this doesn't work add bran to your diet. You can take it in tablet form, available in health food stores.

Sugar Blues

William Duffy
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Vegetables, fruits, berries, and nuts—these natural sources of what we now call vitamin C—had been sweets until concentrated, refined sugar (sucrose) was marketed. Sugar was an unnatural sweet that had been robbed of its vitamin C in the refining process, which was when 90 percent of the natural cane was removed. The replacement of natural sweets by artificial concentrated sweets forms an existential cause of scurvy. The discovery James Lind had made was duly reported to the British admiralty.

Prescription For Disaster: Dangers In Your Medicine Cabinet

Thomas J. Moore
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With pesticide testing, animals may not be able to tolerate an enormous dose, but humans would be exposed to minute trace amounts on fruits, vegetables, or othet produce. However, humans typically ingest a drug continuously for many years. Thus, when prescription drugs flunk their animal cancer tests, it is often at exposures in the neighborhood of a typical human dose over time. For example, salmon calcitonin, now being promoted as a long-term treatment for osteoporosis in older women, caused cancer in both rats and mice at lower doses than the manufacturer tecom-mended for humans.

Sugar Blues

William Duffy
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Grape jelly and cranberry sauce with hamburgers; mayonnaise with mousse; cornflakes, and cooked (sugared) fruits with main course. All this sugar before one reaches dessert. When you do get to the fat-controlled desserts, all except one is laced with sugar. I am grateful to the AHA Cookbook for one thing. I don't like their recipe much but the garbanzo dip reminded me of a great dish actually based on an Arab delicacy called hummus tahina. Two kinds of tahini exist: The blonde tahini made from peeled seeds, and the dark variety made from roasted seeds which is called sesame butter.
When starches and complex sugars (like those in honey and fruits) are digested, they are broken down into simple sugars called monosaccharides, which are usable substances—nutriments. When starches and sugars are taken together and undergo fermentation, they are broken down into carbon dioxide, acetic acid, alcohol, and water. With the exception of the water, all these are unusable substances—poisons. When proteins are digested they are broken down into amino acids, which are usable substances—nutriments.
Kicking sugar and white flour and substituting whole grains, vegetables, and natural fruits, in season, is the core of any sensible natural regime. Changing the quality of your carbohydrates can change the quality of your health and life. If you eat natural food of good quality, quantity tends to take care of itself. Nobody is going to eat a half dozen sugar beets or a whole case of sugar cane. Even if they do, it will be less dangerous than a few ounces of sugar.
Glucose is a sugar found usually with other sugars, in fruits and vegetables. It is a key material in the metabolism of all plants and animals. Many of our principal foods are converted into glucose in our bodies. Glucose is always present in our bloodstream, and it is often called blood sugar. Dextrose, derived synthetically from starch, also called "corn sugar." Fructose is fruit sugar. Maltose is malt sugar. Lactose is milk sugar. Sucrose is refined sugar made from the sugar cane and the sugar beet. Glucose has always been an essential element in the human bloodstream.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Insulin
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...and Homocysteine
...and Estrogens
...and Saliva
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...and Lipids
...and Stomach acid

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Height
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Body weight
...and Blood glucose
...and Heart rate

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Aspartame
...and Msg

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Ayurvedic
...and Cleanse
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Meditation
...and Acupuncture
...and Folk medicine
...and Yoga

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Antiseptic
...and Expectorant
...and Irritant
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Relieving
...and Analgesic
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...and When:

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...and Organizations:

...and Fda
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...and Medical center
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...and Animals:

...and Turkey
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...and Insect
...and Cattle
...and Horse
...and Worms

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Heart disease
Citrus fruits