Flowers (10%), Seeds (7%), fruits and roots (4% each), bark (3%), fruit peel (2%), and latex and wood (1% each) were only used for a small number of preparations.
Almost two-thirds (64%) of the remedies employed in Northern Peru are prepared using fresh plant material. Many of the introduced species are cultivated in fields and gardens, but the majority of the indigenous species are collected wild. This indicates that a widespread system of plant collectors is needed to supply the fresh plant material needed in Traditional Medicine. | Crush 20 fruits to extract Juice. Use 2 drops per nostril. 2. Adults: Boil 11 of water with lOg. Children: Boil 1/21 of water with lOg. Take 3 times a day until all mucus is released. 3. Squeeze Juice out of the Fruit. Apply Fruit Juice to the affected area, once a day until healed. 4. Boil 1/2 cup of water with 1 OOg of plant material for 5 minutes. Mix with Toronjil, and Mejorana. Drink 1/4 cup, once only. 5. Bath: Boil 51 of water with lOOg of: Hierba del Susto, Hierba del Gallinazo, Romero, Paja del Aire, Ashango, Ishpingo, Asmala, Flor del Muerto, and Ruda. Boil for 10 minutes. | Familia: GENTIANACEAE - Family: GENTIANACEAE Partes usadas: Frutas, frescas - Plant parts used: fruits, fresh
Administration: Topica - Administration: Topical
Preparacion: Exprimir el Jugo de la Fruta; la cantidad depende de lo que se necesita. Aplicar un par de gotas del Jugo en el area afectada y dejar secar al aire libre, una vez por dia o como se necesita. - Preparation: Squeeze the Juice out of the Fruit. Squeeze as much as you need at a time. Apply a couple of drops of the fresh squeezed Juice on the affected area and let it air dry, a couple of drops once a day as long as needed. | Kevin Trudeau See book keywords and concepts | Make sure the fruits are fresh and not dried. As always, make sure they are organic.
Stay away from bananas as they have a tendency to make you gain weight. If you must have milk with your breakfast, make sure it is organic and, ideally, raw milk that has not been pasteurized or homogenized.
Here are some common breakfasts that I eat:
Scrambled eggs with a side of smoked salmon, or lamb chops, or sardines, or a small steak.
I make my scrambled eggs various ways. I always use fresh organic, non-pasteurized, fertile eggs. | Thomson Healthcare, Inc. See book keywords and concepts | The differences were between the first and fifth quintiles of the study group. This same group was studied to determine if there was a significant difference in the risk of getting cancer depending on the food eaten. There was a statistically significant difference for Tomato sauce, Tomatoes, and pizza but not Tomato juice (p=0.01, 0.3, 0.05, and 0.67, respectively. The categories included in the trend were: no servings, 1 to 3 servings a month, 1 serving a week, 2 to 4 servings per week, and greater than 5 servings per week. | Michael Pollan See book keywords and concepts | The consensus hinged on two suggestive links that were well established by the early sixties: a link between high rates of cholesterol in the blood and the likelihood of heart disease and a link between saturated fat in the diet and cholesterol levels in the blood. Both these links have held up, but it doesn't necessarily follow from them that consumption of saturated
*In 1945, 217,000 deaths in the United States were attributed to heart attacks. By 1960 there were 500,000. By 2001 that number had fallen to 185,000. | Ron Garner See book keywords and concepts | Note: Fresh fruit consumption data is probably more applicable to southern regions as raw fruit is now available to us year-round, although much of it is picked unripe to facilitate shipping.
Between 1940 and 1980, the consumption of: eggs decreased 25% food coloring increased 90%
Between i960 and 1980, the consumption of:
Soft drinks increased 300%. The average person now consumes 38 gallons (144 liters) of soft drinks annually, and one-fifth of our sugar intake is in soft drinks. | KC Craichy See book keywords and concepts | White bread, potatoes, rice, sugary drinks, fruits, such as ripe bananas and citrus, and below-ground vegetables, such as carrots and beets, are high glycemic foods that are known to raise insulin levels into the danger zone. Indeed, many of us have already experienced the severe "low energy letdown" that typically happens when we consume large doses of sugar or other high glycemic foods.
Low Glycemic Foods
¦ Berries (blueberries, strawberries, cranberries, and raspberries)
¦ Broccoli
. | Department of Agriculture data, has shown that compared to 50 years ago, today's fruits and vegetables contain smaller amounts of some key nutrients, including protein, calcium, phosphorus, iron, riboflavin, and Vitamin C. The declines included a 6 percent dip for protein and 38 percent loss of riboflavin. "This is one more reason to eat more vegetables because they are still, by far, our most nutrient-dense food," said Dr. Donald Davis, the study's lead author and researcher with the university's Biochemical Institute in the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry. | Living on a diet of nothing but fruits, nuts, berries, grains, and vegetables, they often lose so much weight that they look as though they are starving.
Let's face it: eating is one of our principal pleasures. My goal is a far more moderate approach that retains the enjoyment of eating. To eat well, while restricting caloric intake, is something anyone can do. You merely need a new mindset. There's never a reason to starve yourself in the pursuit of super health. | Carbohydrates are the major source of energy in our diet and are found in grains, legumes, fruits, vegetables, sugar, and alcohol. In fact, if you starve your body by not fueling it with the right kind of carbohydrates, you'll get to the point where you can't even think straight and you'll feel edgy all the time. But it's the right kind of carbohydrates— low glycemic carbohydrates—that are essential to good health.
Golden Keys to
Unlock Lifelong
Despite their benefits, today's diets have us consuming far too many carbohydrates. | MINIMIZE SNACK FOODS, DESSERTS, MOST fruits, SOFT DRINKS,34 SPORTS DRINKS, FRUIT JUICES,35 SWEET DRINKS,36 COFFEE,37 AND ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES38
Alcohol is essentially liquid sugar and is extremely high glycemic, and it adversely raises insulin levels and compromises sleep patterns. If you must have a drink or juice or other "destructive carbohydrate," then treat each such food or drink as if it were a dessert and govern yourself accordingly. | To get our shampoo to smell like watermelon or strawberry, chemists must manipulate our neurosensors, making us believe that we are detecting the smell of those fruits. No one is standing over a perfume bottle squeezing essence of watermelon into the bottle! Instead, combinations from among the 6,000 available chemicals are combined to create smells that range from "new car smell" to facsimiles of very expensive French perfumes.
Perfumes and colognes were once reserved for special occasions only. | Kevin Trudeau See book keywords and concepts | Eat organic, fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Go back to my book. Eat a raw organic apple a day. Eat a fresh salad with lunch and dinner consisting of raw organic vegetables. This will add living enzymes. This is a good start.
Now let me give you some additional suggestions to help with acid reflux.
1. Raw apple cider vinegar. Take one tablespoon right before you eat each meal. This should eliminate any acid reflux. If you are feeling any heartburn, indigestion, or "acid reflux," take a spoonful of raw apple cider vinegar. Make sure it's raw and organic.
2. | Michael T. Murray See book keywords and concepts | Of individuals with type 2 diabetes, 69 percent did not exercise at all or did not engage in regular exercise; 62 percent ate fewer than five servings of fruits and vegetables per day; 65 percent consumed more than 30 percent of their daily calories from fat and more than 10 percent of total calories from saturated fat; and 82 percent were either overweight or obese.7 was combined with low physical activity, the risk for type 2 diabetes nearly doubled. And if obesity was present, the risk jumped 1,100 percent (eleven times more likely to develop the disease). | by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | With a varied diet of grains, legumes, fruits, and vegetables, a person is almost assured complete proteins, as long as the calorie content of the diet is high enough. Nonetheless, when electing to eat less animal food in the diet, it is important to design the diet to provide adequate amounts of protein.
In order to assess the quality of a protein, scientists measure the proportion of the amino acids that are absorbed, retained, and used in the body to determine the protein's biological value (BV). The food source that has the highest biological value protein is whey protein. | Mike Adams See book keywords and concepts | Flavonoids in just about all fruits and vegetables — and in wine — block carcinogens' access to cells and suppress malignant changes in cells.
- Stephanie Beling, M.D., Power Foods
As you can see, many people view the phytochemicals in plants as nothing more than a natural source for drugs. My own metaphor of the "pharmaceutical factory" eludes to this sort of thinking, and I chose that metaphor precisely because it's what most people believe about phytochemicals and plants. | David W. Grotto, RD, LDN See book keywords and concepts | HEART HEALTH: Allyl sulfides, found in onions, decrease the tendency of blood clots to form, significantly lowering total LDL cholesterol levels. A study of Japanese women found that those with the highest onion intake had the lowest LDL cholesterol. University of Wisconsin-Madison researchers found that the stronger-tasting and -smelling onions made blood platelets less sticky, thus reducing risk for atherosclerosis, cardiovascular disease, heart attack, and stroke. | Michael T. Murray See book keywords and concepts | First, all we have to do is compare the rate of diabetes and obesity of Pima Indians living in Arizona to those living in Mexico that still cultivate corn, beans, and potatoes as their main staples plus a limited amount of seasonal vegetables and fruits such as zucchini squash, tomatoes, garlic, green peppers, peaches, and apples. The Pimas of Mexico also make heavy use of wild and medicinal plants in their diet. They also work hard, have no electricity or running water in their homes, and walk long distances to bring in drinking water or to wash their clothes. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Again, this is a recipe for health, so we list all the foods -- raw fruits, vegetables, berries, healthy oils, nuts and seeds, fish, certain sea vegetables and molasses, for example -- and we even mention things that aren't food, like sunlight and water, because they are essential nutrition. Basically, this is a recipe. We even show pictures here of an unhealthy person on the left eating all the disease foods, versus the healthy food on the right. | Michael T. Murray See book keywords and concepts | Here are some things that we have found useful in helping kids eat better: ţEncourage healthy snacks of fruits and vegetables (carrot and celery sticks are very popular). ţTry to have at least one fresh piece of fruit or vegetable with each main meal. ţChoose healthier versions of fruit drinks and snacks—read labels carefully. ţTake the kids with you to shop at the natural food store—they will be more likely to try new foods if they choose them.
Learning Factors Daily Nutrient Boost Smoothie Mix
LJi. | James Howard Kunstler See book keywords and concepts | Other occupational niches would be created at the local and regional scales for value-added production —turning milk to dairy products, preserving vegetables and fruits, winemaking, meat processing, breadmaking, and many related activities. In other parts of the world, these economic and social roles were never eliminated in the first place, and the models are there to be seen and emulated. Local distribution networks based on something other than tractor-trailer trucks will have to be reestablished. If we are lucky, these products will be transported over refurbished rail networks or by boat. | Second, and perhaps more important, the coming on line of the Alaska North Slope oil fields, the North Sea fields, and deepwater wells that were the fruits of the desperate exploration carried out following the crisis of the seventies restored supply leverage to the non-OPEC nations. These discoveries, which appear now to be the last significant ones of the oil age, set the stage for the oil glut that characterized the 1980s and 1990s.
The oil glut had several ramifications. Foremost, it put the American public back to sleep on energy issues as they had been prior to 1973. | In the middle of his two terms, the bottom fell out of the oil market and prices commenced a fifteen-year-long slump, brought on by a number of factors: by the full-throttle production of a fraying Soviet Union trying to desperately acquire hard currency and stave off collapse; by the fruits of ramped-up oil exploration commenced after the crises of the 1970s, including the North Sea bonanzas of Britain and Norway; and by the unraveling of OPEC's price discipline brought on by the overproduction of desperate member nations such as Nigeria and Venezuela. | Michael T. Murray See book keywords and concepts | It is thought by many that the assortment of natural simple sugars in fruits and vegetables have an advantage over sucrose (white sugar) and other refined sugars in that they are balanced by fiber and a wide range of nutrients that aid in the use of the sugars. Problems with carbohydrates begin when they are refined and stripped of these nutrients. Virtually all of the fiber, phytochemical, vitamin, and trace element content has been removed from white sugar, white breads and pastries, and many breakfast cereals. | Leslie Taylor, ND See book keywords and concepts | Today, entire communities and tribes earn five to ten times more money in wild-harvesting medicinal plants, fruits, nuts, and oils than they can earn by chopping down the forest for subsistence crops. This much-needed income source creates the awareness and economic incentive for this population in the rainforest to protect and preserve the forests for long-term profits for themselves and their children, and is an important solution in saving the rainforest from destruction. | Frederic Vagnini, M.D. and Barry Fox, Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | Some Good Sources of Inositol
Inositol is found in fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, organ meats, and other foods. Cantaloupe, oranges, green beans, grapefruit juice, and limes are all sources of inositol. | Some Good Sources of Folic Acid
Folic acid is found in spinach and green leafy vegetables; dried peas and beans; some vegetables and fruits; and fortified grains and cereals. | Luca Turin See book keywords and concepts | In the days before safety officers, chemists used to routinely smell and taste the fruits of their efforts. They no longer do. My colleague Daniel Boerger thinks those who did died early and failed to propagate their genes, and the species homo chemicus var. gustans has disappeared. Still, if it is powerful enough, and they either open the vial deliberately or forget to close it, they will smell it. Every time it is an absolute mystery what each molecule is going to smell like. | Michael Friedman, ND See book keywords and concepts | The chemistry of Silymarin (silybun), the active principle of the fruits of Silybum marianum. In: Brown DJ (ed.). Herbal Prescriptions for Better Health. Roseville, CA: Prima Health, 1996;151-58.
37. Luper S. A review of plants used in the treatment of liver disease: Part 1. Alternative Medicine Review 1998; 3:410-21.
38. von SchonfeldJ, Weisbrod B, Muller MK. Silibin, a plant extract with antioxidant and membrane stabilizing properties, protects exocrine pancreas from cyclosporin A toxicity. Cell Mol Life Sci 1997;53(ll-12):917-20.
39. Lahiri-Chatterjee M, Katiyar SK, Mohan RR, et al. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Nutrients:...and Vitamin ...and Vitamin C ...and Antioxidants ...and Calcium ...and Antioxidant ...and Beta-carotene ...and Iron ...and Potassium ...and Vitamin E ...and Flavonoids
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...and Health Conditions and Diseases:...and Cancer ...and Heart disease ...and Diabetes ...and Pain ...and Inflammation ...and Diarrhea ...and Cancers ...and Constipation ...and Arthritis ...and Stroke
...and Plants and Herbs:...and Leaves ...and Flowers ...and Root ...and Garlic ...and Bark ...and Roots ...and Trees ...and Stems ...and Olive ...and Spices
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...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Intestinal ...and Soluble ...and Living ...and Oral ...and Scientific ...and Acute ...and Therapeutic ...and Mental ...and Painful
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Metabolism ...and Period ...and Weight loss ...and Concentration ...and Breath ...and Strength ...and Vision ...and Attention ...and Memory
...and Drugs:...and Diuretic ...and Laxative ...and Antibiotics ...and Sedative ...and Aspirin ...and Antibiotic ...and Tablets ...and Steroids ...and Diuretics ...and Chemotherapy
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Insulin ...and Estrogen ...and Hormones ...and Homocysteine ...and Estrogens ...and Saliva ...and Methionine ...and Histamine ...and Lipids ...and Stomach acid
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Height ...and Blood levels ...and Triglycerides ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Body weight ...and Blood glucose ...and Heart rate
...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Fructose ...and Lactose ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Aspartame ...and Msg
...and Treatment Modalities:...and Detoxification ...and Fasting ...and Ayurvedic ...and Cleanse ...and Chinese medicine ...and Massage ...and Meditation ...and Acupuncture ...and Folk medicine ...and Yoga
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Oxidation ...and Antiseptic ...and Expectorant ...and Irritant ...and Antimicrobial ...and Antifungal ...and Relieving ...and Analgesic ...and Relieves
...and When:...and Winter ...and Summer ...and Spring ...and At night ...and August ...and July ...and September ...and October ...and December ...and April
...and Organizations:...and Fda ...and National cancer institute ...and Health food stores ...and Government ...and Epa ...and Usda ...and Organization ...and Medical center ...and School of medicine ...and Clinic
...and Animals:...and Turkey ...and Insects ...and Dogs ...and Rats ...and Cows ...and Mice ...and Insect ...and Cattle ...and Horse ...and Worms
...and Supplements:...and Spirulina ...and Flaxseed oil ...and Fish oil ...and Coenzyme q10 ...and Lactobacillus ...and Glucosamine
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Vegetables Foods Fruit Diet Food Eat People Body Seeds Fiber Water Raw Acid Cancer Species Grains Fresh Vitamin Leaves Plant Eating Vitamin C Sweet Sugar Oil Juice Blood Avoid Green Nuts Whole Products Red Skin Health Fruits and vegetables Beans Protein Fish Disease Dried Time Levels Nutrients Risk Meat Whole grains Intake Study Natural Sources Drink White Heart Produce Vitamins Apples Legumes Flavor Effects Prevent Vegetable Calories Cultivated Tea Studies Berries Increase Plants Asia Antioxidants Yellow Minerals Citrus Calcium Effect Healthy Cells Helps Flowers Fats Women Liver Antioxidant Heart disease Carbohydrates Little Broccoli Orange Oils Juices Citrus fruits Black Supplements Energy Beta-carotene Toxic Example Symptoms Alcohol