Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Complex carbohydrates are found in fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, beans, natural whole grains, and starchy foods like potatoes, rice, and pasta. They provide dietary fiber and have only one-third the calories found in fats and simple carbohydrates. Proteins and carbohydrates are rich in vitamins and minerals. Carbohydrates can be converted into fat and provide the body with energy and warmth. A constant flow of energy is supplied from complex carbohydrates, rather than the short-lived energy bursts from simple carbohydrates, such as sugar or starches. | Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard See book keywords and concepts | L) raw vegetables
Vi cup (125 mL) vegetable juices
V2 cup (125 mL) cooked vegetables þFood Group
Allowances Servings per Calorie Level
1,500 1,800 2,100
2-5 servings 3 4 5
Select mainly whole fresh fruits rather than fruit juices or canned or cooked fruits. | They are nature's treat and the very best way to satisfy your sweet tooth. fresh fruits are a better option than fruit juices, as they provide greater satiety and more fiber and protective phytochemicals. They make great snacks and wonderful desserts. Use frozen fruits blended with a little soymilk or yogurt to make a delicious, low-fat, nutrition-packed "ice cream. | Marion Nestle See book keywords and concepts | Preferences for fresh fruits and vegetables—the object of much nutritional advice—also present such opportunities. Demands for strawberries and tomatoes in winter require fruits and vegetables to be imported from warmer countries in Asia, Latin America, and North Africa, where water quality and sanitation facilities do not necessarily meet U.S. standards. An unchlorinated water supply in a developing country is a good reason to avoid eating its vegetables raw, or its fruit unpeeled. Nevertheless, the United States imported nearly $1. |
Healing Children's Attention & Behavior DisordersDr. Abram Hoffer, M.D., FRCP(C) See book keywords and concepts | Is the diet completely lacking in foods high in vitamin and mineral content such as fresh fruits and /or salads? Could the person have an allergic intolerance to any foods he or she is consuming regularly? Could the person suffer from a toxicological burden of heavy metal contamination, such as lead, cadmium andfor aluminum, which can be easily diagnosed by current hair mineral analysis testing methods."
The Medical Post recently reported on a paper delivered by Dr Leonard McEwen who studied the hyperactivity level of nine juvenile delinquents by changing their diet. | Marion Nestle See book keywords and concepts | Do not drink unpasteurized milk or juices. Wash fresh fruits and vegetables thoroughly.
Wash hands thoroughly after handling animals, especially cattle, deer, goats, dogs.
Wash hands thoroughly after changing children's diapers or providing care to children or adults with diarrheal diseases.
Do not fertilize fruits or vegetables with manure from ruminant animals.
Avoid swimming in lakes or ponds used by cattle.
Do not drink surface water that has not been chlorinated, boiled, or otherwise treated to eliminate pathogens. source: Buchanan RL, Doyle MP. Food Technology ij97;5i(io):69-76. | Bruce Fife and Jon J. Kabara See book keywords and concepts | You may try it on a variety of different fresh fruits such as strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, etc. A little honey may be added if the fruit isn't sweet enough for your taste.
Coconut products make excellent choices for people with food allergies. While some people can be allergic to most any type of food, relatively few people have allergic reactions to coconut.
One of the most common allergy-causing foods is cow's milk. This includes all dairy products—cheese, yogurt, cream, buttermilk, ice cream, butter, etc. | J. E. Williams, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | A diet composed mainly of processed foods, low in fresh fruits and vegetables but high in calories, is deficient in these essential micronutrients.
Most Americans have access to lots of food, in fact, too much food of the wrong kinds. Fast-food restaurants are on nearly every corner and supermarkets are in every shopping center. However, the standard American diet (SAD) is actually deficient in many essential nutrients and is low in nutrient density. | Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | How else could the FDA have approved such an obvious health-destroying process as the irradiation of fresh fruits, vegetables, wheat, spices, herbs, pork, and poultry products as a way of preserving them? This decision of the FDA reflects the extent to which many of us have broken our ties to nature.
What seems normal is abnormal and vice versa. According to an article in the East-West Journalby Becky Gillette and Kate Dumont on Roy Wal-ford's research, fully two-thirds of Americans die from diseases caused by a poor diet. Approximately 1.5 million people died of diet-related disease in 1987. | In one's transition to vegetarianism, to avoid an iron deficiency it is better to eat a minimal amount of dairy and lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, and grains.
The tannic acid in black teas is another common cause of blocked iron uptake. If one insists on drinking black teas in one's diet, it is best to drink the tea at least one hour before meals. Tannic acid is also found in the skins of almonds. If one eats a lot of almonds, then it is a good idea to take off the skins, as explained in the food preparation section. | It is a diet with an abundance of different sprouts of legumes, grains, seeds, baby greens, and grasses; fresh fruits and vegetables; soaked nuts and seeds; grains, legumes, and honey.
Rajasic foods are more stimulating to the nervous system. They include coffee, green or black teas, tobacco, fresh meats, and large amounts of stimulating spices, such as garlic and peppers. These foods are sought as stimulants by people who consciously or unconsciously use them to help carry out worldly activities. | Marie-France Muller, M.D., N.D., Ph.D. See book keywords and concepts | An alkaline diet including fresh or frozen vegetables (with the exception of Brussels sprouts and artichokes), salads, mushrooms, fresh fruits, potatoes, all other root vegetables, top-grade olive oil, fruit and vegetable juices, water and herbal teas, and abstinence from animal proteins is the foundation for treatment. Salt therapy imparts additional beneficial effects. In fact, for quite a long time traditional medicine has recognized the healing power of salt in the treatment of psoriasis. | Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | The only sugar around is that naturally present in fresh fruits, vegetables, and grain. Don't even think of fatty sauces for any dish, none of which are ever fried. The Pritikin team is ingenious in its use of herbs, spices, garlic, onions, and lemon juice. When I last visited one of their facilities, they were allowing one glass of wine per day—under protest! Cigarettes? Smoking? What's that? Never heard of it at Pritikin! Vitamin supplements are not recommended either, the assumption being that their diet provides all you need. | James F. Balch, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Fresh fruits and vegetables provide the most vitamins and minerals, plus fiber and enzymes in proper balance: phytonutrients, working together (syner-gistically) to enhance each other's healing qualities. Try to cultivate a taste for them.
2. Whole grains, seeds, nuts, and legumes are also necessary in a balanced diet. They provide fiber to keep your body's digestive tract regulated. These are better sources for your proteins than meat, yet still supply all of your amino acid requirements. Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins. | the Editors of FC&A Medical Publishing See book keywords and concepts | You can get this vitamin E protection by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables like apricots, avocados, mangoes, kale, and sweet potatoes. Include bran, rice, wheat germ, almonds, peanut butter, and sunflower seeds in your diet as well.
Getting most of your vitamin E from these plant foods rather than from animal sources is a doubly good idea. That's because eating a lot of animal fat can increase your chances of getting PD. Substitute plant protein like beans and nuts for some of the meat in your diet. And when you do eat meat, stick to lean cuts. | A rule of thumb, she says, is to buy as many fresh fruits and vegetables as you expect to use in three days.
"After about three days of sitting in your pantry or refrigerator, many fresh produce items lose enough nutritive value that you're better served by frozen and canned alternatives," she explains.
3 ways peaches keep you healthy
Keeps your colon peachy clean. Peaches are more than 80 percent water and are a good source of dietary fiber. This combination makes them a perfect remedy for constipation. One medium size peach has 7 percent of the dietary fiber you need each day. | You can drink less if you eat a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables.
For variety, Ivker suggests herbal teas, natural fruit juices diluted 50 percent with water, or thin soups. Choose products low in salt and without added sugar.
Avoid coffee, regular tea, and cola. "Caffeine is a diuretic that can contribute to dehydration and increased mucus production," says Ivker.
A word of caution
You may think of milk, sweets, and alcoholic beverages as comfort foods, but if you are battling sinusitis, they may be adding to your discomfort.
"The change I recommend most," says sinus expert, Dr. | Neal Barnard, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Add some extra fresh fruits and vegetables for snacks and you're ready to head to the store. Plan to shop at a time when you're not hungry to reduce the temptation of impulse items. When you get home, post your menu in a visible location so it can be easily referred to and followed.
You may find that you don't actually need to plan for three meals each day of the week. Breakfast, especially during the week, will probably be much the same from day to day. Lunches can be quickly assembled if you have food from previous meals on hand. | J. E. Williams, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | One reason is that they consume large amounts of refined carbohydrates or hydrogenated fats and not enough fresh fruits and vegetables. This way of eating provides an excess of calories that the body cannot use, and it stores the excess as adipose tissue, or body fat. At the same time, these foods are notoriously low in nutrients, especially the trace elements vital for a healthy immune system.
Nutritional influences on illness and immune strength are more far-reaching than once thought by Western physicians. | Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | With the purified water one can even have sprouted seeds the next day. fresh fruits and vegetables are usually available in most countries during the summer.
There are several excellent foods to take when traveling. One is spirulina; another is a new class of products called flash-dry vegetable, grain, and fruit concentrates. I suggest only getting ones that are organic. If I had a choice of one food to bring with me on a desert island, it would be spirulina. Gram for gram, spirulina could be the most nutritious and well-rounded food on the planet, which stores almost indefinitely. | J. E. Williams, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | L-Lysine
Herpes Simplex
1,500 mg,
500-1,000 mg,
1 and 2
3-4 times daily
2-3 times daily
AIDS and
1500 mg,
500-1000 mg, hepatitis C
2-3 times daily
2 times daily
Chapter Summary
Eat an oxygen-rich diet of natural foods high in fresh fruits and vegetables, including one or two 6-8 ounce glasses of carrot and mixed green vegetable juice each week.
In addition to improving general fitness, practice oxygen-enhancing exercises like Chinese qi gong or yoga pranayama.
Improve indoor air quality with an ozone generator. | Gabriel Cousens, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | A diet high in complex natural carbohydrates includes fresh fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, legumes, and grains. This is the essential diet followed by long-lived people such as the Hunzas of Pakistan, many of whom live close to one hundred years or more, and the Russian Caucasians, called Abkhazians, who have seven times more centenarians per million than the US. Although the Abkhazians eat some meat, according to Paavo Airola, most of their centenarians are vegetarian. Other long-lived cultures, such as the Bulgarians and Vilcabamban Indians, also follow a similar diet. | J. E. Williams, O.M.D. See book keywords and concepts | It contains moderate amounts of complex carbohydrates (primarily brown or basmati rice), adequate fats and proteins,3 and abundant fresh fruits and vegetables. The emphasis is always on vegetables. This diet comprises 50-55 percent complex carbohydrates; 15-20 percent high quality protein; and 20-25 percent healthy fats and oils.
The other diet I recommend is a low-carbohydrate diet, and for short periods of time (up to one month) I may advise a no-carbohydrate diet. This type of diet is similar to that advocated by Barry Sears and is known as the 30-30-40 Zone diet (Sears 1995). | Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | If you are disabled and living alone, you may not be able to do your shopping often enough to buy fresh fruits and vegetables; the arthritis can affect your jaw or the temporomandibular joint (just below the ear on each side), making chewing difficult and painful. You may need liquid nutritional supplements until the acute stage of the disease is controlled.
In summary, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis are the two most common joint disorders affecting adults. | People with stomach cancer also tend to be poor, so their diet is usually high in refined, processed starch and low in fresh fruits and vegetables. The best way, then, to beat stomach cancer is to cut down on smoked, barbecued, pickled, salted, and cured meats and fish, and eat lots of foods rich in vitamins C and A.
Most skin cancers, no matter how late they're found and removed, are not a threat to life. Malignant melanomas, which rank thirteenth in cancer incidence, are the exception. | Their use in fresh fruits and vegetables in salad bars was banned in 1986 in the United States. Any coloring or dye, including tartrazine, or FDC #5, as well as sodium benzoate, nitrites, and nitrates in processed meats, can induce an allergic reaction too. Always check the label of any prepared food before you eat it.
The best way to identify a food allergy is to keep a diet diary. Write down what you ate and when. | The Step 2 diet translates into one egg yolk per week (you may have two on the Step 1 diet), no more than 6 ounces offish, skinned poultry, or the leanest cuts of meat daily, and an abundance of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Step 2 is not the end of the road! There are cases when more stringent restrictions are necessary, as, for example, if you have a bad family history of premature heart disease, your cholesterol levels are above 275 milligrams per deciliter, and your LDL level is greater than 170 milligrams per deciliter. | Michael T. Murray, N.D., Joseph E. Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | This involves eliminating all refined and processed foods and promoting the consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.
Nutritional Supplements
• High-potency multiple-vitamin-and-mineral formula
• Phosphatidylcholine: 10-25 g/day
NOTE: Phosphatidylcholine may induce depression in some patients.15 If this occurs, discontinue immediately.
• Vitamin C: 3-5 grams per day in divided doses
• Vitamin E: 400-800 IU per day
That being said, serotonin reuptake inhibitors such as Prozac, Zoloft, and Paxil are often helpful when used in combination with lithium. | Isadore Rosenfeld, M.D. See book keywords and concepts | Also make a point of having at least six servings a day of fresh fruits and vegetables—especially carrots, oranges, and apples, which contain pectin, a soluble fiber. This is especially helpful if your main complaint is diarrhea rather than constipation. Unlike insoluble fiber, pectin does not impose too much bulk on an already stressed bowel.
Although most people with IBS improve on a high-fiber diet, some do not. In fact, such a diet sometimes aggravates the bloating and abdominal distention and can also cause intolerable amounts of gas. |
Earth RightH. Patricia Hynes See book keywords and concepts | Further, the estimates of what adults eat were based on food patterns in the late 1960s, which have substantially changed; people eat more fresh fruits and vegetables now than they did two decades ago. The NRDC calculates that children's consumption of cranberries is underestimated fourteenfold; grapes, sixfold; apples and oranges, fivefold; apricots, fourfold; strawberries, threefold; carrots and broccoli, twofold. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Chemicals:...and Pesticides ...and Caffeine ...and Free radicals ...and Additives ...and Fluoride ...and Pesticide ...and Mercury ...and Aluminum ...and Poisons ...and Carcinogens
...and Plants and Herbs:...and Garlic ...and Root ...and Ginger ...and Tobacco ...and Spices ...and Olive ...and Pepper ...and Alfalfa ...and Leaves ...and Sage
...and Medical Terms:...and Doses ...and Results ...and Properties ...and Dosage ...and Dose ...and Drops ...and Serum ...and Syndrome ...and Placebo ...and Antibodies
...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Intestinal ...and Internal ...and Painful ...and Acute ...and Mental ...and Metabolic ...and Viral ...and Urinary ...and Inflamed
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Period ...and Metabolism ...and Weight loss ...and Attention ...and Vision ...and Concentration ...and Strength ...and Breath ...and Memory
...and Drugs:...and Diuretics ...and Antibiotics ...and Aspirin ...and Laxative ...and Steroids ...and Diuretic ...and Antibiotic ...and Stimulants ...and Tablets ...and Sedative
...and Treatment Modalities:...and Detoxification ...and Fasting ...and Cleanse ...and Chinese medicine ...and Yoga ...and Massage ...and Biofeedback ...and Ayurvedic ...and Meditation ...and Traditional chinese medicine
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...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Msg ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Fructose ...and Aspartame ...and Lactose
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Estrogen ...and Hormones ...and Insulin ...and Methionine ...and Histamine ...and Steroid ...and Saliva ...and Cortisol ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Estrogens
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood glucose ...and Body weight ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Blood levels ...and Height
...and Organizations:...and Epa ...and Clinic ...and Manufacturers ...and Organization ...and National cancer institute ...and School of medicine ...and Military ...and Fda ...and Medical center ...and Food and drug administration
...and When:...and Spring ...and Summer ...and Winter ...and At night ...and October ...and December ...and August ...and July
...and Supplements:...and Flaxseed oil ...and Spirulina ...and Fish oil ...and Coenzyme q10
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Oxidation ...and Calming ...and Antimicrobial ...and Antiseptic ...and Relieves ...and Antifungal
Related Concepts:
Foods Diet Fruits and vegetables Eat Vegetables Fruits Food Body Water People Avoid Whole grains Vitamin Fiber Eating Grains Fish Fresh Fruit Sugar Beans Cancer Nutrients Whole Vitamin C Healthy Levels Protein Intake Seeds Vitamins Raw Products Health Drink Antioxidant Blood Meat Sources Time Oil Nuts Acid Disease Dietary Supplements Calcium Natural Juice Legumes Skin Minerals Immune system Risk Cells Symptoms Prevent Helps Liver Immune Meals Magnesium Pain Calories Salt Produce Increase Damage Children Problems Dairy Week Tea Green Antioxidants Taking Toxins Vitamin A Organic Beta-carotene Carbohydrates Vitamin E Pesticides Juices Heart Treatment Chicken Wheat Studies Essential Nutrition Alcohol Fats Caffeine Example Dairy products Carrots Lean Effects Mineral