And on the C program, which is for maintenance, you have an even wider range of grains and fruits to choose from, as the daily carb content goes up to 55 to 65 grams for women and 65 to 85 grams for men.
So why all the fuss about macadamia nut oil? Well, like olive oil, it contains an omega-9 fatty acid called oleic acid. Oleic acid, according to Dr. Pescatore, increases the incorporation of omega-3 fatty acids into the cell membrane, which is a good thing. He postulates that this might decrease the incidence of breast cancer, though he doesn't tell us how. | Eat:
• meats and fish
• fruits, especially berries
• vegetables
• nuts and seeds
Do not ecrf:
• grains
• beans
• potatoes
• dairy (especially milk)
• sugar
About Neanderthin
The book has three premises.
1. A natural diet is best.
2. Nature is defined as the absence of technology.
3. Until the advent of agriculture, grains, beans, potatoes, milk, and refined sugar were not part of the human diet. So don't eat them.
Hence, no grains, beans, potatoes, milk, or refined sugar. Period. | Victoria Boutenko, M.A. See book keywords and concepts | To consume greens in this way took so little time that I naturally continued experimenting with blended greens and fruits day after day.
I must admit here, that the idea of blended greens was not new to me. Eleven years ago when my family was studying long as its blades are sharp. Unfortunately, when the blades become dull, they just move around pieces of banana and the blender very quickly overheats. Eleven years ago, after burning several blenders, I finally bought myself a Vitamix at the country fair. It still works like new. | While most of our vegetables are roots, wild chimpanzees almost never eat root vegetables unless there is a drought and fruits and greens are unavailable. It is the intake of greens that has declined most dramatically in the human diet. Our consumption of greens has generally shrunk to the two wilted iceberg lettuce leaves on our sandwich.
Let us compare the standard American diet with an average diet of a typical raw foodist.
I think that a raw food diet demonstrates a vast improvement over the regular diet. | Tori Hudson, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | I recommend that if a pregnant woman eats meat and/or dairy products, these should be "free range" and organic, or at least free from the artificial hormones and pesticides used in the agricultural processes. Dairy products have some of the highest concentration of estrogen-mimicking artificial compounds and growth hormones. Xenoestrogens from pesticides are also suspected of causing genetic damage. | Michael Friedman, ND See book keywords and concepts | Lowest glycemic index foods include legumes, dairy products, most non-starchy fruits and vegetables, meat, fish, and poultry.
Meals and snacks should also be balanced themselves in terms of the three macro-nutrients. A ratio of approximately 20% to 30% protein, 30% to 45% fat, and 25% to 50% complex carbohydrate will ensure that blood sugar is not raised too high at meals and therefore should not drop to the hypoglycemic range postprandially. This diet is based on human evolutionary history and physiology. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | It combines organic, freeze-dried vegetables and fruits into a potent disease-fighting powder that you can add to all sorts of recipes.
Supplementing your diet with whole food concentrates is the only way to get a sufficient quantity of phytochemicals into your diet, because these whole food complexes are nutrient dense. The water has been removed from them, and the resulting powder contains far more phytonutrients per ounce than the raw plant. Generally speaking, dehydrating plants removes 90 percent of their weight, and a considerable portion of their volume as well. | Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The watery fruits and vegetables, because of their higher conductivity and their structured water energy, particularly enhance the activity. The closer we move to pure prana in our food, the easier it is for the pranic energy of the system to be drawn into the upper vortex field. The dense flesh foods and low-energy tamasic foods decrease the energy of the Kundalini vortex. Meat is so much denser than biogenic foods that it does not enter the pranic field as efficiently. | Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton See book keywords and concepts | Food sources of omega-3 fatty acids include nuts, seeds, vegetables, beans, and fruits; vegetable oils such as canola, flaxseed, soybean, walnut, and wheat germ; and salmon, halibut, sardines, albacore, trout, and herring. Other foods that contain omega-3 fatty acids include shrimp, clams, chunk light tuna, catfish, cod, and spinach. But, because many people have a low intake of foods that contain high levels of these nutrients, a daily supplement is advisable. Most omega-3 supplements contain a small amount of omega-6 oils as well, so it is not necessary to take an extra omega-6 supplement. | Byron J. Richards See book keywords and concepts | You want different kinds of food and you need to eat fruits and vegetables in a wide range of colors. Don't eat the same thing all the time.
Think flavor, learn how you can make food taste better. Freshly picked organic produce tastes far better than chemically-tainted and artificially-ripened food. Fresh herbs and spices can bring more taste pleasure to meals, thus reducing the desire to get taste pleasure from servings of fat and sugar. Many condiments contain significant health-promoting properties in and of themselves. | Henry Hobhouse See book keywords and concepts | The husbandry of Old World wheat, sugar, and fruits was an apparent success, but only sugar was allowed to be exported to Spain. Peruvian and Chilean wines were as good as or better than anything in Spain by 1600, but only allowed to be exported to Spain, and not to other New World colonies; Spain, surprise surprise, nearly always had adequate quantities of home-produced wine, so took the profit from American production. Olives found a home in a few valleys in the Andes, uniquely outside the Mediterranean. | If frosts have ceased in April, upland cotton is planted in clean, well-cultivated ground, kept weedfree by hoeing; p eking starts when the first bolls (flowers or fruits) set in July-August, and continues until the first frosts, since the "flowering" and "fruiting" constitute a continuous process. Drought restricts growth, and while a sudden drought in June will hasten the harvest, only a small crop will be produced. Plants of most varieties would survive more than one year, but growers tend to replant every year to prevent a build-up of pests and diseases. | Starch and sugar (in the form of fructose) occur in all fruits and vegetables, and, before the arrival of industrial cane and beet sugar, mankind managed well enough without refined sugar, which is pure, or nearly pure, sucrose.
When pure sucrose is consumed in large quantities, the metabolism of the whole system is altered. If a person eats a fruit containing, say, 10 percent fructose and 10 percent glucose, the remaining 80 percent of dry matter has to go through a number of digestive processes to make the sugars available. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Antioxidant vitamins provide some of the cancer-fighting prowess of fruits and vegetables, but phytochemicals play just as big a role. We are now learning that the same chemicals that protect plants from viruses, bacteria, and fungi protect us from cancer. For example, people who drink green tea, which contains a phytochemical called "epigallocatechin gallate," have a lower risk of liver, lung, skin, esophageal, and urinary cancer. | Carlo Petrini See book keywords and concepts | Groups of city dwellers get together with groups of farmers to meet their respective needs: the city dwellers want fresh, seasonal products at a good (fair) price and want to be able to know the person who grows them; the farmers need to have the guarantee of a fair price, not to be at the mercy of fluctuations in the market, and want the fruits of their production to be appreciated with "gastronomic" sensibility and not confused, diluted, or eliminated by the distribution and market systems. | But this is not the only direct, joyous, and practical method available to children now; the experience of Slow Food (in Australia, the United States, and Italy) has also given rise to the idea of the school garden, a vegetable patch in the school, where children learn to grow their own food, to interpret the signs of the changing seasons, and to gather the fruits of the earth so that they can taste, cook, judge, and compare them with those of the supermarket. Sensoriality here broadens out; it embraces work and the relationship with the earth and with the ecosystem. | Jeffrey M. Smith See book keywords and concepts | The book cites a study showing "that 78% of all malnourished children under five in the developing world live in countries with food surpluses."24
The organization Stop Hunger Now says, "Abundance, not scarcity, best describes the world's food supply," and a UN report confirms that we won't be running short anytime soon.25 The primary cause of hunger is poverty. Producing more food will not solve the problem if those who need it the most cannot afford it.
Miguel A. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Ben: I notice that the colors of this rainbow are all colors of fruits and vegetables that we've always know about -- like carrots are orange and tomatoes are red or green -- instead of things like meat, which I know a lot of times is red simply because that is more attractive to someone walking through a grocery store.
Mike: Very true. The color in meat is added with an ingredient called sodium nitrate, which is a cancer-causing chemical. That's how they make these meats look red on the shelf. If they didn't add these chemicals, they would look kind of a putrid gray color.
Ben: Orange gray. | Michael T. Murray See book keywords and concepts | The first DASH study showed that a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy products can reduce blood pressure in the general population and in people with hypertension.8 The original DASH diet did not require either sodium restriction or weight loss—the two traditional dietary tools to control blood pressure?to be effective. The second study from the DASH research group found that coupling the original DASH diet with sodium restriction is more effective than either dietary manipulation alone.9 In the first trial, the DASH diet produced a net blood pressure reduction of 11. | Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The equivalent of a traditional sattvic diet today consists of organic, whole, natural fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains. A modern sattvic diet emphasizes foods grown in harmony with Nature by organic farmers, on good soils, ripened naturally, and prepared with an attitude of Love. Such foods carry the highest prana and consciousness. A modern sattvic diet does not include junk food, excessively spicy or salty foods, fried food, white flour, white sugar, and other forms of food that unnaturally stimulate your blood sugar or your mind. | On the other hand, how delightful do we find the fragrance of fruits, the very sight of which often makes the mouth water."3 Flesh food creates a tamasic (dull and heavy) effect on the physical body and mind. It clogs the channels of the subtle body, the 72,000 nadis through which the Kundalini needs to move freely to do its spiritualizing work, and tends to make the mind insensitive. Even Western historians such as Herodotus have suggested that not only violence and crime, but also religious intolerance, are more common among meat-eating groups. Many spiritual teachings support this. | In the Ayurvedic system, these traditional sattvic foods include all fruits, vegetables, edible greens, grains, grasses, beans, milk, buttermilk, honey, and small quantities of rice or bread preparations. In our present time it is completely vegan.
For our Western bodies, a sattvic diet means at least 80 percent biogenic and bioactive foods (see Chapter 20) and 20 percent cooked or biostatic foods, with a minimum of stimulating condiments. | Carlo Petrini See book keywords and concepts | The latter produce food for a rich elite, who can afford the fruits of their labor, which are sometimes distributed thousands of kilometers away. As far as social justice is concerned, in the rich West the situation is complex: is it fair to harm the interests of those farmers who have made money through massive and extensive production in favor of small farmers who produce quality food? | The rejection or concealment of culinary pleasure has meant that the cutting of the umbilical cord that tied us to the soil and its fruits has been painless for most of us. Yet that break has separated producers from consumers, excluding the latter from any phase of the production process during which taste is created, flavor can be respected, and knowledge is fundamental.
The pleasure principle is fundamental. The pleasure principle is natural: everyone has a right to pleasure, as we saw earlier. | Industrial agriculture and modernization wiped the slate clean: all it took was the introduction of a few cultivable varieties of the most common products—varieties which do not thrive in this increasingly arid environment—and within two generations the local population had lost all the traditional knowledge that had once enabled it to subsist on the freely available fruits of nature. | And only the very rich can afford it, the fruits of this work; the minorities don't eat organic food in the United States.**
I had seen confirmation of this a few hours earlier, and indeed, as Altieri flowed on:
In California, 2 percent of organic producers make 50 percent of the total amount produced by the industry in this sector; I use the term "industry" advisedly: we are facing the same problems as conventional agriculture. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | While the benefits are clear, research shows that Americans on the average eat only 25 to 35 percent of the five to six recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Realistically, consuming five to six servings is hard to do. Furthermore, what we do eat is usually cooked, canned, or frozen (neutralizing up to 90 percent of the vital nutrients).
- Underground Cures
Researchers are learning that nature is by far the most powerful healer in the universe. No drug can compete with the healing powers of phytochemicals. | Jack Challem See book keywords and concepts | In contrast, simple carbs are usually refined (such as by grinding, bleaching, or separating their constituents) to remove the fiber, resulting in an almost pure starch. Simple carbs are absorbed quickly, much like a sugar. White bread, white rice, pasta, pizza dough, and grits are examples of refined carbs. Potatoes contain a similar simple starch. Even most whole-grain products, including brown breads, have undergone significant processing and refining, resulting in absorption similar to that of sugars.
Sugars. Sugars are very simple carbs that consist of tiny and rapidly absorbed molecules. | Heather Boon, BScPhm, PhD and Michael Smith, BPharm, MRPharmS, ND See book keywords and concepts | While the fruits are often referred to as berries, they are in fact fleshy cone scales.3'5 For best effect, the berries should be harvested in the second year when they are dark blue/purple in color.5 Many adults will be familiar with its distinctive odor and taste since juniper berries are the principal flavoring agent in gin. However, gin contains insufficient amounts of the essential oil to afford it any medicinal properties.6
Parts Used
The dried or expressed 'berries' are rich in essential oils. | David Hoffman, FNIMH, AHG See book keywords and concepts | While the specifics vary, all such medicines can be seen as fruits of the earth. Whether herbs or synthetic drugs, they share a common origin in the physical world.
Bodywork includes all approaches that do something with or to the physical body. It focuses on structural factors as either causative of or contributing to illness. This category includes the manipulative therapies, such as osteopathy, chiropractic, and the various forms of massage, as well as surgery. Personal lifestyle ideally will also contribute exercise, dance, or some other expression of bodily vitality. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Macronutrients:...and Seeds ...and Fiber ...and Protein ...and Calories ...and Minerals ...and Fats ...and Carbohydrates ...and Oils ...and Enzymes ...and Proteins
...and Substances:...and Food ...and Water ...and Acid ...and Acids ...and Bacteria ...and Light ...and Lead ...and Extract ...and Liquid ...and Syrup
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...and Nutrients:...and Vitamin ...and Vitamin C ...and Antioxidants ...and Calcium ...and Antioxidant ...and Beta-carotene ...and Iron ...and Potassium ...and Vitamin E ...and Flavonoids
...and Physiology:...and Levels ...and Intake ...and Effects ...and Prevent ...and Increase ...and Effect ...and Helps ...and Young ...and Astringent ...and Balance
...and Health Conditions and Diseases:...and Cancer ...and Heart disease ...and Diabetes ...and Pain ...and Inflammation ...and Diarrhea ...and Cancers ...and Constipation ...and Arthritis ...and Stroke
...and Plants and Herbs:...and Leaves ...and Flowers ...and Root ...and Garlic ...and Bark ...and Roots ...and Trees ...and Stems ...and Olive ...and Spices
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...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Intestinal ...and Soluble ...and Living ...and Oral ...and Scientific ...and Acute ...and Therapeutic ...and Mental ...and Painful
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Period ...and Weight loss ...and Concentration ...and Breath ...and Strength ...and Vision ...and Attention ...and Memory
...and Drugs:...and Diuretic ...and Laxative ...and Antibiotics ...and Sedative ...and Aspirin ...and Antibiotic ...and Tablets ...and Steroids ...and Diuretics ...and Chemotherapy
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Insulin ...and Estrogen ...and Hormones ...and Homocysteine ...and Estrogens ...and Saliva ...and Methionine ...and Histamine ...and Lipids ...and Stomach acid
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Height ...and Blood levels ...and Triglycerides ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Body weight ...and Blood glucose ...and Heart rate
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Lactose ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Aspartame ...and Msg
...and Treatment Modalities:...and Detoxification ...and Fasting ...and Ayurvedic ...and Cleanse ...and Chinese medicine ...and Massage ...and Meditation ...and Acupuncture ...and Folk medicine ...and Yoga
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Oxidation ...and Antiseptic ...and Expectorant ...and Irritant ...and Antimicrobial ...and Antifungal ...and Relieving ...and Analgesic ...and Relieves
...and When:...and Winter ...and Summer ...and Spring ...and At night ...and August ...and July ...and September ...and October ...and December ...and April
...and Organizations:...and Fda ...and National cancer institute ...and Health food stores ...and Government ...and Epa ...and Usda ...and Organization ...and Medical center ...and School of medicine ...and Clinic
...and Animals:...and Turkey ...and Insects ...and Dogs ...and Rats ...and Cows ...and Mice ...and Insect ...and Cattle ...and Horse ...and Worms
...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Fish oil ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Lactobacillus ...and Glucosamine
Related Concepts:
Vegetables Foods Fruit Diet Food Eat People Body Seeds Fiber Water Raw Acid Cancer Species Grains Fresh Vitamin Leaves Plant Eating Vitamin C Sweet Sugar Oil Juice Blood Avoid Green Nuts Whole Products Red Skin Health Fruits and vegetables Beans Protein Fish Disease Dried Time Levels Nutrients Risk Meat Whole grains Intake Study Natural Sources Drink White Heart Produce Vitamins Apples Legumes Flavor Effects Prevent Vegetable Calories Cultivated Tea Studies Berries Increase Plants Asia Antioxidants Yellow Minerals Citrus Calcium Effect Healthy Cells Helps Flowers Fats Women Liver Antioxidant Heart disease Carbohydrates Little Broccoli Orange Oils Juices Citrus fruits Black Supplements Energy Beta-carotene Toxic Example Symptoms Alcohol