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Empty Harvest

Dr Bernard Jenson and Mark Anderson
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It has found its way into dairy products, fruits, and vegetables throughout the United States, and has contaminated the entire food chain. Although the United States no longer uses it, we manufacture it and sell it abroad where it is not yet banned. Then we get it back on foods imported from Third World countries such as Mexico. DDT is a class of deadly insecticide known as a "chemical of organic synthesis." Like the insecticides heptachlor, chlor-dane, and 2, 4-D, DDT has no counterpart in nature.

Smart Exercise: Burning Fat, Getting Fit

Covert Bailey
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Carbohydrate loading means grazing on grains', cereals, fruits, and vegetables — all day long. Too often, athletes cheat themselves out of necessary calories because they just get tired of chewing! A typical male needs approximately 2,700 calories a day. If he's training hard for a marathon, he needs about 2,000 more calories to meet the additional energy requirements. A quart of ice cream would supply an extra 2,000 calories but would defeat the purpose because those are concentrated fat calories.
While it's true that athletes need more protein if they're exercising intensely, they also need to be sure to eat plenty of fruits, vegetables, and other complex carbohydrates such as pastas and cereals. Otherwise the protein in the diet is used to replace glycogen instead of to repair muscle. Not enough rest Take your rest periods as seriously as you do your exercise. Muscle tissue doesn't grow stronger during exercise, it breaks down. It needs a period of rest to repair and build up. Back-to-back hard workouts mean constant muscle wear without tissue regeneration.

Health in the 21st Century: Will Doctors Survive?

Francisco, M.D. Contreras
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These are followed by the proteins contained in fruits, vegetables and other legumes. Again, the most difficult to break down are those found in animal products. Amino Acids Amino acids are the basic building blocks of proteins. They are incredibly versatile elements, uniting to form muscle cells, antibodies, and millions of other things. They have, as the name states, an "amino" side and an "acid" side. This duality is the reason for their biochemical adaptability. Essential amino acids are those that we have to ingest because our bodies cannot produce them.

Prozac: Panacea or Pandora? The Rest of the Story on the New Class of SSRI Antidepressants Prozac, Zoloft, Paxil, Lovan, Luvox & More

Ann Blake Tracy, Ph.D.
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The standard rule of thumb for good health, physical as well as mental, is to eat more fruits, vegetables and grains and less fat. Avoid nicotine, caffeine, and other stimulants. Make sure the proper quantity and quality of rest and relaxation are obtained. Retiring to bed at an early hour adds more to good mental health than most would imagine. Exercise vigorously several times each week. Whatever you do, do most of what you do in moderation. In face of the risk of loss of control over our mental health and behavior, we must be willing to learn these simple lessons.

Principles and Practice of Phytotherapy: Modern Herbal Medicine

Simon Mills and Kerry Bone
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Sweet In a time when sugar was almost unknown, this was a far more subtle taste and was used to refer to the intrinsic sweetness of the rural diet: cereals, pulses, cooked root vegetables and those fruits suitable for drying and storing as winter food such as apricots, figs and prunes. In days when even honey was rare, the taste of extracted sugar would have been considered intrinsically excessive. In herbal remedies the sweet taste is exhibited particularly by the saponins, a chemical group often found in Chinese tonics and adapto-gens.
Being abundant in plants, flavonoids are commonly consumed in the human diet, especially if it is rich in fruits and vegetables. The word 'flavonoid' is derived from the Latin word flavus meaning yellow and many flavonoids are indeed yellow in colour. However, many others are white and the special flavonoid-related anthocyani-dins are red, blue or purple. (For a discussion of the pharmacological properties of anthocyanidins, see the bilberry monograph on p.297.
Studies by Hungarian workers indicated that a number of vegetables and fruits (notably citrus) contained substances capable of correcting certain abnormalities associated with scurvy. In particular, this new factor, designated as vitamin P, corrected the capillary fragility associated with ascorbic acid deficiency. Vitamin P was subsequently found to be a mixture of flavonoids. Additional research disputed that vitamin P was essential to maintain human life and the term was dropped in the 1950s.
The involvement of Ca2+ channel blocking mode of action in the pharmacology of Ammi visnaga fruits. Planta Medica 1994; 60: 101-105. 260. Hogan RP. Hemorrhagic diathesis caused by drinking an herbal tea. Journal of the American Medical Association 1983; 249 (19): 2679-2680. 261. Ivie GW. The chemistry of plant furanocoumarins and their medical, toxicological, environmental, and coevolutionary significance. Revista Latinoamericana DeQuimic 1987; 18 (1): 1-5. 262. Cassier-Chauvat C, Averbeck D. Photomutagenic effects induced by psoralen derivatives in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Apple seeds and the kernels of apricots, plums and other stone fruits, as well as bitter almonds, contain significant quantities of glycosides that yield cyanide on hydrolysis in the digestive tract. • The cabbage family contain glucosinalates that yield toxic nitriles and goitrogenic thiocyanates. • The oil from rapeseed, widely grown in temperate climates as a cheap vegetable oil, contains erucic acid, which is known to cause heart damage in experimental animals.
Antimutagenicity of dialyzates of vegetables and fruits. Agricultural and Biological Chemistry 1988; 52:1369-1375 25. Ito Y, Maeda S, Sugiyama T. Suppression of 7,12-dimethylbenz(a)anthracene-induced chromosome aberrations in rat bone marrow cells by vegetable juices. Mutation Research 1986; 172: 55-60 26. Lagey K, Duinslaeger L, Vanderkelen A. Burns induced by plants. Burns 1995; 21(7): 542-543 26a Araya OS, Ford EJH. An investigation of the type of photosensiti-sation caused by the ingestion of St. John's Wort (Hypericum perforatum) by calves. J Comp Pathol. 1981; 91:135-141. 27.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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Be advised that herbal and other botanical ingredients of dietary supplements include processed or unprocessed plant parts (bark, leaves, flowers, fruits, and stems), as well as extracts and essential oils. They are available in a variety of forms, including water infusions (teas), powders, tablets, capsules, and elixirs, and may be marketed as single substances or in combination with other materials, such as vitamins, minerals, amino acids, and non-nutrient ingredients.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Whole grains, vegetables, legumes (dried beans, peas), fruits. PROTEIN Proteins are composed of amino acids, 22 of which are essential for normal growth and repair of tissues. The body can make 14 of them; the other 8 must be obtained in the diet. Protein is essential for growth and repair of tissues. It provides the body with energy and heat, and is needed for the manufacture of hormones, antibodies, and enzymes. It also maintains the body's acid/alkali balance. 15 to 30 percent of total calories.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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To do that, he'd need to change his diet — less meat, and more fruits, grains and vegetables. Bob's doctor also told him he needed to exercise more. At this time, Bob's most rigorous activity was pushing the remote control buttons on the remote for his satellite television, which featured more than 150 channels. Bob played the occasional game of golf, but other than that, he was strictly a couch potato. But Bob's doctor had put the fear of God into him.

Smart Medicine for Healthier Living : Practical A-Z Reference to Natural and Conventional Treatments for Adults

Janet Zand, LAc, OMD, Allan N. Spreed, MD, CNC, James B. LaValle, RPh, ND
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Pectin, found in apples and other fruits, is a type of fiber that has been shown to be effective in lowering cholesterol levels. • Sulforaphane, found in broccoli and broccoli sprouts, has demonstrated cancer-preventing properties. Since nearly every fruit, vegetable, grain, and legume that has been tested contains phytochemicals, it is unlikely that all of these beneficial compounds will be identified anytime soon. Thus, while some manufacturers are producing concentrates of known phytochemicals, it is impossible to get their full benefits in supplement form.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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That means developing a healthy immune system with a healthy diet, regular exercise and vitamin rich diet that includes high amounts of fruits and vegetables. Garlic in known to have antibiotic properties. Taking garlic on a daily basis may keep you from serious infection, but is not guaranteed. No. 33 - Hytrin — This is a drug used to treat high blood pressure. It is in a class of drugs called Alpha Blockers. Potential Dangers — Can cause dizziness and fainting. The first dose is especially likely to cause this effect. Many people are allergic to alpha blockers.
That means developing a healthy immune system with a healthy diet, regular exercise and vitamin rich diet that includes high amounts of fruits and vegetables. Garlic in known to have antibiotic properties. Taking garlic on a daily basis may keep you from serious infection, but is not guaranteed. No. 21 - Paxil — Another Prozac-like drug. Used for depression, diabetic nerve disease, headache and premature ejaculation. Potential Dangers — See chapter dedicated to Prozac in this book. Also see listing for Zoloft. Like Prozac and Zoloft, Paxil is extremely controversial.

Health in the 21st Century: Will Doctors Survive?

Francisco, M.D. Contreras
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Renowned epidemiologist Martin Lipkin published in Cancer magazine that groups of Africans, South Americans and Japanese, living in rural areas who eat primitive diets consisting of mainly vegetables, fruits and grains rich in fiber and seldom animal products, have almost no risk of ever developing cancer. These claims are corroborated by the reports of Kian Liu (Lancet, 1979) and E. L. Wynder (Cancer, 1979) who indicated that for every 100,000 inhabitants in the United States 109 die of colon cancer, but only 4 per every 100,000 in Uganda.

In Bad Taste: The Msg Symptom Complex : How Monosodium Glutamate Is a Major Cause of Treatable and Preventable Illnesses, Such As Headaches, Asthma, Epilepsy, heart

George R. Schwartz
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The danger is that the product contains the amino acid L-glutamic acid, which will be left in residue on the fruits and vegetables and, eventually, if used with enough frequency, may leach into the water supply. While the amount left on the produce may be low, this can potentially be devastating for severely MSG-sensitive individuals. The manufacturing company, Auxien, and the EPA deny that there is any problem with this product. In a letter from the EPA Biopesticides and Pollution Prevention Division, the director, Janet L. Andersen, states: "L-glutamic acid ...
However, I buy much of my food from health food stores and stick to non-processed foods and fresh vegies and fruits. I felt pretty good that I was doing the right thing. I have always stayed away from foods I thought might contain MSG—only because: I don't NEED it, so why have it? I was angry to find out that MSG may be in my foods via HVP—particularly canned tuna. What a ruse! Now, I am on a mini-campaign to straighten that out. I am writing letters and calling vendors. ... Every time I think about HVP and "natural flavorings" I get mad.

Innocent Casualties : The FDA's War Against Humanity

Elaine Feuer
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How can the FDA possibly ensure the safety of unlabeled bio-engineered foods that look the same as ordinary fruits and vegetables? Is it a coincidence that the largest pesticide companies in the world are also pharmaceutical companies? Drug pesticide companies such as Dow, Ciba-Geigy, Monsanto, Hoechst, Bayer, Dupont, ICI and Pdione-Poulenc first decided to insert genes into food crops, in order for these crops to be able to tolerate more pesticides and herbicides. Our soil and food supply are being saturated with poisons for the increased profits of the drug/pesticide companies.

Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises

Lawrence Katz and Manning Rubin
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At the end there are potent rewards: fresh, homegrown fruits and vegetables, flowers, or a beautiful yard. Endnotes Chapter I 1. Dr. Fred Gage of The Salk Institute and researchers at Sahlgrenska University Hospital in Sweden discovered new cell growth in the hippocampus, an area of the brain closely tied to learning and memory, in five patients ages fifty-five to seventy. See the November 1998 issue of Nature Medicine for a full report. Using similar techniques, Elizabeth Gould of Princeton University and Bruce S.

The Omega Diet: The Lifesaving Nutritional Program Based on the Diet of the Island of Crete

Artemis P. Simopoulos, M.D., and Jo Robinson
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Results: A high intake of vegetables, fruits, and olive oil (three of the main components of The Omega Diet} was linked with a lower risk of cancer. The more olive oil consumed, the lower the risk. Margarine was associated with a possible increased risk. (Olive oil has been shown to increase blood levels of omega-3 fatty acids.} Results: There was a reduction in a process (16 alpha-hydroxylation of estrogen} that is strongly linked with breast cancer. The researcher commented, "... the use of omega-3 fatty acids in high-risk women is attractive and requires further exploration.

Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises

Lawrence Katz and Manning Rubin
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Reawaken the Hunter-Gatherer Within Lach season, you can gather edible plants, fruits, and nuts in the wild—fiddlehead ferns, dandelions, wild asparagus, and grape leaves, various wild berries, mushrooms (careful!), chestnuts, sea wort, wild peas. (If you don't know what things are okay to eat or how to prepare them, take a field guide to edible plants with you on your foraging trips.) Visit a pick-your-own orchard or farm to gather strawberries, blueberries, corn, or pumpkins. Make the "harvest" a social event by taking along kids or friends.
Close your eyes and distinguish fruits by their smell or by the feel of their rinds. Use self-serve bins to buy small amounts of grains, cereals, or spices with different tastes, textures, or odors (health food stores are especially good sources). Change your usual route through the aisles. Ask the people at the meat, fish, or deli counters to help you choose something instead of just picking out prepackaged foods. Change the way you scan the shelves. Stores are designed to have the most profitable items at eye level, and in a quick scan you really don't see everything that's there.

Know Your Fats : The Complete Primer for Understanding the Nutrition of Fats, Oils and Cholesterol

Mary G. Enig
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I have been trying to find a chart that lists the fat content of various foods (vegetables, meats, fruits) with no luck! Could you please lead me to a site that contains this information or tell me where I can write to get such a list? Thank you very much, R.L.D. Answer: U. S. Department of Agriculture publishes its Agricultural Handbook 8, Composition of Foods in various long and short versions; these handbooks all contain fat content information. There is a version on the net, or at least there was one in the past.
Green and yellow fruits and vegetables contain (3-carotene, some of which is converted to vitamin A in well-fed healthy adults whose diets include adequate animal fats. Vitamin D is both a fat soluble vitamin and a hormone. Vitamin D can be made in the body through a series of steps starting in the skin when it is exposed to adequate sunlight. The form of vitamin D made in the skin from cholesterol (see discussion above on tissue cholesterol) is further changed to another form in the liver and then to the final active form in the kidney.

Prescription Medicines, Side Effects and Natural Alternatives

American Medical Publishing
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Stay away from greasy meats and favor fruits and vegetables. Stop smoking. Avoid coffee and caffeine. Also, fish oil and garlic supplements are known cholesterol fighters. They are many times safer if not overused. It makes little sense to rely on a possibly very dangerous drug like Zocor when so many goods alternatives are available. No. 17 - Biaxin — This is an antibiotic used to treat minor infections of upper and lower respiratory tract. It is also used to treat ulcers and skin infections. Potential dangers — This drug is relatively safe as far as known, but can have severe side effects.

Staying Healthy in a Risky Environment: The New York University Medical Center Family Guide

Arthur C. Upton, M.D.
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One such group is the sulfites, antioxidants that are used to keep fruit, vegetables, and fish looking fresh and are found in some wines, dried fruits (i.e., raisins and apricots), processed foods, and baked goods. Sulfites have been linked to deaths from anaphylaxis, and some people with asthma suffer severe attacks when exposed to sulfites. The use of sulfites to retain the fresh appearance of restaurant salad bars or produce in supermarkets has been reduced by the food industry, and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) requires wine labels to note the presence of sulfites.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Beta-carotene
...and Iron
...and Potassium
...and Vitamin E
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...and Heart disease
...and Diabetes
...and Pain
...and Inflammation
...and Diarrhea
...and Cancers
...and Constipation
...and Arthritis
...and Stroke

...and Plants and Herbs:

...and Leaves
...and Flowers
...and Root
...and Garlic
...and Bark
...and Roots
...and Trees
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...and Chemicals:

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...and Aluminum
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...and Nicotine
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...and Digestion
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...and Weight loss
...and Concentration
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...and Attention
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...and Drugs:

...and Diuretic
...and Laxative
...and Antibiotics
...and Sedative
...and Aspirin
...and Antibiotic
...and Tablets
...and Steroids
...and Diuretics
...and Chemotherapy

...and Hormones and Biochemistry:

...and Insulin
...and Estrogen
...and Hormones
...and Homocysteine
...and Estrogens
...and Saliva
...and Methionine
...and Histamine
...and Lipids
...and Stomach acid

...and Biological Measures:

...and Blood pressure
...and Blood sugar levels
...and Height
...and Blood levels
...and Triglycerides
...and Blood cholesterol
...and Body weight
...and Blood glucose
...and Heart rate

...and Ingredients:

...and Sodium
...and Fructose
...and Lactose
...and Preservatives
...and Food additives
...and Aspartame
...and Msg

...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Ayurvedic
...and Cleanse
...and Chinese medicine
...and Massage
...and Meditation
...and Acupuncture
...and Folk medicine
...and Yoga

...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
...and Oxidation
...and Antiseptic
...and Expectorant
...and Irritant
...and Antimicrobial
...and Antifungal
...and Relieving
...and Analgesic
...and Relieves

...and When:

...and Winter
...and Summer
...and Spring
...and At night
...and August
...and July
...and September
...and October
...and December
...and April

...and Organizations:

...and Fda
...and National cancer institute
...and Health food stores
...and Government
...and Epa
...and Usda
...and Organization
...and Medical center
...and School of medicine
...and Clinic

...and Animals:

...and Turkey
...and Insects
...and Dogs
...and Rats
...and Cows
...and Mice
...and Insect
...and Cattle
...and Horse
...and Worms

...and Supplements:

...and Spirulina
...and Flaxseed oil
...and Fish oil
...and Coenzyme q10
...and Lactobacillus
...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Heart disease
Citrus fruits