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C in order to improve gingival health. For people who consume adequate amounts of vitamin C in their diet, several studies have found that supplemental vitamin C has no additional therapeutic effect. Research,11 including double-blind evidence,12 shows that vitamin C fails to significantly reduce gingival inflammation in people who are not vitamin C deficient.

Keep Your Brain Alive: 83 Neurobic Exercises

Lawrence Katz and Manning Rubin
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Because you use all your senses in the process: feeling the earth, smelling the fruits and plants, tasting sprigs of herbs. And your brain's planning and spatial abilities are called into action as you decide which plants to put where, the direction of the sun, and how much water is needed. At the end there are potent rewards: fresh, homegrown fruits and vegetables, flowers, or a beautiful yard. Endnotes Chapter I 1. Dr.

Outsmart Your Cancer: Alternative Non-Toxic Treatments That Work

Tanya Harter Pierce
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And this decline in breast cancer incidence and mortality occurred while these same rates in the rest of the world were climbing, and while other negative factors in Israel, such as alcohol consumption, fat intake, and insufficient dietary amounts of fruits and vegetables, were increasing. The 1976 Israeli study that had identified these pesticides found them to occur at much higher concentrations in the malignant tissues of women with breast cancer when compared to normal breast tissues.

Everybody's guide to homeopathic medicines

Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman
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Simple fruits cause indigestion, and heavier foods may be more easily tolerated. Ordinary foods may be repugnant to the Ignatia patient, and she may crave indigestible things instead. She may want to be uncovered and to drink when she is cold, just as she may be thirstless during the height of a fever. A roaring noise in the ears may get better when she hears music. The Ignatia patient often craves fruit, although it may cause indigestion. She may jerk and twitch out of nervousness. The senses may be overly acute.

The Rhodiola Revolution: Transform Your Health with the Herbal Breakthrough of the 21st Century

Richard P. Brown, M.D., and Patricia L. Gerbarg, M.D.
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The reason: Different colors suggest different nutritional compositions, and you want to be sure that you're getting the best mix of nutrients you can. For fruits, one serving equals Vi cup of berries or a medium-size fruit; for veggies, one serving equals 1 cup of leafy greens or Vi cup of a nonleafy vegetable. Save room for five servings of whole grains a day. Whole grains supply slow-burning carbohydrates, which the body digests and metabolizes over many hours to release their energy. In contrast, carbs from refined grains such as white flour and white rice are processed much more quickly.

Dr. McDougall's Digestive Tune-Up

John A. McDougall
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Animal products, especially dairy protein of any kind, will disrupt good bowel habits almost immediately, with normal function not returning until three to four days after discontinuing these foods and reintroducing healthful ones. Exercise and drinking more water have been suggested for relief of constipation, but their benefits are questionable. Priming the Pump ears of poor bowel function characterized by constipation can cause residual problems, such as bowel distention and a "lazy bowel," especially if there has also been laxative abuse.

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders

David Brownstein
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The average American eats less than two servings of both fruits and vegetables per day. Fresh fruits and vegetables provide many vitamins and minerals that help the thyroid and other hormonal glands function normally.5 Recommendations Eliminate refined sugar and processed food that contains refined sugar such as table sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup and dextrose. Use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, raw honey, black strap molasses, date sugar and others. 2. Eliminate Trans-Fatty Acids Fat is a much-maligned macronutrient.

Foods that Fight Cancer

Richard Beliveau, Ph.D. and Denis Gingras, Ph.D.
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Inuit are spared for the most part from cardiovascular diseases. This protection is not genetic in origin (as Inuit emigrate, they become susceptible to these diseases), but seems to be related instead to the WHAT ARE ALL THESE FATS ABOUT? We have to admit that lipid, or fat, terminology is somewhat confusing. Here are some definitions that should help you better visualize what terms like saturated fats, unsaturated fats, trans fats, and omega-3 fatty acids refer to. Fatty acids can be compared to chains of varying lengths whose rigidity fluctuates according to different parameters.
USDA National Nutrient Database for standard reference {www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/foodcomp). Table 12 versatile anti-cancer molecule than expected. We have discovered that this molecule is an extremely powerful inhibitor of VEGF and PDGF, two proteins essential to the spread of tumour vascularization, the angiogenesis process described in Chapter 3.

Healing Children's Attention & Behavior Disorders

Dr. Abram Hoffer, M.D., FRCP(C)
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The essential fatty acid composition of these exotic foods will differ significantly from the composition of the vegetables and fruits raised in the same areas. Cold climate animals and vegetables contain a higher proportion of unsaturated fatty acids relative to the saturated fatty acid. The essential fatty acids make living organisms more cold tolerant. Artificially Flavored High-tech processed food is artificially flavored. Chemical flavor additives have no value in nutrition except for cosmetic purposes and over the long haul will be found to be toxic.
About the only safe place in which to shop is around the walls, for that is where the vegetables and fruits, the meat and fish, the dairy products, much of the frozen goods, and the breads are found. Recently, I read a report that food processing companies were becoming concerned about the number of people who only shop around the walls, thereby avoiding most of their products. They were trying to work out a way to entice shoppers to go to the center of the store.

The Healing Miracle of Coconut Oil

Bruce Fife and Jon J. Kabara
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Carbohydrate, which is the primary energy source in vegetables, fruits, and grains, also supplies 4 calories per gram. Fat, however, supplies more than twice that? calories per gram. You would need to eat more than twice as much protein or carbohydrate to get the same amount of calories as you do from fat. Reducing the amount of fat we eat is a logical way to reduce total calorie consumption and lose unwanted weight. But few people can stick to a low-fat or no-fat diet for long. Fats make food taste better and are necessary in the preparation of many dishes and baked goods.

Everybody's guide to homeopathic medicines

Stephen Cummings and Dana Ullman
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The foods richer in fiber content are whole grains and fresh vegetables; most fruits have less. You don't need to eat bran, the indigestible outer layer of grain, or to take any sort of laxative, as long as your diet includes plenty of whole grains and vegetables. It may help to avoid milk and other dairy products. Sometimes these dietary measures fail to relieve constipation. At times, an important factor may be stress of one kind or another, since the nervous system regulates the contraction of the intestinal muscles. Travelers commonly become constipated for this reason.

Defeating Diabetes

Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard
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On the other hand, if you skip the meat and stick to plant foods, you could eat all of the following foods and still come in under your goal of no more than 12 grams of saturated fat: þ10 servings of fruits and vegetables ?1 serving of tofu þ6 servings of whole grains ?1 ounce of nuts þ1 serving of beans ?1 ounce of seeds "Joint World Health Organization (WH0)/Food and Agriculture Organization (FA0) of the United Nations Expert Consultation on Diet, Nutrition, and the Prevention of Chronic Diseases (2002) (grams) (grams) (% of total fat) Cheeseburger, double patty, 1 44.0 18.

Overcoming Thyroid Disorders

David Brownstein
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Pesticides on fruits and vegetables (also found in many juices) are extremely toxic to the liver and the fat cells of the body. Organic fruits and vegetables should not contain any pesticide residue. Hormones contained in most conventional meat products have disastrous effects on the body. Not only are they an added substance the liver has to detoxify, but I also believe that many of these hormones add to the incidence of cancer, particularly breast and prostate cancer. These hormones also wreak havoc with our own hormonal systems.

Food Fight

Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen
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Pushing healthy food into schools, say through the National School Lunch Program or the USDA pilot program to offer fruits and vegetables at no cost, is worthwhile but must be coupled with policies to rid schools of unhealthy foods. Otherwise the pull of the good-tasting, heavily marketed, high-calorie foods will be too great. State agencies and local school officials are granted the authority by the federal government to restrict competitive foods, but no specific action is required and most schools impose few restrictions. Stronger federal action is necessary.
Finally, a study of children in grades four-six found that those who consumed the most soft drinks had the lowest intake of fruits and vegetables.33 Increasing soft drink consumption is associated with decreased intake of milk. There are studies showing that (1) milk may protect against the development of obesity in children;34 (2) increasing calcium intake is associated with lower weight in adults and children and less weight gain over time;35 and (3) weight loss is higher in overweight people who follow a dairy rich diet.
However, this is truer for packaged foods than for fresh foods like fruits and vegetables. There are few promotions with raw oats or lower costs per pound of fruit the more one buys. When a person leaves the supermarket, the disparity is even more pronounced. Price incentives for healthy food exist but are greatly outnumbered by those for unhealthy foods. It is common to see two Whoppers or two Big Macs for as little as $2. It is common for fast-food restaurants to lower prices or to increase what can be purchased at a given price to bring in more customers.
It would be better to use the WIC Food Stamps National School Lunch Program $18 billion $ 8 billion $ 5 billion package to introduce low-income families to more healthful foods, such as fruits and vegetables.26 At best, WIC has modest success at improving diet. It has a small but positive effect on the diets of some pregnant women, leading to improved birth outcomes, but as Besharov and Germanis note, WIC may reduce the number of women who breast-feed their babies, which may contribute to obesity.
Fewer than 15 percent to 20 percent of schoolchildren get adequate servings of fruits and vegetables. þOnly 16 percent of children meet the guidelines for saturated fat. þTeenagers drink twice as much carbonated soda as milk; only 19 percent of girls get the recommended amount of calcium. þTwelve percent of students report skipping breakfast, and only 11 percent have breakfasts with the recommended nutrients.42 This gloomy picture is reinforced by findings from the School Health Policies and Programs Study 2000.

Indian Herbal Remedies: Rational Western Therapy, Ayurvedic and Other Traditional Usage, Botany

C. P. Khare
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Classical use Charaka used the fruits as a single drug in urticaria, phlegm, excessive bile secretion, piles. Sushruta's Tinduki has been equated with Diospyros glutinosa Koenig, syn. of Diospyros Kulthi and Muuli (Raphanus sativus) leaves is also given. The paste of the seed is prescribed for external application on piles; also as a cosmetic for blemishes and freckles.
The antiscorbutic value can be conserved by preserving the fruits in salt solution or in the form of dry powder. Dried fruit gives good results in haemorrhage, diarrhoea and dysentery. In combination with calcined iron, the fruit is used as a remedy for anaemia, jaundice, dyspepsia. Acute bacillary dysentery may be arrested by drinking a sherbat of Aamalaka with lemon juice. The dried fruit possesses detergent properties and is used as shampoo for the head. A fixed oil (yield 16 %), brownish yellow in colour, exhibits hair growth-promoting property.

Healing Children's Attention & Behavior Disorders

Dr. Abram Hoffer, M.D., FRCP(C)
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Even ripe fruit will contain less than 20 percent, and fruits which have not been altered by plant breeders contain even less. Natural fruit tends to be less sweet, but plant breeders have selected for sweetness since this appeals to the taste of the public. The major source of sugar before the advent of the chemical age was the honey that our ancestors gathered. With the development of cane and beets as good sources of sugar, it became possible to consume huge amounts of free sugars. This has had a major impact on the health of the populations which follow the high-tech diet.

Water: For Health, for Healing, for Life: You're Not Sick, You're Thirsty!

F. Batmanghelidj
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Our daily food contains ample potassium from its natural sources of fruits and vegetables, but not salt from its natural source. That is why we need to add salt to our daily diet. Note: Do not take too much potassium as a dietary supplement. It could cause trouble. Salt forces some water to keep it company outside the cells (osmotic retention of water by salt). It balances the amount of water that is held outside the cells. Basically, there are two oceans of water in the body: One is held inside the cells of the body, and the other is held outside.

Rational Phytotherapy: A Reference Guide for Physicians and Pharmacists

volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel
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Consequently, preparations made from ammi fruits may no longer be prescribed in Germany for this or any other indication (Blumenthal et al., 1998). |2J| Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is the most important urologic disorder affecting males. It generally affects men over 40 years of age and is present in more than 90 % of men over age 65. Only about 50 % of patients develop symptoms and complaints, however. The main obstructive signs of BPH are hesitancy in initiating the urinary stream, a weak and/or intermittent stream, and the terminal dribbling of urine.

The Miracle of Fasting: Proven Throughout History for Physical, Mental & Spiritual Rejuvenation

Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg
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If you keep eating waxed fruits and vegetables, the weekly 24 to 36 hour fast combined with the longer fasts during the year also helps in ridding your body of this deadly petroleum wax. Fasting is a Miracle - / Thank Paul Bragg I really haven't had any health problems since I was 17, when I started reading about health and nutrition, especially the Bragg Miracle of Fasting book. I started realizing there was a real connection between what you put in your mouth and your health and how you felt. So I immediately changed everything about my diet.
The wax coating seals fruits and vegetables with a protective layer which they claim retains the water and juices, preserving the taste and creating a false appearance of freshness. It leaves a toxic wax residue that clogs the body! What you are eating is a kind of wax that cannot be handled by your body - a paraffin wax which is a byproduct of petroleum. There is no organ in your body, including the liver, that can process petroleum. This deadly wax therefore runs wild in the body.

Rational Phytotherapy: A Reference Guide for Physicians and Pharmacists

volker schulz and Rudolf Hansel
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The name of the plant derives from its fruits, or haws, and its sharp thorns. Only the white-blooming hawthorn is used therapeutically; the red-blooming garden variety of hawthorn has no recognized medicinal uses. Crude Drug and Extract Herbs of the species Crataegus monogyna and C. oxyacantha are used in the production of hawthorn-based medicines. Therapeutic efficacy has been most reliably documented for hawthorn leaves and flowers. The German Pharmacopeia (DAB 1996) describes the crude drug as consisting of the dried tops (about 7 cm long) of the flowering shrub.
Tea-like products are defined by German food laws as nonmedicinal tea substitutes made from the tops, lowers, or fruits of plants. They may bear the name tea only in conjunction with the name of the plant from which they are derived, e. g., apple peel tea, blackberry leaf tea, fennel tea, and rooibos tea. The latter tea, called also red bush tea, is the national drink of South Africa and has long been marketed and consumed in Europe.
Pectins are present to some degree in all plant products but are particularly abundant in fleshy fruits and storage roots. Rich commercial sources are sugar beet fragments, apple residue, orange and lemon waste product, and carrots. The following "home remedies" are dietary constituents have proven useful in the treatment of diarrhea: I 1-1,5 kg of raw greated apples, eaten throughout the day; I bananas, cut into small pieces and eaten as often as desired (particularly recommended for children); I carrot preparations are suitable for infants and small children, e.g.

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This unique compilation of research is copyright (c) 2008 by the non-profit Consumer Wellness Center.

ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of NaturalNews.com, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (www.HonestFoodGuide.org), a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at www.TruthPublishing.com, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company (www.EcoLEDs.com) that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (www.ArialSoftware.com), a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series (www.NaturalNews.com/index-cartoons.html) and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at www.NaturalNews.com. Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at www.HealthRanger.org.

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...and Ingredients:

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...and Aspartame
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...and Treatment Modalities:

...and Detoxification
...and Fasting
...and Ayurvedic
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...and Chinese medicine
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...and Meditation
...and Acupuncture
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...and Properties:

...and Anti-inflammatory
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...and Supplements:

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...and Fish oil
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...and Glucosamine

Related Concepts:

Vitamin C
Fruits and vegetables
Whole grains
Heart disease
Citrus fruits