Joseph E. Mario See book keywords and concepts | A person must establish new food eating habits; adopt an organic, ripe, live-food cuisine of higher Protein and natural Carbohydrates in fresh fruits, cereal-grains, nuts, seeds, beans, sea vegetables, concentrates Spirulina and Bee Pollen for better background nutrients, and electrolyte levels. When you eat Carbohydrates, eat Protein atthe same time. Never eat Carbohydrates withoutProtein for Proteins' buffering effect against the Insulin drop in blood sugar reactions (Dr. Allen and Dr. Niels H. Lauerson, M.D.). | Amarjit S. Basra See book keywords and concepts | As an example, the observation that in the Mediterranean area there is a lower incidence of CHD and certain types of cancers indicates that the Mediterranean diet, rich in grains, legumes, fresh fruits and vegetables, wine in moderate amounts, and olive oil, has beneficial effects on human health, notwithstanding the presence of traditional risk factors for coronary heart disease (e.g., blood pressure and plasma cholesterol concentrations do not differ much between the Mediterranean basin and other areas of the Western world). | The Editors of FC&A See book keywords and concepts | Making a meal out of fresh fruits and vegetables will give you a variety of antioxidants and help you turn the tables on RA.
Honesty is the best policy
Humbleness and modesty may be heavenly traits, but it pays to be honest about your health.
Women are three times more likely than men to develop rheumatoid arthritis (RA), but they tend to downplay their symptoms to their doctors.
This is a dangerous game of deception because the disease does most of its damage early on. The longer it goes untreated, the worse the damage to your joints. | John A. McDougall See book keywords and concepts | Succulent fresh fruits were replaced by cookies and pies with a hefty dollop of ice cream on top. Now Louise was paying the price.
Considering the eight hundred thousand hospitalizations and $5 billion spent annually on gallbladder disease, it's safe to say that a lot of folks are paying the same price. Over twenty million people in the United States harbor gallstones (that's 15 percent of the country's population), including half of all women over the age of seventy.
Women are almost twice as likely as men to develop gallstones. | To this centerpiece are added fresh fruits and vegetables. Meats, dairy products, and other delicacies must be reserved only for special occasions, if at all, in order to prevent diseases of malnutrition caused by overindulging in rich foods.
The Bortons Pass It On
The Bortons were anxious to share this information with their son and daughter. They knew both would have a hard time refuting the evidence I'd presented for the value of a plant-based diet. | The Editors of FC&A See book keywords and concepts | She says you don't always have to use fresh fruits. Canned, frozen, or dried are quick and easy ingredients for many dishes. "A bag of frozen blueberries is a great addition to hot cereal or frozen yogurt," she says. "Dried fruit mixes are easy to store and make a good afternoon snack."
Rosenbloom also offers some different ideas for incorporating fruit into meals or as a sweet, but healthy dessert. "Top frozen waffles with fruit or make dried fruit compotes as a topping for grilled chicken or fish. Bake an apple for dessert or learn to poach a pear. | Whole grains, like brown rice and bulgur, and fresh fruits and vegetables are other good high-fiber foods.
Step lively with beans. Magnesium, which helps your body produce sleep-regulating melatonin, is one good reason to eat beans. Tired all the time? Put the spring back in your step with this nutrient. A low level of magnesium — also found in nuts, green leafy vegetables, and whole grains — can result in both insomnia and fatigue.
Beans are high in brain-boosting fiber, too. Eat them plain or add them to soups and stews.
Sleep swimmingly with fish. | Joseph E. Mario See book keywords and concepts | It may be wise to avoid floor pol i sh, paints, and medic ines that contain Turpentine, the Chamomile plant, sulfured dried and sprayed fresh fruits, indoor primula, and Poison Ivy plant. Take fresh, green salads, Lemon j uice, and wild Pansy tea (Viola tricolor). Zinc and Camphor pwd. with Starch.
Dry, Itching Skin Indicates Trace mineral imbalance.
Eczema SEEalphabetically.
Erysipelas SEE alphabetically, and under Acne. | Take digestive Enzymes, in Papaya, Pineapple, fresh fruits and vegetables, and fermented foods miso, sauerkraut, pickles, and others. Acidophilus. Pancreatic granules and Papain for gas 2 hours after a meal. Bromelain. Take 300 mg. Betaine Hydrochloride with the first bite (or Glutamic hydrochloride for heartburn).
2 caps of Cayenne (30-130 mg.) acidifies the stomach for digestion. Melilot. Take 112 to 1 tsp. activated Charcoal in water, or 3 caps of activated Charcoal after a meal and in 2-3 hours to reduce gas. Bitters Gentian, Rhubarb, or Angelica. | Barley (aids Insulin), fresh fruits, vegetables, potatoes, and beans (that help reduce vascular heart damage which occurs in 75% of diabetic deaths, gangrene, and reduce Insulin needs); low Fat 20%; and Proteins 15%: may give remission in 85% of cases; especially with walking exercise for 30 minutes, 3 times daily after meals.
Oat Bran lowers Insulin needs; lowerscholesterol 5% in one minute; and Oatmeal's Lignin lowers Glucose sugar production. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | Of course, eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way as well, but few of us can actually consume the massive quantities of fruits and vegetables that are recommended by nutritionists. For most of us, it comes down to supplementary fiber, and Fiberzon fills the gap.
By the way, while you're purchasing Fiberzon, you might feel good realizing that this is coming from a company that's accomplishing tremendous good in the world. This is the Amazon Herb Company, founded by John Easterling, and it's a company that operates with a high degree of ethics. | Joseph E. Mario See book keywords and concepts | Found in fresh fruits and vegetables, in mother's colostrum milk to activate infant's Immune system; high in healing spring waters at Lourdes in France, rain, snow, and white water spring streams. H202 is already in raw, uncooked fruits and vegetables created in photosynthesis, Pau D'Arco fixes crystalline Oxygen in its inner bark. In animals, H202 may rid cats of leukemia and chlamydia; distemper in dogs; and by water for disease and wound infection in (young) livestock. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | When you eliminate these from your diet and shift to a 100% healthful diet made of whole grains, massive quantities of leafy vegetables, fresh fruits, soy products, supergreens, lots of sprouts, raw nuts and seeds, healthy oils and other similar healthful ingredients, your body odor will all but disappear in a matter of weeks.
That's because a plant-based diet is an internal deodorizer. It's true: the chlorophyll and other phytonutrients will cleanse you from the inside out. Some of the best foods for that include parsley, cilantro, celery and all mint species. | Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton See book keywords and concepts | Preparation and Storage Tips for Nonorganic Foods
> Peel the skin off of fresh fruits and vegetables.
> Thoroughly cook produce that does not have skin, such as broccoli and cauliflower.
> Eat low-fat animal products.
> Remove excess fat from meats and fish.
>¦ Store food in glass and other nonplastic containers.
> Avoid consumption of foods prepackaged in plastic or aluminum containers or wrappings. | Bottom Line Health See book keywords and concepts | Drink two quarts of liquid daily—water is best.
Also, exercise for at least 20 minutes most days of the week. Exercise stimulates intestinal contractions that promote bowel movements.
Warning: Sudden constipation or alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation may be a sign of colon cancer. Call your doctor—you may need a colonoscopy to determine if cancer is present.
It's normal to be exhausted after a hard day, but persistent fatigue is not normal, especially when it suddenly worsens. | Phyllis A. Balch, CNC See book keywords and concepts | Eat an abundance of dark green leafy vegetables, buckwheat, and fresh fruits. These foods are high in vitamin C and bioflavonoids, which help to prevent bruising. Dark leafy greens such as broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, kale, and spinach are also good sources of vitamin K, which is necessary for blood clotting and healing.
Q Eat plenty of products rich in zinc, such as chicken, eggs, soybeans, and wheat germ. Zinc is important for strengthening blood vessel walls and aids in blood clotting. | Fresh fruits (except oranges).
• Herbal teas.
• Raw, steamed, or broiled vegetables.
Although you may feel that this list of foods does not offer much variety, there are numerous fruits and vegetables available, in addition to a variety of fish. After two weeks on this cleansing diet, you can once again begin to eat a greater number of different foods, but on a rotating basis, eating each type of food on no more than one out of four days. Use the sample menus below as a guide to help you put together daily menus rotating among different foods. | They are usually used in restaurant salad bars and are also present in many supermarket foods, including frozen foods, dried fruits, and certain fresh fruits and vegetables. Many people are allergic to sulfites. The types and severity of reactions to sulfites in sensitive individuals vary, and may include breathing difficulties, anaphylactic shock, severe headaches, abdominal pain, stuffy and/or runny nose, flushing of the face and a "hot flash" feeling, diarrhea, irritability, and/or feelings of anger. | The other 20 percent of the diet should include fresh fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken, eggs, and natural cheese.
Q Do not use antacids or mineral supplements, except those mentioned above, for two weeks.
Q Avoid sodium.
Q Cut back on megadoses of vitamins and minerals for two weeks.
Q Check your urine pH daily using litmus paper. See the inset on page 143 for a list of alkaline-forming foods to avoid until your pH is corrected.
Q Your breathing can affect the acid-alkali balance of your body. | Although many antioxidants can be obtained from food sources such as sprouted grains and fresh fruits and vegetables, it is difficult to get enough of them from these sources to hold back the free radicals constantly being generated in our polluted environment. We can minimize free radical damage by taking supplements of key nutrients. A high intake of antioxidant nutrients appears to be especially protective against cancer. | Folate deficiency may be caused by inadequate consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables; consumption of only cooked or micro waved vegetables (cooking destroys folate); and malabsorption problems.
The following foods contain significant quantities of folate: asparagus, barley, beef, bran, brewer's yeast, brown rice, cheese, chicken, dates, green leafy vegetables, lamb, legumes, lentils, liver, milk, mushrooms, oranges, split peas, pork, root vegetables, salmon, tuna, wheat germ, whole grains, and whole wheat.
Oral contraceptives may increase the need for folate. | Michele Simon See book keywords and concepts | Regardless of how much "whole grain" they add to Chips Ahoy cookies, companies like Kraft cannot provide us with the kind of optimal nutrition found in fresh fruits and vegetables. No matter how hard they try to convince you otherwise, the food and beverage industries have only their own best interests at heart. The rest is just a bunch of nutriwash.
"Responsible Marketing" to Kids
The Lunchables Brigade is racing to the scene of a large party where routine lunch is on the menu.1
—"Advergame" for kids on Kraft Foods Web site must confess that I don't have children of my own. | Setting aside for now the question of whether it's even true that industry is providing healthier food, the sobering reality is that most people do not have access to truly healthy foods, such as fresh fruits and vegetables. I am fortunate to live in northern California, where fresh, seasonal produce is available throughout the year. My home in Oakland is within easy walking distance to one large grocery chain, two small local stores that sell healthy food, and a weekly farmers' market. I also own a car, which means I can drive to a nearby large natural-foods store when I need to. | I really hate to burst your bubble, CCF, but my resolve to support polices that promote the consumption of whole grains and fresh fruits and vegetables is based on decades of accepted nutrition science, not some twisted scheme to turn the world into Michele Simon clones. Indeed, "vegan" doesn't even accurately describe my position. Rather, I promote a whole foods, plant-based diet; there are plenty of vegan foods that don't fit that "agenda." But of course, CCF's smear rhetoric prefers to pass over a term like whole foods. | Joseph E. Mario See book keywords and concepts | J
•JUICES Of fresh fruits and vegetables are nutritious watery refreshment, and the basis for any health drink "smoothy" with pollen, nuts, berries, sea plants, etc.. An excellent replacement for milk in morning cereal, and a healthier beverage than coffee, tea, or soda.
Purified and potentized by a vegetable lactic acid fermentation process (by Dr. F. Keitel, Gemusebau Ltd. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | At my software company, I actually buy fresh fruits and superfoods, like blueberries, for the employees to eat. This is something they see as a benefit, and I also see it as a way to enhance their health, their mental function and ultimately, their work performance. This is a great investment in employee health.
Corporate wellness
All of this comes down to corporate wellness programs. In the near future, corporations are going to become increasingly involved in the health of their employees. We're seeing this in many different areas right now. | Dr. Paula Baillie-Hamilton See book keywords and concepts | Food sources include fresh fruits and vegetables, especially asparagus and avocados, and fresh meats.
Amino acids can be found in many of the foods in the Seven-Day Desludge Diet, but to ensure that you are receiving optimal levels you might add a supplement, but do not take very high doses (no more than 7 g per day). Patients with cystinuria, a genetic abnormality which causes the defective absorption of the amino acid cystine, and can lead to the development of kidney and bladder stones, should not take it. | T. Colin Campbell, Ph.D. and Thomas M. Campbell II See book keywords and concepts | Have you ever known anyone who regularly consumes fresh fruits, vegetables and whole grain foods—and rarely, if ever, consumes meats or junk foods like chips, French fries and candy bars? What is his or her weight like? If you know many people like this, you have probably noticed that they tend to have a healthy weight. Now think of traditional cultures around the world. Think of traditional Asian cultures (Chinese, Japanese, Indian), where a couple of billion people have been eating a mostly plant-based diet for thousands of years. | by Michael Murray, N.D. and Joseph Pizzorno, N.D. See book keywords and concepts | Other Recommendations
In addition to eating a diet rich in antioxidants by focusing on fresh fruits and vegetables, when cataracts are already apparent, it appears to be worthwhile to supplement the diet with additional antioxidant nutrients. You can try taking vitamin C, 1 gram, three times daily; vitamin E, 600 IU per day; and selenium, 400 micrograms per day. | Mike Adams, the Health Ranger See article keywords and concepts | With all of the new research showing the health benefits of fresh fruits and vegetables, eating these fruits and vegetables straight out of garden in their raw, live, state is going to be an essential part of maintaining optimum health.
In fact, this could open up a whole new wave of interest in people growing their own dietary supplements. If you're growing your own okra, and eating it raw right off the plant, as I do, for example, you're going to experience a lot of health benefits from those live okra pods. |
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ABOUT THE CREATOR OF NATURALPEDIA: Mike Adams, the creator of this NaturalNews Naturalpedia, is the editor of, the internet's top natural health news site, creator of the Honest Food Guide (, a free downloadable consumer food guide based on natural health principles, author of Grocery Warning, The 7 Laws of Nutrition, Natural Health Solutions, and many other books available at, creator of the earth-friendly EcoLEDs company ( that manufactures energy-efficient LED lighting products, founder of Arial Software (, a permission e-mail technology company, creator of the CounterThink Cartoon series ( and author of over 1,500 articles, interviews, special reports and reference guides available at Adams' personal philosophy and health statistics are available at
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...and Medical Adjectives:...and Digestive ...and Intestinal ...and Internal ...and Painful ...and Acute ...and Mental ...and Metabolic ...and Viral ...and Urinary ...and Inflamed
...and Biological Functions:...and Digestion ...and Period ...and Metabolism ...and Weight loss ...and Attention ...and Vision ...and Concentration ...and Strength ...and Breath ...and Memory
...and Drugs:...and Diuretics ...and Antibiotics ...and Aspirin ...and Laxative ...and Steroids ...and Diuretic ...and Antibiotic ...and Stimulants ...and Tablets ...and Sedative
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...and Ingredients:...and Sodium ...and Msg ...and Preservatives ...and Food additives ...and Fructose ...and Aspartame ...and Lactose
...and Hormones and Biochemistry:...and Estrogen ...and Hormones ...and Insulin ...and Methionine ...and Histamine ...and Steroid ...and Saliva ...and Cortisol ...and Neurotransmitter ...and Estrogens
...and Biological Measures:...and Blood pressure ...and Blood sugar levels ...and Blood glucose ...and Body weight ...and Blood cholesterol ...and Blood levels ...and Height
...and Organizations:...and Epa ...and Clinic ...and Manufacturers ...and Organization ...and National cancer institute ...and School of medicine ...and Military ...and Fda ...and Medical center ...and Food and drug administration
...and When:...and Spring ...and Summer ...and Winter ...and At night ...and October ...and December ...and August ...and July
...and Supplements:...and Flaxseed oil ...and Spirulina ...and Fish oil ...and Coenzyme q10
...and Properties:...and Anti-inflammatory ...and Oxidation ...and Calming ...and Antimicrobial ...and Antiseptic ...and Relieves ...and Antifungal
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Foods Diet Fruits and vegetables Eat Vegetables Fruits Food Body Water People Avoid Whole grains Vitamin Fiber Eating Grains Fish Fresh Fruit Sugar Beans Cancer Nutrients Whole Vitamin C Healthy Levels Protein Intake Seeds Vitamins Raw Products Health Drink Antioxidant Blood Meat Sources Time Oil Nuts Acid Disease Dietary Supplements Calcium Natural Juice Legumes Skin Minerals Immune system Risk Cells Symptoms Prevent Helps Liver Immune Meals Magnesium Pain Calories Salt Produce Increase Damage Children Problems Dairy Week Tea Green Antioxidants Taking Toxins Vitamin A Organic Beta-carotene Carbohydrates Vitamin E Pesticides Juices Heart Treatment Chicken Wheat Studies Essential Nutrition Alcohol Fats Caffeine Example Dairy products Carrots Lean Effects Mineral