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Dangerous Grains: Why Gluten Cereal Grains May Be Hazardous To Your Health

James Braly M.D. and Ron Hoggan M.A.
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GLUTEN, VITAMINS, AND BONE HEALTH Further, grain consumption often displaces fruits and vegetables that are good sources of some important vitamins needed to keep our bones healthy. Vitamin C contributes to bone maintenance by aiding in the production of collagen. Production of this connective tissue is needed not only for the repair of bone breaks but also for the replacement of aging collagen that is destroyed by osteoclasts in the normal turnover of bone tissues. Vitamin K is deficient in the diets of many women, many celiacs, and most people suffering from osteoporosis.
A properly prepared animal protein-dominated, low-cereal diet that includes plenty of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and seeds offers us the nutrients essential to our good health. Failure to absorb these nutrients, and the absence of other critical nutrients from these cereal-derived foods, has created many of the nutritional deficiencies that plague our culture, despite our calorie-rich lifestyles. Nutrient absorption is so variable, even in treated celiacs, that individual assessment, leading to individually tailored advice, is the best approach.
Be cautious about substituting fruit juice for water or fresh whole fruits. Reports of weight gain and retardation of vertical growth in children have been reported. Other Recommendations Consume foods and beverages that are high in the anti-allergy antiinflammatory, antioxidant bioflavonoid quercetin; these include apples, green and black teas (but not coffee], red and yellow onions (but not white onions), and red wine (but not white wine or beer). High quercetin dietary intake reduces the risk of premature death from all common causes.
The diet of our closest genetic relative, the chimpanzee, supports the perspective that fruits and vegetables are healthful. It would be a mistake, however, to adopt a vegetarian perspective based on that rationale. Chimps do eat a great deal of fruit—when they are not eating each otherl Recent observations suggest that cannibalism among chimpanzees is fairly common. Today's chimpanzee also hunts, kills, and eats small mammals. In fact, meat constitutes about 15 percent of the chimpanzee's diet.
Today, we are restricted to a very small selection of twenty to thirty vegetables and fruits, and most of us choose from a much narrower range dictated solely by preference. The majority of our calories and much of our dietary protein come from cereal grains, mostly wheat, rice, corn (maize], and cow's milk products—foods never touched by most humans as recently as just a few thousand years ago. Our genetics are unchanged, but our diet has been radically transformed, and therein lies the rub. Dairy and gluten-grain products combine to make up the top six foods we now eat.
A healthy diet of fruits and vegetables should include one bountiful, mixed salad daily with extra-virgin olive oil, flaxseed oil, or an essential fatty acid oil blend. Quercetin-rich foods such as apples, red and yellow onions, chives, and all kinds of berries are strongly recommended. Also, be sure to include the many excellent detoxifying cruciferous vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, kale, cabbage, watercress, kohlrabi, and bok choy.

The Natural Way to Heal: 65 Ways to Create Superior Health

Walter Last
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In susceptible individuals, they can cause a swelling of hands, feet, and larynx, dermatitis, abdominal distress, and respiratory problems that especially affect asthmatics. Food chemicals frequently cause allergies and trigger hyperactivity. This applies especially to synthetic colors. Artificial sweeteners, and especially aspartame, have been linked to a high rate of brain tumors, serious metabolic and neurological complication in diabetics, epilepsy, toxicity in the thyroid, and emotional disorders.

Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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Wednesday -1,500 calorie diet Food Groups 2 rice cakes 1 grain 2 slices veggie "salami" V2 legume V2 cup (125 mL) Pickled Cucumbers, p. 215 1 vegetable 1 Tbsp. (15 mL) pumpkin seeds V2 nut and seed changes for 1,800/2,100 calorie diets 1,800 calories 4 slices veggie "salami" 1 legume 1V2 Tbsp. (22 mL) pumpkin seeds 3A nut and seed 2,100 calories 2 Tbsp. (30 mL) pumpkin seeds 1 nut and seed '"grains" will be used to indicate servings from the grains and starchy vegetables group. þThursday -1,500 calorie diet Food Groups 1 cup (250 mL) Iced Fruit Cream, p.

The Healing Power of Herbs: The Enlightened Person's Guide to the Wonders of Medicinal Plants

Michael T. Murray, N.D.
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Andersen OM: Anthocyanins in fruits of Vaccinium uliginosum L. (bog whortleberry). / Food Sci 52, 665-666, 680,1987. 4. Kuhnau J: The flavonoids, a class of semi-essential food components: Their role in human nutrition. World Rev Nutr Diet 24,117-191,1976. 5. Gabor M: Pharmacologic effects of flavonoids on blood vessels. Angiologica 9, 355-374,1972. 6. Havsteen B: Flavonoids, a class of natural products of high pharmacological potency. Biochem Pharmacol 32,1141-1148,1983. 7.

The Herbal Drugstore

Linda B. White, M.D.
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Two common proteases are found in fruits: Papaya contains papain and pineapple contains bromelain. These can also be taken, between meals, in supplemental form. Edmund R. Burke, Ph.D., director of the Exercise Science Program at the University of Colorado at Colorado Springs and author of Optimal Muscle Recovery, recommends selecting an enteric-coated protease product to help resist breakdown by stomach acid. Also, he prefers using proteases in a combination that includes bromelain, papain, trypsin, and chymotrypsin.

The Top Ten Herbs to Cure Big Diseases

Dr. Richard Schulze and Sam Biser
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It consisted mainly of fruits and vegetables used in their raw state. The third food program is liquids only. It is what I call juice flushing. It is fresh fruit and vegetable juices along with herb teas and distilled or purified water. When a person has a life-threatening illness, they go on juices immediately. You drink a gallon a day of juices, including water. (Note from Sam Biser: Please see the section on the Five-Day Cleanse included in this User Manual. Do not skip the Five-Day cleanse and rush to take herbs by themselves.

Optimal Wellness

Ralph Golan, M.D.
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Fungicides are used on crates of citrus and other fruits and produce shipped in railway cars. • Phenol, or carbolic acid, is used to line tin cans in order to prevent the metal from bleaching the food contents. This contaminant can cause headaches, depression, asthma, and other ailments. • Paraffin, a petrochemical, is used to polish green peppers, apples, and cucumbers. Animal Food Contaminants The way animals are fed and raised and the methods used to process and butcher meat are equally hazardous. Most commercial meat and poultry contain residues of several toxic substances.

The Omega-3 Connection: The Groundbreaking Anti-depression Diet and Brain Program

Andrew L. Stoll
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Cut the fruits and vegetables up ahead of time, if possible, so you have something easy to reach for. Fats and Oils. It is essential to cut down on all fats and oils except omega-3 oils, which you are increasing. For cooking oils, use olive or canola. Both are primarily made of monounsaturated fats. Olive oil contains the most oleic acid, a monounsaturated fat, which is an important component of cell membranes. In the membrane, oleic acid has antioxidant qualities, which protect other fatty acids, including omega-3s, from oxidation.
A small-toothed species specialized in small fruits and berries as well as occasional rodents and eggs. But the third species—the one called Homo habilis, or "handy man," because of the primitive tool artifacts it left—was markedly omnivorous, consuming not just fruit and vegetables but also meat and fish. Today, a quarter of a century after the discovery around the lakes of East Africa, the interest in Paleolithic nutrition has hit a new stride.
Without adequate rations of fruits and vegetables, missions lost large numbers of crewmen to scurvy. No one knew the cause. Finally, in 1747, an English naval surgeon named James Lind tested six remedies on sailors and discovered that oranges and lemons delivered a cure. His classic studies, published in 1753, are generally considered the first to prove that an essential food element can prevent a disease. Another fifty years would pass before the British Navy required rations of lemons or limes on sailing vessels.
Is the heart protected by plentiful fruits and vegetables and by monounsaturated fats like olive oil, or by something else entirely? In France, for instance, consumption of saturated fat is outrageously high, yet heart disease remains low. Experts call this situation the "French paradox," and some have suggested that some component of red wine, prominent in the French diet, plays a role. By the 1980s, most of the medical profession understood that coronary heart disease and nutrition are tightly linked, but cause and effect of different foods was difficult to determine.
A Paleolithic diet incorporates lots of colorful fruits, green leafy vegetables, fish, beans and other legumes, lean meat, nuts, and some carbohydrates from whole grains, root and tuber vegetables, and bread. Many of these foods contain powerful phytonutrients, such as bioflavonoids, which include powerful antioxidants and many other substances that are health enhancing. Plant-based, fiber-rich foods should be consumed in high amounts. Many herbs and spices also contain potent antioxidants and are beneficial.

The Memory Solution

Dr. Julian Whitaker
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And some "simple" carbohydrates, such as fruits, which consist mainly of a simple, one-molecule sugar called fructose, do not raise blood sugar as might be expected. What has come out of this research is the glycemic index —a list of values assigned to foods that describe the rate at which blood glucose rises two or three hours after the foods are eaten. It is based on the blood glucose elevation caused by eating either glucose or white bread (the more recent indexes use white bread, as it is more typical of what we usually eat).

The Herbal Drugstore

Linda B. White, M.D.
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Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) These berries have a long tradition of use in improving vision and protecting the eyes from disease. The fruits of this tree contain high amounts of anthocyanosides and antioxidants, nutrients that can prevent clouding of the eyes. Typical dosage: two to three standardized capsules per day. (Bilberries are closely related to blueberries, cranberries, and huckleberries, which also contain anthocyanosides. It's a great excuse to eat these berries daily.) Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) This common culinary herb contains a variety of powerful antioxidants.
Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus) This shrub's fruits contain both tannins and pectin. Typical dosage-. 2 or 3 capsules or tablets, standardized to 25 percent anthocyanosides, per day. Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) This chocolate substitute also contains tannins and provides a safe approach to treating diarrhea for all ages. Simply add carob powder to applesauce or other easy-on-the-bowels foods. Carrots (Daucus carota) In cooked form, these veggies are an age-old remedy for diarrhea. One study found that carrot soup actually prevented bacteria, including E.

The Memory Solution

Dr. Julian Whitaker
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Research has shown that the most powerful dietary measure you can take for improved health is to make vegetables and fruits the cornerstone of your diet. A plant-based diet lowers cholesterol, reduces the risk of heart disease, and strengthens bones. The risk of cancer is reduced twofold in people who eat larger than average amounts of plant foods. Vegetarians have a lower risk of heart disease and cancer than meat eaters do. They are also less likely to be overweight and, on average, live longer. Plant foods are, for the most part, low in fat.

The Herbal Drugstore

Linda B. White, M.D.
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The "Do" List Chicken Cold-water fish Fresh fruits Garlic Olive oil Onions Raw almonds Raw vegetables Turkey Water—6 to 8 glasses per day The "Don't" List Alcohol Caffeine Fried foods Herbal stimulants such as ephedra and guarana High-fat dairy products Margarine Peanuts Red meat Soft drinks Sugar occurs. A number of things could cause this irregular beating: a failure of electrical impulses within the heart,- scarring from previous heart attacks,- a drug reaction,- a disruption in body chemicals such as calcium, magnesium, or potassium,- or a malfunction of the thyroid gland.

The Memory Solution

Dr. Julian Whitaker
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This plan contains copious amounts of vegetables and fruits, along with legumes and whole grains, which are rich in antioxidants and B-complex vitamins.

The Herbal Drugstore

Linda B. White, M.D.
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Eat cooked fruits and vegetables, particularly cooked carrots and applesauce. Bananas, active-culture yogurt, and low-fiber grains such as white rice and flour are also good choices. Attapulgite (Diar-Aid, Diasorb, Fowlers Diarrhea Tablets, Rheaban, Parepectolin). Function-, absorb gasses, irritants, toxins, and some bacteria and viruses. Side effects: none common. Kaolin and pectin (Donnagel-MB, Kao-Con, Kaolin, Kaopectate, Kapectolin, K-Pek). Function: make loose stools less watery and may also help absorb toxins. Side effects: none common. Bismuth subsalicylate (Pepto-Bismol, Helidac).

Conscious Eating

Gabriel Cousens, M.D.
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Although avocado is a fruit and theoretically could be combined with other fruits, if it is combined with banana, another heavy fruit, it will cause an imbalance, especially for kaphas. For a pitta person, one tries not to combine foods that are all pitta-unbalancing. Foods with major opposite actions, such as milk and flesh foods, are best not combined. On the other hand, one may choose to combine foods and herbs that modify each other's action.

Colloidal Minerals and Trace Elements: How to Restore the Body's Natural Vitality

Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., Ph.D.
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If the foods were deficient in magnesium, it was determined that, even at that early date, it was due to the low levels of this element (and of all the other nutrients) in the vegetables and fruits grown by means of intensive farming methods on depleted soils. As most people are well aware, the world's soils have not improved since the time of these first studies. Today it is all too obvious that the same situation is a reality: Our food is wanting magnesium and all the other minerals that our daily diet should be supplying us.
This is particularly true of fruits and vegetables, especially when they are grown organically on healthy soils that are not depleted of essential elements. This is especially important given that plant-based products are particularly rich in bio-available antioxidants. The term bio-available refers to a substance that occurs in a form that is easily utilized by the body. We are currently aware of the major role played by antioxidants in the fight against premature aging and in the prevention of a large number of diseases.
See appendix 1 (page 177) for extracts from this significant document that highlight its essential points, which are summarized below: Virgin and cultivated lands alike are seriously deficient in minerals and the grains, fruits, vegetables, and beans harvested from these depleted soils in turn exhibit a mineral deficiency—and finally, those who eat them will incur serious mineral deficiencies, with all the well-known adverse consequences for their health. The sole means of preventing and curing these pathological states is by taking mineral and nutritional supplements.

The Alternative Medicine Handbook: The Complete Reference Guide to Alternative and Complementary Therapies

Barrie R Cassileth, Ph.D.
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For fasts lasting more than one week, juiced vegetables or fruits are given to supply the nutrients needed to maintain health. Some proponents add enemas as part of the detoxification fasting regimen. What Practitioners Say It Does Proponents claim that because the body is relieved of its usual chore of breaking food down into its elemental nutrients, fasting allows the body's inner resources to Fasting and Juice Therapies Figure 9 Fresh fruit juice is healthy as well as delicious, but juice fasts can be dangerous. The body needs more. focus on cleansing and healing.
They can be toxic, and they do not substitute for the nutrient protection obtainable directly from vegetables, fruits, garlic, fish, oat bran, soy products, and other foods associated with lower incidences of disease and longer life spans. Nevertheless, many people, especially women, supplement their diets with extra calcium, vitamin E (because preliminary data suggest it may help prevent major diseases), and reasonable amounts of vitamin C. This appears to be a safe solution, avoiding overdoses and providing vitamin "insurance.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Height
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Body weight
...and Blood glucose
...and Heart rate

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Aspartame
...and Msg

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Ayurvedic
...and Cleanse
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Meditation
...and Acupuncture
...and Folk medicine
...and Yoga

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Antiseptic
...and Expectorant
...and Irritant
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Relieving
...and Analgesic
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...and When:

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...and Worms

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Heart disease
Citrus fruits