Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Anthocyanins
Anthocyanin pigments are found in flowers and red, blue and black fruits. They are present in the plant as glycosides of hydroxylated 2-phenylbenzopyrylium or flavylium salts. The aglycones (non-sugar portion) are known as anthocyanidins—only six are of widespread occurrence.
Chemical structure has a significant influence on anthocyanin colours. As the number of sugar hydroxyl and methyl groups in the B-ring (at the top right) increases, the colour changes from orange to
OH cyanidin blue as the visible absorption maximum shifts to longer wavelengths. | H. Winter Griffith, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Foods:
Acidic fruits or juices,
Decreased antibiotic aged cheese, wines, effect. syrups (if taken with penicillin G).
None expected.
None expected.
Augmentin SR
Habit forming? No Prescription needed? Yes Available as generic? | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Testosterone 5areductase inhibition by free fatty acids from Sabal serrulata fruits',
Phytomedicine 1: 127-133. Perry, N. B. and van Klink, J. W. 2000, 'Alkamide levels in Echinacea purpurea: effects of processing, drying and storage', Planta Medica 66:
Samuelsson, G. 1992, Drugs of Natural Origin, Swedish Pharmaceutical Press, Stockholm.
Tucker, A. O. and Debaggio, T. 2000, The Big Book of Herbs, Interweave Press, Colorado.
Warber, S. 1999, 'Modes of action at target sites', in P. B. Kaufman, L. J. Cseke, S. Warber, J. A. Duke and H. L. | Joseph E. Mario See book keywords and concepts | ParaAminoBenzoic Acid (PABA), Vitamin Bx, a Coenzyme.
WORKS WITH: B-Complex; ispartofFolicacid; DiEthylAminoEthanol (DEAE); and Vitamin B5.
RANGE: 30-100 mg. RDA: None.
TOXICITY: High ingestion may cause vomiting; kidneys, liver, and heart damage; in some persons, continued doses over 30 mg./day may cause depression. | Fibers keep Fats moving out of the system unaccumulated, and slow down hardening of the arteries, reducing the risk of heart attack, and colorectal cancer. Our ancestors ate at least 12 grams per day, Danes get 17 gr., Finns get 31 gr., in Uganda 50-250 grams daily (and little colon cancer); todayjunk food gives us .1-3-5 grams; amoderate diet gives one at least 10-20 grams per day; some elder individuals need 25-40 grams or larger amounts; our adult goal is 30-35 grams per day (to lessen colon cancer 50%). | Keeps Fats mov ing out of the system unaccumulated, and slows down hardening of the arteries, reducing the risk of heart attack, and colorectal cancer. Use monounsaturated olive orcanolaoils, and cold-water fish Omega-3 fatty acids. For appetite control. (Fibersol, Twin Labs). Some polysaccharides have anti-viral and Immune-stimulantproperties, like those in Red Algae, Reishe and Maitake mushrooms, Astragalus root, and Echinacea. | A F..
Tofu and grains or pasta, or diced roots like yams, sweet potatoes, or breadfruit; stuff or overlay with diced pineapples, other fruit and nuts.
Almond-Bean-Potato Casserole Line a casserole dish with sprout bread crumbs, 5 diced potatoes, 3 tbs. nut butter, a pinch of seasalt and cayenne, and 3/4 c. chopped green beans; gently saute 2 tbs. nut cream, 1 clovegarlic, 1/2 c. diced scallions, 1/2 green pepper, and 1 c. mushrooms; lower heat and stir in 1/4 c. whole wheat flour and 1 c.hotwater; stirin 1/4 c. | BAKED VEGETABLES and PECANS OVER RICE or SHELLS Gently heat 3 tbs. vegetable oil and 1 clove garlic until browned, then remove the garlic; add
2 diced onions, 4 c. tomatoes, 1/2 green pepper, 1 zucchini, 1/2 tsp. each of basil, oregano, and thyme; 112 tsp. kelp, pinch of seasalt and cayenne, 3 sprigs diced fresh parsley, 1 c. diced pecans; bake 30-40 minutes at 350AF. and serve with sprouted sesame or sunflower cream and pollen over brown rice, quinoa, or whole wheat pasta shells or noodles. | T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II See book keywords and concepts | This statement sounds a bit ominous. Colon cancer, historically one of the first cancers said to be prevented by a plant-based diet,43-45 now is being said to be unrelated to diet? And low-fat diets don't prevent breast cancer? With results like these, it's only a matter of time before the hypothesis of a dietary connection to cancer starts falling apart. In fact, I have already heard people within the scientific community beginning to say that diet may have no effect on cancer. | H. Winter Griffith, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Best sources are liver, yellow-orange fruits and vegetables, dark-green, leafy vegetables, milk, butter and margarine.
Increased anticoagulant effect with large doses
(over 10,000 I.U.) of vitamin A.
Decreased vitamin supplements* effect.
Decreased vitamin A absorption.
Decreased vitamin absorption.
Increased vitamin A oral* levels.
Increased risk of toxic effects.
Increased risk of toxic effect of each. | Dr. Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth M. Williamson See book keywords and concepts | However, eggs, rice, cooked vegetables and sweet fruits would be beneficial to someone of vata constitution. It can also be used to decide which type of food to eat in different seasons. For example, in summer, pitta predominates, and those foods that aggravate pitta should be avoided; but winter is the season of kapha, so seafood, melon and cows milk products are not recommended then. Autumn is the season of vata, and spring is kapha-pitta. to health. Their appearance and properties can give many indications of the state of the tridosha and therefore health. | Earl L. Mindell, RPh, PhD with Virginia Hopkins, MA See book keywords and concepts | Eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Other Tips on These Drugs
They can skew the results of many blood and urine tests.
Loop Diuretics
Bumetanide (Bumex) Ethacrynic Acid (Edecrin) Furosemide (Lasix) Torsemide (Demadex)
What Do They Do in the Body?
Increase urination, reduce fluid and water retention, largely by reducing sodium chloride (salt) uptake in your cells.
What Are They Prescribed For?
High blood pressure, edema (swelling, water retention, puffiness).
What Are the Possible Side Effects/Adverse Effects? | Doris J. Rapp, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The USDA found as many as 108 different kinds of pesticides on 22 fruits and vegetables.131"4
• A fungicide, Triphenytin, is used to control beetles on potatoes, pecans and sugar beets. In laboratory studies, it has been reported that is it so extremely toxic that one hour's exposure can cause irreversible damage to the human immune system's "killer" cells. We need to study the agricultural workers, who are exposed to this product, as well as their families.109""0 Are they in special jeopardy and are they in need of urgent help? | The Government urges children to eat more fresh fruit and vegetables but reports indicate pesticide residues in fresh fruit were found on:
56% in grapes
47% in nectarines
32% in peaches 123"-b
• Canned fruits and fruit juices are less toxic but these can contain phthalates that leak from the metal cans. 27a"d This chemical can cause precocious puberty in girls.49c (See Chapters 3, 4, 6.)
• A hormone disrupting pesticide, iprodione, was found in 29% of nectarines and also on kiwi fruit and mangos. | Jean Carper See book keywords and concepts | Occasionally allowed: white fish, fruits, lightly roasted seeds and nuts. Percentage of fat is between 10 and 13 percent.
Such a rigid macrobiotic diet is difficult for Americans to adhere to and may not even be the best for some cancer patients; many doctors favor less restrictive "modified" macrobiotic diets. Also, in treating cancer, it's increasingly common to add antioxidant supplements.
What's the Evidence?
Evidence that eating fruits, vegetables, grains, and fish helps block the development of cancer is overwhelming. | Jonny Bowden, M.A., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Principle #4: After the First Two Weeks, Begin Adding Carbs Back Little by Little
After the initial "whoosh" of loss during the two-week induction phase, your weight loss should stabilize, and you will probably wind up losing around 2 pounds a week. Some people find that they need to stay on an induction-phase eating plan to accomplish this, but most others can begin adding back small portions of foods on the "forbidden" list at this time. Virtually all of the plans agree on this principle and differ only on which foods should be added back and in what amounts. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Composition, superoxide radicals scavenging and antilipoperoxidant activity of some edible fruits', Fitoterapia LXV: 44-47.
Cseke, L. J. and Kaufman, P. B., in P. B. Kaufman, L. J. Cseke, S. Warber, J. A. Duke and H. L. Brielmann 1999, Natural Products from Plants, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Gee, J. M. and Johnson, I. T. 2001, 'Polyphenolic compounds. Interactions with the gut and implications for human health', Current Medicinal Chemistry 8: 1245-1255.
Haslam, E., Lilley, T. H., Cai, Y., Martin, R. and Magnolato, D. | Sharol Tilgner, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Parts used: fruits. Taste/smell: Pungent. Tendencies: Drying.
Dosage: Infusion: 1 teaspoon of crushed fruits per cup ofwater; or 1:3 dry liquid extract: 20-75 drops 1-4 times per day.
Use: (a) Female reproductive tract regulator. It is used for PMS, 320 endometriosis, menstrual cramps, premenstrual herpes, premenstrual acne, polymenorrhea, secondary amenorrhea, PMS, menopause with hot flashes.
Chaste tree appears to increase luteinizing hormone production and inhibit the release of follicle stimulating hormone. | Doris J. Rapp, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | In 1998, the USDA found pesticides in about 55% of nearly 7000 fruits and vegetables; 29% had multiple residues.
• Only about 40% of the possible 496 pesticide residues identified on foods are detected by the current methods used by the FDA. This means 60% are missed!46
• It is estimated that Americans can eat as many as 20 or more pesticide-like chemicals in their meals every day.20a"c
Of the 25 most commonly used agricultural pesticides: 18 can damage the skin, eyes and lungs. 17 cause genetic damage or birth defects. 12 cause cancer.5a'c 10 cause reproductive problems. | Dr. Michael Heinrich, Joanne Barnes, Simon Gibbons and Elizabeth M. Williamson See book keywords and concepts | Many are vegetables, fruits or other foods. The list shows not only the long tradition of medicinal plant use in Europe, but also the importance of these resources to the state and religious powers during the Middle Ages. Although these were not necessarily of interest as scholarly writings, they were at least a practical resource.
A plan (which was not executed) for a medicinal herb garden for the Cloister of St Galls (Switzerland), dating from the year 820, has been preserved and gives an account of the species that were to be grown in a cloister garden. | These are hairless, thorny, deciduous shrubs with 3-5 lobed leaves, bearing white, dense clusters of flowers, followed by deep red fruits containing one seed (in C. monogyna) or two seeds (in C. oxycanthoides). The flowers appear in early summer and the berries or 'haws' in early autumn. Jams and wines are often made from the fruit. | Another distinction of fruits is based on the number of carpels and gynaecia per fruit, which may be:
• Simple (developed from a single carpel).
• Aggregate (several carpels of one gynaecium are united in one fruit, as in raspberries and strawberries).
• Multiple (gynaecia of more than one flower form the fruit).
Although the flowers are of great botanical importance, they are only a minor source of drugs used in phytotherapy or pharmacy. A very important example is:
• Chamomile, Matricaria recutita L. (Matricariase flos). | Lichen Cryptogamic plants, usually greyish or yellowish, growing on rocks and tree trunks Ligulate Strap-shaped
Linear Of leaves, narrow and short with parallel margins Lobed Of leaves, divided, but not into separate leaflets Loculus Cavity, often applying to fruits containing seeds Medullary Slender lines of parenchyma tissue connecting the pith with the bark, seen as radiating lines in the wood Membranous Thin, dry and flexible, not green Mericarp A one-seeded portion split off from a syncarpous ovary at maturity, e.g. | Dr. John Yiamouyiannis See book keywords and concepts | Food grown in these polluted areas, especially fruits, vegetables, and grains, become contaminated with fluoride. This leads to higher fluoride intakes. Similarly, fruits, vegetables, and grains grown with low-grade fluoride-contaminated phosphate fertilizers will pick up a higher fluoride content. Modern food distribution, because it brings foods in from a wide range of different geographical areas, prevents this from being as serious as it is for people who get most of their food either from these polluted areas or from areas using low-grade phosphate fertilizers. | Andrew Pengelly See book keywords and concepts | Capsicum
Capsaicin is the pungent principle derived from fruits of cayenne pepper—Capsicum annum, C. frutescens (Solanaceae). Capsaicin, a phenolic amide, is present in the fruit at a level of only 0.02%, yet its taste is detectable even in minute doses. The compound acts as a local anaesthetic and pain reliever through a complex mechanism (see Chapter 8).
The oleoresin from the rhizome of ginger, Zingiber officinalis (Zin-giberaceae), contains phenolic arylalkanones which are related to the pigment curcumin, from turmeric. | Jonny Bowden, M.A., C.N.S. See book keywords and concepts | Consider a fiber supplement (even sugar-free Metamucil, though I prefer Meta-Fibre by Metagenics; see Resources). Exercise almost always helps. And drinking hot water with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice first thing in the morning can help get things going as well.
A terrific "cure" for constipation is magnesium. Get the magnesium citrate form, start with 400 milligrams a day for a few days, and then, if needed, increase to 800. That almost always does it.
Why Do / Get Cravings?
Cravings have many causes. | Patrick Holford See book keywords and concepts | Coumarins and chlorogenic acid: These substances prevent the formation of cancer-causing nitrosamines and are found in a wide variety of fruits and vegetables, including tomatoes, green peppers, pineapple, strawberries, and carrots.
Curcumin: A powerful antioxidant found in mustard, turmeric, corn, and yellow peppers.
Ellagic acid: Present in strawberries, grapes, and raspberries, ellagic acid neutralizes carcinogens before they can damage DNA. A common cancer-producing chemical found in some meat, called nitrosamine, is put out of action by strawberries. | Bradley J. Willcox, M.D., D. Craig Willcox, Ph.D., Makoto Suzuki, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | When put together healthfully, lightweight diets center on vegetables, fruits, legumes (such as soy), and whole grains (such as brown rice), plus smaller amounts of lean seafood, meat, or dairy. A typical meal might be brown rice, vegetables, and fish, or oatmeal with fruit. | About 90 percent of the traditional Okinawan diet consists of sweet potatoes, other vegetables, soy-based foods, and whole grains and fruits. These foods are supplemented by small amounts of fish and lean pork on special occasions as well as plenty of antioxidant-rich tea. The antioxidant intake is impressive. The elders' diet supplies some 3,500 percent of the recommended daily intake (RDI) for carotenoids and 700 percent of the RDI for vitamin C! |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Fish oil ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Lactobacillus ...and Glucosamine
Related Concepts:
Vegetables Foods Fruit Diet Food Eat People Body Seeds Fiber Water Raw Acid Cancer Species Grains Fresh Vitamin Leaves Plant Eating Vitamin C Sweet Sugar Oil Juice Blood Avoid Green Nuts Whole Products Red Skin Health Fruits and vegetables Beans Protein Fish Disease Dried Time Levels Nutrients Risk Meat Whole grains Intake Study Natural Sources Drink White Heart Produce Vitamins Apples Legumes Flavor Effects Prevent Vegetable Calories Cultivated Tea Studies Berries Increase Plants Asia Antioxidants Yellow Minerals Citrus Calcium Effect Healthy Cells Helps Flowers Fats Women Liver Antioxidant Heart disease Carbohydrates Little Broccoli Orange Oils Juices Citrus fruits Black Supplements Energy Beta-carotene Toxic Example Symptoms Alcohol