Marion Nestle See book keywords and concepts |
The agency also must deal with food imports, which comprised 40% of the country's supply of fresh fruits and vegetables and 68% of the seafood in 2000. The FDA's budget allocation for inspection purposes was just $283 million in 2000, minuscule by any standard of federal expenditure. It is not surprising that the FDA conducted only 5,000 inspections annually, visited less than 2% of the places under its jurisdiction, and inspected less than 1% of imported foods prior to 2001 when threats of bioterrorism forced improvements. |
Tanya Harter Pierce See book keywords and concepts |
Thus, women who have diets low in fresh fruits, vegetables, and legumes, are deprived of many of the hormone-balancing nutrients these foods can supply. Soy products are becoming a more and more common way for women to naturally treat their health issues, but there is some controversy around soy as well. Unfermented soy products actually contain some anti-nutritive agents in them that are somewhat harmful to the body. |
Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard See book keywords and concepts |
Include a good source of vitamin C and other antioxidant nutrients. fresh fruits are great choices. Be sure to include a good source of protein such as tofu, soymilk, veggie "meats," nuts, or nut butters. Nonfat cheese, nonfat yogurt, and eggs (in moderation) can also be used, if desired.
Reducing intake of eggs and high-fat dairy products is getting easier all the time. Nondairy beverages made from soy, tofu, nuts, and rice can be used as a direct substitute for cow's milk on cereal and in most recipes. |
Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg See book keywords and concepts |
This is the easiest of all my fasts because I have been eating large amounts of luscious, fresh fruits and garden-fresh organically grown vegetables. I believe I enjoy my summer fast more than any other. In fact, this fast is so easy that I never stop either my heavy physical exercise or mental activities. My autumn fast can be anytime in late October or during November. It also extends from 7 to 10 days.
Fasting truly has many cumulative miracle effects. I fast about 75 days a year. It's a great physiological rest I give my digestive organs. |
This is the easiest of all my fasts because I have been eating large amounts of luscious, fresh fruits and garden-fresh organically grown vegetables. I believe I enjoy my summer fast more than any other. In fact, this fast is so easy that I never stop either my heavy physical exercise or mental activities. My autumn fast can be anytime in late October or during November. It also extends from 7 to 10 days.
Fasting truly has many cumulative miracle effects. I fast about 75 days a year. It's a great physiological rest I give my digestive organs. |
Tanya Harter Pierce See book keywords and concepts |
Not enough fresh fruits and vegetables
?Too many cooked and processed foods
?Foods grown in depleted soils
?Not enough essential fatty acids
?Too much refined sugar and refined flour
?Artificial sweeteners
?Excessive soda, coffee, or tea consumption
?Chronic dehydration (not enough water)
Modern Environment
?Chlorine byproducts (from chlorinated water and other sources)
?Nuclear radiation (from nuclear tests done decades ago)
Modern Lifestyle Choices and Treatments
?Cigarette smoking
?Birth control pills
? |
When we, in modern industrialized countries, do eat fresh fruits and vegetables, we are often eating produce that was grown in depleted sods. The more and more commonly occurring soil depletion results from over-cropping and the use of chemical fertilizers that do not maintain a proper balance of minerals in the soil. This means that even our fruits and vegetables may be deficient and imbalanced in their mineral content.
Essential fatty acids are another nutritional category critical to the healthy functioning of the body yet very deficient in the common modern diet. |
Gary Null See book keywords and concepts |
Chapter 10 gives you a variety of snack choices and recipes made from fresh vegetables, fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and seeds. It's good to keep healthy snacks on hand and in your bag so you don't get tempted with something unhealthy when you're away from home.
Low Calorie Diets
What we've been talking about in our Non-Diet Diet adds up to a lot less calories but without the bother of weighing every bite you eat. A mostly organic, vegetarian diet that avoids processed carbohydrates will very often be naturally low in calories. And that's exactly what you need as you age—fewer calories. |
Tanya Harter Pierce See book keywords and concepts |
Juicing fresh fruits and vegetables 13 times a day in itself is a full-time job. In fact, the Gerson therapy might be the most difficult alternative cancer approach available, and even the Gerson Institute does not recommend it to those who do not think they can follow the program carefully and completely. This is one reason attending the Gerson Institute in San Diego as an in-patient first is a good idea. There, patients can learn how to correctly carry out the protocol while 13 juices each day are conveniently made for them. |
Doris J. Rapp, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
You can eat mainly organic whole grains, brown rice and fresh fruits and vegetables, if you are not allergic to them. (Do the "Big Five " in Chapter 2 to help you determine if any of these might be a problem. (Also see Appendix D. 5a, b.) Limit or totally avoid all "white foods," such as flour, sugar, and dairy products, especially cheese. Soda pop, coffee, tea and caffeine are definitely unsuspected problems for many. The chemicals in decaffeinated beverages cause chronic unrecognized illness in some. Fish can be a concern because the water in which they live can be heavily polluted. |
Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg See book keywords and concepts |
RAW FOODS: Use fresh fruits and raw vegetables, the organically grown are always best. Enjoy nutritious variety garden salads with sprouts and raw nuts and seeds.
2. VEGETABLE and ANIMAL PROTEINS: a. Legumes, lentils, brown rice, soy beans, beans. b. Nuts and seeds, raw and unsalted. c. Animal protein (if you must) - hormone free meats, liver, kidney, brain, heart, poultry, seafood. Please eat these proteins sparingly or it's best to enjoy the healthier vegetarian diet. You can bake, roast, wok or broil these proteins. Eat meat no more than 3 times a week. d. |
Stephanie Beling See book keywords and concepts |
When it is winter in our part of the world, it is summer south of the equator, and fresh fruits and vegetables from below the border routinely find their way to markets in every region of North America. In effect, fresh fruits and vegetables are available all year round.
Some fruits that must travel considerable distances to market, however, are harvested before the enzymatic process has finished so that the ripening can continue during the journey. Green bananas and peaches will finish ripening just fine on your windowsill. |
Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg See book keywords and concepts |
It takes time with regular fasting and an alkaline-rich diet of fresh fruits and salads to slowly dislodge these deeply stored, deadly toxins and poisons.
Often people will say to me, "Well, with all due respect to your philosophy of living, I am a perfectly healthy person. I eat what agrees with me, drink all the coffee I want and eat what normal people eat." But I know better, I know poisons are accumulating in their tissues. I know some day it will break loose and they will become deathly ill with a variety of illnesses - aches, pains, headaches, colds, flu, rashes, etc. |
As soon as I finished the fast, I was placed on a highly alkaline diet with an abundance of fresh fruits and raw and lightly steamed or baked vegetables. About 2 weeks after the fast, I experienced a sense of exhilaration and well-being that I had never known in my entire life.
From that time on my health and vitality grew by leaps and bounds. That was not my only fast under Dr. Rollier's supervision. He started me out with a 24 hour weekly fast and in the next 9 months, put me on a 7,14 and 21 day fast. Between fasts I was fed an alkaline diet. |
David Brownstein See book keywords and concepts |
The consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables has dramatically declined in this country. The average American eats less than two servings of both fruits and vegetables per day. fresh fruits and vegetables provide many vitamins and minerals that help the thyroid and other hormonal glands function normally.5
Eliminate refined sugar and processed food that contains refined sugar such as table sugar, brown sugar, corn syrup and dextrose. Use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, raw honey, black strap molasses, date sugar and others.
2. |
Patricia Bragg and Paul C. Bragg See book keywords and concepts |
It takes time with regular fasting and an alkaline-rich diet of fresh fruits and salads to slowly dislodge these deeply stored, deadly toxins and poisons.
Often people will say to me, "Well, with all due respect to your philosophy of living, I am a perfectly healthy person. I eat what agrees with me, drink all the coffee I want and eat what normal people eat." But I know better, I know poisons are accumulating in their tissues. I know some day it will break loose and they will become deathly ill with a variety of illnesses - aches, pains, headaches, colds, flu, rashes, etc. |
Tanya Harter Pierce See book keywords and concepts |
He drank a lot of soda and coffee, and rarely ate fresh fruits or vegetables. When he started cesium high pH therapy, he cut out all soda and coffee and drank lots of good water instead. He avoided sugar and refined carbohydrates, and reduced his intake of red meat while eating more fish and chicken. He also greatly increased his intake of fresh fruit and vegetables and started juicing mostly green vegetables as well.
Unbelievably, just 24 hours after starting on the cesium, Jim's terrible neck pain was completely gone. |
However, few people know that diets high in fresh fruits and vegetables also protect against the cancer-prone condition of estrogen dominance. One of the ways they do this is by providing our bodies with what are called "phytoestrogens."
Phytoestrogens, or plant estrogens, are natural compounds found in plants that have weak estrogen-like activity in humans. They are part of the larger family of compounds known as "phytochemicals," and are a natural and important part of any healthy diet. There are presently 18 different phytochemicals known to be estrogenic in humans. |
Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen See book keywords and concepts |
People in Austria and Denmark born in October-December live longer than those born in the spring, presumably because such babies undergo key in utero development in months when their mothers had access to a healthier diet, particularly fresh fruits and vegetables, and may also have been more active.
These scientists then did two clever things. First, they looked at longevity data in Australia, where the seasons are the reverse of those in the Northern Hemisphere. The data were shifted by a half-year; those people born April-June lived longest. |
Bruce Fife and Jon J. Kabara See book keywords and concepts |
We can get antioxidants in fresh fruits and vegetables, but most people don't eat enough of these to provide significant protection. Antioxidant supplements can help. Another way to fight free radicals is with coconut oil. Unlike other vegetable oils, coconut oil is chemically very stable and is not oxidized easily. In fact it is so resistant to free radical attack that it acts as an antioxidant helping to prevent the oxidation of other oils. Coconut oil then can help protect the heart and arteries from free-radical induced injury and, therefore, helps reduce the risk of heart disease. |
Kelly Brownell and Katherine Battle Horgen See book keywords and concepts |
Advances in handling, storage, and transportation make it easier to get foods such as fresh fruits and vegetables to a broader group of consumers. These are a few examples of the good that has come from developments in the food industry.
In this book, we have focused on poor diet and obesity, thus the possible negative impact of the food industry has been a focus. This is a story that must be told. The industry has vast resources to publicize its accomplishments, dwarfing those of the people and groups who feel the industry has done damage with some of its practices. |
James F. Balch, M.D. and Mark Stengler, N.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Testing Techniques
The following tests help assess possible reasons for chronic ear infections: Food allergies/sensitivities—blood or electrodermal Digestive health—stool analysis Eustachian tube examination by an ENT specialist
Drink plenty of water to thin mucus secretions.
Essential fatty acids, found in cold-water fish, flaxseeds, and flaxseed oil, are useful in reducing the inflammation or the allergies that are often present.
Switch bottle-fed babies to a nondairy formula, with your doctor's supervision.
Breastfeeding mothers should avoid common allergens (e.g. |
Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts |
Keep lots of fresh fruits on hand for snacks, such as grapes, bananas, peaches, melons, apples, and other favorites. British researchers found that children who ate at least one or two pieces of fresh fruit daily had better lung function and fewer incidences of colds and flu. |
If possible, try to eat at least half of your fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables raw.
Lactobacillus acidophilus is a type of friendly bacteria that normally resides in the intestinal tract. A good way to maintain or replenish your body's stores of this bacteria is to eat plain yogurt (preferably nondairy yogurt such as soymilk yogurt) labeled "live culture." Yogurt also contains vitamin A, vitamin D, and the B-complex vitamins. Acidophilus is also available in capsules that may be taken orally or blended into juices. |
Foods that can be eaten plentifully are fresh fruits and vegetables, steamed vegetables, nuts (except for peanuts, seeds, beans, legumes), and whole grains. Avoid or strictly limit sugar, salt, dairy products, red meat, white-flour products, caffeine-containing drinks, and eggs. Especially avoid processed foods and foods that contain or have been fried in hydrogenated oils. One easy rule of thumb is simply not to eat white foods (except for cauliflower) as much as possible. |
Most processed foods are simply empty calories that add to weight gain and provide little to no nutritional value. fresh fruits, vegetables, legumes, nuts and seeds, and unrefined grains (no white bread or rice!) are always the best selections. The chapters that follow will help you to choose a diet that nurtures and heals, and to understand how to achieve the many and varied benefits of eating for health.
Part Two
The Fastest Paths to Healing
Most of us already know that if the body is not properly maintained, it will break down. |
Brenda Davis and Tom Barnard See book keywords and concepts |
Dried fruits, fresh fruits, granola bars, crackers, juice, or candy will all do the trick. Keep such snacks handy in your car, desk, purse, or briefcase in case of an emergency. Also, don't be afraid to explain to the management or the server at the restaurant just why it is that you are concerned about the timing of your meal. |
C. P. Khare See book keywords and concepts |
Active principles and pharmacology
The activity of the drug is attributed to the presence of saponins which occur to the extract of 2-3 % in fresh fruits (about 10 % in dried whole fruit).
The saponins are concentrated mostly in the pulp. A mixture of two saponins, viz. randia or neutral saponin and randia acid or acid saponin, has been isolated from the pulp. The two saponins occur in the fruit at all stages of ripening. On complete hydrolysis, both the saponins yield oleanolic acid as the sapogenin. The acid saponin is believed to be natural prosapogenin of neutral saponin. |
Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts |
We know that juices made from fresh fruits and vegetables are potent healing resources. They make concentrated nutrients and enzymes available instantly to nourish and regenerate cells, tissues, glands, and organs. Some diseases or disorders can even be arrested or healed using live juice therapy.
Consuming raw foods provides the body with live disease-fighting phytochemicals and fiber. Cooking depletes vitamins and phytochemicals, destroys enzymes necessary for easy digestion, and damages fats and protein. |
Doris J. Rapp, M.D. See book keywords and concepts |
Sulfur dioxide (anti-brown agent): French fries, fresh fruits, molasses, marmalade.
Dyes: Citrus, cherries, sweet or Irish potatoes, butter, oleomargarine, meats such as wieners, bologna, hamburger, cake decorations, soft drinks.
Gas- such as Ethylene: Apples, pears, bananas with brown streaks Flame exposure: Roasted coffee. Bone char filtration: Beet and cane sugar, syrups.
Wax (Paraffin): Apples, cucumbers, eggplant, peppers, parsnip, turnips, rutabagas, citrus fruits.
Chemicals: Saccharine, artificial sweeteners, phenol in food cans, plastic, Styrofoam for packaging. |