Frantisek Stary See book keywords and concepts |
The stamens have reddish-violet anthers. The fruits are keeled, ribbed, rough, pale brown nutlets (2). During the flowering period, Borage produces large quantities of nectar, as much as 2.5 mg per flower in one day, and for that reason is a very important food plant for bees.
The genus Calendula is native to the Mediterranean region from the Canary Islands to Iran. It numbers some twenty species of which Pot Marigold is the best known and most widespread. |
Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Calorie Vegan Diet
List 1: Vegetables 5 servings
List 2: fruits 2 servings List 3: Breads, Cereals, and
Starchy Vegetables 9 servings
List 4: Legumes 2.5 servings
List 5: Fats 4 servings
This recommendation would result in an intake of approximately 1,500 calories, of which sixty-seven percent are derived from complex carbohydrates and naturally occurring sugars, eighteen percent from fat, and
Carbohydrate calories: 67% Fat calories: 18% Protein calories: 15%
Protein content: 61 g (75% from plant sources) Dietary fiber content: 19.5-53. |
Instead of smoking, chew on raw vegetables, fruits, or gum. If your fingers seem empty, play with a pencil.
5. Take one day at a time.
6. Realize that forty million Americans have quit. If they can do it, so can you!
7. Visualize yourself as a nonsmoker with more available money, pleasant breath,
Just like the other three cornerstones of good health, the importance of a health-promoting lifestyle cannot be overstated. Lifestyle definitely comes down to choices. If you want to be healthy, simply make healthy choices. Choose to not smoke. |
They found that forty-four percent of seventy-one fruits and vegetables had detectable levels of nineteen different pesticides, and forty-two percent of produce with detectable pesticide residues contained more than one pesticide.14 The sheer number and quantity of pesticides showered on certain foods is astounding. For example, over 50 different pesticides are used on broccoli, 110 on apples, and 70 on bell peppers.10 As many of the pesticides penetrate the entire fruit or vegetable and cannot be washed off, it is obviously best to buy organically grown produce. |
At the very least, we encourage you to consume less saturated fat and cholesterol by reducing or eliminating the amount of animal products in your diet and increasing your consumption of fiber-rich plant foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains, and
H cis fatty acid
The H's are on the same side of the double bond, forcing the molecule to assume a horseshoe shape.
O h
/VWVi"D trans fatty acid
The H's are on opposite sides of the double bond, forcing the molecule into an extended position.
FIGURE 2 Cis vs. Trans Fatty Acid Configuration legumes. |
Frantisek Stary See book keywords and concepts |
Tablespoon ?a full tablespoon is the equivalent of about 5 g of herbal tea mixture, 4 g of dried flowers or leaves, and 7 g of dried roots or fruits.
A cup is the equivalent of about 125 ml.
A glass is the equivalent of about 200 ml.
For home remedies drugs are usually administered in the form of infusions—short-term infusions, long-term infusions or decoctions. To prepare them always use porcelain or glass vessels and lids of the same material or else enamelled lids.
Short-term infusion (infusum) is the commonest method of preparing medicinal teas. |
Organized collecting in the wild provides, among other things, the natural substances used in preparations for the treatment of various circulatory disorders, for example, aescin which is obtained from the fruits of Horse Chestnut. Like digoxin, many tons of the raw material are required. The same is true of rutin, obtained from Sophora japonica, in which case the crude drug is imported from China. Aromatic plants of the Mediterranean region, e. g. Common Sage, are also gathered by organized collectors. |
Grace Ross Lewis See book keywords and concepts |
Oxalates are in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and beans. When the foods that contain oxalates are consumed with milk, the calcium in the milk binds with the oxalates, and allows the food to go through the body without absorbing the oxalates. In this manner the risk of kidney stones is reduced.
120. What are the benefits of soy isoflavones?
Soy isoflavones are a group of phytochemicals only found in soybeans. The isoflavones genistein and daidzein have strong antioxidant benefits that reduce the risk of heart disease and cancer, as well as other diseases.
121. |
Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
Dates, sweet Middle Eastern fruits that resemble figs, are highly prized for their ability to stimulate the libido — possibly because they are a good source of minerals. fenugreek In Turkey, fenugreek is eaten in powdered form mixed with honey. Turkish men say that it increases their sexual potency — and Turkish women claim that it strengthens their sexual energy and appeal. Fenugreek contains oils with a high concentration of vitamins A and D, which are often lacking in people with weak sexual desire or impotence. |
Prevention Magazine See book keywords and concepts |
Kensler advises eating at least five servings of fruits and vegetables a day, while reaching for this crunchy crucifer whenever you can.
Getting the Most
Heat it—but just a little. While gently cooking broccoli helps release some of its protective compounds, overheating it can destroy others. "Carotenoids like beta-carotene are preserved by heat, but the indoles, like I3C, don't withstand a lot of heat," explains Dr. Michnovicz. "Light steaming is a great way to cook broccoli. And microwaving is okay, too."
Buy it purple. |
Other fruits that scored particularly high were plums, oranges, red grapes, and kiwifruit. health threats like heart disease and cancer, they are also useful in preventing lesser ailments. One example is muscle soreness. One study found that folks who are sedentary most of the time and then suddenly exercise intensely may find relief from aching muscles with vitamin E. It appears that vitamin E may reduce free radical damage that can lead to muscle soreness. |
Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
But they all made the connection between citrus fruits and warding off colds.
ECHINACEA Many herbalists believe echinacea (or purple coneflower) stimulates the immune system by increasing the body's ability to produce white blood cells (which destroy viruses and bacteria). Echinacea is available in tea and capsule form in most drug stores and natural products stores.
GARLIC The Egyptian pharaohs ate garlic to fight infections. |
Focus on high-carbohydrate foods like beans, whole grains, vegetables and fruits, all of which contain complex carbohydrates and high amounts of dietary fiber. Complex carbohydrates take longer for your body to break down, and so, provide sustained energy throughout the day with none of the extreme highs and lows that accompany a diet high in simple sugars. A 250 calorie donut is rapidly metabolized, gives a quick boost and causes a steep drop in energy levels once it's been used by the body. |
The best thing is, because they're so sweet and taste so good, fruits are one natural "medicine" you won't mind taking.
The biggest claim to fame for citrus is that it's got lots of vitamin C, an antioxidant vitamin that's been shown to fight off colds and ward off cancer, as well as protect against the ravages of alcoholism and smoking. Discovered by Hungarian scientist Albert Szent-Gyorgi in 1936, this vitamin is an invaluable part of the diet. |
Kathi Keville See book keywords and concepts |
This broad definition of herbs includes trees, shrubs, mushrooms, lichens and, of course, fruits and vegetables that have medicinal properties. In many of my recipes, you will find items that you consider food rather than herbs, such as apple juice or shiitake mushrooms.
There are countless different herbs and combinations of herbs that are used for health and healing. But even the most potent herb can become worthless if not properly prepared. |
Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
While many fruits and vegetables grown today have lower amounts of minerals than the ones our grandparents ate, you can still get much of what you need by eating foods like wheat germ, brewer's yeast, alfalfa sprouts, bee pollen, seaweed, molasses and nuts. And, in fact, this is better than taking mineral supplements, because your body doesn't seem to absorb minerals taken in pill form as readily as minerals that you get in foods.
Iron is the most common trace mineral found in your body. |
Prevention Magazine See book keywords and concepts |
Along with avoiding high-fat foods, you can make progress in winning this war by eating carotenoid-rich fruits and vegetables, like sweet potatoes, spinach, and cantaloupe, every day.
Carotenoids contribute to heart health by helping prevent the dangerous low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol from oxidizing—the process that causes it to stick to artery walls. Studies show that people with high levels of carotenoids have significantly lower risks for heart disease than those who don't. |
Stephen T., M.D. Sinatra See book keywords and concepts |
Pesticides and Food Groups
Meat, fish, Dairy Oils, Leafy fruits Legumes Grains Root poultry products fats vegetables vegetables
Source: Runner's World.
Reducing the risk of cancer is yet another reason for us to decrease the amount of fat in our diet. There are several studies that show a causal relationship between high fat intake and an increased incidence of cancer. Population studies as well as animal studies have presented convincing evidence that a high fat intake increases one's chances of developing cancer, particularly of the prostate, breast, and colon. |
Insoluble fiber includes cellulose, heavy cellulose, and lignin—the supportive skeleton of plants, and the fiber found in most fruits and vegetables. Soluble fiber, on the other hand, includes pectins, gums, and mucilages. These entities make up the intercellular cement of plants and have several positive effects on the body that promote health and help prevent various disease states. Soluble fiber forms a gel-like material that inhibits cholesterol and LDL absorption and is effective in reducing blood glucose levels. |
Although I try to do this on a daily basis, sometimes I find that eating this many fruits and vegetables is absolutely impossible. Therefore, I take a daily vitamin and mineral supplement as an insurance policy.
Although for years I had been very comfortable taking vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and coenzyme Q10, I had never really investigated the an-tiaging supplements such as DHEA, melatonin, DMAE, and so on. |
Proteins may come from animal sources such as meat, fish, eggs, and milk, but they also can come from grains, vegetables, and fruits. Most of us now know that animal proteins in fish, turkey, and white meat chicken offer complete proteins and are lower in fat than red meats. Eggs contain protein and some fat, but do have high quantities of cholesterol. Vegetable sources of protein, though highly desirable, are often deficient in one or more of the essential amino acids. |
Grains, fruits, and most vegetables have no cholesterol, but some vegetable oils, such as coconut and palm oils, and many processed foods are high in saturated fat and should be avoided. So, as previously stated, be sure to read labels!
Fat, Good Fat, and Bad Fat
Austrian-born singer Ernestine Schumann-Heink struggled through the orchestra pit in a cramped Detroit concert hall, knocking over music racks with every step. "Sideways, madam," the conductor urged in alarm. "Sideways!"
"Mein Gott!" cried the singer in reply. "I haffno sideways! |
Diets high in complex carbohydrates include lots of fruits, vegetables, and grains, providing large amounts of fiber as well as nutrients. This is a key factor in any plan for good nutrition and health.
Fiber Can Be Fun
This chapter could save your life. Most doctors would agree that a diet high in fiber results in a reduced risk of developing many chronic diseases. The importance of fiber in human health has been demonstrated by large population studies. |
Glenn W. Geelhoed, M.D. and Jean Barilla, M.S. See book keywords and concepts |
In nature, vitamin A can be found in fish oils and liver (in the form of retinol) and in yams, leafy vegetables and yellow fruits (as carotene).
Vitamin A is important for fighting infections, boosting your immune system and maintaining healthy skin. It is also essential for maintaining good night vision.
B Vitamins
So far, scientists have discovered 16 B vitamins, nutrients that help convert carbohydrates into energy. If you have a vitamin B deficiency, your body cannot process food effectively and you tend to be tired, constipated and sick to your stomach. |
Christopher Hobbs See book keywords and concepts |
Iizuka & Maeda, 1988; Ikebe et al, 1990; Lasota and Sylwestrzak, 1989)
As with many vegetables and fruits, the mineral content is highly variable, depending on the substrate where it grows. For instance, shiitake cultured with extra calcium in its culture medium has up to 3 times as much calcium in the fruiting bodies (Sasaki, 1990). |
Dr. John Yiamouyiannis See book keywords and concepts |
Similarly, fruits, vegetables, and grains grown with low-grade fluoride-contaminated phosphate fertilizers will pick up a higher fluoride content. Modern food distribution, because it brings foods in from a wide range of different geographical areas, prevents this from being as serious as it is for people who get most of their food either from these polluted areas or from areas using low-grade phosphate fertilizers. It has been found that the use of cheap, fluorine-containing fertilizers can result in a 6- to 12-fold increase in dietary fluoride. |
Maesimund B. Panos, M.D. and Jane Heimlich See book keywords and concepts |
Plenty of fruits, vegetables, and lean meats— the protective foods—rather than an excessive amount of sugars and starches constitute a proper diet. According to a naturopath, G. E. Poesnecker, director of the Clymer Health Clinic in Quakertown, Pennsylvania, "Most childhood respiratory problems stem from an improper diet, and it is only by the permanent change of his diet that a true cure can be achieved."
In your anxiety for your child's quick recovery from a cold, don't give him any drugs—prescription or nonprescription. |
David Brownstein See book keywords and concepts |
Historically, humans have eaten animal products, augmented with vegetables, fruits and nuts. It is my belief that eating organic animal products (those that are free of antibiotics and hormones) is a safe and healthy way to provide the body with the necessary elements (protein and fat) to promote health and to have properly functioning hormonal and immune systems.
C. Fat
Eating adequate amounts of the right types of fat is essential to the production of all of the body's hormones, including those produced by the thyroid. Dr. |
David Brownstein See book keywords and concepts |
They are found in fruits, vegetables, grains, pasta, bread, cookies, alcohol, etc. Proteins are the building blocks of the body and they form the muscles and organs of the body. An adequate intake of protein is also necessary to produce hormones. Sources of protein include animal products (the most complete form of protein), vegetables such as beans and legumes, and seeds and nuts. Fat contains more energy than either protein or carbohydrates, and it is essential for forming cell membranes and for hormone production. |
Enzymes are found in raw food products such as fruits, vegetables and animal products and are deactivated at temperatures above 118 degrees Fahrenheit. Enzymes in food aid our body's digestive processes. Therefore, it is important to eat adequate amounts of raw food in order to achieve the benefits of natural enzymes.
Protein is found in animal products and in vegetables. Free-range eggs (eggs from un-caged chickens that are not fed any hormones or antibiotics) are a wonderful source of protein and should be eaten on a daily basis. |